Hot Deal Full Of Secrets

Hot Deal Full Of Secrets Episode 5 – 7


Chapter 5

By : Kebby NG

I woke up feeling bad.I had slept late last night because I kept on thinking about what to do.

When my mom had been confined in the hospital, needing a large fee for the surgery, I didn’t know who to go to for help.

But Rose had offered me help and she had made it clear to me that she will get the money from me when I can pay in full.

If I hadn’t been paying for the house bills and all,I wouldn’t be in this predicament.

I would have paid her the money I owed her.

Rose can be very scary when it comes to getting her money from someone.

Have seen her being ruthless to someone just because the person couldn’t pay her back.

I won’t be an exception ,I thought as I used the covers to cover myself.

Just then the door opened and my mom rushed in.

“Emily, you have got to see this”She said as she gave me a sheet of paper.

I took it from her and when I read it,I stared at her again.

“Eviction notice? But how come?”I asked

“That’s what I want to ask you too,haven’t we been paying our house bills?”she asked

“Of course we have! I just paid her last month”I said

“Then we ought to pay her a visit,What’s with this sudden eviction notice?”She said angrily

“No mom don’t! I will go to her myself,Let me talk to her myself” I said

“But why don’t you want me to come with you?”she asked

“I have to talk to her alone,let me face her myself”I said as I got out of bed.

Quickly I changed into a short Jean and into an orange crop top.Brushing my disarrayed hair,I left the house and went into the house of our landlady.

It wasn’t that far and so she and I got there quite quickly.

I knocked severally before she finally answered.

“Oh! it’s you?”she said

“Yes it’s me? What’s this eviction notice?”I asked

“It’s what it is, i want you out of my house as soon as possible”she said

“But that’s not right,we never owe you money for rent and you just can’t evict us without proper warning !”I said

“Well, I have given you the proper warning you need, Have given you two days’ warning,So if I were you,I would start packing,”She said.

“We aren’t going to leave,I pay you every month, have never owed you a cent in my life,you don’t have the right to kick us out”I said

“Well if you choose not to leave then so be it, once the new owner of the house arrives, you will surely be thrown out”She said.

“You sold our house?”I asked shocked by her news

“Yes I sold it and the owner wants immediate eviction”

“Who? Who did you sell it to, give me his or her number and let me speak to them”I said

“Do you really think I will do that? Well am sorry, i won’t be giving you any number”She said

“Madam Nina! You can’t do this to us, you just can’t evict us”I said in frustration.

“We can and we will, Madam Rose made me promise her that I will………..”She stopped when she realised her mistake.

“Madam Rose?”I asked

“It’s not what I meant to say”She denied quickly

“My boss bought our house from you?”I asked again.

“Look, all I can tell you is to vacate soon or else you will regret it”She said and went back into her house.

Feeling sad,I began to head home.

Rose had bought the house and it’s all for me to choose in helping her get the contract or in returning her money back to her.

I would rather die than to go back to that horrible man, I thought.

Turning to the other street,I went to the nearest ATM machine and withdrew all of my savings.

Even though it’s not all that I owe Rose,I will give her these and ask her to give us more time,I thought as I headed back home.

“Mom I’m home”I said as I opened the door with my own Key and walked into our own house.

“Come in my child”I heard her call from the kitchen.

“You have a guest”she called out again and I knew that it must be Gracie or Micheal.

They were the only friends I have in the city, we three went to college together and we also got a job in the same company but that will end now cause I plan to resign from Rose company.

I walked further in only to stop in my tracks when I saw who the visitor was.

It was none other than Cade Callaghan himself.

“Here is your visitor my child, he says he is a very good friend of yours that was why I let him in”my mom said as she served him his tea

“Really ! It’s a surprise to see you here Mr Callaghan”I said as I went to sit on one of the empty chairs.

“I had to come see you, we still have to talk about the conversation we were having yesterday”He said

“But have finished discussing it with you”I said

“But I haven’t that is why I came here to see you”He said

“I would leave you two alone,once you are done my dear,Come tell me what happened with the eviction notice”She said as she walked off..

“Eviction? Are they evicting you!”He asked

“It’s none of your business,Common we are going to speak somewhere else” I said as I pulled him by his hands and went outside with him.

As soon as I got outside I dropped his hand and gave him an angry glare

“Why the he.ll are you here?”

“To see you!”


“To know if you have changed your mind”

“Look Mr Callaghan I told you what my decision was yesterday and I won’t change my mind”

“Not even when you are getting evicted?”

