Witches Lust season 4

Witches lust 4 episode 128

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Author :- Sadiq Infinity (Capri Leo)

Chapter 128 :- Doomsday

Watching from the comfort of his domain, Satan smiles viciously and excitedly as the battle in the Witches Realm gets intense. His major excitement was the fact that Rose was about to go toe to toe with Evlyn. Despite aiding Evlyn with some portion of his power to wreck havoc on the world, Satan had no problem wanting Rose to prevail in his fight and as much as he would love to aid the latter, he decided to sit back and watch as the fight was about to start.
In that moment as the lord of darkness was enjoying the fight that was going on, his colleagues Lucifer and Mephisto glare at him whilst talking behind his back.

Mephisto âž¡ Just look at him enjoying the show.

Lucifer âž¡ Can you blame him? It’s been hundreds of centuries since we’ve since a conflict like this. The world is in chaos and the Witches are at war with each other.

Mephisto âž¡ I don’t care if the world is burning but watching the Witches tear themselves apart is bad for business. If anything else, I want Evlyn to fall.

Lucifer âž¡ Relax, besides this should reduce the heat the Witches have been building up lately.

Mephisto âž¡ What heat?

Lucifer âž¡ Their attitude and rise in power. For some time now, Witches are no longer paying homage to us devils. They can’t be allowed to get off our leash. We are their masters, their gods.

Mephisto âž¡ This is ridiculous. Without us, the Witches can use the dark arts.

Lucifer âž¡ What about the White (holy) magic? If they get to master that, what makes you think they’ll bother with us.

Mephisto âž¡ You’re just exaggerating.

Satan âž¡ Oh my. (laughs)

Mephisto âž¡ What’s funny?

Satan âž¡ Seems like we have a new player. Belial has decided to join the fray.

Mephisto âž¡ Belial!? Why doesn’t that dog know his place? How did he manage to get involved in this.

Lucifer âž¡ Isn’t it obvious? That bitch Evlyn bit the hands that fed her (chuckles).

Satan âž¡ Is her betrayal funny to you?

Lucifer âž¡ Well, even if she doesn’t know. You did betray her first so….

Mephisto âž¡ I knew she wasn’t to be trusted. I bet she made a deal with Belial to get him out of hell.

Satan âž¡ I won’t let that happen. That dog doesn’t deserve to even breath the air of this world.

Lucifer âž¡ So what do you intend to do?

Satan âž¡ (chuckles viciously) For now, nothing but believe me when I say this, this conflict is far from over. This is just the beginning.


Meanwhile here in the Witches Realm, Evlyn and Rose engage one another without hesitation immediately after their conversation. Using the darkness to her advantage, Rose instantly summons thousands of her shadow minions Andrew unleashes them on Evlyn. Amazed by the display of magic before her, the ancient witch retaliates instantly by summoning her own monsters using Satan’s power.
Within a blink of an eye, the ruined council grounds rumbled thunderously as both monsters clashed vigorously and savagely. Unfortunately for Evlyn’s monsters they were greatly outnumbered and massacred by Rose’s shadow monsters who were multiplying like crazy. Apart from being outnumbered and annihilated, Evlyn’s monsters were also absorbed by Rose’s shadow monsters who turned them against her. As soon as the ancient witch realized the odds against her, she quickly switches up her game. In that moment, Evlyn casts an earth spell creating a small yet powerful earthquake and rumbling at the same time. Not only did the ground tear itself apart but it also popped out big gigantic rocky spikes but Evlyn didn’t stop there.
After casting the earth spell, Evlyn uses levitation spell lifting big chunks of the council grounds into the sky. One by one, the council grounds broke apart and began to rise into the sky and as soon as reached hundreds of meters, the big pile of earth began to merge into one transforming into a massive boulder. Whilst this phenomenal event was occuring, Rose orders her shadow minions to stop Evlyn but they were intercepted by giant golems which had suddenly rose from the ground. Despite seeing how the massive golems were decimating her minions, Rose chuckles defiantly and then triples the number of her minions and all it took was seconds for them to re-emerge like ants. Now outnumbered by the shadow monsters, the golems fell as they were reduced back to their former state and with that, Evlyn was left alone and defenseless.
Seeing how resourceful Rose’s magic was, Evlyn decides to end things quickly by letting her huge massive boulder drop on top of the shadow witch. The boulder came down so fast and swiftly like a meteor and as soon as it hit the earth, the outcome was devastating and disastrous. The whole Witches Realm shook tremendously as the boulder crashed back into the earth. Not only did the giant pile of sands and stone decimate the council grounds and it’s vicinity within miles but it also shattered into pieces scattering over all the place. The thundering rumbling went on for some seconds before everywhere was calm and quiet leaving nothing but thick cloud of dust.
In that quiet moment, Evlyn rose from the rubble barely looking tired at all. In fact, she wasn’t feeling any exhaustion despite using such a powerful magic which required a lot of magical energy. Seeing the mayhem that her magic had caused, Evlyn begins to laugh admiring her work but then her excitement was cut short by an unexpected attack which came out of nowhere or rather out of the shadows. Despite dodging in the nick of time, Evlyn’s right cheek was cut by Rose’s black rod and as soon as she looked at the direction where it came from, she was stunned as soon as she saw who was behind the sneaky attack.
Standing just a few meters away from her ancient rival, Rose heaves and smiles defiantly as she steps out of her own shadow. After stretching out her back, the shadow witch snaps her finger and within a blink of an eye, all of her shadow minions immediately rose from the shadows as well. Despite being devastated by the fact that Rose had survived the impact of the massive boulder without any injuries, Evlyn laughs and began to express her desire for the latter’s magic.

