Bad Boy's Crush

Bad boy’s crush episode 9 – 10

. 🌹BAD

(A nerd🙎stole his heart❤… Mr grumpy loves me😳!)


(Her smile😊☺😃)

Nicole’s POV

I reached school sighing badly when I came in contact with Sandra and her friends
She stopped when she saw me likewise her friends too

I glared at her with that apologetic look which spelt out how much I cared but she hissed leaving with her friends
My heart shattered the more, I went into the class and still there was no sign of Bella

I wonder where she has been these past days, I was about dialing her number when her brother ran past
“Hey Brad! “I beckoned to him and he halted in his tracks seizing me with his eyes as he advanced towards me

“Oh you jerk! Why are you calling my name? “he asked me still seizing me with his eyes and I knew why.
I didn’t let that bother me
“Where is she? Is she sick? Why isn’t… ”

“She has transferred already to another school”he interrupted me and I was dumbstruck at that revelation

“She didn’t tell me”I replied softly and he scoffed running off to his friends
I opened my mouth to ask him which school she transferred to but then closed it again seeing him far away from me

Is that why I haven’t seen her in school for a couple of days now? Is she trying to avoid me or what?
She shouldn’t do that! I sighed brought out my phone to dial her number coincidentally, mom called me

I picked up
I said coldly

📲Come home now, your father collapsed and died
She replied and I hung up in a haste

I held my self together with my legs shaking terribly
My father is dead!!

Chloe’s POV

Bella, I registered that name in the deepest part of my heart, I will never forget that
Am I liking her already? I shouldn’t but her eyes are still staring into mine

She won’t stare away and she’s making me feel inferior and shy infront of her
Oh… She should stop looking at me like that!

“Now you know my name is Bella, so stop getting into my affairs”she said softly and jeez! Something inside me stirred up at just hearing her speak

Cold shivers ran down my spine, she has an ugly make up on yet, it doesn’t define how beautiful she is, she’s more than beautiful!

“Chloe I didn’t like what you did to me on the phone “I heard Zayn as he stood infront of Bella blocking my view of her

I pushed him aside to look again at her to discover that she was gone!
What! See what this pu$$y have caused now!
“Did you just push me? “He asked me and I threw him a hard glare with my eyes still searching for her, to know which way she went

“Chloe”he half yelled “what’s gotten into you? What did I do wrong?”he asked me feeling sober

“Zayn please let’s talk later pulease”
I pleaded indicating by raising my two palms and joining them together before I ran off to the direction of Bella

I stopped in my tracks when I reached a washroom which had the door half closed, I peeped into the room and saw her in there washing her face and speaking to herself

I smiled watching her …..

Bella’s POV

“I just hate my face”I grumbled putting my hands in between the running tap so that the fresh water will run into my palms

I sighed feeling real bad looking at how scary I looked
“Brad you’re dead when I get home!! “I gritted cursing him under my breath

I wish I can dash that little brother of mine out to someone who needed him more than I do
I washed my face with water with my hair flinging its way to my face covering my view

Read also – Audio Boyfriend

I sighed again feeling so frustrated more than ever
“Why am I so unwanted in any new environment? “I asked my reflection in the mirror before me with my lips pouting giving me a scary expression

I touched my cheeks grumbling
“Why is your face so ugly that everyone even your crush had to reject you? ”
No answer…..

“Why am I so jumpy and scary to everyone, I didn’t wear glasses today yet I’m unwanted “tears was swelling up real bad inside of me, it just needed a little push so it would trickle down

I sniffed still looking at myself
“So ugly! You’re ugly! A nerd, am I awkward? What’s wrong with my dressing? Huh?? “I asked myself touching my skirt and shirt hoping to find a fault in myself but I found nothing

Nothing is wrong with me but how do I fix myself?
“Bella!! Bella!! “I yelled out my name hitting my head recalling every name everyone had called me but what pained me the most was when I recalled what happened between I and Nicc, tears trickled down my eyes

*Do you even look at a mirror?*

*I mean you’re not my type so let’s continue being friends*
*You’re the scariest nerd I’ve ever seen*

My heart broke up the more and I started weeping sitting down on the bare ground of the washroom
Why? Why? Why did he tell me that? If it were someone else I’d forgive him but that coming from him makes me want to commit suicide

Chloe’s POV

I was laughing seeing her making a drama in the washroom until she started crying profusely, my mood changed instantly
Why would she cry?

