Witches Lust season 4

Witches Lust season 4 episode 46

🔯 💋🕷


Author :- Sadiq Infinity (Capri Leo)

Tags :- r0mance, Adventure, Supernatural, horror.

Chapter 46 :- Lone hunter


WARNING :- This story contains contents that is not appropriate for anyone under 18. Also do not copy this story without Author’s permission.



As Evilyn’s power and influence grows with each passing day, the world of both mortal and supernatural beings was slowing getting consumed in the Infinite witch’s darkness. However despite her growing powers, the dark witch was met with a fierce resistance from the shadows and that didn’t excite her at all.
So presently here in her dark fortress, Evilyn sits on her throne looking gloomily as she manifests a magical energy in the palm of her left hand. Suddenly, she yells angrily and fires the magical energy like a laser cannon blasting half of her fortress to pieces but before adjust her fortress back to normal with a snap of her finger.
Mimi who was by the dark witch’s side, gently approached her bowing with elegance and respect as she consoles the Infinite witch.

Mimi ➡ Your eminence, what seems to be bothering you? Is there any way I can make you feel better?

Evilyn ➡ (LAUGHS) What possibly can you do to make me feel better, you insect? Do I look like I need you to do anything for me?

Mimi ➡ I’m sorry if I offended you in any way your eminence!

Evilyn ➡ Foolish girl, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT.

Terrified by Evilyn’s outburst, Mimi quietly retreats in order to avoid incurring more wrath of the Infinite witch. Shortly after Mimi’s departure, Iyunloye and Xeira make their into the fortress heading towards Evilyn. After paying their respects to the Infinite witch, they tell her about the latest update on both good and the bad.

Iyunloye ➡ Your eminence!

Xeira ➡ Greetings o powerful witch.

Evilyn ➡ Spare me your greetings and tell me your reports.

Xeira ➡ Everything is going according to plan but the search for the anti magic wizard is fruitless.

Evilyn ➡ And?

Iyunloye ➡ Your eminence, we have a problem. Recently, more and more of our test subjects have been exterminated. I have a feeling that someone is on to us.

Evilyn ➡ Someone you say? Be specific!

Iyunloye ➡ I have no idea who it is but it’s clear that you’re being opposed.

Shortly after Iyunloye’s statement, Evilyn bursts out laughing surprising both the witch and the mermaid. After she was done laughing, Evilyn adjusts herself on her throne smiling wickedly.

Evilyn ➡ Finally, some excitement!

Iyunloye ➡ Excitement?

Evilyn ➡ Xeira dispatch Akin and some monsters to the places where the other monsters were being slain. I’d like you to keep an eye and watch what happens.

Xeira ➡ And if I should see this mysterious hunter?

Evilyn ➡ Capture him if you can. In the meantime, set up a meeting . I would like to make an announcement.

Iyunloye ➡ Should I summon everyone?.

Evilyn ➡ No, Just my powerful subjects.

Iyunloye ➡ As you wish, Your eminence.

Carrying out Evilyn’s orders with haste, Iyunloye soon summons the strongest and deadliest of Evilyn’s subjects. Seeing that they were in the presence of the Infinite witch, the subjects soon bow before her trembling in fear as they felt her insanely powerful aura around them .

Evilyn’s subjects ➡ Greetings your eminence.

Evilyn ➡ Welcome all of you. I’m sure you’re all wondering why you’ve been summoned here. Well, it’s pretty simple. I want you to cause havoc on the human, kill and destroy them as you please. Do whatever it takes to annihilate them. But in order to do that, I would like to divide you into groups and appoint generals to command each group.

Ghoul ➡ But your eminence, this act is going to draw attention to us.

Infuriated by the ghoul’s interruption, Evilyn fires a magic energy blast at the monstrous being vaporizing it from existence. As soon as the others had seen what had befallen the ghoul, they all began to shake with fear.

Evilyn ➡ As I was saying! You will all do as I say or face the same fate as this stupid ghoul. Any objections about what I said?

In that moment, the ghoul known as Bakin Maye rises on his feet and bows to Evilyn before making his statement but he did that, he had to control his fear and talk properly without infuriating the Infinite witch.

Bayin Maye ➡ Your eminence, may I speak?

Evilyn ➡ Very well, what is it?

Bayin Maye ➡ Your idea is an excellent one but what the other ghoul said was right. We’ll be drawing unwanted attention especially from the Wizard lords and supreme witches, not to mention guild master.


