The Cold Female

The Cold Female Episode 14 – 15

The Cold Female – Episode 14

© Bunmi B Gabriel

#Frost’s POV

#Theme : Opposite

‘sh*t! Slow down!’ Beta Dandy shouted. I laughed and ran faster. I was racing with his children, the twins Daniel and Darrell and my annoying cousin Valeria. Every Alpha is faster than their pack member but mine was different, extraordinary. Whenever I run, it’s like I’m walking on cold air and zap! I’ve reached my location within the blink of an eye. Dad said it’s my own share of my mother’s power

I miss her

‘Sorry dad’ Daniel, the oldest apologized since he knocked his dad down

‘Try to keep up slowpokes’ Valeria shouted trying to keep up to me, I wasn’t even trying. Only my best friend have enough speed to challenge me.

‘Oomph!’ I grunted as I hit a wall and fell on my butt. ‘Ow!’ I looked up at the wall and grinned sheepishly. It was dad. He stood there with arms folded and l-ips pressed into a straight line. The others couldn’t stop themselves on time so they tripped over me and fell on top of me

‘Frost’ dad called sternly. I pushed Daniel’s butt off my face with a hærd smack

‘Your butt smells like poo, don’t you wash your butt after you take a crap?’ I snapped

‘One word and I will fart in your mouth’ he said frowningly

‘Because I will be nice enough to let you fart’ I said sarcastically

‘Darrell!!! You pervert! Get your hands off my br-ast!!!’

‘I fell’ Darrell lied pathetically

‘You fell upside…’

‘Frost!’ Dad snapped. I pushed them off and jumped to my feet

‘Dad! My man. You are right on time’ I said flamboyantly throwing my hand over his shoulders. He glared at it. ‘Have I ever told you how much I love you’ I said grinningly

‘All of you, stand up’ he ordered ‘get your hand off me or you will lose it’

‘You love me too much to do that’ I teased hugging him. He chuckled. ‘How old are you all again?’

‘Er…nineteen’ Daniel said nervously

‘I’m almost seventeen’ Valeria said shakily

‘And I’m one’ I said shriekingly.. He laughed and pushed me away

‘Since you all lobe running so much, five hundred Laos around the manor with three thousand pound of rock on your back. You have twenty minutes to complete it or you will be the honorable toilet washer for a month’ he said smiling. He frowned

‘Twenty minutes! Uncle Cyrus!’

‘Tick tock tick tock’

‘Dad I’m too Young and handsome for such assignment’ I whined. He gasped dramatically

‘And I’m too old to think too much. Now shoo’ he said with a little smile and then frown before walking away. He doesn’t smile for more than three seconds and he doesn’t talk to much either. He have been like that since mom my unborn brother and Wynter died. I know he still blames himself for their death

He should be over this by now

‘Hey, you okay?’ Ria as we call her asked softly touching my shoulder. I took her as my sister after Wynter died. I really miss her but I have this strong feeling that she didn’t die. Her body was never found so I believe she’s alive somewhere

‘I’m fine let’s go’ I smiled and ran off

‘Did you see the way Darrell touched my b-obs? It felt so nice’ she said mo-ning pleasurably. I rolled my eyes

‘You do know he has a mate right?’

‘That annoying b***h that won’t accept or reject him even tho he loves her a lot’

‘That b***h is Aida and she can kill you. You’ve been sticking to her mate too much and it’s starting to get to her’ I said chucklingly

‘Maybe then she will accept him and stop letting him hurt’

‘You shouldn’t have this feeling for him’

‘Leave my heartbreak for later. Hopefully, I’m turning seventeen soon and will find my mate. Then all this will go away’

‘Coming through’ Mila Ria’s best friend shouted running past us. I was jogging and they were running, how cool is that! We reached the s₱0t. ‘Hey guys’ she chirped cat walking to her mate, Daniel

‘What are you doing here?’ He asked coldly

‘Don’t tell me you’re still mad about that thing, I said I’m sorry already’ she said poutingly placing her hand on his chest

‘I don’t want to talk to you’ he said acidly removing her hand. She smirked and k-ssed him

‘Let’s finish ours before he recovers from his make out’ Ria whispered. I nodded and we tiptoed out with our rocks and ran. She was shrugging with hers so I helped her

‘Daniel is gonna wash the toilet and kill Mila later’ Darrell shouted running beside us. God why did I help her!


