Witches Lust season 4

Witches lust 4 episode 54



Author :- Sadiq Infinity (Capri Leo)

Tags :- r0mance, Adventure, Supernatural, horror.

Chapter 54 :-


WARNING :- This story contains contents that is not appropriate for anyone under 18. Also do not copy this story without Author’s permission.



As the tables turn for Vixen and her gang, here she was trapped in midst of witches especially Ebinoluwa who was now face to face with her. Thinking that she could get herself out of this situation, Vixen defiantly threatens the young witch in front of her hoping to scare her but her efforts were useless.

Vixen ➡ I don’t know who you are but I know what you are, I’ve seen others like you and I’m telling you now that if you value your life, you’d let me go.

Ebinoluwa ➡ You kidnapped my sister and even tried to hurt her. Anyone in your position would have apologized but not you. You’re going to pay but first I need to know who sent you.

Vixen ➡ I’m not telling you anything. You can’t make me talk.

Ebinoluwa ➡ We’ll see about that…. SARA!

Shortly after Ebinoluwa’s outburst, Helen’s twin sister appears from the shadows tossing the heads of Vixen’s goons towards her cousin’s feet before approaching her. After getting close to Ebinoluwa, the young witch stares at Vixen with murderous intent itching to get a piece of her and it didn’t take long for that to happen.

Ebinoluwa ➡ Sara..

Sara ➡ Yes Aunty?

Ebinoluwa ➡ Torture this ashawo.

Laughing mischievously with excitement, Sara quickly carries out her cousin’s orders with a slight hesitation. Born with the same magic powers as her mother, Sara begins to manipulate the shadows around her turning them into stinging bees. After amassing thousands of bees from the shadows, Sara unleashes them on Vixen who s¢ræms painfully as the bees stung her from all directions. Hadiza who was hearing Vixen’s agonizing s¢ræms quickly intervenes and showed her disapproval about what was going on.

Hadiza ➡ Enough! Can’t you just read her mind?

Ebinoluwa ➡ I could but I’m not going to. This b-tch deserves what she’s getting.

Hadiza ➡ I don’t approve of this. The violence is too much.

Ebinoluwa ➡ Move out of my way. Scums like her don’t deserve mercy.

Hadiza ➡ What If she dies before getting what you want? I know you’re angry but don’t let it control you.

Riley Jr ➡ She’s right. Just get the information you need and massacre the werey.

Ebinoluwa ➡ Alright. Let’s get to it then. Sara.

Sara ➡ Yes aunty?

Ebinoluwa ➡ Back off. I’ll handle this.

Using Robin’s magic ability, Ebinoluwa orders Vixen to tell her what she knows about the supernatural and just as Vixen was about to reveal everything, something terrible happens to her. Suddenly, Vixen’s body engulfs in flames burning her from the in,side out . Shocked by what was happening, Ebinoluwa tries to save her but it was already too late. Within a matter of seconds, Vixen was dead and her body had vaporized into thin air leaving no trace of her behind not even a single strand of hair. As soon as everything was over, everyone was left in a state of confusion.

Morenike ➡ What just happened?

Ebinoluwa ➡ It seems like a death curse was placed on her. Someone doesn’t want us to find out about them.

Riley Jr ➡ So what do we do now?

Ebinoluwa ➡ Helen, Sara… both of you should head home. It’s getting late.

Helen ➡ inje oye kalo?….. (Do we have to?)

Ebinoluwa ➡ Yes.

Sara ➡ Okay, o dá ro!….. (Leaves)

Helen ➡ O dá ro.

Hadiza ➡ Is it safe for them to go by themselves?

Riley Jr ➡ Don’t worry Hadiza, those girls are tough as nails.

Morenike ➡ What are we going to do with Chris?

Ebinoluwa ➡ Let’s head to his place and figure out what to do next. Junior!

Riley Jr ➡ I’m not going to carry this sack of garri if that’s what you’re trying to make me do.

Ebinoluwa ➡ Ode! Did I say anything about carrying him? I want you to stay and erase any essence of magic that is lingering around this place.

Hadiza ➡ I’ll stay and watch his back. It’s too dangerous to leave him alone.

Riley Jr ➡ You don’t have to Hadiza, this will only take a second.

Hadiza ➡ Still, you never know who can appear unexpectedly.

Ebinoluwa ➡ Alright, don’t stay too long. Morenike hold on to Chris and let’s go.


