A Long Walk To Nothing

A Long Walk To Nothing episode 11 – 12


Episode 11&12

Liam without another word picks up his cup and places it on his l-ips, he has his eyes fixed on Richærd making him look guilty like a liar caught up in some lie, Richærd clears his throat

“Why the look Bro”

“You know what Bro, you just look like you’ve been caught p-nts down in the act….you look terrible, whites look terrible when they lie, it’s an African thing and not yours”

“Really? After spending my entire life here you still look at me as a white man, marrying a black can’t even make you see me in a different line”

“I so much want to discuss that but it’s just a way of throwing me off the topic but guess what, you’re not getting your ass out of this one”

“You might be right about one thing, I don’t know how to lie, it’s written all over my body”

“So in that case don’t even try it…..so say it, I’m listening”

“To what?”

“Who is the woman, do I know her, is she a popular babe”

“All I can say is you know her but I’m not going to tell you anything more than that…but you can tell me more about you and Cecilia” Liam just sips in coffee in silence with his eyes still fixed on Richærd but he’s not going to answer him, Richærd doesn’t even care if he does or not because he just wanted to throw him off this ugly topic

It’s early Tuesday morning, Eddy wakes up to find many missed calls in his phone, five from Isabel and two from his his mother, he had slept off after a long struggle last night but had to put his phone in silence mode, after what happened between him and Isabel, he didn’t just Want to talk to anyone not even his friends from campus, but about his Mum, he’s sure something must be bothering Alexia for her to call in the middle of the night like this, she’s not usually like this….. He gets up and sl¡ps his warm feet in the slipper headed to the bathroom but just a few steps towards, his phone begins to vibrate, he comes back and picks it up


“Son why are you not picking up your calls”

“Sorry Mum after a long study I slept off forgetting the phone in the living room so when you called, I couldn’t hear a thing”

“How are you? I was so worried sick”

“I’m very fine Mum but you, you sound worried is everything alright with you, are you sick, is it Celine or Dad”

“Nooo we are fine…. Do you have some free time later today, I need to talk to you…what time will you be free”

“Hmmm! Actually I have two lectures today and afterwards I’ll be free that will be before lunch break”

“Then that’s fine….Liam told me you agreed with him you’d only come by for work on weekends especially Saturday but I was thinking we could meet over from there over lunch, bills on me…is it fine with you”

“That’s not a problem for me Mum, see you there then, let me hurry up for lectures I’m getting late”

“Bye son”

“Chao”…. Alexia was speaking to her son as she climbs up to her room , she’s from dropping Celine off to school and now back to get ready for her training……As she ends the call, she grabs the door knob just as she’s about to turn it, it opens

“Oh! Ooops!” It’s her husband with his big suitcase in hand pulling it behind him…..he doesn’t stop as they bump on each other because he continues to roll the bag behind

“Aah! Eeh! Excuse me” Alexia says as she follows behind stopping her husband in confusion

“Donald! You are travelling?” She asks

“With this big bag…. What happened to the travelling not so big bag, you could have told me last night and I would have packed a few things for your travel” she yaps still not believing her eyes but Donald is just rolling his eyes

“We can still go back in and I pack up for you”

“I’m not travelling” he finally blurts out without any emotion or what so ever

“You’re not travelling? But where are you Rolling this bag to? Are you giving it out?” Donald shakes his head unbelievably

“You don’t get it do you? We are not doing fine Alexia and living under the same roof has become so toxic….I need space” he tries to roll the back off again but she holds onto him

“Wai wai wait…..Donald wait” she breaths

“We are not doing fine because you want us to be like that….you choose to be like that, we don’t have a problem, not one” she’s loosing it with him

“You talk too much” he says as he pushes her aside but she will not just let him

“Alexia, I have so much respect for you but you are pushing way beyond what I can hold”

“I can’t believe this is coming out of the man I have loved with all that’s in me for over twenty years”