Evlyn âž¡ (laughs) Your magic is impressive. Magnificent! If only you had accepted to be my ally, conquering this world would have been a lot easier but since you’ve refused, I will take your magic and make it mine. All I have to do is get my hands on you.

Rose âž¡ There can be only one shadow witch and that’s me. You will never have my power!

Evlyn âž¡ We shall see about it. Let’s see if you can survive what comes next.

Rose âž¡ Oh, I won’t let you. Nuking that boulder on top of me was overkill, let me show you a little bit of mine.

In that moment, Rose cuts the palm of her left hand with her nail letting her blood drip on the ground right in front of her feet. Immediately after spilling her blood, the shadows quickly absorbs Rose’s blood and within a blink of an eye, an enormous monster bounded in black chains emerged from the shadows. The monster wasn’t just large in size but it’s features was so intimating and alarming that even Evlyn felt goosebumps all over her. Shortly after emerging from the shadows, the monster suddenly began to roar wildly trying to break free from it’s restrains. As if it’s features wasn’t frightening enough, the monster began to act wildly, struggling with all it’s might to see itself free.

Evlyn âž¡ What is that thing?

Rose âž¡ This is one of my trophies. I call him *Juju*

Evlyn âž¡ Juju?

Rose âž¡ Yes, this freak here is so powerful that it kills and also feeds on anything. Be it humans or supernatural beings including demons.

Evlyn âž¡ Impossible! It can’t be. Demons are the most powerful supernatural beings.

Rose âž¡ (chuckles) Dey play. You never see anything. Juju is not from this world either. According to the Muslim’s text, this monster and it’s kind will appear at the end of times. They will ravage this world and everything in it before Judgment day. The only prophet capable of destroying them is Jesus.

Evlyn âž¡ if this monster is so powerful, how did you catch it?

Rose âž¡ Oh I didn’t. My mom did. She couldn’t kill it so she sealed it and gave it to me as a present. She warned me not to let it out unless I’m in a difficult position which I’m not (laughs).

Evlyn âž¡ You crazy bitch! You let out this being despite knowing what it is and what does.

Rose âž¡ Oh, Juju won’t harm me. We have a special connection so it has taking a liking to me. All of centuries of feeding it countless humans has paid off. You on the other hand are doomed. Tell me Juju, are you hungry?

Juju âž¡ (roars angrily)

Rose âž¡ Alright now. It’s feeding time. Time to let the monster loose.

