A Hire Boyfriend

A hire boyfriend episode 12

A HIRE b©yfri£nd




“I regretted saying those mean words to her, I shouldn’t have say it”
I sounded feeling so bad and walked in,side.

“Dude you crossed the line! How could let your anger to get over you? Those words were hurtful, you know that woman are emotional creature, you shouldn’t have say those meaningful words”
Herny said.

“I know and I regretted everything I said to her, I hope she didn’t mean her word that she is done with me? I cant ba-re to loose her”
I said.

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“Call her and fix this mess beside this issue of not knowing how to cook shouldn’t have be a fight with you, I love Linda and why can’t you teach her and she will learn”
Henry sounded.

“I guess I have to call her and fix everything”
I said.

I collected my phone and just about to give her a call an unknown number c@m£ in.

“plea-se am I speaking with Mr Maxwell?
The guy on the phone asked.

“Yes am Maxwell and who are you?

“I saw your contact on a lady’s phone”

“I said who are you and what are you doing with my fiancee”s phone”
I shouted.

“The lady that has this phone just had an accident and has been rushed to the nearby hospital”
He said.

On hearing this, I drop a bombshell being so dumbfounded, shocked and devastated.

“No ooooooo! Is can’t be!
I cried out.

“Maxwell what is it! Who was on the line?
Henry rushed to me.

“No this can’t be! It can’t be true!
I cried out as I sat on the floor.

“Dude talk to me, what happen? What can’t be?

“Is Linda!
I said still crying.

“What happen to Linda?

“Linda! Li…. N… Da!

“Say something nah! What happen to Linda?

“Linda had an accident and has been rushed to the nearby hospital”
I cried out.

“Oh my God! This can’t be true!
He shouted.

“It can’t be my own Linda!
I cried out.

“Stand up let’s go to the hospital immediately”
He said and gr-ab me up.

We drove to the hospital, we went to the receptionist.

“Is it in this hospital that a lady who had an accident was rushed in?
Henry asked.

“Yes, she is still at the operation room, you guys can wait over there”
She said.

We went to the waiting place and sat down.

“It is all my fault!She left the house with so much anger, If anything happen to Linda I will kill myself”
I cried out.

“Dude put yourself together nothing will happen to her”
He consoled me.

I was crying, blaming myself for being the cause of the accident, I can’t ba-re to loose her.

“Maxwell, give her friends a call, they need to know what’s going on”
He suggested.

I called them and informed them the pres£nt condition of their friend.

Within a few minutes they rushed in.

“Maxwell what happen to Linda?
They both asked.

“She had an accident and she is still at the operation room”
Henry answered.

The shock was written all over their faces, they cried out.

“Ladies put yourself together, nothing I mean nothing will happen to Linda she will come out from that operation alive”
Henry consoled them.

The ladies sat down, Pamela was stomping her feet on the ground uttering a word of prayer while Sliver stood up walking around with her hands folded also praying.

My heart was filled with guilty with so much pains.

Few minutes later, the doctor c@m£ out and we rushed to him.

“How is Linda?
We both asked.

“Can I see one person at my office”
He said.

That’s what they always said when they want to give you a bad news.

“Doc no need to see one person in,side your office, tell us what happen to Linda?
Sliver said.

“What happen to my Linda”
I added.

“Thank God that she was rushed to the hospital immediately”
I sounded.

The moment we heard that we breathed in relief.

“How is she now?
Herny asked.

“Due to the f0rç£ of the accident her spinal cord was damaged which effected to her legs and made the legs to be paralyzed”

We both shouted.

“Doc what are you saying? That my own Linda will be on wheel chair forever?
I shouted.

“Doc is there no where out for her then being on the wheelchair?
Pamela asked.

“According to science doctrine her legs has be damaged and there’s nothing that can be done unless miracle happens”
He said.

“Can we go and see her?
Henry asked.

“She is at ward 206”
He said and walked out.

I sat down crying my eyes out, I feel so guilty of myself.