I made to go into the washroom but restrained myself
Its not ideal to go in there, she might not want to see me

Still, I couldn’t stay and watch her cry, what might be bothering her?
Is it something I can solve? An angel like her shouldn’t be crying at all

Soon, she stood up coming out and before I could hide, she has seen me
She stopped in her tracks eyeing me and I looked away clearing my throat and walking away to a destination I don’t think I meant

Where am I going? I asked myself when I didn’t get why I was walking away, I turned back and she was gone again!
Where did she go this time around?

I rushed my steps looking for which direction she took when she bursted out from nowhere and I bumped into her
My heart seized feeling her skin gum softly to mine

I counted my breath slowly staring deeply into her eyes
“Why are you following me? “She asked me and my gaze went to her lips watching as she carved out those words seductively

I smacked my lips resisting the urge not to kiss her, I bit my lower lips
“Why are you following me Grumpy? “She asked again softly with her voice revealing the pain she felt while crying

I started stuttering, opening my mouth without speaking
What’s wrong with me? Why am I loosing my mind around her

“You don’t have an answer? So stop following me “She said in a sort of warning and turned to go in the process her body left mine and my steady heart beat calmed down a bit

I watched her leave before following her again,
I watched her steps and my mind felt like blowing off my head.
Then a little breeze blew carrying up her hair from her back neck and making her sexy neck so visible

A scary sensation crept into me and DAMN was the only thing my mouth could mutter
She stopped walking and then gathered her hair tying it into a knot

I almost shouted to her not to pack it cuz that neck of hers is a killer
I wonder what guys will say when they see her like that… That thought alone almost made me have heart attack as I bit my lips again scratching my hair

She stopped walking and turned to face me
“Why are you following me? “She asked me with an intimidating look in her eyes

I smirked admiring her face once again, it haven’t been long I saw her face yet it felt like I already miss it
“I should be asking you that too… why are you following me? “I threw back the question to her

“Hmmmm…. “She muttered and continued in her tracks till she was almost at the gate of our school, she stopped with her head tilted to the direction of the sky

Soon, I saw her spreading out her cheeks as it cupped up showing her teeth
She was smiling!! With her two hands pointing at the sky

Jeez! She has such a good smile, it was fun staring at her face this time
I looked up to the sky to know what was so fascinating to her and I saw a group of birds flying about in the sky

I didn’t know when I started smiling too without words…

. 🌹BAD

(A nerd🙎stole his heart❤…. Mr. Grumpy loves me😳!)


(A step-brother! 😣🤐😕)

Nicole’s POV

I flew into the house panting heavily, I met my mother packing up
“Where’s dad? Is he really dead”I said deeply frightened by her reply and she nodded wiping her eyes

“Yes that’s why we have to get going now, go upstairs and pack up your things quick! “She ordered almost inaudible and I was startled by her action towards my dad’s demise

Why are we packing? Oh… I remember now, she divorced my dad… How can I forget so soon
Is that why she’s leaving when she knows that dad just died!

I swallowed hard watching her go into her room, come out again with a different luggage wiping her eyes continually

“Why am I leaving with you? “I asked her and she stopped what she was doing staring to my face
“Well, this house wasn’t ours from the first time! Your father lied to me! You never cared to know why! He was getting married too!! ”

“This house isn’t dad’s? “I asked to be sure, I was so shocked about the sudden revelation
“It is owned by the loan shark and they will come for it soon”she continued and I was shocked the more

I never knew what was going on in my own family
Yet, he shouldn’t die like that

“Where are we going now? “I asked her and she brightened up a bit
“To my fiance’s house”

A bombshell!
“What! Go to your fiance’s house why? No I can’t, I’m not coming with you”

“Then where do you have to go if not where am going? ”
She asked and jeez! It was a healthy point
That fuvking man marrying my mom is a jerk!

I clenched my fist debating within me if I really should go with her or not
She came to my side and held me by my shoulder
“You will like him and his son too”

I perked up my brow when I heard SON from her lips
“Son?? ”
She nodded at my question

“Yes, he has a son your age and handsome just like you”she described and it made me more drawn not to go
Having a step-brother!! That’s so unheard of

“C’mon Nicc, let’s go together, if you don’t like there… I will take you to Chicago so that you will stay with Nanny Catharella “she pleaded and I had no choice but to give in

“Buh… What of dad? His corpse? I mean I want to see him? ”
“He’s in the mortuary, he accumulated too much loans and the loan sharks said there is no way they will bury him without him paying up his(his family) debts “she reported and I gulped hard

Daddy was keeping so many secrets from us upto now that he died
I sighed muttering RIP under my breath with mom patting my back and telling me to take it easy

Chloe’s POV

I searched for her inside the little crowd formed at the counter of the cafeteria, each waiting to get his or her own food

She wasn’t there and she wasn’t in class too, I wonder where she is… I thought when I saw her walk out from somewhere with Audrey by her side

I wanted to call her name but checked myself when my phone buzzed, vibrated before it started ringing, I brought it out of my pocket to check the caller
It was dad!

