Pizza girl

pizza girl episode 17 & 18

πŸ•πŸ’† PIZZA GIRL πŸ•πŸ˜‹

(She was trouble until she met him 😊❀️)

Written by Authoress Ti Fe πŸ’žπŸ“š



“What do you think you are trying to do? Turn my mother’s back on me?” I heard Enoch ask behind me as I sat at the bar.
I turned my back breathing out loud.

“I won’t gain anything by doing that.” I replied sipping my drink.

“Of course you would. At least, you would try acting like the good guy so as to extract money from her.” He said and I grew vexed.

“Enoch your personality stinks a lot. And trust me, you wouldn’t want to try shit with me.” I said and he grinned walking close to me.

“Or else what” he asked and I smriked.

“It’s quite obvious you haven’t eaten any spoiled thing, or probably garbage, which would make your bones strong. So don’t get yourself killed.” I said standing up and walking away.

“You feel big right? Because Diana took you from the street and made you look like an human. I wonder what she sees in a douchebag like you.” He said and I stopped facing him.

“You shouldn’t have brought up her matter, what Diana does is none of your business. What will finally kill you is if you try shit with her. Gosh, I will so kill you.”

“And I don’t even think I would nee-d to kill you myself because before I show up, she has killed you already. So I would advice you stayed away from her. For your own good.” I said turning my back to walking away and then I stopped.

“And one more thing. Don’t ever come to my face acting like you are one strong rich guy. You wouldn’t want to lose your ba-lls.” I said turning my back to leave and I stopped again.

“And your mother, she is a great woman. And she deserves someone better, so try acting se-nsible, at least if not for yourself, but for her.” I said finally walking away.

I really felt great talking to him like that. He nee-ded it, cos he was trying to act like a bully which I wouldn’t certainly accept.
“br@vo.” Diana said approaching me with a very beautiful smile.

“You saw that?” I asked and she nodded.

“He looked quite shocked when you talked to him, I am sure you really hit him on the sβ‚±0t.” She said looking at him and I turned my back to see he was staring at us.

“Let’s forget about him, he isn’t worth the time okay?” I asked and she nodded.

“So what have you taken?” She asked and we began to walk.

“Few cups of wine, you?” I asked and she sighed.

“All I have taken this night is the truth. The fact that I have been lied to all my life.” She said and I felt sad.

“I am sorry Diana. I for-ced you here and then this happens. Am so sorry.” I said sadly and she smiled holding his hand.

“No Isaac. If I didn’t come, I wouldn’t have met with Dad, heard the truth. All these wouldn’t have happened. And I should thank you for that.” She said smiling and I ki-ssed the back of her hand.

“So nothing to take yet?” I asked and she shook her head.

“I think am fine. I just can’t wait to get home.” She said and I smiled.

“The pa-rty is just starting.” I said and she smiled.

“The pa-rty has started and ended for me.” She said and I nodded.

“So we leaving?” I asked and she looked at me.

“If you don’t want to, it’s fine. I will just sit around the corner.” She said and I held her back.

“This pa-rty and Birthday thing is meaningless to me if you aren’t happy or there to rejoice with me. Let’s go home.” I said smiling.

“No Isaac, it’s still your birthday. You should enjoy yourself.” She said and we heard feets approach us.

“Hey Children. Don’t you want to dance?” Mom asked.

“No Mom. I have had enough tonight.” Diana said to mom and Uncle John.

“Mom we were just leaving. Diana isn’t really in a good mood, and for me, this isn’t really my thing you know.” I said shaking my head and she smiled.

“It’s very cool, you can go, and I will be in the house soon too.” She said and we nodded.

“Or maybe not. Can’t I take her for the night?” Uncle John asked us.

“Deal. She goes with you. Mom see you tomorrow.” Diana and I chorused making all of us laugh.

“So you are going to give me up just like that?” She asked and Diana went closer to her.

“I know you really want to go.” She said loud enough for us to hear.

“Diana.” She called wΒ‘dening her eyes and we laughed again. Uncle John looks really happy.

I looked up and I saw Enoch’s mother staring at us and smiling wi-dely.

“Excuse me.” I said leaving the family to meet her.

“Hey Ma’am, you aren’t joining the rest of them?” I asked and she smiled.

“Not really. Didn’t want to come, but Enoch kept persuading me to show up.” She said smiling.

“Oh. Actually I am leaving, so I thought it would be polite to say Goodnight before I go.” I said and she smiled.

“That’s so sweet of you Isaac.” She said and I nodded turning back but she stopped me holding my hand.

“Do you want to come to the house? Just for some chats, remember I owe you a story about myself. I got interrupted.” She said and I smiled faintly.