“Guys let’s go and see how she is doing”
Sliver said.

“You ladies should be going let me talk to him”
He said as they went out.

“Henry am a bad person, I feel guilty, I deserve to be punish for my action, am the cause of her being paralyzed, I can’t ba-re the pains, how will I face her now with which face, she will hate and despise me”
I cried out.

“C’mon Dude st©p crying! I know you balmed yourself for this but try to put yourself together and find a way to make things work back to normal”

“How will things work back to normal when I have made her to be in wheelchair forever, thousands of my apologizes will not makes things back to normal, she will not forgive me because am the worst guy ever”
I cried out.

“I un-derstand how you feel but you have to see her and ask for her forgiveness”

“She will not like to see me,being around her will make her to hate me the more, I can’t see her now”
I said with a tearsful heart.

We rushed to the room and met her crying, we sat beside her.

“Babe st©p crying, we un-derstand the pains you are p@ssing throu-gh”
I said and even wanted to cry but I hold myself.

“I can’t feel my legs anymore, I will be on wheelchair forever, why me? Why did this happen to me?
She cried out.

“My love st©p crying, it hurts us seeing you like this, everything is going to be fine”
Sliver said wiping out her tears.

“I hate Maxwell, I hate and despise him with p@ssion he is the cause of my predic@m£nt, I hate him”
She cried out.

We looked at ourselves being so confused.

“What are you saying Linda?
We asked.

“We had fight and he said a hurtful words to me, unimaginable words, I was coming out of his house when I had this accident, he cause this to me and I hate him, I will not forgive him”
She cried out.

“Oh my Goodness! Maxwell said all that to you? He is a heartless human being, he deserve no atom of forgiveness from you”
Sliver shouted.

“How could he said such a words and because of his stupidity and ungrateful attitude look that what he has done to you”
I said.

“Am now paralyzed! I will not walk again in life, I will be on wheelchair forever, why did God allow this to happen to me”
She cried out.

“My love, st©p crying everything will be fine okay”
I said as I care-sses her hair.

We held her hand together as we consoled her, it is so painful finding out that you will not be walking again forever in your life.

Maxwell really crossed the line and I never expected that behavior from him and because of his stupid behavior my friend will not walk again.

It breaks my heart seeing her on that condition, Maxwell deserve no forgiveness from her.

“St©p crying Linda, everything will be well, you know it breaks my heart seeing you like this, plea-se take your drugs”
Pamela said.

It has been two days now and I have been discharged from the hospital, Pamela has been with me and Sliver has traveled to New York for her collection of her wedding dress.

“Linda plea-se take your drugs”
Pamela with tears dropping out from her eyes.

“What’s the need of taking this drugs? They won’t make my feets back to normal, I don’t need them”
I cried out.

“plea-se Linda don’t talk like that, this drugs will make you to strong plea-se have them”
She cried bringing the drugs to me, I threw her hand ma-king the drugs to Pour out.

“I said I don’t need them! I don’t need this danm drugs”
I cried out.

“Sweetheart! I don’t un-derstand how feel, I can feel your pains and I know it will be very diffcult for you to expect your fate but plea-se try to un-derstand that is, Life is like cotton, Don’t make it heavier by sinking it in Water of Sorrow,but make it lighter by letting it b!ow in the Wind of Joy”
She said in tears.

She brou-ght out another drugs,
“plea-se my love take your drugs plea-se, I want you to be strong”
She pleaded.

She gave the drugs to me and help me out with the water.

“It is going to well”
She said as I took the drugs.

“Did you need some fruits?

“No dear, I need to rest my head”

“Okay, let me take you up to the room”

“Don’t worry, I will rest on the couch”

She pushed me beside the couch and helped me lied down on the couch.

Phone started ringing,
“Let me get it”

“If it is that Maxwell don’t pick it”

Maxwell has been calling me on phone, killing my battery for me.

“No is not him, is mom”

“Mom! Don’t pick it”

“Why Linda?