Bayin Maye ➡ No but.. It would be nice if you helped us with something that we could defend ourselves with.

Evilyn ➡ Hmm, you’re right. I will offer you something but since you came up with this idea, you’ll my first general.

Bayin Maye ➡ But your eminence, I’m not strong.

Evilyn ➡ Yes but you’re cunning and mischievous. Either you accept this position or you die.

Bayin Maye ➡ Very well, I accept my position as the general.

Evilyn ➡ Very well, since you’re from the northern region, the first group will be under your leadersh¡p. Do not disappoint me.

Bayin Maye ➡ I won’t.

Evilyn ➡ As for my second general, Xeira.

Xeira ➡ I accept, your eminence. I will not let you down but if I may, I would like to remind in the region to carry out my duties.

Evilyn ➡ Very well. As for my third general…

In that instant, a witch known as “Ụjọ” rose to her feet and bowed to Evilyn pledging to accept the position and do her job well. Just like all her fellow brothers and sisters in Evilyn’s fortress, Ụjọ is known to be plague in major parts of southeast of Nigeria. Her magic is a dark alchemy allows her to brutally change or modify of any living-thing she touches. For 100yrs, she has been talking pleasure deforming living things mostly humans putting them in a fate worst than death.

Ụjọ ➡ Your eminence, I would like to be your third general.

Evilyn ➡ Hmm, you’re the one called “Terror” (Ụjọ). I’ve heard about your exploits and I must say I am impressed. Very well, your wish has been granted but do not fail me.

Ụjọ ➡ I won’t.

Evilyn ➡ As for my last general, I would like a demon to be my general.


As everyone turned to the direction of the sound, they were shocked to see a man walking defiantly with poise and charm. As one of the ghouls try to put the strange man in his place for being rude, the man moves with incredible speed crushing the ghoul’s head to pieces with one thunderous stop. Amazed by the strength and speed of the stranger, Evilyn orders him to reveal he’s identity.

Evilyn ➡ Tell me who you are stranger!

Demon lord ➡ The humans in this western part have worsh¡pped and called me with many names but you may call me, Oba.

Evilyn ➡ There is something about you demon! Your aura is that of a high ranking demon.

Demon lord ➡ You’re right. I was once a demon lord but I was imprisoned centuries ago by the Supreme witch in hell. Decades ago, I escaped through a portal that mysteriously opened. Belial tried to step into the world but he was kicked back to hell. (Laughs)

Evilyn ➡ Very well, your wish is granted. Now that everything is complete, I’d like you all to disperse at once.

As the others disperse, the demon lord stays behind seeking to inquire for a reward for their services. However, his defiance and ego was soon crushed by the Infinite witch.

Evilyn ➡ Why aren’t you leaving, demon?

Demon king ➡ I would like to know if there is a reward for my services to you.

Evilyn ➡ What is the nature of the reward you’re seeking?

Demon king ➡ A steamy intimacy with one such as yourself. You may be terrible and nasty but your physique is quite pleasing to the eyes.

Iyunloye ➡ DEMONIC SCUM! How dare you?

Demon king ➡ Oh.. What’s the matter witch? Jealous that I chose her over you?

Suddenly in a blink of an eye, Evilyn teleports towards the demon lord and trips him on the ground and as soon as his back touches the ground, dozens of lightening bolts descend on him like rainfall. The impact was so powerful that walls of Evilyn’s fortress shook as if it was going to crumble. Despite the lightening attack, the demon lord staggers back to his feet trying to assault Evilyn but his strength and power was no match for hers. Before the demon lord could make a move on Evilyn, he was transformed into a rocky statue.
Fearing the obvious outcome of his situation, the demon lord behaved himself and tried to appeal to the Infinite witch’s better nature.

Evilyn ➡ Alchemy is such a sweet thing. it’s the first magic power I stole.

Demon lord ➡ You are certainly full of surprises, Your eminence.

Evilyn ➡ YOU FOOL! do you think like I’m an ordinary witch? Demon lord or not, I’m way beyond your level.

Demon lord ➡ I can see that now and I’ve learnt my lesson.

Evilyn ➡ Not quite. You’re a cunning one and I’m going to make sure you behave.

In that moment, Evlyn steps closer to the rocky body of the demon lord and injects a death seal on his chest. After that, she undoes her spell and stomps on the demon lord’s head.