“I told you it’s none of your business”I said

“But I can make it my business, I can help you Emily , just accept my deal and what ever you want will be yours” He said

“No! No Mr Callaghan,I won’t do it”I said

“Why! Why do you even want me to do it, am not In your Caliber,am not one of those brunette you take around,Can’t you even choose them “I yelled at him

“That’s because I find you intriguing and you are the only girl who haven’t jump on me for my money,You will make a perfect bride for me and you will do the part easily”He said

“Just accept my deal Emily and all your problems will be solved,I promise you that!”He said, having a mischievous look on his face.

“I can’t do it, it’s against my principle, you lying to your parents is something easy for you but I won’t be able to look at their faces and pretend right through”I said

“Am not asking you to do this for a lifetime Emily, it’s just for the time that I will be returning to my island”He said

“It’s still a no Mr Callaghan, have you even thought that we wouldn’t be compatible together”

“You don’t suit me and I certainly don’t suit you, how will we make your parents believe our lies if we can’t stand each other”I finished

“We can start from somewhere Emily, we can start by getting to know each other and am sure that we will pull it off together”He said

“Mr Callaghan……..”

“Just call me Cade, am already addressing you by your first name, can’t you do the same with me”He asked

“We aren’t that close for me to address you by your name”I said

“But we can be if only you will agree”he said

“Look Mr Callaghan, Am not one of those bimbo that you do your dirty stuff with ……..”

“And that’s the main reason why I chose you Emily, I want you to be my pretend bride, We won’t have to get married, we will just pretend to them and am done with my business, we will return to the city and you will have the contract while I go back to living my life with my bimbo as you call it ”

“What do you say Emily?” He asked, waiting for me to give him an answer.

I stood thinking about his proposition, I just had to pretend and nothing else, he wouldn’t go far with me and am sure that he can be a gentle man if he chooses to be.

And I have to think about my parents being evicted, the money I have with me will certainly rent us another apartment but I know that it won’t last us and I will still have Rose as a threat In my life.

She won’t stop until she makes me suffer because I didn’t go with what she asked me and she will find a way to collect her money in full.

I stole a quick glance at Cade and saw him watching me.

Should I just accept his deal, I thought as I kept on staring at him.

Chapter 6

“Just give me an answer already” he said softly

“Look, Mr. Callaghan, I can’t. I can’t pretend to be your wife. I am someone who doesn’t believe in lies, I doubt that I will be able to keep up with the pretence.”I told him and turned to leave .

“What will you do about the eviction of your house? Where would you get the money ?”He asked

“I will find a way, a honest way at that”I replied

Just then Sally, our neighbour called my name.

“It’s a good thing you are here your Emily, your mom………your mom” she said breathlessly

“What happen to my mom?”I asked

“She collapsed right outside your home”She said and on hearing that, I ran off going straight to my house.

I got there only to see my mom on the floor with a lot of people around her.

“Mom!!!!”I yelled as I ran to her and held her Unconscious body to mine.

“Mom, am here! Please open your eyes” I begged as I began to cry

“Excuse me”on hearing that familiar masculine voice, I turned only to see cade.

He knelt in front of my mom and took hold of her hand to check her pulse.

“Her pulse is still there, have you called an ambulance?” He asked taking charge of the situation

“We did, A while ago” some one replied

“A while ago? And they are not here yet, this won’t do?”he said as carried my mom and took her to his car

“Get in with her, While I drive keep on checking her pulse and don’t try your best not to let her move”he said to me and I did as he said.

I kept on checking her pulse and I made sure she didn’t move.

Just seeing my mom this way got me feeling so scared.

I don’t want to lose her yet, not now or ever, I thought as the tears kept falling off my face.

“She will come out of this alive, don’t worry” he said softly and I tried to believe what he said.

We got to the hospital and as fast as they could, the doctors and nurses took her to the emergency room.


Cade and I stood at the waiting room waiting for any news.

“Does your dad know about her fall” he asked

“I haven’t talk to him yet, he wasn’t around and I don’t think I should worry him, at least I have to know what’s wrong before I tell my father, his heart can’t take any shocking news”I said to him and he nodded, respecting my reason.

Just the doctor walked out looking worried, quickly I went to him, hoping that apart from having this worried face, he will some how have a good news.

“What is wrong doctor?”I asked

“Your mother condition is worse?”he said

“What do you mean by worse”I asked

“Your mom is suffering from brain tumour and if she is not operated on as soon as possible, she will die”he said

“No, no doctor she can’t die, do your best to keep her Alive”I said

“An operation can be carried out but please you will have to pay if you want us to start with the operation” he said

“I said I will pay, just start with the operation” I yelled at him

“How miss, your mom have been here before and because she couldn’t pay, she didn’t take any drugs, neither did she want to get operated on” he said

“So you are saying you won’t do the operation until I pay you right?”I asked

“We are sorry but that’s out rule here?”he said

“Then I will get you the money”I said as I began to head out only to be stopped by Cade

“Where will you get the money?” He asked

“I have savings of my own, It will do”I answered

“It won’t? It’s your savings, let me pay……..”