I panicked scrolling the green call *emoji* button to the answer *emoji*
I called airily trying to sound fine
I cleared my throat

📲where are you?
He asked me

📲In school of course
I replied shivering slightly, why that question?

My mind told me that he might be home now, he always come back from his trip unannounced to me
Always taking me unawares

📲Hmmmmm.. And that’s why one of my car is missing from the garage !

My eyes widened, oh no! He’s home!!…

📲I’m bringing it home now! I’m sorry
I ran to the class, picked up my backpack running into Zayn again

“What’s wrong Chloe? ”

“Zayn, I will call you later cuz right now I’m in trouble ”
“Trouble? “He queried and I nodded slightly
“Yes my dad is home”

His expression changed to that of surprise and I nodded to make my words sink down into him before I patted his shoulder slightly running off to go meet my dad

Bella’s POV

School closed for the day and I waved at Audrey who was set to leave
“Bye! “I waved and she nodded coming close to me

“Yeah… But I wanted to ask you a question”she requested
“Go on”I urged her

“Do you guys know each other before?… “She saw the confusion written all over my face and she retracted her words “… I mean Chloe acts like you guys know each other”

Oh… I under stand where she’s heading at now
Yeah, she’s right… He had been following me around and I can’t tell why he does that

“Maybe “I replied shrugging wanting to say more to her when her friend called her name
“Let’s go home ”
The later said to her and she waved at me walking out with her friend

I sighed hanging my back pack on my back and made my way too out of the class

“Where is Brad! Where is that little kid mom! “I ranted immediately I came into the house
“What happened? “She asked reading my mood and I ignored her question when I saw Brad come into the living room

He saw me first so he started laughing and I chased after him as we both ran about the room with my mood reading anger and his reading laughter and amusement

Chloe’s POV

I stared at my father in awe after he finished narrating to me about his love escapade and why he came back home

Crappy tales! I called it… He’s getting married again and he’s just telling me about it?
“Why? “I managed to ask him and he smirked

“They will be here anytime soon”he said and I became unnecessarily curious about that word THEY
“They?? ”

He nodded
“She has a son”he replied and I jumped out of my seat

“Not even a young woman but someone with a kid!! ”
“Naaaah… The son is no kid, he’s your age”he corrected but who cared!?

“So?? I didn’t agree to your second marriage… ”
“And you agreed to your mom’s? “He cut in and I was short of words on what I wanted to say next

“Dad, why is it that marriage between adults is easy and break ups is easy too? Divorce and all this bull sh*t is so creepy!! “I half yelled and he scoffed

Then,our door bell rang repeatedly before I went to get the door
I opened it to see a tall guy, the same height with me standing infront of it

Maybe he’s the guy my dad spoke off earlier
A woman emerged from behind him and I was certain that it was them

I made a way for them to pass with luggages they were holding on their hands
I scoffed badly

Dad can’t really do this, really!! Seriously!! A step brother!!
“Hey honey”my dad said hugging her and pecking her cheeks

That’s gross, how did he explain to me that they met earlier? At a mall right? Sheesh! I bit my lower lips with my stares dancing on that guy who was looking at me too

“So Chloe this is my fiancee that I told you about and… “He introduced us to one another
“Hey”she cooed wriggling her fingers in a sort of greeting and I didn’t utter a word

How do I explain this rubbish to my friends when they visit me? I grinned

“Hi I’m Nicc”he kinda introduced bringing out his hand for a handshake
I seized him with my eyes brushing past him and walking straight into my room ignoring all of them

They all should go to hell for all I care!!
Such a mess!!

I came into my room and noticed that he followed me into my room
I scoffed sighing before turning to face him

“What! “I kinda asked and it was his turn to scoff at me
“Hmmmm… Don’t act like I want to be here Mr. No one… ”

“I’m not Mr. No one”I chipped in
“Really? But a step brother then ”
“I forbid you say that again!I am not your brother so stop adding STEP to it please”I pleaded with a depise in my voice

Read also – The Weapon Of A Woman 

“Well, I don’t like here neither do I like you
I’m just putting up for a while till my dad is laid to rest jerk! ”

“What! You just called me a jerk in my father’s house and in my own room!! ”

“Oh… Yours?? “He pointed his finger at me before continuing in his speech. “Well, your dad said we’re sharing this room”he said and I almost choked

“Share which room? This one!! Impossible!! “I shook my head as I spoke and he smirked going over to my bed and lying down on it

What! Did he just lie on my bed??


Chloe and Nicc?

War oo

My comment please.

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