About an hour later, Chris finally wakes up and finds himself in his house. As the young man sits on his bed, he looks around his room in confusion trying to figure out what had happened to me and in that moment, Hadiza and Riley Jr appear into the room.
Upon seeing the 2 supernatural beings, Chris’s memory floods back into his brain making him recall all that had happened to him but before he could react, Hadiza places herself before him and calms him down.

Hadiza ➡ Please relax. Your body needs rest. Take this drink, it will make you feel better.

Stunned by Hadiza’s remarkable beauty, Chris remains quiet and stares at her admirably. Meanwhile, Riley Jr who was seeing what was going on became jealous and focused his attention on Chris in case he tried to make any moves.

Chris ➡ Ow.. My head.

Hadiza ➡ Calm down, if you can’t move, I’ll feed you myself.

Chris ➡ That would be very nice of you.

Riley Jr ➡ Ọmọ ale! o ro pe o gbọn?….. (Bastard, you think you’re smart?)

Seeing what was about to happen, Riley Jr instantly swipes the bowl from Hadiza and offers to feed Chris himself making her feel delighted.

Riley Jr ➡ Hadiza, you’ve done so much and you deserve some rest . I’ll handle this.

Hadiza ➡ How nice of you Riley. I’ll go tell your sisters that Chris is awake.

Riley Jr ➡ Okay. Take your time.

Immediately Hadiza exits the bedroom, Riley Jr transforms into a giant serpent and coils up Chris like a spaghetti. Shocked by what was happening before him, Chris shakes with fear trying to s¢ræm but he kept quiet after getting choked.

Riley Jr ➡ Listen to me, wéréy. Don’t ever do that again. Hadiza is mine and off limits. I don’t care what you are to Morenike and if you value your life, stay clear off Hadiza. Shey you understand me?

Before Chris could nod for an answer, Ebinoluwa and the rest came into the room unexpectedly and saw what was going on. Seeing the position her boyfriend was in, Morenike s¢ræms out in fear making Riley Jr to revert back to his real form.

Morenike ➡ JUNIOR! Are you out of your mind?

Ebinoluwa ➡ What’s the meaning of this?

Hadiza ➡ I thought you were going to feed him?

Riley Jr ➡ I was but he did something I didn’t like so I gave him a solid piece of my mind. My transformation was just to scare him.

Morenike ➡ Chris, are you alright?

Chris ➡ ENOUGH!!! what the hell is going on? I need an explanation cause this is just too much for me to process. What are you people? If this is a dream, I want to wake up from it.

Ebinoluwa ➡ This isn’t a dream. Everything that you see happening is real.

Chris ➡ I must be losing my mind.

Morenike ➡ Chris, you’re not crazy.

Chris ➡ Then explain what is going on? Just who are you people?

Morenike ➡ Ebinoluwa, can you guys give us a moment?

As soon as Ebinoluwa and the other exit the room, Morenike joins Chris on the bed sitting right next to him. After a brief moment of silence, the young lass explains everything to her confused boyfriend.

Morenike ➡ Look, I know this may sound very crazy and unreal to you but there are beings in this world that co-exist with us humans.

Chris ➡ What kind of beings?

Morenike ➡ Supernatural beings like witches, mermaids, ghouls, demons. I don’t know all but these are the ones that I know.

Chris ➡ Which one are you?

Morenike ➡ I’m human but Ebinoluwa is a witch and her brother’s a wizard.

Chris ➡ What about that fulani lady?

Morenike ➡ She’s a witch too.

Chris ➡ This is crazy.

Morenike ➡ I know and I understand how you feel. I was once in your position but now I’m used to it.

Chris ➡ Used to it? Babe, this people are agents of Satan, they’re nothing but evil.

Morenike ➡ Don’t you dare say that cause you don’t know anything. My parents died with I was a little girl and Ebinoluwa’s family took me in. They took me in as one of their own. They may be supernatural beings but they’re not evil.

Chris ➡ Morenike, you’re being fooled. These kind of beings don’t have love in their hearts.

Morenike ➡ What do you know about love? Just hours ago, I found out that you were an assassin and in case you’ve forgotten, Ebinoluwa saved our lives.

Chris ➡ But she’s a witch.

Morenike ➡ SO WHAT? You were once a killer but I still love you. How can you jump to conclusions just because she’s a witch. Hasn’t she been nice to you? Or has she ever tried to harm or hurt you. You of all people have no right to be judgemental.

Chris ➡ You’re right..you’re right. I’m sorry.

Morenike ➡ Why didn’t you tell me you were an assassin?