“No, don’t you pay it, I don’t want to be indebted to you, I will pay the operation fee myself , So dont bother, you have done enough already”I said as I left the hospital

I got to the nearest bank and with drew all my savings.

I had made plans for this money but my plans would have to wait, my mother’s life is more important.

I head back to the hospital and I was about to get in when I got a call from an unknown number

“Hello?”I said into the receiver

“It’s me Emily” my father said

“What happen dad? Where are you and why does your voice sound like that?”I asked

“Have been taken as an hostage ”
he said

“What? ”

“I borrowed money from a loan shark and today is the due date, I can’t pay them back and so they have taken me “he said

‘”father why? Why will you borrow from a loan shark” I asked

“I needed to feed you and your mom, I couldn’t let you take all the responsibility ” he said

“But you brought more problem dad, do you even know what is happening right now?”I asked

“What’s happen………” He couldn’t complete his sentence because the phone was snatched from him

“Bring us the money your dad owes or we kill him and sell his org-ns out and believe me when I say that selling of org-ns bring a lot of money”

An unfamiliar voice said and then he cut the call.

I stood at the hospital entrance , not sure of what to do again.

Just then a bike rode pass me and snatched my wallet, which had the money for mom operation.

“Hey!! Give me my money”I yelled as I ran after him but the bike was far gone and when help arrived, it was too late.

I went into the hospital feeling lost, my mom needs an operation, my dad will be killed if I don’t bring the money he owes and my only hope has also be taken away, why is life so cruel?

“Emily!”I looked up only to see Cade walking towards me

“Have you gotten the money?”he asked and i Shaked my head

“What’s wrong? Have you been crying?”he asked as he cleaned a tear from my face.

” I don’t have my money, it has been stolen”I said


“As to top it all,Dad has been taken by loan shark and if I don’t pay them their money, they will kill him” I said to him as the tears began to pour.

“What am I going to do ,What should I do ?”I asked softly

“You know what to do Emily “he said and i stared up at him


“Accept my proposal and I will get rid of all your worries, just say yes”he said

“You are using my situation to get me to say yes to you,you really are cruel!”

“If it will get you to be my fake wife, then I don’t care, Accept me Emily and I will make all your problem disappear “he said

His offer is too tempting and I Knew that once I accept, there will be no turning back but I have to do this for both my parent sake.

“Fine you win, I accept your deal and so get rid of all my problems as you have promised”I said

“Right on it ” he said and immediately my mom bill was payed and while the surgery began, Cade went with the police to bring my father home.

I went to the chapel to pray and when I returned to the waiting room, it was to see my dad and Cade.

“Oh daddy!”I exclaimed as I gave him a tight hug

“Am sorry my child”he begged

“Why did you have to lend money, you could have asked me and the little I have, I could have given it to you”i said

“I didnt want to be a man who leech off his daughter”he said

“I would have chosen that you leech off me than to have been involved with some loan shark”I said

“Am sorry my child, have learnt my lesson , Soi won’t ever do it again”he said

“I hope so” I replied

The doctor gave us the good news that mom is now okay, the tumor have been removed and with the necessary treatment, my mom will be back to herself.

“We have to talk Emily” Cade said to me.

Have been avoiding this moment, I kept on wishing that some thing will happen and that will get me out of the mess that have fallen into but nothing happened.

Together we went out of the hospital to talk privately.

“I got rid of all your problem”he said and i nodded softly

“Its time for you to help me get rid of my problem”he said

“Mr Callaghan………..”

“Not Mr but Cade, After all our fake relationsh¡p have began, all you just have to do is to play the part perfectly and we will have no problem” He said

“And how do I play the part for it to be perfect?”I asked and judging from the look on his face, I knew I shouldn’t have asked him that question.

He moved towards me and pulled me into his arms.

“Like this” he whispered as he kssed me.

Chapter 7

I can’t believe this! Am being kssed by a total stranger, I thought as I tried to pull away from him

But he pulled me back

I tried to think of some thing, some thing that will distract me, some thing that will stop me from responding to it but I found none and when I was about to respond to it he pulled away from me.

I tried to move out of his arms but he held me back

“Don’t move, not yet, the reporter is taking pictures of us “he said

It wasn’t until he mentioned the reporters that I realised that it was all for a show.

“He is gone now”he said as he let me go.

