Bad Boy's Crush

Bad boy’s crush episode 3 – 4

. 🌹BAD

(A nerd🙎stole his heart… Mr. Grumpy loves me😳!)

Highschool r0-mance
By Nnenna


(Valentine’s Day💋💔💕)

Chloe’s POV

Damn it!

It was the principal,I grinned dressing up properly
Natalie hurried with her dressing deeply embarrassed just like me

I cursed him for being here, who asked him to show up at this moment when everything was getting heated already?

Such a bad man himself, what is he doing in Natalie’s office too?
He wouldn’t tell me that he was looking for papers cuz that’s not true

He came for her pu$$y
Such a bada$$!
“You again Chloe, follow me immediately! ”
He commanded and I followed him like he said


Bella’s POV

The buzzing of my alarm got me out of bed and I sluggishly came out of my bed heading to the bathroom to wash my face when something struck in my mind

Today was valentine!!
My cookies! Hope Brad didn’t tamper with it?

Oh my God! I ran into the kitchen and my heart thumped hard when I saw Brad at the spot I had kept my cookies

He hadn’t seen me yet, who knows what he’s doing, maybe eating my cookies!
“Brad!! “I half yelled his name and he jerked so startled to see me

“What are you doing? “I asked apprehensively praying inwardly that it should not be my cookies that he’s eating

He smacked his lips still looking at him, I grabbed his two palms and glared at them
It was my cookies!!

“How dare you Brad! Huh!! Those were mine! “I said in a fit of anger and all he did was to shrug

I rushed to the remaining cookies and took it away (inside a lunch box)

I gave him a very stupid glare and left with my cookies to my room

“Don’t tell me that cookie belongs to Nicc! I won’t believe that huh! How many times have you prepared cookies for your little brother!”I heard him from the kitchen

He’s just lucky that I didn’t hit him
Something I tried so hard to prepare yesterday

Oh my precious cookies, can’t wait to meet Nicc soon

Nicole’s POV

💬Happy valentine babe💝
From Sandra

💬Happy birthday bro
From Anita

💬Buddy! Happy birthday
From your boss😜

This short friend gaht to be kidding me sometimes, I wonder how he’s faring without Riccy

I scrolled up again to see Bella’s message
💬Happy valentine Nicc🍱💝💕

I scoffed lightly and soon another message came in from her again

💬i made cookies for you, want some?

I started typing a reply when yet another message came in from her

💬I want to ask you out today
Let’s celebrate valentine just like we used to back then together


Yeah, we always had valentine together, we visit the cinema to watch horror and romantic movies, go to the spa, go to the karaoke and make tons of songs

She was a good singer with good voice too so she always entertained me with her voices which I so much loved to hear

But not together anymore, we are different now, she’s so outdated and I’m not supposed to be around her anymore even though we grew together

💬Remember we have a match today?
I texted back and she replied almost immediately

💬I know, I want to be the first person to appreciate you

I saw it and refused to reply maybe because I saw my team mates coming towards me for the last training

I shoved my phone into my pocket and went towards them

Chloe’s POV

“Tell me the truth Chloe, three truths! “my dad said calmly after nagging on end at me

I was quiet all along, I don’t want to anger him the more
“Go on”I said with pride

“Are you smoking? Drinking and stealing? ”

How did he know that? Who told him?
I scratched my head not finding words to say

“Well I don’t steal”I defended shrugging and putting my two hands into my jean pants pocket

“You steal my money! “He half yelled again
“Chloe what’s wrong with you? Huh! What the fuvk is wrong with my own son! “He said with a pain in his voice

But who cared? It was him and my mom’s fault
Sheesh! If they were still together, I would’ve been better than this

I cleared my throat

“You’re eighteen Chloe!! ”

“So?? I cannot do what I wanted huh! When you and mom did what you wanted! “I fired back

“And that’s why you sleep with your teachers too? ”

That principal has such a porous mouth

He sighed glaring at me
“You know what! You’re going nowhere today”
He said with a tone of finality and it sounded like a capital punishment to me

Today is valentine and I had been planning big with my friend Zayn for this great event

He can’t say this, he can’t mean it either
“You’re going nowhere today, just go to your room”he repeated and made to go

“But… “I halted him in his tracks with these word
“But today is valentine “I reminded him in case he forgot about it

“And… ”

I gulped hard
“You can’t mean this dad okay? I promise to change for the better huh, you can’t do this “I said pleadingly and he scoffed leaving me behind

Damn! Fuvk dah sh*t!

