His Virgin bride

His v!rg!nbride Episode 2 & 3

👰🏻❣️HIS v!rg!nBRIDE❣️👰🏻
❣️(Betrothed to my worst nightmare)❣️
Rated 🔞
❣️❣️Episode Two❣️❣️
(You’re getting married💍)
‘Evening Dad’..I murmured as I walked upstairs with a smug look on my face not even bothering to get a glimpse of the silver line in the middle of his ebony black hair…
‘Oh hey honey how’s practice??’..He asked..
‘Hmmm it was okay I’ll be in my room now’..I replied turning to walk the remaining distance taking me to my room…
‘Ohhh Elena who broke up with you this time??’..He asked and I flin-ched…
‘Jeez is it so obvious?! Gosh i hate men!!!’..
‘I’m a man honey so don’t cross the kind and besides I never liked Jonas anyway’..he said giving me a lewd wi-nk and I smiled…
He always has a way to make me smile and that’s why I love him very much…
‘Thanks Dad but right now I’ve got to sleep I’ve got a long day ahead of me tomorrow’…
‘You’re betrothed Javier’..Mom completed her statement and I laughed with every gland in my b©dy..
‘Ohhh mom you’re pretty good at Joking,you’re very good at ma-king serious jokes’…I muttered and turned to leave but she gr!pp£dmy left hand..
‘Javier I’m not lying plea-se sit down’..She said and I scoffed…
I arched my brows and sat on the edge of her be-d with her hands clasped in mine and her gaze so intent…
‘When you were seven your father made a deal with the Duke of Humberg -Duke Viero,He saved your father when there was a bloody war between the two Kingdoms and your father overwhelmed by his kindness made a deal with him,more like a reward actually’…she explained..
‘So what you’re saying is that….
‘Just let me finish Javier,Duke Viero had a beautiful daughter,her name is Elena and so your father made a deal with Duke Viero that you’re going to marry his daughter Elena when you’re of age and when you finally ascend the thrones and from the looks of it you’re both of age’..She said and I scoffed loudly…
I mean this doesn’t make s-en-se in anyway..
How can i be betrothed to someone I don’t even know and at the age of seven too!!! How could he even do this?..
‘So how old is she??’..i asked trying to hide the anger in my voice…
‘She’s 23 or 24 I’m not sure but I’ll call Duke Viero okay?? And Javier plea-se don’t sleep with any other lady plea-se I’m tired of seeing premium tears in your room’..She said and i nodded leaving the room…
Mom is a woman who likes pu-lling pranks since there’s nothing she can do in the castle anymore and I’m sure this is another prank of hers..
I’m betrothed??..
I went into my room and when i turned on the lights only to see a very S-xy girl on my be-d like i always have every night..
Gregory always goes into town to find a girl and say that there’s a ball in the castle and that she’s been invited…
‘Good evening your highness I..I was told that there was a ball but uhh i was brou-ght here,is the ball going to happen here??’..She asked and I smiled taking off my tunic with a wicked gleam in my eyes..
‘Stand up’..i commanded and she scurried to her feet immediately…
‘I..I don’t un-derstand your..your highness what’s going o..on??’..she stuttered as i trailed my f!nger un-der her green Sk-irt while my ton-gue toyed with her ear-lobe…
‘How would you love to have a child for King Javier??’..I asked pretty much sure that I’m not going to get her pregnant..
It always gets them every time…
‘Well i..I would love to’..she replied and I groped her th!ghs and pushed her h@rd on the wall..
She m0@n ed loudly as i un-bu-ttoned her blouse and r!pp£dher dress off quic-kly,luckily she wasn’t wearing a br@..
My mouth went down immediately on her brea-sts and I su-cked just like a baby su-cking it’s mothers and when I bit her n!ppleshe let out a sharp cry…
‘plea-se be gentle’..She whispered and I smiled…
Javier Orlando isn’t gentle…
My f!ngersfound a way un-der the chemise she was wearing and i r!pp£doff her p@n-tie not caring about how light the fabric was,she g@sped as I dug my two f!ngersinto her v**ina and moved so quic-kly until she c@m£ on my hands..
‘Get re-ady for the big boy’..i whispered and pushed her to the ground and re-moved the last of her clothes…
And this is the life mom wants me to leave?!!..
The Next Morning⛅
I opened my eyes and gro-an ed loudly when I checked the time and realised it was 11am…
I walked downstairs past Dad’s study and when i heard him talking to someone on the phone I paused…
‘It’s time’..I heard him whisper..
What does he mean by it’s time??..
And why is he whispering??..
Dad never whispers in the house cause he never hides anything from me,it’s like a special bond between the both of us…
‘Who were you talking to??’..I asked as he c@m£ out from the door and he jo-lted sharply…
‘Jeez Elena you almost gave me a heart attack!!’..He said and heaved his breath…
‘Sorry about that but who was on the phone and why were you saying it’s time??’…i asked with a frown on my face..
