Hot Deal Full Of Secrets

HOT DEAL FULL OF SECRETS episode 37 – 38



Chapter 37

By : Kebby NG Media Services




It’s been weeks since Racheal and her mom started to live with us and not once have I forgot what I saw on that day.

They haven’t gotten close to each other and Christopher keeps on making her life hell.

Have been trying to figure out just what happened between them but today I found out and am so angry, so very angry that Christopher had kept it a secret.

Holding a picture in my hand, I walked into his study unannounced.

“Why can’t you knock?” he asked

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were the one dating Racheal’s mother at first ?”i asked

“What rubbish are you saying?” he asked

” When you were still in your youth, you were the one dating her but you got another woman pregnant and she left you for your brother, ever since then you have been bitter with her and your brother, you sent them away from the island and have never forgotten her for once”

“Shut your mouth Denise”he warned

“You are happy that she came back and that your brother is dead,you think you two can get back with each other but she has been rejecting you and that is why you are angry with her and to punish her you make them live in that little house at the back” she said

“Are you done?”he asked

“Am not, tell me the truth Christopher, do you still love her?”I asked

“Am not going to answer you”he said

“You still have feelings for her?”I answered my question myself

“I don’t!”he said suddenly

“Fine then, will you prove it to me?”I asked

“What do you want me to do to convince you that I have no feelings for Racheal mother”

“Let me do what I like with her”I said


“Let me handle her, let me do as I wish with her and if you don’t meddle once, I will believe that you don’t love her “I said

“Do you really have to go to such length, can’t my word be enough!”he asked

“It’s not enough! Cade father made me believe all of his lies, I won’t do the same with you so I need your answer! Will you let me do as i wish with her”I asked again and slowly he nodded.

“Good then”I said and then I left the study.




That year I did a lot of things to Racheal and her mom and I dont regret it .

I knew that Racheal mom was innocent but because I was jealous of her and angry at Christopher, I became cruel towards her and her daughter until I got rid of the two of them.

Even when I got rid of the two, Christopher still loves her, he still keeps her hand Ker chief and that alone drives me crazy.

Have only ever seen the birth mark on the two but seeing it on Emily today must mean some thing or it doesn’t

This is driving me crazy, I thought feeling so frustrated and angry at life.

Both mother and daughter are dead and the dead can’t ever resurrect, neither will the past come back to haunt me.



“Where can Emily be?”I thought as I went in search of her

It’s been a while and I haven’t see her any where,I thought as I got to the patio only to see her there.

She was there with her Micheal and Gracie and judging from their expression they were talking of work.

They all looked serious and someone said some thing funny and i watched the three out loud.

It’s been a while that Emily has been here, yet she never laughed out that loud before.

Have I only been causing her pain that she hærdly smile,I thought as I kept on starring at Emily, who kept on talking while she smiled so brightly.

Seems like have been doing so, I thought feeling like a sc-m bag.

“Are you sure that you won’t regret your decision?” Stephanie asked as she came to sit beside me.

“What do you mean ?”i asked

“Just look at them! Do you think he is only after working?”She asked and i gave Micheal a look. ” he is trying his best to get Emily attention and if you are not careful,he might succeed”she said.

“So make your move before it’s too late”She added and walked off.

Just seeing Emily get along with Micheal drive me nuts and I feel so jealous but there is nothing I can do than to just face up to it and I must do my best to win Emily love and attention.

Putting on a smile and feeling determined to achieve some thing, I went towards the group.

“You don’t mind me staying right?”I asked and they agreed well apart from Emily who kept on starring at me strangely.

“Micheal why don’t you move here, Mr Callaghan sit is next to his wife, so let him sit there “Gracie said.

Micheal got up reluctantly and I sat down beside Emily.

She would have moved if only I hadn’t put my arm around her, making it known to every one and most especially Micheal that she belongs to me.

“Well it’s a good thing you are here Cade, we have to talk about the resort advertisement”Emily said as she moved out of my arms

“We have come with some idea, will you like to see it?”she asked as they set a laptop in front of me.

She began to tell me of a slogan and also a name tittle but i was lost just watching her beauty itself, why did it take me long to notice how beautiful and well endowed she is, have been such a fool pushing her away but no more, I thought as I kept on starring at her

“Urrrgh…..Cade? “She called softly waiting for me to say some thing.

I came back to reality only to realise that I have been asked a question but have lost at starring at Emily.

“Sorry I haven’t been listening”I said

“Because you got side tracked by looking at your wife, you two look good together, I wish I had some one who keeps on looking at me like you do with Emily”Gracie said happily but when I looked at Emily it was to see that she wasn’t smiling.

“Well that’s bad, if the boss wouldn’t focus, he will just have to excuse us, as it is we have a lot of work to finish”Micheal said

“Don’t be like that! I think he is sweet “Gracie said to Micheal.

“Guys please continue with your work, I will like to talk to my husband”Emily said as she pulled me by my hand.

We walked out side and she let go and turned to look at me coldly.

“Am grateful, grateful to you for bringing my friends here, you have no idea how happy I am at having some one to talk to at last”she began

“Emily I…….”

