
Alexa episode 17

(His Soulmate)
Episode 17.

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Written by:- Racheal Dennis.


Writer’s pov 🎀

Meeting room… !

Xander walks into the living room… everyone is already gathered waiting for him.

He walks past them as they greets him, he simply replies them with a nod and sits on his chair next to his father’s.

He looked around to confirm if everyone is complete.

Warriors.. elders.. the alpha King, luna queen.. beta King and beta prince.. everyone except the Dex family.

“Dad, what about William?”

“He should be here soon, I sent word to him already!”

“Oh, let’s wait for him a little!”.

They waited for almost 10 minutes… then William walks through the door.

“Your majesty!” He greets the king with a bow.

The King waves him off and he walk towards an empty chair. The alpha King clears his throat and faces Xander.

“Alpha prince, you suddenly called for an urgent meeting… What seems to be the cause for it?”

Xander glanced around, everyone is waiting patiently for him to speak.

“There’s an hunter in town!” He said.

“Hunter?!” They all exclaimed in shock.. even the alpha King seems to be surprised too.

Then a few warriors begin murmuring among themselves.

*How is that possible?*

*How did he cross the border?*

*How come our sniffers didn’t detect him?*

They were all asking how come… the alpha King stares at Xander to continue.

“I know he’s an hunter…. he’s a human, but he doesn’t smell like humans!”.

“What do you mean?” Alpha King asked..

“He smells like a wolf!”

There’s silence as everyone is trying to find sense in what Xander is saying.

“Your highness, not that I’m doubting you or anything.. but a hunter who hates wolves and tries every means to wipe them off.. how can he suddenly smell like one?” One if the young warriors asked.

Everyone nod at the question… It’s like the warrior just ask what everyone wanted to ask.

“I don’t really know about that… I called for this meeting to inform everyone what I found out!” He replied.

There’s a moment of silence before the alpha King breaks it.

“Well, we can’t take any chances. We don’t know if he’s really a hunter or a wolf… but I’ll investigate this!” The alpha King said and they nod.

The alpha King turns to William.

“William?” He called.

“Yes, alpha!”.

“You’ll spy on him… Investigate him and report back to me!”

“Yes, Alpha!” William accepts the assignment.

The alpha King look around waiting for anyone with a question or suggestions… On cue an elder clears his throat.

“Alpha, while investigating him, are we gonna let him stay in the pack?”

“Yes, if we kick him out, how are we gonna investigate him?” The alpha King asked back at him.

They thinks about it and nod in agreement.. then a warrior spoke again.

“Alpha King, should we take any precautions?”

“Of course! We’ve got a stranger with an unidentified motive… we shouldn’t let our guards down!”

The alpha King turns to Xander.

“Alpha prince, am I right?”

Xander nods with a frown.. he felt someone trying to break into his mind-link.

“Yeah! Inform your families, no one should go on a run alone… No night partying in the wood at night for now… We must be very wary of him!” Xander said.

They nod.

“So we are gonna take….. ”

Xander tones off the discussion and open his mind-link.. just as he does, series of panic voices filled his mind.

*Alpha prince, we’re under attack!*.

*Alpha prince, rogues has surrounded the wh0le packhouse!*

*Xander! Get your ass to the living room.. it’s getting messy!* That’s his sister’s voice.

Xander stands up abruptly cutting the Alpha King… Everyone paused and stared at him in confusion..

Just then the door open and guard rushes… He seems to be out of breath with sweats running down his body.

“Al… Alpha.. king.. ro…”

“Calm down and speak!” The alpha King said.

The guy takes a deep breath to steady his breath.

“Alpha King, rogues!” The guy said.

“My mate! Alexa!” Xander mutters.

Like a lightening bolt, Xander rushes out of the meeting room and runs downstairs.

The Luna queen turns to her husband.

“I’ll take the women and children to the safe!” She said and quickly rush out too.

The warriors already ran out with Xander.. now it’s just the alpha King, beta king and elders remaining.

“Alpha King should we go fight off the rogues with them?” The beta king asked.

The alpha King shake his head with a satisfied smile.

“But your majesty, I don’t think the prince can fight them off alone!” An elder said in panic.

“Don’t worry, he’s the future alpha King.. he can handle this!”

Meanwhile, Xander arrives at the living room and cursed lowly at the situation.

It’s a mess everywhere, Jenna and the other girls are having a hærd time trying to fight off the rogues.

*Jenna, f-cking shift now!* He commands his sister through her mind-link.

*I can’t! Alexa is here!* His sister replied.

Xander’s eyes move around, trying to find Alexa…then he sees her squatting in a corner covering her eyes…her wh0le body shaking.

Xander raised his head and saw a rogue coming at Alexa in a great speed…he balled his fist.

*Mate! Protect mate!* Liam growled in Xander’s head.

Xander quickly leap forward and catches the wolf before it could get to Alexa and throws it across the living room.

