Mated To The Twin Alphas

Mated To The Twin Alphas Episode 1 – 2

‼Do Not Copy Or Repost My Story ‼.


Anatalia St. Cindy expected the worst when she was forced to move across country in the middle of her junior year.

Desperate to leave her shattered home the moment she turns eighteen, her plans are disrupted by the god-like prince twins.

Anatalia doesn’t understand the deep attraction she holds for the twin’s, and ignores them at every turn. Thrown into a world she knows nothing about,

Anatalia’s demons come back to haunt her, making her question who or what she truly is.

Will Anatalia run from the secrets of the past? Or will she accept her role and take control of her destiny..

chapter one


We pulled up to the rickety old house, and I felt a twinge of excitement that echoed within the sea of joy I had been feeling lately.

The house was by no means new or luxurious, but it was much more than I had anticipated.
We moved from Australia, where we had a two bedroom apartment in the worst part of town.

Walking to work each day had become a constant nightmare. While I was thankful to move, I couldn’t help but expect the worst.

I’ve lived with my mother and her husband for three years now, and to say I hate it is an understatement. I was raised by my amazing grandmother for most of my life, but unfortunately she died a few years back.

The only other relative able to take me in was my mother.
‘Lydia’, she insists I call her. As though I’m just some child she found on the street.

Lydia and I have a non-existent relationsh¡p, which means she pretends I don’t exist and I stay out of the way.

The issue lies in her husband. Charles likes to drink far too much, and when he does he becomes a complete asshole. I keep my distance from Charles when he’s been hitting the bottle too much

We just moved all the way to California due to a job offer Lydia had gotten. Charles could hærdly hold a job, so Lydia paid most of the bills

. Typically, I worked part time. I used my money to buy the necessities that Lydia refused to provide.
The new house was much bigger than I had expected. It looked pretty old, sporting ch¡pped white paint and a crooked porch jutting out from the front of the house.

The only thing I was looking forward to regarding out cross country move, was finally having my own bedroom. My bedroom in Australia consisted of me hanging a curtain to block off the unused dining room. Charles insisted he needed the second bedroom as an office.

I climbed out of the car and stretched, slinging my backpack over my shoulder as I walked to the front porch. I could hear Lydia and Charles already begin to argue, but I had learned to successfully tune them out.

The front porch creaked and gro-ned under my feet, but I didn’t mind it. Charles only ever stepped outside to run to the liquor store, so I would have plenty of time to myself on the porch

Lydia opened the front door and stepped in,side behind Charles. I wasted no time heading upstairs to my bedroom.
“The smallest
room, Anatalia. Don’t forget it.” Lydia reminded me, not that I could forget

I went upstairs and looked around, instantly grateful I had a bathroom close to my bedroom. I felt a smile form on my face when I peeked in Lydia and Charles’s room. They had their own bathroom connected to their bedroom, which meant Charles would leave me alone for a change

Charles always pushed his boundaries with me when he was drunk. He was smart, and never did it while Lydia was around. I had a constant air of caution when I was around Charles.He had gotten handsy a few times, but when he was drunk he was easy to escape.

I walked into my bedroom and looked at the paint peeling from the walls. Once I managed to find myself a job, I could make this room a little more presentable.

I had a small fund saved up since I was old enough to get a job. While I was a straight A student, I needed a backup plan in case I didn’t get a scholarsh¡p. Escaping this place the moment I turned eighteen was constantly on my mind.
I dropped my backpack on the floor and looked around. It was a small room, but it had a working door and four walls.

A rickety queen sized bed sat against the far wall along with a dusty oak dresser.
I ran downstairs and grabbed my large suitcase from the trunk of Lydia’s car, struggling under its weight. Lydia and Charles were still arguing, but that gave me plenty of time to wrestle my suitcase to the top of the stairs.

Everything I needed fit comfortably in my suitcase. I didn’t have many clothes, but I had grown used to that sad fact.
I stuffed what clothes I owned in the dusty dresser, pulling out an outfit for school tomorrow.
Lydia had wasted no time enrolling me at the local public school. Anything to get me out of the house and out of Charles’s thinning hair.

I stuffed my debit card in my back pocket and ran downstairs.
Lydia had her back turned to me, bickering at Charles as he set up the small TV in the living room.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Lydia snapped, turning around to face me as I opened the front door.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. She never cared where I went before.
“I’m gonna go find something for dinner.” I shrugged

I had stopped eating dinners with Lydia and Charles a long time ago. The court had made Lydia my legal guardian until I turned eighteen, so I refused to give her any of the money I worked for. Instead, I supported myself to the best of my ability.