He paused for a while and then i noticed the worried look on his face…
‘Follow me’..he murmured..
I followed him into the study and we both walked towards my favorite bookshelf and the next thing I knew a secret door opened after he bent a book…
‘Whoa how did that get here?!’..I exclaimed as i followed him to the hidden room…
There were swords,statues and a lot of things that I can’t even explain..
Portraits,paintings and even gl@ss enclosed vases!!!..
‘Blood of Moses Dad what is this?!’..I asked as my eyes brightened…
‘There’s something I’ve got to tell you’..He replied..
‘Okay I’m listening??’..
‘I’m a duke Elena,I’m the Duke of Humberg and you’re the daughter of a duke and uhmmm…
‘You’re a duke?!! The duke of Hamburger town of whatever you’re trying to say and I didn’t know?? What the hell is going on??’..I asked..
My father is a duke and I don’t know??..
‘Yes I’m a duke,well I moved to New York when you were just a kid after your mother died cause i couldn’t bear the pain anymore and everything that had to do with my dukedom I kept it hidden from you but now I guess it’s high time you know cause you’re getting married’..He replied .
‘What do you mean by married Dad look I don’t know what you’re trying to say or what prank you’re trying to pu-ll but I sure as hell don’t like it!!!’..I yelled trying to keep a neutral face..
I mean I don’t even un-derstand what he’s saying..
He’s the Duke of Hamburger town and now I’m getting married??..
Talk about a ride to crazy town!!..
‘Sit down Elena and I’ll explain everything,when you were four there was a war between the kingdom of Humberg and North ridge,I was against it but then the King of Humberg was a power hungry fellow,he made me go to war and that’s when i saved a stranger from dying which turned out to be King Ardan,I brou-ght him to the house and he pla-yed with you which I’m sure you do not remember —Well as a reward for my kindness we bec@m£ very good friends and made a deal,a pact or an oath of some thing that you would marry his son Javier when you’re both of age and…
‘Hold up!!! Hold up!! So you’re saying that you saved a man and He’s a king and blah blah blah now you’re saying I’m getting married?!!! Ohh what sort of a bull $h!t is this?!!’..I yelled rising from my seat…
I think this is prank of some sort..
Episode Three
‘I’m not joking Elena do i look like I’m joking??’..Dad retorted and when i saw the serious look on his face I let out a scoff..
‘Wait! So what you’re trying to say is that all the bull $h!t you’re saying is true??Dad plea-se don’t do this plea-se if it’s a joke just st©p okay?? what you’re trying to say is that I’m betrothed to a king of something ridge kingdom and it’s time for me to marry him?! This isn’t a movie Dad so plea-se st©p!!’…I cried out…
I mean who gave him the right to tell me this cra-ppy story?!!..
That I’m getting married to some king who might be older than me for heavens sake…
‘Elena plea-se just chill and listen to me for heaven sake!!!’..Dad yelled with the level of his tone rising..
‘Sorry but I can’t calm down Dad cause you’re rattling me!!!’..I yelled back not even caring if he was my dad…
‘Go pack your bags Elena you’re going to North ridge tomorrow’..He said calmly and i let out an hysterical laugh…
‘I can str!p on a pole or walk on water but what i won’t do is have you tell me what to do with my life!!’.i s¢ræmed in tears and ran away before he could st©p me.
I mean how could he even think of doing this to me??..
How could he think of just s£nding me away to an old man in a far away town or kingdom whatever…
‘Elena st©p right there!! You’re being difficult!!’.Maggie,the chief maid hollered as she approached me..
Ohh i know Dad s£nt her over cause she’s been like a mother and she’s still the only person that can coax me into eating Brussel sprouts…
‘Look Maggie I know what you’re going to say but the answer is no —I’m not getting married to anyone and if you’d excuse me I’m going to the race track to drive the hell out of my life’…I replied and hopped in my Maserati and drove off immediately..
What i nee-d right now is a drink and to drive my hell out on the track…
I’m getting married…
I opened my eyes only to see a girl on my be-d stark n-ked and when I turned around to check the time I freaked out…
‘Yikes!!!’..I yelped seeing that it was 11 am..
I’m supposed to have a meeting with the Royal council to pick d@t£ for the County Fair and now it’s 10:37..
‘Hmm come back to be-d your highness’..The girl murmured in her sleep and I winced loudly..
How did she even get on my be-d anyway??..
‘Hey I don’t know who you are but you’d better leave my room before i call on my guards to kick your bu-tt off!!’..I yelled and she jo-lted from the be-d…
‘But you’re the one who called me a..and ask me if I wanted a..
‘Hey plea-se dress up and leave I’ve got a meeting’..i cut in abruptly and rushed into the bathroom..
