Married To A Mafia Boss

Married To a mafia boss episode 11 – 14

{ Ruthless Heart… }

THEME; His Little Bride.

CHAPTER 11 – 12

Written By, Summer Gold R.

Madam Hope got to the scene and immediately helped Lily up

“Are you okay??” She asked

Lily nodded and wiped her tears.

“You’re bleeding,come here I will help you with that” She held Lily’s hand and made her sit down on the couch,she went in.

Lily sighed,staring st her bleeding leg,she remembered how Ace had moved out of the way for her to fall freely.

‘It’s getting worse…. He must really hate me alot’ she thought inwardly.

‘It’s fine,just stay out of his sight,that’s it’ she thought

Madam Hope returned with a first aid box,she sat down next to her and began cleaning her wound,after that she attached a plaster

“All done” She said

“Thank you madam Hope” Lily smiled at her

“You’re welcome,come eat breakfast….”

“No,I have to go,I’m quite late already. You can keep the food for me,when I get back,I will eat” Lily said.

Madam Hope nodded.

“Fine then” She said .

“Bye” Lilly waved at her and went out of the house.

She met the two usual guards waiting already.

“Morning” They both greeted,opening the door for her.

“I don’t know your names” Lily spoke up and they both looked at her.

“What,am I not allowed to know your names at least?” Lily asked,looking up at them

“Walter” The first one said

“I’m Roger” The second said

Lily smiled

“Mg name is Lily,nice meeting you” She said before going into the car.

Walter closed the door for her and entered the front seat while Roger drive.

Lily sighed out loudly,staring out of the car as they drove through the lonely road.

‘Will things ever change??’ She asked herself

But it doesn’t seem like that,maybe she will spend the rest of her life being a lonely wife and never get the type of life she always dreamt of.

Well of course she’s living in a mansion like she wished for,but what’s a mansion when she’s not even happy??.


Ace was already dressed up,he was staring at his face in the mirror. He run his fingers through his hair gently.

His phone started ringing on the table and he took it when he saw the caller,it’s Razor.

📞 Where are you? I’ve been waiting,you should hurry up.

📞 I will be there,don’t raise your voice at me if you want to live

Ace said and hung up the call at once,he walked to the wardrobe and took a gun,he pulled it into his pocket and wore a cap. He walked out of the room after that.

Getting downstairs,he saw madam Hope cleaning

“Oh,good morning sir!” She immediately bowed

Ace looked away from her and stared around

“She left” Madam Hope said and Ace looked at her

“Did I say anything??” He asked

“No,but….it’s obvious you’re looking for her” Madam Hope said

“I see why the house is quiet,such an headache” Ace scoffed and walked out.

Madam Hope sighed out

“He should take it easy on the innocent girl,geez” She muttered and continued her work.


Scar watched from where she was standing as Razor walked out,she followed slowly behind and saw Ace waiting outside while leaning on his car. She stared at him lustily,just looking at him alone makes her horny,if she’s not careful,she might do something crazy.

“Hey” Razor smiled when he got to Ace amd they shook hands

“Are you going to visit your girlfriend or what?? What’s the outfit for??” Ace asked,checking Razor out

“I’m not like someone who only wear black and white clothes” Razor said and Ace scoffed

“At least change colors sometimes,it’s annoying. Sometimes you dress like a complete devil,that’s better,but when you put on white and confuse people like you’re an angel,it’s annoying” Razor said.

Ace smirked.

“Where’s Scar?? Aren’t we going together??” He asked

“No,just you and I. When did we ever discussed that we are going with her??” Razor frowned

“You Know Scar,she always want to come along even when she’s not supposed to” Ace said and Scar smiled from where she stood

“Maybe she’s not in the mood,let’s go” Razor said and entered the car.

Ace also got in and drove out of the penthouse.

Scar turned to leave but bumped into Spudz

“Sorry” Spudz said at once

Scar rolled her eyes and walked away.

Cardi hissed

“Such a pest,try teaching her lesson sometimes” She said

“You can do it instead,I’m not in the mood for shits” Spudz rolled her eyes and left.