With a snap of her fingers, Rose releases Juju who instantly charges at Evlyn with it’s mouth wide open trying to gobble her up. In that moment, the ancient witch dodges the jaws of death trying to escape by flying away but before she could get far, the relentless monster quickly grabs around the waist and slams her to the ground ferociously.
Rose who was observing the fight from the sidelines laughed viciously as her ridiculously powerful pet dominated the ancient with it’s raw and brutal strength. Seeing that fighting her adversary’s minion at close range would lead to an instant and painful death, Evlyn decides to create some space between her and the monster so that she could attack it using long range attacks but unfortunately for her, the latter wouldn’t let her. Juju’s senses was super enhanced, it easily read Evlyn’s movement and anticipates what she would do next and as if that wasn’t scary enough, the freakish being despite it’s enormous size had the speed that was closely similar to that of lightning. After struggling with her monstrous adversary for a while, Evlyn manages to get the break she needed to turn the tables around. Using the impact of Juju’s devastating punches, Evlyn propels herself into the sky where she quickly unleashes her counter attack by creating hundreds of big eye balls the size of a wrecking ball after which she snaps her finger.
Within a blink of an eye, all the eyes began to shoot out red powerful magical energy which descended upon the shadow witch and her minions like meteor shower. The nature of the magical energy was so raw that it looked like lasers. Seeing how the bright red light was decimating her puppets, Rose decides to turn the heat up by countering the ancient witch’s spell. In that moment, Rose suddenly opens a black hole right above Evlyn. Not only was the dark matter massive but within it was a being so massive that it easily sucked in all of big eyes balls leaving the ancient witch to struggle alone in mid-air. Seeing that Evlyn was trying to get back to the ground, Rose instantly creates thousands of black rod and fires them at her. The former who had noticed the attack on time tried to retaliate but before she could do that something unexpected occurred.
Suddenly within a blink of an eye, Juju appears out of nowhere behind Evlyn and smashes her straight to the ground with swift yet devastating and brutal punch. After crashing into the ground, Evlyn tries to get back up to her feet but the relentless monster wouldn’t let her be. Instead, it pressed the ancient witch even more by stomping all over her with it’s massive feet. Had it not being for Rose who ordered the monster to stop, Evlyn might have been stomped to death. Seeing that the ancient witch was bruised and covered in blood, Rose smiles defiantly and tries to approach her but just as she was about to get close something very unfortunate occured.
In that moment, the black dome which was still roofing the Witches Realm suddenly reduced its range around Evlyn and Rose and as soon as that happened, the latter suddenly collapses on her knees coughing out blood as she held her chest in pain. In that moment, all of Rose’s shadow minions including Juju disappeared from sight and to make things even worse, Evlyn was back on her feet looking better than ever. Rose who was yet to understand what had happened tried to get back on her feet but then her body suddenly became so weak that she couldn’t even move a muscle or cast a spell.

Evlyn âž¡ Hmm, I can see my spell is working.

Rose âž¡ What did you do?

Evlyn âž¡ I fed on your magical energy and your life force as well.

Rose. âž¡ What?

Evlyn âž¡ This dome is one of my many magical abilities. Except for me, whoever that’s inside this dome will be leeched of their life force or magical energy.

Rose âž¡ (moans painfully)

Evlyn âž¡ You gave me quite a difficult time. If only you had accepted my offer, you wouldn’t be in this situation. But don’t worry, once I steal your magic, I’ll put it to good use.
Read Bad Girl Love episode 57 – 58

Suddenly as Evlyn was about to put her hands on Rose to steal her magic, the dome which she had created suddenly disappeared. Filled with disbelief and shock, the ancient witch hesitated for a bit wondering what or who had shattered her dome and that momentarily distraction soon cost her everything.
Just as Evlyn was about to get over her shock, Riley appears out of nowhere and grabs his sister-in-law teleporting away with her. The ancient witch yelled with rage as soon as she realized what had happened but then as she was busy throwing off her tantrum, Riley appears once again charging towards her. Feeling immense hatred for the human before her, Evlyn channels up her magical energy in the palm of her hands and then fires it at Riley but then before her attack could hit something unexpected occurred.
Just like her black dome, Evlyn’s magical energy suddenly vanished and just as she was about to cast another spell, nothing worked. In that moment, Riley who had already gotten close conjured up a big shiny cutlass with his gloves trying to decapitate the witch but his attack was countered.
Despite being unable to use magic, Evlyn’s physical strength was beyond ordinary and her fighting abilities was excellent. After Riley made a clean swing of his cutlass, the ancient witch dodges swiftly and then immediately grabs hold of him brutalizing him in the most savage manner. With her claws deep in his flesh, Evlyn soon begins to bite Riley all around his upper body tearing off his flesh and as if that wasn’t brutal enough, she tries to break his bones as well but thanks to a certain interference, that was avoided.