I tried to compose myself before looking at him again

“You don’t have the right to kss me”I said

“I had to, it was my reputation that was at stake”He replied

“Wow, your reputation right?”I said sarcastically

“Look we have both decided to play the part of being married ,we will have to start from some where”he said

“Wait! You only told me I had to pretend, you didn’t tell me that you would have to k-ss me”

“You can’t expect us to pretend without touching one another”

“I don’t, I don’t want you to touch me at all”I yelled at him

“You have no choice Emily, we are to be a happy married couple, they have to see that we are happy together” he said

“We can do it with out touching each other”I said

“That’s impossible Emily”he replied

“You per.vert, I should have known, what was I thinking when I agreed to this” I said feeling flustered by his words

“But you have agreed and there is nothing you can do to change that”he said

“Really! do you think I can do nothing?”i asked giving him a mischievous smile.

He pulled me into his Arms ,it was so sudden that I didn’t brace myself for the impact.

“Listen up Emily, you agreed to this already, there is no turning back now”he said

“There is Mr Callaghan and I will take that path, I can’t seem to trust you from not wanting to touch me ”

“And what’s so bad with me touching you, am I that bad to you?”He asked

“Womanisers like you sicken me and I will prefer we end this sham before we take it any further, I will find a way to pay you for the money you lent me and……………..”I couldn’t finish my word because he pushed me to the wall angrily

“We Made a deal Emily, own up to it!” He yelled at me

“I don’t want to! I hate the thought of having to lie to innocent people”

“You will and there is nothing you will do about it, stop testing my patience Emily, you won’t want to see Mad, I will pick you up at ten tomorrow , get ready before I arrive” he said and stormed off.

I stood there, trying to calm myself down, I had thought that this deal of a sort will just have to be me pretending, I never thought that Cade would want it to be more.

What should I do? What mess have I gotten myself into,I thought as I head back to the waiting room.


“But why her, you could have chosen other ladies, ones that are willing to do any thing for you” Rose Emily boss asked as we stood in her office lobby

“Because she is the first lady who hasn’t tried to offer me her body”I replied

“And what makes you think that she won’t, she just haven’t thought of it yet?” Rose said wanting to destroy Emily image in front of me

“When that comes, I will know how to handle her, this is the money I promised for the buying of Emily house”I said and my secretary opened a brief case to show her the money

“But the house isn’t really that expensive?”She asked

“I know, am Just giving you for a well job well done” he said

“Oh thank you Cade, thank you “she said as she took the brief case.

“Just one more thing Rose, you must never tell anyone about it, most especially Emily “I said and she nodded in affirmation.

“She won’t know that you payed me to buy her house and to put pressure on her”Rose said

“I hope so, you wouldn’t want me as an enemy”he said

“Don’t worry I know how ruthless you are and I wouldn’t want to be the main focus of your ruthlessness” she said.

Together my secretary and I head to the car

“Where are we going next?”I asked

“To see the man you hired to take Emily money “He said

“We have to hurry, I have to be some where by Ten” I said as I relaxed a bit in the car .

I just can’t believe that to get a girl, I had to use my power and wealth.

If it had been any girl, it wouldn’t be this hærd, I would have gotten what I want from her but Emily is a different case.

She is the first lady who hasn’t been moved by my wealth or by how powerful I am.

Other girls would have rejoiced at being my pretend bride but she made it clear that she isn’t interested.

“Sir we are here” my secretary said we he stood in front of a building.

A guy opened the car door and got into the car .

“This is her wallet and her money is still intact” the man said and I took Emily Wallet the from him.

“Give him the money”I said and immediately my secretary gave him the brief case filled with money.

“I will double that as long as you keep this a secret, no one, most especially the lady you stole from should know about this ” i said

“Yes sir, she won’t ever find out” the man replied as he left the car.

“We will be heading to miss Emily house now” my secretary said.

Emily! a strange name for a strange girl. I wonder how surprised my mother will be when she sees that have brought home the girl I supposedly love.

She will be shocked at first and am sure that with time, they would give up on me marrying Isabel and when am sure that I won’t be bothered by them again,I will just then end the farce between Emily and myself but not with out letting know what it is to have me in her bed.


While my dad took over watching my mom, I left the hospital and went back home to get dressed.

If it were up to me, I would end it all right away but I can’t do that.

One because I owe him and two because am scared of what he might do to make me pay for breaking our deal.

I got changed and was all ready when the door bell was rung.

Taking in a deep breath, I went to open the door only to find Brad there.

“What are you doing here Brad?”I asked gently

“I back for you my love, am back to get you ” he said and with out warning, he pulled me into his arms and kssed me.

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