“How can I tell her that her only source of joy is now paralyzed being on the wheelchair forever in her life, how will she react, how will she feel?
I sounded.

“But Linda you still need tell her about your pres£nt condition”

“It can’t be now, I still need time to accept my fate”
I said.

“Don’t worry I un-derstand okay”
She said as she wiped out my tears.

Minutes later, the door beg started ringing.

“Pamela go and check who is at the door”
I called out.

She c@m£ out from the kitchen to the door.

“What are you doing here? We don’t want to see you, I appreciate you a lot for putting my friend in condition”
She shouted and I now realized it was Maxwell.

“I un-derstand how you feel, plea-se Pamela I want to see Linda I have not been myself since the accident occurred, plea-se allow me to talk her”
He pleaded.

“She don’t want to see you nor talk to you so get lost”
She shouted.

“plea-se Linda I know you are hearing me, plea-se give me this chance to talk to you”
He shouted.

“Pamela let him in, let me hear the rubblish he will say”
I said.

“Are you sure you can handle it?

“Yes let him in”

He c@m£ in,side and knelt in front of me and I kept my face aside.

“Linda am de-eply sorry, I have not been myself knowing fully well that am the cause of this, it breaks my heart and my conscience is killing me, I know that no amount of sorry I will say that will bring you back to your feet but am de-eply sorry, What I Did Was Foolish and Impulsive If I Could take It all back I’d do this So Instant, I truly didn’t mean to Hurt you In any way, I’m Sorry For Hurting You, Words will not be able to ever express how sorry I am for this,and I have profound regret and sorrow for the multitude of mistakes and harm I have caused, plea-se Linda find a place in your heart to forgive me”
He cried out.

“Are you done? You can use the door”
I said holding my tears.

“plea-se Linda forgive me, I didn’t mean those words I said it, I let my anger to take best of me, I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness but plea-se forgive me my conscience is killing me too much”
He cried out.

“Pamela tell this man to leave my house I don’t want to see him again”
I shouted.

“plea-se Maxwell make use of the door and don’t come back again”
She shouted and walked him out.

He keep on pleading until she ban-ged the door.

“Why me? What I have I ever done wrong to deserve this?
I cried out.

“plea-se Linda st©p crying, you have cried enough, plea-se”
She said and gave me a ti-ght hvg.

Linda hates me, she don’t want see me, what have I done to myself? How will I make her to forgive me? It has been one week now since I set my eyes on her.
What am I going to do to win her back?
I cried out and take a gulp of alcohol.

I don’t know what to do anymore and I can’t ba-re to loose her.
I cried out.

I was talking a gulp of alcohol until Henry walked in.

“Dude what have you turn yourself into? A drun!k!
He shouted as he collected the bottle of alcohol for me.

“Henry leave me let me drink to stupor, let me drink my sorrows out, my stupid mistake out”
I shouted and wanted to collect the drink from him.

“And you think that thinking to stupor will make things right?

“What did you expect me to do? She don’t want hear from me nor see my face again, she hates me”
I cried out.

“I know that what you said was out of anger, you did not mean all those words to her but all the same you are the cause of her accident and her pres£nt condition now that’s why you need to tried all your best and make her to un-derstand and forgives you”
He said.

“I have apologized a thousands times, s£nd messages to and gone to her house but she refused to hear me out, I don’t know what to do anymore, I don’t want to loose her Henry”
I cried.

“You won’t lose her, she is yours and forever will it be, the love story you both shared together will not end like this I will help you to fix things together”
He said.

“Are you sure? You will make her to forgive me?

“You are my friend and like a brother to me beside what are friends for? Is not to help each others in time like this, so dude get up and go and shower, you stink of alcohol”
He said.

He j£rked me up and took me to the room.

I got a great plan to bring my friend back together with his love and I need the help of Pamela to accomplished this mission.

I invited her for a lunch which she accepted.

I checked my wristwatch it is alre-ady past three and she suppose to be here by to three or there about.