Evlyn âž¡ You made a mistake coming back here human. This time I’m going to torture you to death.

Riley âž¡ No.. It’s over for you. Let’s see how far you get without magic.

Evlyn âž¡ WHAT!?

In that moment as Evlyn was busy preoccupying herself with Riley, Hadiza appears out of nowhere and charges straight at the ancient witch with her whips and immediately she gets close, she strikes as hard as she can without hesitation.
The whips which was laced with heavy magic tore the flesh off Evlyn’s back making her to scream out painfully and to also let go of Riley. In that moment, Evlyn turns her gaze towards Hadiza and charges towards her trying to grab her but before she could get close, the young witch whipped the life out of her until she was forced to defend her.
Meanwhile just a few distance away from the battle ground, Akinbilege who was tending to his exhausted Aunt watched as the fight went on. He too watched to join the fight but he decided to stick to the plan and also heal his Aunt.

Rose âž¡ That bitch almost got me. I need to make her pay.

Akin âž¡ Aunty, you need to rest. If you use too much magic in your condition, the consequences will be fatal.

Rose âž¡ Of all the times to get pregnant. If we survive this, your uncle and I are going to do some adjustments. Where’s Ebinoluwa?

Akin âž¡ Carrying out her own plan.

Rose âž¡ Which is?

Akin âž¡ Preventing her demonic boyfriend from wrecking havoc to the world.

Rose âž¡ What makes you think she can stop him?

Akin âž¡ She can. After all, that will keep her out of this fight.

Rose âž¡ (sighs) She’s not ready. She can’t stop Evlyn now. We too need to get out of here but we’ll have to leave her in a critical position.

Akin âž¡ Lets just hope that we’ll be done here before she gets back.

Rose. âž¡ Enough healing. I’m fine. Now, let’s finish what this old bitch started.



Being tasked to stop Rotimi is nothing but a ploy to keep me away from joining the fight but still I had to do it anyways. With Rotimi rampaging the world in his full demon form and his bad-luck powers, mayhem and disaster became inevitable. At first, finding Rotimi was a bit tricky at first because his dark energy was all over the place at the same time. I teleported to every city in the country and all I could saw was unimaginable disaster everywhere. Not only were people in disarray but they were also engaged in a serious conflict, there were traffic accidents of unprecedented scales and buildings collapsing out of the blue. It was watching the end of the world.
To make things even worse, this thing wasn’t just happening in Nigeria, it was happening all over the world. As much as I wanted to save everyone, I couldn’t, there was nothing I could do except to find Rotimi who’s the source of all this problems.
At first, I began to teleport to the places where I sensed his dark energy but immediately I got there, Rotimi was no where in sight but still his dark energy was still there and that began to puzzle me. The possibility of a demon being in all places at once and at the same time is next to impossibility but that could only be possible if it’s divided itself in all of this places. Knowing Rotimi fully well, I know there’s no way he could divide himself unless if he somehow managed to spread himself all over the place.
After some minutes of processing and probability, I figured out where Rotimi was and it was right over my head. In that moment, I looked at the sky and traced the root of the dark energy and all of them pointed straight to the sky. In that moment, I teleported myself upwards and here before my very eyes was Rotimi in his massive form hovering like a cloud in the sky. His form was absolutely terrifying and menacing, the vibe around him was just filled with hate and rage. Despite what he was doing, I couldn’t blame or despise him, Evlyn corrupted his mind and she used his inner pain and childhood trauma to transform him into this. In that moment as I was about to stop Rotimi, his aunt appeared out of nowhere and stood between me and him.

Folade âž¡ Ebinoluwa, what are you trying to do?

Ebinoluwa âž¡ I can’t allow this. I’m sorry. Lots of innocent lives are at stake and there will be nothing left if this continues.

Folade âž¡ I knew it. First you turn him against me and now you’re trying to kill him.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ I’m not going to kill him. I still love him.

Folade âž¡ If you love him, let him carry out his vengeance. Those humans deserved what they’re getting.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ True but not all of them victimized him.