“Get me a six pack while you’re out.” Charles snapped, his beady eyes narrowed at the hazy image on the TV.
I gritted my teeth together, this man was an idiot. “I’m seventeen.”
I turned on my heel and walked out the front door, ignoring Charles’s mumbling.
I walked out onto the main road and sighed. I had no idea where I was going. My eyes flickered left and right a few times before finally deciding to go right

All I needed was a gas station. I could get myself a bag of ch¡ps and a bottle of water and call it a night.
I walked down the main road for maybe fifteen minutes and sighed with relief when a small corner store came into view

That was one thing I’d miss about Australia In Australia you could walk in just about any direction and find a gas station or grocery store.
I walked into the poorly lit corner store and said hello to the cashier, a girl not much older than myself. I grabbed a bag of ch¡ps, a couple bottles of water and a granola bar and walked over to the register.

“Hi, um do you know where Westlake Highschool is?” I asked the girl as I swiped my debit card. She had to be in her early twenties. Her hair was jet black but she had a stripe of green running through it.
The girl nodded as she pressed some buttons on the register, “Sure do. Just follow this road until you reach the traffic light and turn left. You won’t be able to miss it.” She nodded.
“Thanks.” I gave her a small smile as I took my receipt from her hand.

The girl looked up from the register, “You new around here?”
“That obvious?” I chuckled. I haven’t seen much of the town, but it was clear that it wasn’t the largest.
The girl nodded, a small smirk playing on her face. “Towns pretty small. Most of the people in town have houses further out in the woods.” She shrugged, as if it were nothing new.
I furrowed my eyebrows, it just sounded strange.

“Why not just live in town?”
“I dunno. People around here seem to like their privacy.” She shrugged.
I left the corner store feeling confused and a little wary. The girl didn’t give me much hope for school tomorrow. If this town really was small, there was no way I’d go unnoticed.

This was the middle of my junior year. Once I finished the rest of this year, I only had one more to go. One more year and I could finally escape Lydia and Charles…


I woke up to the sound of my old alarm clock. It was six in the morning, leaving me with plenty of time to get ready and walk to school.

Lydia would already be at work, and Charles typically slept in until 11 a.m or later.
I crept out of my bedroom and into the bathroom, making as little noise as possible. Charles was an absolute nightmare if you woke him up
I went into the bathroom and combed my long chocolate brown hair. Everyone on Lydia’s side of the family had extremely light blonde hair, making me stand out even more. I also have this rare condition called Heterochromia Iridum, making my eyes two different colors. While my left eye was an incredibly light blue, my right eye was a deep chocolate brown.

My grandma would rarely ever speak of my father, but when she did she would mention he also had the same condition.
I had a feeling that was why Lydia didn’t like me, my own mother. Something bad happened between her and my father, resulting in him leaving the two of us behind.

Grandma would always receive a mysterious check every month, always written out for me. The minute I moved in with Lydia , she began receiving the checks too. The only difference was she used them for herself and Charles.

I looked in the mirror and frowned. I constantly felt like a walking abnormality. While I had friends at my old school, there were always kids who bullied me for my condition. It took me a long time to accept that part of myself and find it beautiful.

I slipped on a simple and inconspicuous outfit. A simple pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top and a black jacket. The point was to blend in.
I grabbed the granola bar that I bought yesterday and left the house.

I followed the girl’s instructions and was happy the school wasn’t too far of a walk away. My walk took up half of my time and by the time I made it to the school, the parking lot was nearly full. Student’s hopped out of their cars and headed to the front doors. Chattering and conversations filled the air around us.

I merged into the crowd of student’s and tried to blend in.
My first stop was the office, which I managed to find quite easily. A large sign hung from the ceiling pointing out the small office.
“Well hello, dear.” A plump woman in a purple sweater smiled at me, her rounded glasses hanging low on her face. “Are you new here?”
I nodded at her and gave her a small smile, “Anatalia st.Cindy ”
I had been given my father’s last name as a child, and while Lydia insisted I change it to Charles’s last name, I refused.

“Beautiful name.” The woman smiled, rifling through a bunch of papers. “Here you are Ms. Anatalia.” She smiled up at me.
“Thank you.” I smiled back at her and turned to leave the office.

I was looking down at the class schedule she had given me, when I slammed into someone.
I would have thought it was a brick wall if it weren’t for the strong smell of cologne.
My bottom hit the floor with a thud, and the hallway quickly became quiet.
I looked up at the person I slammed into and my jaw dropped.

Standing in front of me were two, very large and very angry twins. I had never seen two guys who looked the way they did, as if they belonged on the cover of a magazine instead of at a highschool.

The two of them had jet black hair, strong jaw lines, and extremely dark eyes. They were both extremely muscular, but held that athletic slimness in their body. One of the twins had his hair shaved on the sides and back, but long on the top. The other twin had hair down to the top of his ears, but it had that messy look that other guys try and fail to achieve.

Each one was drop dead gorgeous in their own way.
One of the twins had a tall blonde clinging to their arm, an incredulous sneer formed on her heart shaped face.
“What the hell is wrong with her eyes?” The tall blonde sneered, looking down on me like I was a piece of trash.