“I hope she won’t disappoint me?
I said as I drank a sip of my drink.

Within a few minutes, she walked in looking so beautiful as usual.

“Am sorry for keep you waiting Henry, I needed to give Linda her medication before coming out”
She said with smiles and sat down.

“There’s no problem, you look gorgeous”
I said with smiles.

“Thanks for the compliment”
She said with smiles.

“You are welcome, what will you like to eat?

“I will perfer to take drink”

I called the waiter, she gave him her order and within a short while he brou-ght her drink.

“What’s the reason for this lunch?
She asked.

“Pamela we all know that what Maxwell did……….
She interrupted me.

“I knew it, my intense was telling me is because of Maxwell”
She sounded.

“plea-se Pamela, try to hear me out, we all know that what Maxwell did was so terrible and he deserve to be blame”
I said.

“Your friend crossed the line too much, how could him say a hurtful words to Linda simply because of a meal, the one that mad me the most is saying that Linda is not good in be-d, how he utter such a word”
She shouted.

“I know that those words was so harsh and painful but he didn’t mean any words he said to her beside he said those words out of anger, you know what if you kick a stone in anger you will hurt your feet that’s exactly what Maxwell did, he kick a stone in anger and now he is hurt and also made another person to be hurt because of his anger, plea-se Pamela Maxwell is dying to get Linda’s forgiveness, I know he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven but for the sake of the love they share together plea-se help him to talk to Linda and make her to un-derstand, I know she is very hurt and don’t want to see him”
I said.

“I have heard all you said, I will try my best to talk to Linda but am not ma-king it as a promise to you”
She said as she takes a sip of her drink.

“Thank you Pamela and I will be so happy if things bounce to normal between them because I don’t want the love they share together to end just like that”
I said.

“Even me I will not be happy if their relationsh!pdies, I will like to start going because she is alone at home”
She said.

“Okay, it is nice talking to you”
I said with smiles.

We stood up, I dropped the cash on the table, she carried her handbag as we made our way out.

“See you later”
I said and give her a hvg.

“And you too”
She said with smiles and entered her car and drive out.

“I pray things get back to normal”
I said and got into my car and drove out.

I decided to try my luck on getting Linda to forgive me, I prayed before I ranged the bell.

“Who is there? Come in”
She said and her voice is now strong unlike the last day I c@m£.

“You! Have I not warn you serve times to st©p coming to my house, what did you what?
She shouted.

“Linda I want you make In my life and I can’t sleep not knowing that you have not forgiven me and I still ba-re the guilty in me, Linda if your forgiveness wants me to climb on the highest mountain am re-ady to do that, plea-se Linda find it a place in your heart to forgive me, I know that what I cause you is unforgivable, if not for anything but for the sake of the love we share together, plea-se forgive me”
He pleaded in tears.

“Maxwell you deserve no atom of forgiveness from me, you put me in this condition, I can’t walk again I will be on wheelchair forever all because of you”
I shouted.

“I deserve to be blame for everything but plea-se forgive me, I can’t be able to live without gaining your forgiveness”
He cried out.

“I have heard a enough, plea-se live my house, the more am seeing you is the more am getting hurt so plea-se live”
I shouted.

“plea-se Linda! I’m sorry may not mean that much to you, but it means a lifetime of our relationsh!pto me ! plea-se forgive me”

“I said live my house”
I shouted and he walked out.

I started crying, I know I want him back in my life but it is so h@rd for me to do.

“Linda don’t you think it is right time you forgive him or don’t you think he deserve your forgiveness?
Pamela said.

“I should forgive him? Look at my pres£nt condition it is because of him”
I cried out.

“I know and I think it is right time for you to forgive him, if not because of his anger things wouldn’t have resulted like this, this guy loves you and willing to do anything to gain your forgiveness and love back and I also know that you still love him so bad and wants him back but why is it h@rd for you to say the word”I Have Forgiven You” and things will bounce to normal again”
She paused for a while and continue.