“Let me finish please!”she begged and i stopped giving her the chance to speak.

“Thanks for bringing some one over that I can talk to, you were really cool and I like that you noticed how lonely how I felt and brought in my friends, you’ve made my day by bringing them over but let it end there”she said


“Let me finish speaking”she said stopping me again

“As have said,I want it to end between us Cade and that can only by done by you, you started all this farce so it’s only fair that you clean it up, as soon as we finish with the project, I will leave and…….”

“I won’t accept it, I won’t let you leave”I said

“You have no choice Cade, you don’t own me, we are not really married and so you have no claim over just as I don’t have any over you, I will like it if you agree to my wishes, I will get back to my friends, now that they are here, I feel more comfortable in this house, Its a pity that I never felt that way with you Cade”She finished and then she walked off.

I stood like that for a while thinking about what she just said, she was never comfortable because I never gave her my time nor my love.

I walked out of the house and strolled around a bit, I found myself walking to back to the little house at the back.

Why did I come here? I thought as I kept on starring at it.

“Still feeling guilty? “my mother asked as she came to stand beside me

“Do you think that I can feel good knowing that if I hadn’t done what I did, those two at that house will still be fine”I asked

“It’s all in the past Cade, move on already”she said

“I can’t mom, no matter how hærd I try I just can’t stop thinking of her”I said

“You know earlier today I saw some thing “she said


“The same birth mark on Racheal and her mom arm, some one else has it”she said


“You should rather be asking who?”she said

“Who has that same birth mark mom?”I asked feeling like I was on edge.

“Your wife!”she said and I staggered back a bit



“It’s strange that you haven’t noticed it, I noticed while she was wearing her night gown, she has the same birth mark but she is not the one, don’t let your imagination run wild”She said

“Why are you so sure?”I asked

“I got rid of her, remember, now go and have a rest, you need it”She said as she walked off

I still felt off about it, it doesn’t feel right!, Why will Emily have the same birth mark, I thought, I have to confirm myself, I thought as I went back in.

I saw her still at the patio with her friends and I went there,excusing us both before I pull her away.

“What’s this Cade?”She asked as she finally managed to pull her self free from my hold.

Not bothering to Answer her, I pushed up her sleeve and saw the birth mark.

“What’s it! My birth mark, it looks some how ugly right?”She said and that got me starring at her in shock.

I found myself remembering standing with a girl and I asked about her birth mark only to be told the same thing Emily said to me and if I can still remember what she said, am sure about what will be the next thing coming from Emily.

“Its hereditary and so I had to inherit one too” I remembered the words in my head and I waited for Emily to finish what she was saying

“Its hereditary and so I had to inherit one too”she replied and I felt myself sagging against a wall.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”She kept on asking as she held onto my arm staring at me

This can’t be, Emily cant be……she just can’t be.

Chapter 38




I walked into the house still thinking about the girl I had seen at the little house at the back when I heard my mom yelling at my step dad In the study room .

Never have they fought before, so why are they suddenly having an argument

“Why won’t you just stop with your accusations, you have no proof”I heard my dad yelled.

“I do have proof, I do have proof okay and the more you deny it, the more I hate you for it” my mom said and ran off of the study room in tears.

This is really serious, for mom to have cried, then it must really be serious, I thought as I ran after her.

I found her in her room crying. I went to her and she turned to give me a sad look.

“What’s going on?”I asked and she gave me a hug

“Your father! Your father is cheating on me”she said

“But that’s impossible, dad will never do that”I said

“Well he did, he is cheating on me”She said

“With who?dad is so busy with the resort that he wouldn’t have time for any lady ”

“Well there is a particular lady, she is Stacey Callaghan”She said

“Stacey Callaghan? Who is she and why is she bearing dad name”

“She got married to Your father brother James Callaghan but he died recently and having no place to go, she came back here with her daughter Racheal”she said

“And would these two people be the two female living at the little house behind us”I asked

“Yes, have you seen them? They are beautiful on the outside but a total evil on the in,side”

“Why do you say Stacey Callaghan is father lover, after all she is his late brother wife”I asked

“Well it turns out that she was the one dating your father but your father got Isabel mom pregnant and she married his brother instead, they haven’t been able to forget each other and she came back here just to take him from me and what hurts most is that your father is a willing partner to it, he will rather cheat on me than let her go”she said crying again.

I pulled her in my arms,I still don’t believe what she is saying and I won’t until I get to talk to dad first, mom might just be exaggerating, I thought this to myself.

While she slept,I left the room and went in search of dad but I didn’t see him at his study,neither is he at the resort office.

I was heading back to the house when I saw him walking towards the little house at the back and he wasn’t alone.

Though I only saw her once,I knew she was Stacey Callaghan.

I followed them and I was surprised to see that he took her to the house and even went in with her.

So mom hadnt been lying, I thought feeling angry.

How can he do this to her, I hated my real father for cheating on my mom and for causing her so much pain and when I met Mr Callaghan,I was at least happy to know that he loves my mom and would take care of her properly but he turned out to be like the rest.