“Seriously?? Is everyone crazy?? And why the f**k is today so boring?!!! We need to go out!!! I hate staying home!!!” She screamed before falling on the couch.


Blondie entered with a can soda in her hand,only Whiskey and Flash are in the room,playing video games.

“Gosh,everywhere is boring today,I hate work free days” Blondie muttered,sitting down

“Stop talking as if you’ve gone on a mission for a month now” Flash said not taking his eyes from the game.

“Shut up” Blondie snapped

“I’m not lying anyway,you’re just a teddy bear” Flash smirked

“Shut up or I will make you loose!!!” Blondie yelled and immediately he lost

“I won!!!” Whiskey shouted

Flash looked at Blondie

“Good for you” She smirked

“Let me have that” Flash took the drink from Blondie

“Stop it!!!!” Blondie screamed

Whiskey hit Flash’s head

“I hate her screams” he said and gave Blondie back the drink

Flash frowned

“Is that why you slapped me??” He asked

“Sorry” Whiskey grinned

“You don’t have to say sorry to him,he deserves it” Blondie said and rolled her tongue our at him

Flash stood up and Blondie immediately ran far from him

“Stop right there” Flash said,trying to chase after her

“Let’s play another game” Whiskey immediately said before Flash could move

“Yeah right,prepare to loose this time around” Flash smirked and sst down

Blondie made a sad look

“I thought I got his attention” She muttered

Whiskey looked up and their eyes met but he looked away and faced the game again.


Nicki was alone on the rooftop,enjoying the morning view. She was there when Rambo appeared behind her.

“Hey” He whispers into her ear and she turned back immediately

“What was that?” She scoffed

“Why are you here all alone??” Rambo asked

“Because I want to,not your business” Nicki rolled her eyes

“You’ve been quiet since yesterday,did something happened??” Rambo asked

“No” Nicki muttered

“Wanna go to the gym with me? It’s empty” Rambo said

“I will love that” Nicki said instantly and he smiled

“Let’s go then” Rambo said

They both left the rooftop and went to the gym,but when they entered,Hermes was already there.

“Hello” Hermes waved

Rambo frowned

“You’re here” Nicki said,walking over to him but Rambo pulled her back

“We are here to work out,not for him” He said

“Since when do I have to follow your order??” Nicki snapped

“I mean….”

“Stop it” Nicki cut him off and got on the treadmill

Rambo and Hermes glared at each other before facing different sides.


Spartacus and Spidey entered into the wine cellar and there sat a man in his early fifties waiting for them while drinking. They are his favorite mobsters.

“We are here boss” Spidey said with a sexy smile

Garrett smirked at her

“You didn’t tell me about your last mission,how it went” He said

Spidey looked at Spartacus and he sighed

“Sorry boss,he beat us to it” Spartacus said and Garrett frowned

“He??? Not they??” He asked and there was silence

“Answer me!!!!!” Garrett yelled and threw the glass on the wall,clashing into pieces

“It was….Ace alone” Spidey said

“Ace?? You mean Loretto’s son??” Garette asked

“Yes boss,he’s in charge of their missions. But he was alone the last time” Spidey replied

“And you feel good saying it?? Everyone got defeated by just a person?!!! How dare you!!!!” Garette yelled

“We are sorry boss” They both bowed

“Your punishments come later,before that,I have a job for you… Right now” He said

“Yes boss”

“And i want just you two this time around” Garrett added

“Okay boss”

“Fail again and I will kill you by myself” He threatened.


Leo stopped the car in front of a coffee shop,they came immediately after their classes ends.

“We should have gone to a restaurant instead,I’m hungry” Lily pouted,rubbing ber belly

“You didnt tell me that” Leo said

“Don’t worry,I will eat when I get home. I want coffee also,it’s quite cold today,so let’s go” She smiled

Leo nodded and they both got down from the car,they entered the shop and sat down.

A waitress came to take their orders and then left.

“I want to use the restroom” Lily stood up

“Be careful” Leo said

Lily nodded and walked away.

She found the restroom and entered,after answering the call of nature,she washed her hands and opened the door to leave but was taken aback when she saw someone by the door.