“You know what Linda,Refusing to forgive Someone Is like drinking Poison,and waiting for
The other person to die, plea-se forgive him”

When it’s not given in the right time or When it is not asked in the right time,
You will miss something PRECIOUS in your life”

“Maxwell loves you so much and if it is other guy after putting in this condition they will abandon you and go for a suitable one but Maxwell is not like, knowing your condition he still want you back in his life, plea-se forgive him”
She said.

“It is h@rd for me to do”

“I know it is h@rd but you have to try because I want the best for you and consider your happiness, your happiness lies in the hand of Maxwell that’s the more reason you need to forgive him and forget about the past”
She said.

“I will try to forgive him”

“Let me go and finish up in the kitchen”
She said and went out.

She made me to realized how important he is to me and am I willing to forgive him because of the love I have for him.

When Linda walked me out of the house, I refused to go, I decided to sleep outside her compound if the cold will kill me let it kill me.

I lie down at the stairs without nob©dy notice not even the gateman until late when my phone ranged it was Henry.

“Dude where are you? I have knocking for ages no respond”

“Am at Linda’s place”

“Wow! She has forgiven you!

“Not at all, she walked me out again but this time am not going, I will sleep outside her door, she will meet me at her door tomorrow morning since she refuses to forgive me”
I said.

“Are you danm serious?

“Did it look like am joking to you? I will sleep outside her house if cold like let it kill me”

“Dude am coming”
He said and hanged the call.

I lied down folded my hands and legs.

Within a minutes ago, Henry c@m£ in.

“Dude you are damn serious!
He said as he tapped me.

“Before did it look like I was joking”
I stood up and said.

“This can’t be, we have to get in,side”

As he was about to ring the bell Pamela opened the door, she was so shocked to see us.

“What are you guys doing here?

“I met him here”
Henry said.

“You met him here! That’s means you have not gone home?

“I will not live this door until Linda forgives me”
I said.

“Babe we need to do something”
Henry said.

“Am coming!
She said and went and dropped the bag of dirty she was carrying.

“Let’s go”

We went in,side and thank God that Linda has not gone to be-d.

Linda was surprised to see us.

“Linda could you believe that Maxwell was outside all this while”
Pamela said.

I saw the surprise written all over her face.

“Linda I un-derstand and know how you feel, the pain you are going throu-gh, Apology doesn’t mean that you were wrong,
or the other person was right.
It means that
your relationsh!pis valuable than your ego and Apology is a lovely perfume; it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift and also the best kind of relationsh!pin the world is the one in which a sorry and a smile can make everything back to normal again, plea-se forgive him to err is human but to forgive is divine, Linda I pleaded on his behave plea-se forgive him”
Henry said.

I knelt down and said in tears,
“My love thousands of apologies will never bring you back to your feet, if only I can turn the hands of time I could have make things right, plea-se forgive me and come back to my life, I want you, my heart beats for you the whole of my b©dy yawns for you”

She looked at Pamela.

“Babe forgive him, remember all the things I told you”
Pamela said.

She c@m£ closer to me with her wheelchair and held my hand.

“What can I say when I know fully well that I still love you and want you back in my life, I have forgiven you my love”
She said.

Pamela and Henry shouted in joy giving each other a hvg being excited of the forgiveness.

“Thank you so much my love, my heart can now dance for joy, I love you so much my sweetheart, without you in my life, my life will be incomplete and meaningless”
I said and give her a p@ssionate k!ss.

“This cause for a celebr@te!
Pamela shouted.

“You can say that again”
Henry added and gave her a high five.

“I think you two will make a perfect couple, what did you think my love?
I asked with joy in me.

“100% perfect beside Pamela is single and Henry is single too so why can’t they hook up”
She said with smiles, I really missed those smiles of her.

“Did you hear what they said so can we hook up?
He asked looking at her ro-mantically.

“I don’t know let me get the drinks”
She said and went out.

We drank, danced and celebr@ted for the reunion.


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