“People change Alexia”

“Unfortunately I agree with you Donald. Something I never thought was possible… People do change”

“So don’t try to stop me” he tries to walk away again and this time she doesn’t try and stop him but just let him go by stepping aside

“So you’re moving out of your own house?” She asks helplessly he turns as he stops for the last time

“No….not yet, I’m seriously considering that but for now, I’ll put up in the guest room” Alexia’s head rotates on hearing this

“It has really gotten this bad ahh?” She asks this time with tears clouding her eyes but he doesn’t respond to her question

“I’m getting late for office, I’m sure you are getting late for your training too” she openly bursts out, and just the gate way he needed, Donald proceeds to the guest room with the bag behind


Cecilia is sweating profusely on the stationary bike, she’s alone and there is no one besides her, she seems to be doing great until when she sees Liam coming towards her

“Hey there” she says and stops, she jumps down grabbing a towel, she cleans her face coming towards Liam who is standing some distance from her

“Good morning Cecilia?” He greets her

“Handsome” Liam thought he heard wrong but decides to play it cool

“You just got here?”

“My morning was pretty tight and I got caught up in jam”

“The jam in this town is something else”

“Have you seen Alexia?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing, I got here and found your guys working but no sign of her”

“Oh! And She never talked about skipping today”

“I can always call her and find out”

“That would be wonderful”

“Let me get the phone” she walks over to her bag and as if just of cue, her phone begins to ring from in,side her bag, she gets it out and he face changes, Liam can’t miss this

“Can I pick this from aside?” She asks

“Don’t worry” Liam decides to leave Cecilia alone so she can talk freely, he walks back to his office but something disturbs his mind, he doesn’t understand Cecilia, something about her can’t set his mind at ease…. He decided to call Alexia himself…… meanwhile Cecilia answers her call

“Must you always call untimely” she says

“Where are you” Donald asks

“At gym”

“I thought as much….what time will you be free”

“Is there something wrong”

“I can’t say it over the phone….but I moved out like you wanted”

“Are you serious?….”

“I’m still in the house though, but I’m now at a point of no return”

“That’s my baby…..now I know why my friend hasn’t showed up for her training poor thing, I need to go see her home”

“Whatever but please, I’m not comfortable with the friendsh¡p… As you’re there make sure not to forget I need to talk to you today”

“Love you” she says as she smiles, they finish talking and she smiles even broadly

“Finally I’m going to have you all to myself…but I want to taste how Liam tastes too” she walks back…….

Still crying on empty stomach, Alexia is feeling weak and all nauseaus , she has never been this miserable in life, how did she get here, how did this all start, she can’t tell….just yesterday her life was perfect and now her life has taken a rollercoaster…. She’s spinning and doesn’t know how she’s going to get out of it………she’s chocking on her tears and her head seems to be aching, she can’t tell what time it is now but her phone chooses this exact time to ring, just when she thought she turned it off…..

“It must be Eddy” she thinks he must be calling to find out what time they are meeting she doesn’t know if she wants to pick up, she grabs the phone and looks at the screen, it’s Liam, she doesn’t want to talk to anyone much less him so she throws the phone down as she continues with her tears but this time so louder….yet Liam who is fuming in his office is not about to give up…he continues to pester her with endless call until when she can’t take it anymore, she picks it up but doesn’t say anything, she just presses the phone in her ears

“Alexia if you’re there… Listen to me carefully, I need to see you, why didn’t you come today” he sounds worried

“Are you there…. I’m talking to you…Alexia…. Ale…”

“I’m not going back there….. It’s not worth it” she finally answers him cutting him short of words

“Where is that coming from?” He asks

“I’m sorry but I’m not continuing with the training…sorry for wasting your time and effort”


Eddy gets to the fitness center and pays the cab man, he walks in,side and finds everyone busy, he looks around but doesn’t see his Mum, something tells him to call her but he decides to check from Liam’s office first, he knocks at the office and waits for a reply