I hærdly glanced at the blonde, my eyes kept flickering to the two god-like twins standing over me. They glanced at each other, as if they were having some silent conversation.

I stifled the urge to roll my eyes, but my mouth replied without warning. “It’s a condition.”
“f-cking freak.” The blonde spat. “Watch where you’re going next time.”
With those last words, the severely attractive twins and the tall blonde walked away. The twin’s hadn’t said a single word to me, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good or a bad thing. The look in their eyes was cold, and I had the sinking feeling I was looking into the eyes of my new bullies.

Staying to myself was already proving to be a nightmare.
I picked myself off the floor and somehow managed to find my locker. I couldn’t help but scan each hallway. Some small part of me wanted to see the twins again, to let my eyes roam them once more.

After a stern conversation with myself on blending in and not drawing attention, I continued to avoid them at all costs.
My first class had neither the gorgeous twins or the mean blonde girl. The teacher pointed me to a seat in the back and I plopped down next to a girl with large glasses and curly red hair.

She gave me a small smile and told me her name.
“I’m Mandy” The curly redhead smiled at me, and I returned it with a small smile of my own.
I cleared my throat and glanced around at the nosy student’s around us, “I’m Anatalia.”

“Woah, awesome name.” Mandy nodded as she doodled on a piece of paper.
I shrugged, “My father picked it out.”
“My Dad wanted to name me Tori.” Mandy gave me a look of horror and I giggled. “Your eyes look awesome by the way.”

“Thanks.” I smiled, getting compliments on my eye condition seemed to be rare.
“My childhood friend had the same thing, but only in one eye.” Mandy grinned back at me

I spent most of the class talking to Mandy, and trying to subtly ask questions about the god-like twins I had quite literally ran into.
“Oh the twins.” Mandy blushed as she scowled down at her paper. “Ethan and Alec.”
“Which one is which?” I frowned. Their names seemed to fit their bad-boy persona’s perfectly.
Mandy frowned, “I always get them mixed up but I’m pretty sure the longer haired one is Alec and the other one is Ethan.”
“Oh okay.” I nodded.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t get the two of them out of my head. The way they looked at me was cold, and it made me feel strange. Yet I continued to think about them.
“I wouldn’t mess with them if I were you.” Mandy shook her head, “They sleep around, a lot.”
“Wasn’t planning on it.” I shook my head.

I promised myself then and there that I wouldn’t get involved with the twins. Not that they would ever go for someone like me. It seemed like they were into the glamorous model-type girl’s anyway.
I was the complete opposite. I tend to stick to myself, and most often than not I was completely clumsy.

Mandy and I made plans together this weekend while we made small talk. She told me how she works at this restaurant in town and even offered to get me a job as a waitress.
She told me she’d give me a ride after school tomorrow to interview at the restaurant.

“It’s not fancy or anything, but it’s the fanciest we have in this town.” Mandy shrugged. “You get decent tips though if you know how to be flirty.”
I chuckled, “I have no idea how to be flirty.”
I was definitely worried about working as a waitress. My clumsiness seemed to increase the more nervous I became, and the last thing anyone wanted was a waitress spilling drinks all over them.

‘You’ll learn. It comes with the job.” Mandy shrugged.
I felt as though I were having a lucky day when I walked to my next class and saw Mandy sitting in the back.
We spent the next class continuing our conversation.

“The people here really aren’t all bad.” Mandy smiled, “You’ll survive with no problem as long as you avoid Grace and her friends.”
“Grace?” I frowned.
“The blonde girl who hangs around the twins.” Mandy replied and finally I could fit the name to a face. Grace was the supermodel looking girl that called me a freak. What a great start.
“I think I already blew that one.” I frowned.

Mandy shuddered, “Just completely avoid the twins from now on. She’s with Ethan at the moment and she’s super possessive.”
I was more than happy to take Mandy’s advice, but it seemed my luck had finally ran out.

My next class held both of the twins. They sat by themselves at a large square table. My heart nearly fell out of my bottom when the teacher told me to sit at their table. As I was walking towards the back, my foot hit the leg of someone’s table and I nearly fell to the ground.

I managed to catch myself in time and ignore the snickers from other students.
With my face burning and my stomach doing fl¡ps, I sank down at the twin’s table. I avoided all eye contact with them until I could get my thundering heart under control.
I could feel two sets of eyes burn into me and I let out a shaky sigh. I turned my head and met the gaze of both of the twins. The two of them were sitting across the table from me, their dark eyes boring into my own.

Sitting this close to them was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because I had a much better look at them. They were so much more intoxicating up close.
Ethan was the slightest bit more muscular than his brother, but their faces were nearly identical. Full eyebrows followed by long eyelashes and plump l-ips.

As I sat there in silence, I tried to choose between the two and it just wasn’t possible. The two of them were equally incredibly attractive and I simply couldn’t pick.


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