Still feeling angry,I head back to the house only to see the Sxy goddess from earlier, I didn’t know why I feel ar-used each time I see her, I thought as I clenched my hands,trying to control my urge.

If she is Stacey daughter then she is just like her mom, why don’t i get revenge for mom by messing with Stacey daughter, she will certainly regret sleeping with dad when she finds out what I did to her daughter.

Having made a decision, I found myself walking towards her, she was starring at some thing in her hand and she hadn’t seen me yet and so using that opportunity I bumped into her making the flyer she held fall.

“Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to”I said as I got down to pick it for her

“It’s okay, you don’t have to help me, I will do it myself”she said warding me off but I don’t take orders from anyone expect my parents and so I won’t be taking orders from her

“I bumped into you, I caused this fall and so I will help you”I said and she stopped starring at me

I looked up and gave her my most charming smile, it always get a lot of girls coming my way,I thought

She looked away quickly and I knew that I had some how gotten to her.

She stood up quickly and turned to leave but I blocked her path.

“I saw you this morning and have been wondering what your name is ?”I asked

“You don’t have to concern your self with me”she replied turning to leave

“But I want to know more about you, tell me your name”I asked

“My name is not some thing you should concern yourself with, please go back to the resort and continue your holiday”she said

“But am not a guest at the resort”i replied

“Then who are you? You certainly can’t be a worker because you arent dressed like one,are you some kind of thief, I will call for security if you ……….”

“Am Cade Callaghan,the son on of Christopher Callaghan”I said and she stopped to stare at me with surprise

“Oh! My mistake. Am sorry, really sorry” she said looking embarrassed and some how I thought of her as cute.

“If you are sorry, then come out with me tomorrow”I said

“Am sorry but I can’t do that?”She said

“Do I have to tell my father that you thought I was a thief as was about to call the guards on me?”I asked

“It’s your fault for letting me think so”she said looking nervous

“Now you are blaming me?”I asked

“No am not….am just……..”

“Just come out with me tomorrow”I said

“Sorry but that will not be possible ” she said and walked off.

I stood watching her leave, she will be a delight when I finally have her, I thought as I kept on watching her leave.

“Don’t worry mom! My revenge for you will hurt Stacey so very very much”I muttered to myself.



I up quite early and that was to see the resort with my father.

I didn’t let my father know that I knew about his infidelity towards my father nut he will certainly be notified when my revenge is on Stacey daughter is done.

With the morning routine done, I went in search of David only to find him talking to Racheal.

She was putting on the maid uniform and she looked even more s€×y.

David was saying some thing to her and she was laughing, seems like this two have become close, I thought as I walked towards them

“Morning!”I said and they both stopped to look at me

“Oh Cade!you are finally here, I was about to come get you”David said wrapping him arm around my neck

“Racheal this is my best friend Cade…..”

“So Racheal is your name?”I asked cutting David off

“Have you two met?”David asked

“Of course”


We both answered with different questions and David stared at the two of us suspiciously

“Of course we have met, you even thought I was a thief last night”I said

“Do you really have to bring that up?”She asked as she stared at me

“Have you thought of what I asked you yesterday?”I asked

“I didn’t think of any thing”she said and walked off .

I was about to follow her when David pulled me back.

“What are you trying to do?”he asked

“Chasing a girl I like”I replied

“What! You like Racheal?”he asked

“Of course I do, I like her and I will see that I will have her”I said and turned to leave only for David to pull me back

“Tell me! Are you serious about her or is she just another fling you like to have ” he asked

“You know that I only have flings,am not the the committed type and i doubt if I will ever be one,so let go, I have a girl to pursue”I said

“Racheal is different from the girls you have met, don’t hurt her”he said to me but I wasn’t paying attention to him.

All I want is to have Racheal and then discard her, that will be a perfect revenge for my mom.

I found at the reception talking to the secretary and I pulled her hand and head out side with her .

“What are you doing?”she asked as she pulled off her hand.

“Showing you that I meant what I said, I really want you to go out with me today “I said

“Why me! There are a lot of other girls why choose me to go with you”She asked

“That’s because I like you”

“That’s absurd, you just met me yesterday?”

“And so? Liking some one do not depend on the day they meet ,I like you Racheal, go our with me”I said

“Do you know that am some thing of a cousin to you, you are my uncle son……”

“Step son, we are no way related, stop giving excuse and come with me “I said and slowly she nodded her head finally giving up.

“That’s a good girl”I said gently patting her head………….

We decided to explore the estate rather than going to the town.

It was going great until she took off her jacket and I saw a birth mark.

I didn’t realise that I had been starring until she spoke up

“Sorry about that”I replied at being caught

“It’s no problem”she replied.

“It looks ugly right?”she asked

“What? ”

“My birth mark, it looks some how ugly right?”she asked again

“Of course not”I replied starring at birth mark uniqueness

“It comes from my mother side and Its hereditary and so I had to inherit one too” she said giving me a smile.

I could only nod in return, at Least she is warming up to me and that’s what I want.


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