“Come in” he pushes open the door and steps in, Liam who is fully in a tracksuit is doing some pushups

“Nice job huh! Boss” Eddy happily says

“Eddy! Didn’t know you were coming how are you” Liam gets up and offers Eddy a seat

“I’m fine thank you, actually mum called early morning and said we should meet up here and that’s why I’m here….I haven’t seen her around, is she really around”

“Sit” Liam says and gets up, he picks a bottle of water and hands it over to him

“I see, but Alexia was caught up and couldn’t make it here” Eddy is somehow confused

“Did she say why she couldn’t make it…I could swear she sounded so sure of coming”

“No not at all….she just said something came up and she would not be able to make it” Liam is quick to answer Eddy

“I’ll just have to go home and find out myself then….it must be something serious” he gets up

“Thank you Liam” they shake hands and he walks away

“Eddy” Liam calls and he stops

“Did her decision to come here to get fit have something to do with your father?” This question takes Eddy by surprise but he answers honestly

“Partly, though she couldn’t say it….I just know it” Liam nods

“OK whatever, update me on why she couldn’t make it today…I’ll be waiting for your call”

“I’ll do just that, thanks for caring” Eddy walks out and he’s headed home to talk to his mother…
Donald rolls off Cecilia sweating and breathing heavily, they had sneaked into her apartment to have a quick afternoon makeup that ended up into a two hours long s€×, Cecilia had plans of going to see Alexia but Donald had called to say she shouldn’t do It, she insisted she’s going to so they ended up arguing over the phone that led to Donald abandoning the office and running over to her place but turns out she was only using it as an excuse to have him now she smiles so satisfied her plan worked out so well, she smiles mischievously

“What?” Donald asks her pinching her cheek when he notices her radiant smile

“I’m happy, finally we were able to do it…you have not changed, still the same sweet you…you know every corner in and put of me Donald, you just know the right places to touch” she’s flirting with him as they cuddle

“Wait! Are you saying all that to me really?”

“It’s not a lie Don…..I never thought this would ever be possible, I was all worried you now hated me”

“Why should I my princess, I love you and now I’m so ready to finish what we started…..I can’t wait to put a ring on that finger” she blushes

“I love you”

“Say that again” she leans closer

“I need to freshen up and go back to the office, I didn’t come here for this” he tries to sit up

“Are you regretting it”

“Nooo…..I could stay here with you in my arms for ages without any complain but duty calls”

“I know….I forgot Donald doesn’t trade his work for anything in the world”

“You can say that again but guess what, I’ll be back later in the evening”

“For dinner?”

“You never know it could be more than dinner”

“Sounds inviting….I’ll prepare something so rom-ntic” he finally gets away from her and enters the bathroom to take a quick after lunch shower to head back to the office…..

“Mum” Eddy calls on getting in the house, he had hoped to find her cheerfully in the living room or the kitchen her office as she loves to call it but that’s not the case today, every where around the big Mansion is very quiet, he looked around and there was no sign of her that he had to come to her room and there she was seated but crying her eyes out red on the bed

“Mum” he had called and she looks up, she tries to clean her tears up but it’s too late, he has seen it, she smiles amid it

“What is it Mum… Why are you crying” he is all concerned and worried, he sits next to her

“What are you doing here son, you shouldn’t be here” she tries to shift from him but Eddy is quick, he holds onto her

“We are supposed to meet up and talk over lunch remember?” she shakes her head

“What is going on Mum… You are hiding something…. Something is not right and if you’re not going to share it, it’s going to take a toll on you…..”

“I’m very fine”

“Mum, don’t even lie about it….. does this have anything to do with Dad” he asks and she looks aside

“Please be open and answer me Mum” she turns and looks at him

“It is right?”