‘Javier you can’t do this to me you promised me the whole world last night!?’..She cried out and I sighed…
If I always kept to my promises then i would have bought the moon by now…
Always so incessant with their demands…
Twenty minutes later❤️
‘His highness King Javier Orlando the third’..The Royal bard said aloud as I walked into the council room and all the council members ap@rt from my mother rose up to bow to me..
She threw me a skeptical look but I bleary evaded her gaze and proceeded to sit down..
‘So what’s on the list??’..i asked trying to re-move a piece of meat from my tooth with my ton-gue but without them noticing…
‘Well your highness,we have the situation of the Hara Dam which will be fixed and your marriage’..Lord Bachor replied and I snickered…
‘My marriage??’..i blurted out loudly but no one smiled..
Is mom being serious about this marriage bull cra-p?!!.
‘This meeting is adjourned for next week’..I muttered…
‘But Javier..’..Mom tried to say but kept quiet as I raised my hand..
The council members left one by one and when she also tried to leave I st©pped her..
‘Mom what on earth are you even thinking?!! My marriage?! How could you even make such a joke in front of the Royal council??’..I s¢ræmed softly gripping her right hand really ti-ght..
‘Look Javier!! You’re my son and I’m still your queen so I deserve some respect okay?? And why on earth would you think I’m joking with such a crucial matter?? You’re betrothed to Elena Viero of Humberg and you’re getting married also okay?? So quit the I don’t know what’s happening talk cause she’ll likely be on her way now from New York’..She said…
‘O..Oh my God did you just say New York?! What on earth is the daughter of a duke doing in New York?!!’..I flin-ched trying to fathom everything she was trying to say..
‘Well Duke Viero moved away with her from Humberg after he lost his wife Miranda so don’t worry okay? A free spirited New Yorkian blood is what we nee-d in the castle and maybe she’ll spruce you up a little bit’..She replied and left the council room…
For heaven sake what’s going on?!!..
What sort of madness is this??..
I’m betrothed to a Duke’s daughter and she’s coming from New York?!!…
Jeez I hate New York girls…
All they know is s*x,str!pping and drugs…
That’s why I prefer North ridge,it’s peaceful,calm and there isn’t much of technology in it..
It’s just normal the way it should be…
Now I’d be expecting some prissy and proper girl who’d think that she’s in a s**hole as they normally call it…
‘Mother!! I’m not agreeing to this!! This is total madness!!’…
At Todd’s Cafe☕☕
‘So what you’re saying is that your father is a duke and you’re the daughter of a duke and you’re getting married to a king of a kingdom??’..Amelia my best friend asked..
‘Yes’..i replied sipping my cappuccino…
‘Haaaaq this is hilarious,it’s pretty much like the HEARTBEAT movie where the girl finds out that she’s getting married to a guy she ba-rely even knows,maybe your dad is just pla-ying a prank on you you know how all these dads are’..She asked.
‘Mmmh mmh’..I murmured not really paying attention…
‘Hello girl you better snap out of that trance of yours or you’re gonna kill yourself with thinking’…She lashed thumping my head and I flin-ched…
‘Hey what was that for??’..i protested and she arched her brows..
‘You just gotta chill Elena cause your dad is pla-ying a prank on you,remember tomorrow is April first?? Maybe he wants to fool you till then’…she said and i nodded…
She may be right…
Maybe Dad wants to fool me…
‘Well anyway what are you going to do about Jonas,i heard you both broke up’..She asked and I clenched my teeth remembering what happened yesterday…
‘I don’t know what to do but i guess it’s over for the both of us and it’s all because of s*x’…i replied rising up from the chair…
‘i think it’s time for me to leave for the track’..i added and waved as i left the cafe…
Ten minutes later❤️
I st©pped at the club to get a drink instead of going to the race track…
‘I nee-d a br@ndy plea-se’..i said to the bartender ignoring the wi-nks I was getting from the other guys…
‘Uhmmm the whole bottle??’..He asked arching his brow and i nodded…
I gr@bb£d the bottle and walked outside and the next thing i knew four guys blocked my way..
‘plea-se excuse me i would love to go into my car’…i muttered trying to move and the next thing i knew one of them covered my mouth…
Oh my God am i being kidnapped?!…
‘Hmnnnvgghbnmm!!!’..I struggled to free myself but his grip was too strong and he pushed me in,side a car…
‘plea-se don’t kidnap me,my father would pay any amount but plea-se don’t kidnap me!!!’…I begged…
‘Don’t worry we’re not going to harm you if you just cooperate we’re not going to harm you’..One of them said and I yelped…
What does he mean by they’re not going to harm me??…
I’m being kidnapped and i don’t know where they’re taking me…
Oh God…
Javier still thinks it’s a joke and Elena still think it’s a prank…
Do you think she’s being kidnapped??..
Even so why and who wants to kidnap her??..

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