Chris ➡ (sighs) I was afraid of losing you. You’re the best thing that’s happen ever to me. I’m also sorry for bringing you into all this trouble.

Morenike ➡ It’s okay.

Chris ➡ What happened to Vixen?

Morenike ➡ She died.

Chris ➡ Ebinoluwa killed her?

Morenike ➡ No. Something did. Whoever that Vixen aligned with must be a witch as well.

Chris ➡ So what now?

Morenike ➡ Lately there has been strange supernatural occurrences going on around Ibadan.

Chris ➡ So you ladies are going to find out what it is… I’ll help.

Morenike ➡ That’s a crazy idea. You can’t be involved in this. This is a life and death kind of situation.

Chris ➡ I don’t care. I can’t let you be involved in this alone.

Morenike ➡ I won’t be alone.

Chris ➡ Morenike…

Morenike ➡ What?..

In that brief moment, Chris pulls Morenike closer to him and surprises her a lustful French k×ss. Without hesitation, Morenike accepts her lover’s k×ss wrapping her hands and legs around him.
Meanwhile as the 2 lovers were busy smooching, here was Riley Jr outside the door peeping through the key hole enjoying the view but his peeping act didn’t last long as Hadiza pulled his ear dragging him away from the door.

Riley Jr ➡ Ow.

Hadiza ➡ Haven’t you heard of privacy? Stop peeping.

Ebinoluwa ➡ Nice one, Hadiza.

Hadiza ➡ So what now? Can we trust that Chris?

Ebinoluwa ➡ Not yet but I’ll keep an eye on him. What I’m after now is to find out who Vixen was working with.

Hadiza ➡ Well, we’re short-handed.

Ebinoluwa ➡ You’re right, we’re going to need all hands on deck and I know where to get help.



“Every action has it’s consequences”….. I have to admit that truer words have never been spoken such as this. It’s been a week now ever since Christen kicked me out of the house and not a day goes by that I don’t miss her company.
However, patching up things with Christen this time around proved difficult cause she was mad about what happened and I can’t blame her. Thanks to me, She and I nearly got killed, if it hadn’t been for our daughter, we would have been goners by now. Presently, here I was staying in one of Rose’s house recuperating and waiting for the right moment to make things up with Christen. There hasn’t been much for me to do, all I did was eat, sleep and hone my fighting skills in case I came across that mermaid once again.
Revenge isn’t my agenda but one can’t sit still while a mermaid of that caliber is running around, Only God knows the kind of havoc she’s wrecking. I had a feeling that she might come back for me again cause it’s pretty clear that she was sent to capture me and whoever sent her isn’t going to stop.
Although I might be getting myself ready for a second reckoning, there was someone that was distracting me from focusing and that person was Bimpe. It’s no secret that Bimpe has been trying to s-duce and sleep with me all these years and now that Christen and I were in our bitter moments, this became the perfect opportunity for her to strike. Bimpe’s visits were frequent and each time she came for a visit, she would put on some head turning clothes on her voluptuous body. It’s not easy resisting a stunning witch like her but the critical state of my relationsh¡p with Christen, I decided to resist at all costs.

24hrs after Ebinoluwa’s visit, Bimpe came to my place as usual wearing a tight full body hug that brought out all her womanly assets. Her hair was loose and stretched behind her back and her n-pples were pointing out through her body hug. Seeing her like this made my d–k tingle with excitement but I tried my best to resist.

Bimpe ➡ Good evening babe.

Riley ➡ Good evening Bimpe and stop calling me babe. I’m married to your cousin.

Bimpe ➡ Whatever, Can I come in?

Riley ➡ I’m actually busy .

Bimpe ➡ Don’t worry, I won’t take long.

Like a breeze in the cold, Bimpe swept her into the house swaying her curvy h¡ps and bouncy b-tt cheeks. She took her seat on my couch and brought out some food from her plastic bag and spread it on the table. The food smelled great but I decided not to eat it incase Bimpe had mixed it with her concoction. After I closed the door, I took my seat on the other couch but Bimpe immediately joined me there, before I could get up, she crossed her legs and sat on my thighs facing me and before I knew it, a lustful k×ss followed.
To be honest, I wanted to resist her but her k×ss felt so good that I lost myself. Apart from her k×ss, Bimpe also smelled so good and her body was so soft and warmth.

Bimpe ➡ Mm mm, how did that feel?

Riley ➡ Bimpe, I can’t.. This is wrong.

Bimpe ➡ Shush darling, just sit back and enjoy.



Next episode ➡ Alliance.

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