‘Where’s dad?’ I asked Beta Dandy tiredly

‘What time is it?’ He asked giving me a knowing look. I sighed and went to the garden where mom’s remain was buried. He was kneeing in front of the grave with a blue rose in his hands. He does this every evening

‘Arabel, you have to see your son, so brave, confident and full of life. He has your craziness and somehow took Cyril’s over optimistic gene. He acts just like Cyrus and you combine. Gosh! He looks so much like you, the make version of you. No difference. Sometimes I wish our baby girl didn’t die. I wish I was there to protect you, to protect our unborn child

Why did go have to die on me? Why did you leave me? I should have died instead of you. It kills me everyday to know I can’t do anything to avenge you. It hurts to think I never protects you. We never had the chance to grow old together like we planned. Why did death take you? What did you want to tell me before you died? You said you would tell me something when you returned but you never did….’he choked on his teats and laid on the grave. ‘Ara, I miss you so much. It gets hærd everyday living without you. Why can’t you just come back to me or let me come to you’ he cried convulsively. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and walked to him. I knelt beside him and patted his back

‘It’s okay dad….’

‘You won’t understand how it feels Frost. I pray you never feel the pain of losing a mate’ he cried. I prayed I never found my mate but I did

I felt someone pulling me to somewhere, like a strong force. I stood up and followed the call to the boundary like I was hypnotized

‘Frost’ dad called reaching me. ‘What is it?’

‘Someone is calling me’ I said with eyes closed. The connection was familiar

‘Don’t move’ he ordered wiping his tears. He ran off. The force was so strong, I walked out of the boundary and ran to the direction. I heard sounds as I got closer so I ran even faster

A girl stood in the middle of seven rogues. They encircled her but she didn’t seem bothered. I knew it was a girl because of her awesome body frame, s€×y. She wore a black mask and a head warmer soi couldn’t see her hair. Her l-ips were black and the skin of her neck pale white. The rest of hr body was covered by a thick black leather jumpsuit

‘You still wanna fight losers?’ She asked smirkingly. Dead bodies were everywhere, like about a hundred of them. They gro-ned and snarled at her and attacked her at once. She waited for them to reach her before flipping over them and pulling out two silver guns. She sh*t them all dead before her feet touched the ground. ‘And dead’ she said c*cking her h¡ps and blowing her guns. She skid them back into her pockets and sighed. ‘Why is everyone so easy to kill. No fun’

She didn’t smell like a wolf at all and if I hadn’t found my Nate already, I would have said she was. We were just connected and I could feel like I know her

The big question is who is she?

Episode 15

Krystal ‘s POV

Wolfbark gave me an assignment to eliminate a set of rogue so I went.

‘And dead’ I said smirkingly blowing on my guns. Too easy. I’ve never met a real challenge.

‘That-was-AWESOME!’ A voice shrieked. I turned sharply and frowned at the person. A guy with silver hair and white streak. His eyes were silver too and his l-ips f****ng red. What an odd look for a werewolf… Why does he look so familiar?

‘Frost!!!’ A man shouted. I know that voice. Wait! I need to get out of here! I turned and ran

‘Wait!’ I ignored him but I underestimated him. He blocked my path in a flash. What! ‘Hey don’t run, who’re you?’ He asked curiously with excitement bobbing in his tone

‘Get out of my way’ I growled and made to toss him aside but he flipped me over and pinned me down on the ground. I was startled. No surprise attack had ever work for me before, he’s so fast! ‘You are asking for death!’ I growled again. He shrugged. I flipped us over and he flipped us again. We flipped each other and at last I pinned him down. It was fun and familiar

He’s strong and might be a real challenge. Sweet!

‘Don’t follow me’ I warned. I would have killed him but I couldn’t. For some reasons, I couldn’t bare to see him get hurt. I stood up but he cleared my feet. I back flipped away from him and threw a tranquilizer dart at him before I landed on a crouch but he caught the dart and crushed it


Why does he feel so familiar?

Why do I feel like I know him?

We can’t be mate. I don’t perceive any scent

‘Frost!!!’ That voice again. My head spun and I stood up, staggering back with a whimper

‘Go’ he smiled


‘Go’ he repeated with a warm smile. One I’ve seen before, one I once loved….but where? I found myself smiling back at him. For the first time since I woke up in the temple, I gave a genuine big smile

I shook it off and dashed away


I flung my mask on the bed and paced around. Who the hell is that guy? Why do I feel like I know him? I feel so connected to him. He can’t be my mate. I’m hundred percent sure. Normally I don’t smell like any pack wolf or rogue, only me but he smells so familiar

Wait! Maybe he’s from the pack my mother got married into

Whatever, I need to prepare for school tomorrow and maybe my stay there will find me some answers

#Frost’s POV


I hammered on Rafaelia’s bathroom door impatiently. I had to go badly

‘Raf, I’m going to pee on myself’ I cried

‘You have your own bathroom as***ole, get lost!’

‘I love yours now open this door!!!’ I have my own room bit I lobe crashing hers because annoying her is fun

‘Go away Frost’

‘Never!’ I kicked the door open and ran in. I went straight to the toilet and released myself with a loud mo-n to irritate her. She gro-ned

‘What happened to privacy!!!’