“Father! “I ran after him….


Bella’s POV


🗣Nicc!!!! Xander!!

🗣We won! We won! With Nicc and Xander
We won

🗣Nicc is our basket ball god

People made noises when our own school team won
I smiled brighter than ever, my Nicc was in there

He was the source of my joy
I smiled again and again watching as his friends carried him shoulder high

🗣Jeez! I wonder if he has a girlfriend

Murmurings went on, I couldn’t wait to tell him how much I love him
I wanted to see him sooner before the school dismisses

And the opportunity came, everyone left including him, maybe he went to change
I guessed as I searched for him

I met him in the male lounge coming out with his short friend, can’t remember his name

He was changed and refreshed too
I held onto my lunch box which contained the cookies I prepared earlier for him

Read Also – Nick the house help

His friend felt amused, he does that each time he sees me with Nicole
I don’t know why but I didn’t care at least he wasn’t Nicc

“Nicc”I called softly
I started getting nervous, more than nervous

Maybe I shouldn’t tell him, he didn’t reply my text in the morning, it might be a signal not to tell him

No I have to try, the worst thing he will do is to reject me
That’s all

I gulped hard with barrage of thoughts in my mind
“What”he said almost easing me off my tension

“Where are the cookies you said you got for me? ”
He asked and I chuckled handing the lunch box to him

“Ahm… I almost forgot”I said nervously as he collected the lunch box from me opening it

“Brad ate some of it”I reported when I saw the look on his face that read that *some of the cookies were missing *

He smiled
“Thanks then, “he muttered and made to walk past me
Is he leaving so sudden?

” I have something to say”I said in a swift still nervous

He stopped in his tracks
“Which is about.. *Together* you talked about earlier? “He asked and I nodded

“Uhmm… Yeah… Buh… I.. “The words stuck in my throat

“You what? “He asked curiously with his eyes all over my face

“I love you”I said before I could hold it in for another moment

He became shocked by the look on his face

He stepped closer to me and I thanked my self to have said it at last

That was how I felt about him, and how I will always feel
“I wanted to tell you that so… ”

“Bella”he called calmly with some stupid expression on his face

“Nicci I really do… ”

“You’re not my type Bella, let’s just be friends like we used to”he interrupted me sounding a bit harsh

A thunderbolt! My heart broke painfully and immediately I lost my breath

“I mean Bella, you’re a nerd, a scary nerd.. Look at how you look like
Do you even look at a mirror? I don’t think you do
You’re very scary, you never changed for a bit since I knew you… ”

My jaw dropped listening to him, is this what he had been locking up in his heart since we enrolled into highschool?

I was so ashamed listening to him, is this the Nicc I knew before? Was the question on my mind

My legs were cold and stiff unable to move

“I’m sorry Bella if I hurt you but… He stopped talking when we both heard someone call his name

He beamed looking at the person
“Sandra! “He called her name and soon she was in his arms

Only myself understod how I felt
Even if he was going to reject me, I never expected it to be this way

Tears gathered around my eyes….

. 🌹BAD

(A nerd🙎 stole his heart… Mr. Grumpy loves me😳! )

Highschool r0mance


(He met her😱😳)

Bella’s POV

My legs were as shaky as ever, I watched him leave with Sandra as their giggles kept replaying in my head till they were out of sight

I slumped to the ground and cried like I’ve never done before

*Have you ever looked at the mirror?
*You’re a scary, a scary nerd!
*I didn’t mean to hurt you but…

My heart shook terribly breaking into more pieces, it was so painful!
It brought more tears to my face

Chloe’s POV

“Zayn I can’t come out, my dad kept me indoors”I said on the phone to Zayn

It just don’t make sense, my dad is the most annoying human being in my life
I will never be a father like him

Keeping your own son indoors!
Sheesh! I can’t stand this at all

“Why? The party is about to start now
A whole lot of girls are here Chloe ”

Ayeesh! That’s why I want to go, because there will be plenty of girls over there

“… And drinks too”he continued and I gasped at the mention of drinks
Maybe my favorite *Vodka* was gonna be there too

Arrghh! I ruffled my hair, this is bad
“You know what Zayn? Tell Audrey that am sick and can’t see her okay? ”

“As if you knew she just asked me of you
She has a gift for you and… Ermm… “His voice came off making me curious to hear what else he wanted to say

“… Erm”he continued “she’s on her way to your house”he reported and I hung up immediately

Jeez! And she didn’t mention a word of it in school
Why is she coming here all of a sudden!?