Evilyn ➡ That seal on your neck is a death seal. If you try to disobey or betray me in any way. The seal will consume your soul. Is that clear?

Demon lord ➡ Sure.

Evilyn ➡ Good now get out of my sight and go do your job.

Shortly after the demon lord departs, Iyunloye politely questions Evilyn about her decisions.

Iyunloye ➡ Your eminence, if I may ask. Is it wise to do this?

Evilyn ➡ Relax, I’m just using them to myself some time. These fools are the bait, they’ll be the first wave of distraction for our opposition.

Iyunloye ➡ First? What will be the second?

Evilyn ➡ Terror.



Hunting and fighting forces of evil is no joke. Not only is it dangerous but its also a terrifying and nightmarish experience that cannot be easily forgotten.
Because of that, I had to train myself physically to overcome any limits or weakness. Considering the fact that I’m no longer a human, I decided to spend the time to adjust myself to my new body and since I couldn’t use magic, I trained myself to a better fighter.
Thanks to Christen’s dad, I was able to master the powers of the magical gloves he gave me and not only that, he also taught me how to advance my teleportation. As it turns out, there were levels of teleportation that the witches could use, they were :- the basic, advanced and the master teleportation.

– The basic teleportation was the most easiest and it was the one that every witch/wizard could do but unlike the rest, one could only teleport to places, not realms or dimensions.

– The advanced teleportation is also easy but it quite challenging. Unlike the basic, advanced teleportation allows one to switch places with anything. For instance, if a bullet was fired at me by some criminal, I could switch places with him and in my place, he will get hit by his own bullet. However, this teleportation allows one to travel to realms but not dimensions.

– Lastly, the master teleportation is the hærdest and the most interesting teleportation of all. It’s like the all in one kind of teleportation. With this teleportation, one can travel to dimensions and realms however they please. Only a few witches/wizards can perform this kind of teleportation. So far so good, I’ve managed to learn the advanced teleportation but I’m still not very good at it.

So one afternoon, here I was in some remote part of Ibadan training as hærd as I could. Considering how hot the sun was, I had to endure the heat and keep training as long as I could. After a while, I decided to take a rest and cool off before continuing with my training. As I was resting, Solomon appeared cautioning me about my negligence to inform Christen about my job.

Solomon ➡ When are you going to tell that spoilt witch wife of yours about the nature of your job?

Riley ➡ Stay out of this Solomon. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.

Solomon ➡ But it will hurt her even more when something bad happens to you. You of all people should know how crazy she is about you. Tell her.

Riley ➡ You know how she’d react if I did.

Solomon ➡ This line of work isn’t for you.

Riley ➡ Well, so far I’ve been doing pretty good.

Solomon ➡ Don’t be fooled by the weaklings you’ve been eliminating. If you were to confront someone like Rose, you’d stand no chance.

Riley ➡ I’m not doing this for the fun. There is something coming and I have to do what I can to make sure the peace stays.

Solomon ➡ Boy! I’ve lived longer than you and I’ll tell you one thing. As long as there’s peace, there will always be conflict. That’s how nature works.

Riley ➡ I know but..

Solomon ➡ Just listen, no matter what you do, you can’t change what fate has already ordained. Whatever happens or has happened is meant to be. That’s life for you.

In that moment, I kept quiet and processed what Solomon had said and he was right. Maybe, I was just wasting my time but still I believe there’s hope. Useless or not, I’m not going to stop fighting, I’ve risked too much to lose those those that are precious to me. The death of my parents serves as a reminder and for that, I can’t let something like that ever happen again.
After my training, I teleported home to wash for the sweat and stench of heat from my body. By the time, I got there, Oliver was already waiting for me and it was pretty obvious why he had came.

Oliver ➡ I’ve been waiting for you. You look beat.

Riley ➡ I went out to train. Seeing you here means there’s been another monster crisis.

Oliver ➡ Yes and this time, it’s the same place as last time. The old government school that has been deserted.

Riley ➡ I see. Once it’s night time, I’ll leave.

Oliver ➡ Be careful. If you notice anything that looks like a trap. Retreat.

Riley ➡ I know. In the meantime, Where is Christen?

Oliver ➡ She wasn’t at home when I returned. I’ll be expecting your report when I’m done.

Riley ➡ Sure thing.



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