Folade âž¡ It’s too late now. You can’t do anything. Rotimi has turned and you can’t manipulate him anymore.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ I didn’t manipulate him. He deserves better than this.

Folade âž¡ He’s a demon. This is his life.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ No, it’s not.

Folade âž¡ Stand down now. If you interfere, you’ll the sworn enemy of us demons till eternity.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ I don’t care. So be it.

Folade âž¡ Even after spreading your legs and making love to him, you’d still turn on him in the last moments. You witch are all the same.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ Like I said. I won’t kill him but I won’t let him do this anymore.

Folade âž¡ Let’s see you try that.

Suddenly just as I was about to cast a spell, hundreds of demons appeared out of nowhere and surrounded me. They were all massive and in their true forms, even Rotimi’s aunt transformed into her true form to stop me. Seeing that the odds were against me, I decided to finish this as quickly as I could and thanks to the front row seat I got from Evlyn and Orisaye’s fight, I knew exactly which spell to use.
Realizing that I was about to make a move, Folade signaled the other demons to attack me but before they could get close, I snapped my finger and casted Orisaye’s powerful spell. The sky lit up so brightly that it was hard to see, Folade and her demon company scattered as soon as I activated the spell, even Rotimi became so restless that he was forced to flee but I didn’t let him go easily.
As Rotimi flew through the clouds in the sky, I chased him as closely as I could but he was too fast. Seeing that he could disappear, I decided to lit the sky with powerful bolts of lighting to slow him down and that worked as I expected. In his haste to escape, Rotimi was struck with a lighting and it hurt him pretty bad. After flying around for a while, Rotimi and I arrived at the far side of the world, where he secured himself in his mountain sanctuary where we made love before I was captured. After Rotimi flew into the mountain, I stood in front of the place recalling the wonderful moment we had until hell broke loose. Recalling that wonderful moment made me shed tears, it was just sad that we might never get to this close ever again. After standing in front of the mountain for a while, I went into the cave and saw Rotimi growling angrily, I couldn’t see him body cause it was now in a foggy form, all I could see was his big bright red eyes which was staring at me. Killing Rotimi would definitely bring an end to all of this but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I couldn’t live with myself if I ended his life.
Despite how dangerous it was, I decided to get close to Rotimi. I wasn’t comfortable with the way he was staring at him. It was like he was staring at his hated enemy. Rotimi was restless as soon as he saw me approaching him, he lurched himself forward to strike but as soon as he got close, he stopped. This time around, his face was in full view and I didn’t hesitate to touch him. Rotimi suddenly became calm as soon as he felt my touch. I didn’t know if it was instinct or that he recognized me but right in that moment, I knew there was still hope to save him.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ I’m sorry for everything. If only I had been stronger, none of this would have happened. If I survive this, I will definitely find a way to save you. This I promise you love.

Everything seemed peaceful in that moment but then Rotimi became wild and struck. He didn’t kill me but there was several cuts all over my body. Everything happened so fast before I could even act. The last cut I got was on my forehead, right on top of my right eye. For a moment there, I thought Rotimi would continue assaulting me but then he began to roar angrily inside the cave. This that opportunity, I teleported myself out of the cave and then sealed it up using earth magic. The mountain rumbled as Rotimi tried to break free but I casted a binding spell on the mountain to prevent that from happening.
After sealing Rotimi inside the mountain, I teleported myself to the Witches Realm to engage Evlyn and as soon as I got there, all I saw was despair. Here before my very eyes was Evlyn standing tall and victorious with Xeira and Azrel. I became even more horrified as I saw my father, Aunt Rose and Akinbilege lying on the ground defeated and nearly unconscious. Just a few meters away from my right hand side was Hadiza crying silently as she held the lifeless body of my brother Junior. In that moment, I was struck with immense shock that I lost all sense of caution and danger as I approached my father but before I could get close, I collapsed on my knees and feeling dizzy and immense headache trying not to lose my mind. Evlyn who saw the position I was in approached me and stood behind me grabbing hold of my hair.

Evlyn âž¡ Take a good look, little girl. It’s over. Your family put up a good fight but they were no match for me. Your brother is already dead, he would have been an excellent wizard but he’s a anti magic user and I couldn’t let him live. What happens now is all up to you.


Next episode âž¡ All is not lost.

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