‘She died’

She sighed. I turned and stared at her unclad body through the shower glass. It’s not the first time I’m seeing her awesomely s€×y body.

‘Why don’t I join you in there?’ I flirted. ‘I can’t wait for you to see your mate so I can tease you’ I said sweetly. The word “mate” irritates her more

‘Don’t dare me this morning Frost. Now get our of my bathroom and stop staring at my ass!!!’ f**k! I was getting a hærd on

‘It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Honestly, your ass will send your mate to the moon’ I smiled

‘Okay that’s it!’ I ran out before she turned me to a snail again. I jumped on her bed making bed angels. Her bed was a combination of sweet smelling flowers. I hugged her favorite pillow, sniffing her scent pleasurably.

‘Raf will hug her mate like this, k-ss and make love to him’ I shouted. I closed my eyes imaging her on my bed. I felt her jump on me swatting my head. ‘Wow! Strip show!’ I exclaimed staring at her b-obs. Her towel fell

‘Pervert’ she hissed. ‘Bark like the dog you are’ oh crap! I felt my body change…she turned me to a puppy. ‘Awwwwn! You’re so cute’ she cooed. ‘Aren’t you baby’ she scratched behind my ear and I wagged my little tail enjoying it. ‘My sweet little pet dog’

‘Change me back’

‘Nope! You’re a gender confuse wolf so maybe being a dog for a day will help’

‘That doesn’t make any sense! Rafaelia change me back!!!’

‘Talk to my ass’ she gave me her middle finger and went to dress up for school. Honestly, she’s my mate. I found out on my seventeenth birthday but I didn’t tell anyone. She’s not a vampire or a wolf…thank God! So it’s easy to confuse her since she doesn’t know we are mate.

She’s in love with me, obviously but I just couldn’t help it. Having a mate means committing and I hate commitment. I love having fun, s€×ual fun. Yeah yeah, I know what I’m doing is wrong and selfish but I don’t want to mark her and end up cheating. It’s better I don’t put her hopes up. When I’m ready she will still be there. Raf hate boys. I’m the only one she gives this full access so I’m sure she will still be there

In a way, I think that’s my heartless point

You might be wondering what she’s doing in my house if she don’t know we are mates, well her mom, Aunt Raquel insisted she start living with us two years ago for reasons best know to her. She goes to the paranormal academy too with her much cooler brother, Aidan. Thank goodness her other brother Aaron isn’t in the school. Gosh! That guy gives me the creep

We went downstairs to go have breakfast. The school uniform is white to the core. White skirt or trousers, white button shirt and any white shoes of your choice. You should see us when we troop into school, we look like white angels with black heart

‘Good morning dad. Good morning grandmother’ we greeted. Dad smiled and nodded and grandma too. I remember how she was before but after mom died, she changed. Mom’s death affected everyone in a way I don’t understand. Valeria was there with the D twins

We live with the beta and his family. Valeria prefer to stay with us. She hate he younger brothers. Says they are wee devils

‘How was your night?’ Dad asked lowly

‘It was fine’ I said grinningly. ‘I met an angel in my dreams and we had fun’ I winked at him. He rolled his eyes

‘I into understand where your promiscuous habit came from. If I remember correctly, I wasn’t like you’ he said complainingly

‘Tell that to your father. Do you know how many heads I broke before I could get girls to stay away from him? His thing never stuck to his p-nts’ grandma said frowningly. ‘I still remember how he slept with my sister and best friend and he didn’t regret it. It was so heartbreaking that I angrily rejected him’ she explained

‘But you still married him’ Valeria, queen of stories said interestedly

‘After he spent two years searching for me because after I cunningly got him to accept the rejection, I ran away. He searched his eyes out for years and when he found me. He changed’

‘Like grandfather like grandson’ Raf said scornfully

‘As long as I’ve got this face and I’m not impotent, then living like this is better’ I smirked at her. Note, she turns me back to myself. She frowned deeply. I’ve hurt her again

‘Ugly little beaver’ she hissed and I turned to a beaver

‘Rafaelia, turn him back’ dad pleaded. She hissed hit my head and I changed back

‘So sweetheart what do go say we get down to business’ I said with a flirtatious grin. Her eyes turn red. Time to go. I ran our before I better an ant

My mind shifted to that girl I saw

Who is she?

Why do I feel like I know her?

It’s like I’ve seen her before. Could it be Wynter? No. Wynter has cream hair, cream skin and a birthmark under her nose. That girl’s hair is black, her eyes too and there was no birthmark

The mask covered it but I’m sure it’s not her. That girl has pale white skin

Gosh! I need to forget about her

To be continued

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