“Look around this room….look critically son and tell me” she says

“I don’t get it” Eddy responds

“Do it” he does, he looks around in confusion

“Tell me just what it is Mum…you’re freaking scaring me”

“Your father moved out”

“Out….out of where to where?”

“Out of this room”

“It’s a lie?”

“I wish it was” she begins to cry again and he’s tearing up too but this time he lets her speak as she cries

“He doesn’t love me….he says I’m too fat….he says he doesn’t just love me anymore” Eddy just gathers his mother in his arms and lets her cry

“Mum…..are you sure Dad said that? Did he really mean it” she some how calms down and composes herself enough to talk to him

“I was in denial too but since he was so flat with me about why he was no longer comfortable with me”

“Was that the reason why you agreed to come to the gym with me?” Alexia poses

“Wait, did you know about this before Eddy”

“No Mum… No! I only wanted to help you be fit that’s all but if this is the real reason why Dad already packed out of the room, then I’m so disappointed in him”

“Please son don’t say that about your Father”

“I’m not taking sides Mum but Dad can not just wake up one morning or come back one evening and change this much” he gets up

“Where are you going” Alexia asks

“Don’t worry Mum…. This is going to be resolved”

“Where are you going” she asks again

“I’m going to fix this”

“No wait….son” Eddy heads out of the house and Alexia can only stare in defeat

Donald is back to the office from meeting up with his lover, his assistant comes in with some files for him to fill immediately, he is just about to sign when the door to his office opens, he and his assistant turn to see Eddy, a very different Eddy and something about his appearance today isn’t right

“You may go, I’ll call you when I’m done”

“Thank you sir” the woman walks passed Eddy and greets him but he doesn’t respond, his eyes are just fixed on his Father

“Son…what are you doing here by this time, aren’t you supposed to be for lectures by this time?”

“We need to talk Dad”

“About what…what is so urgent that you couldn’t wait and had to budge in like that…don’t you know this is an office, don’t you have respect, what happened to your manners” he says too much but Eddy feels more angered now

“You’ve hurt my Mum and you still have the guts to demand for respect from me? What has gotten into you Dad” his voice is getting high

“Watch your tongue young man or”

“Or what Donald” Donald doesn’t know how but he gets up, smacks Eddy in the face

“You have no right to talk to me in that tone….I’m still your father”

“Then act like one not like some teenager” Eddy is in tears by now, Donald grabs his coat from the arms of his office chair, he looks at his son one more time

“By the time I get back here, I don’t want to still find you here”…. He pushes past Eddy and furiously walks out of the office….Eddy back in,side falls down on the chair crying his heart out, he looks around and s₱0ts his father’s phone on the table next to where he was sitting, he gets up, grabs it and guess what, there is no lock, he scrolls through and there is one particular number he calls and receives calls from more and it’s saves as Toni

” Toni? ” he asks as he dials the number

Cecilia is fresh from the shower singing sweetly and happily, she’s in a very good mood as she applies lotion, she’s getting ready to go see Alexia even after Donald’s warning, she’s just going to make sure she comes back before he gets here….her phone rings and she grabs it from under the pillow

“Hmmmmm!!! Someone must be missing me already” she says before she picks it

“Sweetheart what did you forget to tell me?” She asks but there is no response

“My love” she calls yet again there is no response

“Donald is this some kind of Joke?”…. She says frustrated… Mean while Eddy slowly removes the phone from his ears and he almost collapses

“Aunt Cecilia and ~Dad noooo” he can’t believe it, his Dad is a monster, he collects himself and leaves the office before he collapses t~ here…… Meanwhile, Cecilia arrives at Alexia’s thirty minutes after the call, she stands at the door with a gift bag in hand and rings the bell but there is no answer, she rings again for the second time and there still is no answer, she unzips her bag to get her phone out and just as she’s about to call, Eddy appears behind her

“Heeey Eddy” she cheerfully calls him with so much vigor and excitement but Eddy is not smiling nor answering back

“Edmond… What’s wrong”