Oh no! I exclaimed when the door bell rang downstairs

That’s her!!

Writer’s POV

Bella could hardly take it, she was always on her own to the extent that her kid bro Brad felt it

She did things her own even her mom was surprised by her daughter’s new behavior

She became cold and distant coupled with the fact that she came to know that she was a nerd

A scary nerd, school wasn’t a solace to her anymore
She now understood the laughs and giggles students did whenever they saw her

Someone made her realize that and the person who did it was Nicole her childhood friend
It was harder seeing him in school everyday with Sandra too

It was more heartbreaking and she tried all she could to avoid meeting him each time even though Nicc always wanted to start a conversation with her

The last straw that broke the camel’s back was when Nicc and Sandra announced their relationship status to the whole class

She made up her mind to leave the school, she will get a transfer, she can’t school with him anymore

It was the last she could take,
Maybe a new environment will help her, making new friends and staying away from him will make her feel good
Nicole wasn’t sure of what he wanted, all he did was bringing up someone whom his friends loved and cherished

His friends especially Billy are very fond of Sandra because of her kind look, he wasn’t sure of what he really wanted from people

His mom and dad are divorcing and he didn’t seem to care about it, not knowing that his father was getting married too

He never knew whom he was losing tho, a friend he will never have again, someone he never had a chance to love for once…
Chloe was still the nuisance of the school and he wanted everything sweet and nice to him especially now that his father went on a trip

A god forsaken trip… He had called it as if he cared a bit about it
That’s what he wanted because his dad won’t be there again to control him

Chloe’s POV

I drove my daddy’s G-wagon to school, whoo! It was the best feeling ever

The students wowed seeing me hopping out of the car
“Oh bro! “Zayn jumped into me and giving me a hug with a slight pat on my back

“Hey Zayn”I cooed my eyes roaming about to see my admirers especially girls

And they were there, winking and making faces at me
I smiled at that, I’m still the school prince charming

“Your dad’s car? “He asked me and I nodded my head
“Mehn! This huge! Whoa! “He admired and I chuckled

“Let’s take a ride on it then ”
I said and he nodded as he went to the other side of the car

I was about getting into the car when my eyes caught someone coming into the school gate

Her eyes roamed about the school as she advanced towards me,

My heart missed a bit,
Damn! I have never seen someone this beautiful
I gulped hard

I have never seen her in our school too
Maybe she’s a fresher… I guessed still staring at her beautiful structure

He long hair which rested on two sides of her shoulder and a big googles covering her eyes made her appear sexy and appealing

I was still staring at her when she walked past me and it seemed like everything stopped moving, even breathing was at a slow motion until she was two inches away from me

Still I couldn’t stop staring at her
She’s beautiful!!!
I mumbled to myself

Bella’s POV

I had woken up so late the following day after my mom got me another transfer to another school

I was so excited to move to another school but I wasn’t too happy, maybe I should’ve stayed back in my old school

Maybe I will be seeing him in school everyday but whenever I remembered the humiliation he gave me on a Valentine day, I will change my mind about staying

I was so unwanted in the school and I never had friends too
I’m a nerd! A scary one at that

I looked at my self in the mirror often too after he told me about how scary I looked
I was so bad looking, I wonder who will fall in love with someone like me

That’s so impossible and I can’t blame Nicc so much for not liking me

It wasnt his fault but my fault! I cursed myself under my breath
I wish someday he will like me and even leave Sandra for me

I chuckled at that stupid thought
I was no match for Sandra in anyway
She’s so good looking and kind too

She’s better than me…

“Are you gonna be thinking about that jerk who jilted you all day? “Brad barged into my thoughts

I had finished dressing my hair so I wore on my glasses and sighed before replying him
“Am coming downstairs for breakfast soon”

I heard him scoff and then heard the sound of my ddor as it closed up meaning he was out of my room

Minutes later,the bus dropped me off in front of the school gate of

I gasped, that was it! My new school
I hissed with a good air of meeting new people before making my way into the school gate after adjusting my glasses

I held onto my backpack when I felt someone staring at me so sternly without looking away

Maybe he had noticed too that I’m a nerd!
A scary nerd!

This is bad! A bad start for a new school, how will I cope now?
I hastened my steps a bit yet, his eyes was still on me

I walked past him when I suddenly heard him say
“Hey! ”

My steps seized immediately….

Chloe and Bella😬😬😬

My shares oo

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