“That may not be a good idea. Enoch will be so mad.” I said and she shook her head.

“I will take care of him. I just really want to share my story with you. You opened up to a total stranger, I know I can trust you.” She said and I stared at her smiling.

“Okay fine. Day?” I asked.

“Tomorrow at 4pm. Please come alone, I don’t want to get interrupted again.” She said looking at Diana and I smiled.

“It’s fine. I will come alone, but I am sure she will surely bombard me with questions when I want to leave.” I said.

“You can tell her you are coming to see me. Just don’t tell her what we are or what we will be discussing.” She said and I furrowed my brows.

“Okay.” I said nodding and I saw her point her head. I looked back and I saw Diana waiting at the main door.

“Goodnight Ma’am.” I Said.

“Danielle.” She said and I smiled.

“That’s a wonderful name Ma’am Danielle.” I said and she nodded as I walked up to where Diana was standing.

“Shall we?” I asked bowing my head and she smiled holiday my hand as we left the pa-rty.

πŸ•πŸ’† PIZZA GIRL πŸ•πŸ˜‹

(She was trouble until she met him 😊❀️)

Written by Authoress Ti Fe πŸ’žπŸ“š


πŸ• DIANA πŸ•

“What does that woman want from you?” I asked as we walked home. I held my long gown up, and he held my hand.

“Nothing. She is just being nice.” He replied smiling.

“Well I think there is more to just being nice. The way she looks at you, talk to you, why would she do that to someone she just met today?” I asked and he smiled.

“C’mon Diana. She is old enough to give birth to me okay? Don’t even think about that.” He said and I rolled my eyes.

“There are many women who derive plea-sure in slee-ping with young boys okay? You can’t trust them easily.” I said and he stood in front of me holding my face up.

“Look at me Diana. If she wanted me to sleep with her, I would have perceived that. This isn’t the first time old women are coming to me. They do come to me on the streets but I turned them down always.”

“This woman is different trust me.” He said and I sighed nodding.

“If you say so then.” I said and wanted to keep walking but he stopped me again.

“One more thing.” He said and I looked at him.

“Sure. What is it?” I asked eagerly.

“I am going to see her tomorrow evening.” He said and my eyes wide-ned.

“I knew it!! I knew she was up to no good.” I said turning back in anger and get quickly pulled me to himself.

“Diana please calm down okay? She doesn’t want s*x. She was about telling me her story when you interrupted earlier. So she just wants to tell me about herself that’s all. She trusts me.” He said and I looked at him.

“Did she use something one you?” I asked and he laughed.

“Stop it Diana. She didn’t do anything, after all I agreed to go to her. To be honest, I want to know more about her. I feel like we are connected.” He said and I sighed.

“I will be going with you then.” I said and he shook his head.
“No please don’t. I will go alone.” He said.

“Isaac what’s going on? Why don’t you want me there? Are you hiding something from me?” I asked and he shook his head holding my face in his two Palms.

“I would never hide anything from you Diana, because I have nothing to hide okay? But trust me on this one. Trust me Diana, I don’t like her the war you think and we aren’t going to do what you are thinking. Moreover Enoch will be around, so nothing is happening.” He said and I sighed.

“Trust me Diana.” He added and I nodded.

“Okay. But if Enoch or his mother tries shit with you. I swear I am going to break their lim-bs.” I said and he giggled ki-ssing my li-ps.

“I trust you on that. But I trust I can take care of myself.” He said and I smiled.

I looked at our side and saw the beach, then an idea popped into my mind.

“It’s still your birthday. Are you thinking what am thinking?” I asked as he also sighted the beach.

“Oh yes I am.” He said p-ulling me to the beach. We laughed as we walked down there.

“Woah, this place is so cold.” I said rub-bing my arm with my palm.

“Are you sure you want to swim? You look very cold. That water would be extra cold.” He said and I shook my head.

“It’s cool. I really want us to enjoy the rest of the day before we finally got eat the remaining cake.” I said and he laughed.

“Okay let’s get this started.” He said reaching for his suit as he began to remove it.

“Can you help me with this?” I asked him turning my back to he would help me zi-p the down down.

“Done.” He said and I smiled.

“Thanks.” I said dragging the gown to my feet leaving me in only pa-nt ies.

“I forgot you didn’t wear br@ from home. I wanted to ask how you got it off.” He said and I laughed.

“Stop being ridiculous. Get here now.” I said helping him get rid of his shirt. And he reached for his belt and pulled his trousers down leaving him in boxers.

“Competition?” He asked and I shook my head.

“Just swimming. We should stay long.” I said as I felt my li-ps were beginning to shiver due to the cold.