“What are you doing here”

“Is that a joke? I’m here to see my Friend”

“Sorry, you’ll have to go check him out somewhere because he’s not around”

“Excuse me! Are we talking about Alexia or someone else….I’m here to see your Mum but she’s not opening”

“What do you want? To come rub in her face that ~you have been fooling her all this time, that you’re sleeping with her husband?” Cecilia steps back in shock~

“What? Are you going to deny it? Go on but ~I’m not allowing you any inch to my mother, I won’t let you make a fool of her so go” Cecilia opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out, Eddy gets out the keys from his pocket and opens up the doo~ r, he slams it in her face as Cecilia finally clutches to her throat… She has to talk to Donald before it gets uglier….. Eddy walks in and meets up with his mother coming down

“Mum” he rushes over to give her a hug

“Who was that? I thought I heard someone knock on the door”

“There is no one, I was the one….thought I had forgotten the key” he leads her to the couch

“Your sister is back….I was just moving her things to my room, I need company there” Eddy is quiet

“Mum Celine might be a little girl but she knows it’s supposed to be Dad sharing a room with you, how are you going to answer her because she will start asking questions”

“To be honest I don’t know, it would have been easy if Donald wasn’t staying in the house and that way I would just say he travelled but he’s here, we are two strangers leaving under the same roof” Eddy can’t say anything

“I’ve been thinking Eddy, maybe the distance will be good, that way he can sort out his feelings and he will be back before we know it am I right?” She’s asking hoping that her son understands but he’s weeping deep down

“Come here Mummy” he k-sses her and hugs her….after a while, they separate

“How did it go with Dad” she asks

“To be honest, I would Rather not talk about it…just let the nigga do what he wants Mum…. He’s not a child” she nods with a single tear he cleans up, he gets up

“I’m not staying up for the night Mum because I might do something I may regret but please call Liam up, don’t throw what you have already started to achieve perfect health because of this setback…. Do it for me because I still need my Mum so healthy, Strong and active” she’s just tearing up

“I’ll think about it” she says

“Please call him up, I’ve not been picking up his calls because I don’t want to lie to him, I don’t know to what level your friendsh¡p with him is but I can tell he’s genuinely worried about you…he has your best interest” she smiles

“I love you son”

“Love you more Mum…. No more tears and just let Dad be for now, do it for us” she nods and he walks out

Liam is packed at the front gate of Alexia’s home, he has been calling Eddy for ages but the guy is not picking up, neither is Alexia, he has been worried and just knows something is definitely wrong somewhere so he found himself driving over to her place, he comes out of the car and tries to see if he can talk the gateman in to allowing him in,side but he realised this is not going to be a good idea because someone just happened to drive in at this exact time, the person doesn’t seem to bother about a car being packed next to his gate, Liam gets back in,side his car and sits checking his watch, it’s coming to eight pm so he tries Alexia’s number one more time to see if she’s going to consider this time around, it goes through but it’s the same story, she doesn’t pick he is not giving up just yet, he decides to try and this time she does pick up almost immediately

“I don’t want to talk Liam” she says not rudely but rather calmly

“But I do wanna talk, I know you’re in,side and I’m at your gate I need to see you now Alexia”

“What? I thought I said I don’t wat to do it anymore”

“Doesn’t matter now, it’s either you’re coming out or I’m coming in choose…eh and by the way, someone I presume to be your husband just happened to drive in now”

“What” the door opens and she turns, it’s Donald

“Should I come in or you’re coming out…”

“Wait for me….I’m coming” she sl¡ps her feet in her slippers and walks out, Donald who pretended to be walking past her upstairs suddenly stops and looks after her confused….. To be continued

“What is going on?” She cuts the phone and he looks at his phone so disturbed but his mind runs to the cheating husband…. He can’t believe it but something must be terribly wrong with Alexia and he can’t just let her be, he has to find out….

.to be continued

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