It became more shocking when she suddenly recognized the face.

‘She was at the wedding’ she thought

“I’m sure you recognize me” Scar said coldly and Lily blinked,wondering what’s going on

“I’m asking if you know me bitch!” Scar snapped and Lily flinched

“I….don’t know you” She muttered

“You probably saw me at the wedding” Scar said

Lily nodded

“I’m Ace’s girlfriend” Scar said and Lily’s eyes widened

“Get back in,I need to talk to you” Scar grabbed her hair and pushed her into the bathroom.

She fell on the floor and looked up at Scar,she closed the door and squat in front of her,Lily shifted back

“Look at me closely,I’m not as nice as I look,so don’t be deceived” Scar said

Lily swallowed,she was shaking In total fear

“When are you leaving Ace’s house??” Scar asked

“….I…..I’m..,….married to him….”

Before she could finish,Scar slapped her with her back hand and her lips bursted.

Lily gasped and held her face,her lips started bleeding.

“I’m here to warn you,and I won’t warn you twice. Get lost,leave Ace’s house,I don’t care where you go to,run away and never show your face again,it’s either you listen to me or you die unexpectedly,you’re still young for that. I’m going to kill you,ignore my warning at your own risk” Scar said and got up

“I’m giving you two days” she said and wore her cap before going out.

Lily touched her lips,her body was still shaking

Tears rolled down her eyes.

. read – Play My Heart episode 1 – 2

{ Ruthless Heart… }

THEME; His Little Bride.

CHAPTER 13 – 14

Written By, Summer Gold R.



“Hey,are you sure this is right??” Razor asked Ace who was sitting down on the car,smoking. They are here for an exchange but haven’t seen anyone.

“Their boss wouldn’t dare me,I will kill him” Ace scoffed and continue smoking.

Razor pushed his two hands into his pockets,looking around. Seconds later,a car drove into the port and stopped right beside theirs

‘They are here” Razor said

Ace jumped down from the car and dropped his cigar remain.

The door opened and three men in black and glasses came out

“You’re late” Razor said

“Apology” One of them said and gave a sign to the other two,one of them opened the car door and brought out a case.

“Open it yourself” Ace said coldly from where he was standing

“It’s not out first time doing business together……” The man stopped when Ace brought out his gun

“OPEN…..IT” He said slowly and calmly,with a devilish glare

The man immediately opened and it contained bundles of notes

“Good” Ace muttered and looked at Razor who collected it and handed over their own case,they also checked and in a minute,they entered their car and drove off.

“That was too quiet for my liking” Ace hissed as they entered the car

Razor chuckled and sped off.

“Penthouse?” Razor asked and Ace nodded.


Leo sighed out loudly as he moved from one side of the bed to another,he was looking totally worried. At the coffee shop hours back,Lily suddenly returned from the restroom and carried her bag,he tried asking her what was wrong but she refused to say a word to him,she was in tears which made him even more worried,and now he’s been trying to tall to her but she’s not picking up.

“Please pick up….please” he muttered when he dialed the number again but still its the same.

He groaned and got down from the bed immediately,he grabbed a jacket and rushed out of the house. He entered his car and drove out.

Minutes later,he got to the Gavin’s house,he knocked gently on the door and Regina was the one who opened the door.

“Hi ma’am” Leo bowed

“Oh Leo” Regina said looking surprised

“Is Lily home??” Leo asked

“Oh….yeah…she’s sleeping” Regina replied

“Oh….I’ve been trying to call her but she’s not picking up. Is she okay??” Leo asked

“Of course…she’s fine” Regina stammered and Leo sighed in relief

“Then,I will take my leave. Goodnight” He bowed.

Regina closed the door and went in

“What’s that??” Austin asked

“Do you think something happened to our daughter? She’s not picking my calls either” Regina said

“I’m sure she’s fine,stop getting so worried” Austin said and Regina sighed

“I’m scared” She muttered.


Madam Hope entered Lily’s room and found her on the bed,staring blankly at nothing in particular,her face look so dull.