“Diana you aren’t looking too well. Are you sure you are okay?” He asked approaching me and I nodded. But I wasn’t actually that okay.

“Yes I….” I said and I staggered and almost fell. Isaac grabbe-d me before I could fall and my eyes became very heavy.

“Diana.” He called and I couldn’t reply.

My eyes went shut and that was the last thing I could Remember. I fell unconscious.



I wore her gown for her in haste, and I also wore my shirt. I cover her with my suit and carried her in a bridal style out of the vicinity.

I was in tears and I felt so so scared. If anything happens to Diana, I am going to die. I can’t live without her. She is my life now.

I knew taking her to the pa-rty this way is a bad idea, I was going to destroy the wonderful pa-rty. So I decided to take her to the hospital myself.

I ran as fast as I could, though her weight wasn’t helping issues, I really didn’t care. I just had to keep running. Seeing her like that, in my arm was so so heartbreaking and I felt I was going to go unconscious too.

I got to the hospital after minutes of nonstop run.
Immediately the nurses sighted me, they rushed to us with a stretcher where I la-id Diana.

“Please will she be okay?” I asked in tears and fear.

“She will be Mister. But you can’t go in with us. Stat out here, call whosoever is her guardian.” The nurse said shutting the door and drawing the curtain together.

I rushed to the other nurses that sat at the door, and asked for their cellphone.

“Please can you lend me your cell phone? I nee-d to call someone badly.” I said to them breathing very ha-rd.

“Sure.” They said p@$$ing me a cellphone. I grabbe-d it and began to dial mom’s number.

“Please pick up.” I prayed silently as the phone rang. And thank God she picked up.


πŸ“²Hey, Isaac?

πŸ“²Mom please come to the nearest hospital to the pa-rty. Diana is in danger.

πŸ“²What!! I will be right there.

She hung up and sadly I handed the phone back to the nurse.

“Thank you.” I said and she nodded.

“She will be fine.” She said and I nodded walking away from them.

I sighted a chair close to Diana’s ward and i sat on it. I wasn’t myself, I Have never been this way before. I have never been so scared.

I have never seen her that way before.

I waited impatiently for mom and Uncle John. I nee-ded someone to stay around me or I may just p@$$ our due to the constant thudding of my heart.

The hospital door opened and mom rushed in with Uncle John.

“Isaac.” She called and I stood up running to her. I hu-gged her pretty ti-ght and I began to shed tears.

“Where is she? Is she okay?” She asked in a shaky voice.

“I don’t know Mom. We were just at the beach side, ready to swin when she collapsed. I am so scared mom.” I said in tears and she hu-gged me again.

“She will be fine.” She said in tears too.

I looked up and I saw Mrs Danielle walking up to us.

“How did she…..” I asked.

“She was with us when your call came in. She heard everything and wanted to follow us.” Mom said and she had tears in her eyes.

“Are you okay?” She asked in a shaky voice and I shook my head.

“No I’m not.” I said and she ran to me hu-gging me tightly.

“She will be fine Isaac. It’s not your fault, don’t feel guilty.” She said and I shook my head.

“It’s my fault. I allowed her come to the pa-rty, she had too much to take in and now she is unconscious.” I said and she placed her fin-geron my li-ps.

“Everything happens for a reason. Diana is fine.” She said and I nodded reluctantly. I looked at mom and I saw her in the hands of Uncle John weeping silently.

“I am sorry Mom.” I said looking at her and she shook her head.

“You don’t have to be. It’s not your fault okay?” She said and I nodded. But de-ep down, I felt I was at fault for everything.

“Ma’am am sorry for dragging you into this. You should get back to the pa-rty. Enoch would be looking for you now.” I said and she shook her head.

“I would rather stay here, and for Enoch he would be happy I disappeared from the pa-rty.” She said and I nodded sadly.

We all sat, waiting for the doctor to come out of the ward. Mom in Uncle John’s hand, and I in the hands of Danielle.

Finally the door of the ward opened and the doctor came out removing his gloves.

“Doctor how is she?” We all chorused in fear.

“I nee-d her parents in my office.” He said walking away.

“Tell me what the hell is going on!!!!!” I yelled but Danielle calmed me down.

“It’s fine ok? She is fine, he just nee-ds some private time with her parents, we are too many here don’t panic.” She said and I hu-gged her again.

“I swear I can’t live without her. She is my life Danielle.” I said and she tapped my back slowly.

“I know Isaac, and you will be together forever.” She said and I nodded against her shoulders, trying to be okay.

Ah me am scared o 😭😭
Why couldn’t the doctor say she is out of danger πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
What Happened self πŸ˜‘πŸ˜₯?

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