“Lily?” She called and Lily looked st her

Madam Hope gasped when she saw her lips

“What happened??!” She immediately asked and rushed to sit next to her

“I’m fine” Lily muttered

“No you’re not,since you got back from school,you’ve been here and didnt even come downstairs to eat,this isn’t like you,I know you. So tell me what happened” Madam Hope said

Lily broke into tears which shocked Madam Hope even more

“Stop crying and talk” she said

Lily sniffs and wiped her tears

“I don’t know what her name is…..but…….she found me at the coffee shop and…..” She stopped

“Go on” Madam Hope urged

“She want me to leave this house” Lily said

“Who?? This house is for Sir Ace,so who would dare tell you that shit?” Madam Hope asked

“She said she’s his girlfriend” Lily muttered,more tears rolling down her eyes

“So she was the one who hit you this way??” Madam Hope asked and Lily nodded

“It hurts” Lily said

“You should tell sir…..”

“I can’t,he doesn’t even like me” Lily said and madam Hope sighed

“Wait here,I will get the first aid kit” she said and Lily nodded

Madam Hope got up and walked out of the room only to bump into Ace who was just coming.

“Oh…welcome sir” She bowed

Ace nodded and walked away

Madam Hope sighed.

“Should I just tell him??” She muttered before going downstairs.

She got the first aid kit and also dished out Lily’s food before going back upstairs,she entered Lily’s room and dropped the food on the table.

“Sir Ace definitely have no girlfriend” Madam Hope said and Lily looked at her

“She threatened to kill me if I don’t leave within two days” She said

‘What?! Is she crazy?!” Madam Hope yelled as she started treating her lip

Lily chuckled

“I’m hungry” She pouted and touched her tummy

“Seriously?? And you remained in your room since?” Madam Hope scoffed

Lily nodded with a cute face

After Madam Hope finished up with her lip,she got up and went to bring the food in the tray.

“Thank you madam Hope” Lily said and started eating.


Lily got downstairs,rubbing her eyes sleepily. It’s a lecture free day so she’s just waking up,she was still in her pajamas,heading to the kitchen.

She suddenly stopped when she noticed someone in the dinning room,her eyes widened when she saw that it’s Ace,but before she could turn and run,Ace raised up his head and their eyes met.

Lily swallowed hard,nervousness filled her body as Ace stared at her blankly. He stared at her for few seconds before coming out,he started walking toward her and she was almost shaking only for him to pass her side.

Lily exhaled.

‘Was i expecting him to come to me??’ She thought and turned to look at him but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Is he even human??” She touched her chest and finally entered the kitchen,Madam Hope isn’t there. She opened one of the freezers and took a bottle of water,she uncapped and started drinking.

Madam Hope came in afterward

“Hey Lily” she smiled

“Good morning,please can I have some cereals? I’m totally hungry” Lily said

“Oh Jesus” Madam Hope said and they both laughed.


“Ace!” Scar entered Ace’s room excitedly and met him standing,she quickly rushed to hug him from the back.

“I’ve missed you,I didn’t see you all through yesterday” She muttered,still hugging him.

“Let go” Ace muttered.

“Why? Don’t you miss me??” She asked

“Move” Ace said again and gently she let go of him.

“Is everything okay??” She asked and came face to face with him.

“What did you do to her??” Ace asked and Scar gave him a confused look.


“You know who I’m talking about Scar,I hate repeating myself and you know that” Ace muttered

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Scar said.

Ace looked at her and she rolled her eyes

“I only told her to stay away from you…..”

“Whose order??” Ace snapped and Scar gave him a surprise look

“You don’t like her….”

“So f**king what?? What right do you have to raise your hands on her??” Ace cut her off


“She’s married to me and I’m the only one who have the right to treat her the way I want,not you,Let this be the last time Scar,I won’t warn you again,don’t ever repeat that shit again” Ace said

“You said you don’t care about her,why are you mad at me right now? Huh??” Scar asked

“Get out” Ave muttered

Scar moved closer to him

“I’m sorry” She muttered and touched his cheek

“Get out,I’m not in the mood for that” Ace said and slap her hand off before going into the inner room leaving Scar speechless.

“What the f**k….just happened??”


To be continued….

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