He turns to Alexa and smiled at her…then mind-link Joyce.

*I’m gonna shift, go take care of my mate!*

*No, Xander!*

*It’s the only way to fight back, do as I told you!* Liam growled this time.

*Yes, Alpha!*

He turns away from her and faces the rogue.


Alexa’s pov 🎀

I waited and waited but the pain didn’t come.

I opened my eyes and saw Xander standing in front of me with his fist balled by his side… though I’m seeing his behind.

He turns to me and flashed me a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry, princess, I’m here!” He said.

“X-xander… they’re… they’re….” I couldn’t finish my words and points frantically at the wolf charging at him from behind.

Xander turns and… his clothes starts ripping…I hear his bones cracking.

I stared wide eyed as his fingers turns claws…his head reshaping…long hair sprouting out of his skin….a tail appears on his butts… and within the twinkling of an eye… he’s on all fours.

A gaint wolf suddenly stands in place of Xander…he turns to me and I meet with yellow eyes…just like those I saw earlier.

He turns away and charge at the other wolf…both of them crashing into each other.

“X-xander… X-xander….you…..” I fell down and darkness surrounds me.


I open my eyes slowly and meet with a white ceiling, I sit up and realized I’m on a bed… it looks like a hospital bed.

How did I get here?

“Lexa! You’re awake!” I heard Micah said… He rushed forward and held my hand.

I raised my head and look around, joyce.. miss Damien… Will.. Connor.. Xander.. the twins… even the queen.. they’re all here.

They all look so worried… Xander look worse, he looked worried.. scared.. sad… Heartbroken?

“How are you feeling now, Lexa?” Micah asked.

“I…” I clear my throat and reached for a glass of water from the small table near the bed.

I gulp in down quickly and almost choke… I kept the glass back.

“How are you feeling now?” Micah asked me again.

“I’m fine! But where am I?”

Micah turns to Will and they both stared at each other for a few minutes.

“Pack infirmary!” He replied me.

“Pack infirmary?!”

Micah nods and I frown.

“What happened? How did I end up here?”

“You don’t remember any thing?” Micah asked instead of replying me.

I shake my head.

“What do you remember?” He asked again.

I frown and tries to recall what happened.. what might have brought me here.

Xander and I first went on a tour.. but he ended up bringing me to his family house to have breakfast… then he introduced me to some of his relatives..

Then Miss Damien came and we were discussing.. it wasn’t long before some wolves broke in and…..

I gasped and raised my head, I grab Micah’s arm and point at Xander.

“Micah he.. he.. he.. he..” I couldn’t say it.

Xander simply stares at me with apologetic eyes.

“Princess calm down!” Micah said.

I shake my head… how can it happen? How can a human suddenly change into a wolf?

“He’s a monster! Micah, he’s a monster, I tell you!”

I hear a whimper from Xander and taps Micah frantically.

“See? He’s whimpering like an animal.. he’s a monster… let’s get out of here, he’s a monster believe me!”

Micah doesn’t seem to believe me, he just keeps on sighing. I turned to Will.

“Will, trust me, I’ve never lied to you before… I saw him change into a wolf.. he’s a monster, he changed into a wolf.. a wolf!”

Will steps forward and held my hands from Micah…he pats my head.

“Lexa, he’s not a monster!”

I frown at him.

“He’s not a monster?! I saw him changed into a wolf!”

“Yes, he changed into a wolf…you saw him shift to his wolf form but he’s not a monster!”

I scoffed unbelievably…why are they not believing me? Do they think I’m crazy because I passed out?

“You don’t believe me!” I state. “None of you believe me!”

Will sighed deeply.. he shuts his eyes briefly.

“Alexa, it’s time for you to know the truth!” He said.

“Truth? What truth? I’m telling you a truth but you don’t wanna believe me!”

“Alexa, we’re all werewolves!” He said.


“Yeah, we’re werewolves… We can all turn into wolves!”

I stared at him and wait for him to burst into laughter and tell me he’s joking… Has he gone crazy? He knows how much I hate wolves.. he knows wolves has always been what’s haunting me in my dreams.

“Everyone you see here is a wolf.. everyone in this town is a wolf!”

“Do you know what you’re talking about? Have you forgotten how much I hate wolves? Have you forgotten how a wolf killed our parents?” I asked.

“I remember everything, Alexa!”

“Then why are you joking with something as big as this?! We should be running for our lives!!”

I look around, everyone has become even sadder than before.

It’s like I just broke their hearts.

“Lexa, I know you hate wolves but the kind of wolves you hate are the kind that attack us today… they’re called rogues.. those are wolves that have lost their humanities… they’ve gone insane!”

I frown at him… Shaking my head in disbelief.

“Why are you taking sides with him? Why are you trying to defend him and not believe me?”

“Lexa!” Micah called me.

I turned to him.

“Will is not taking sides, he’s telling the truth! We’re werewolves… Mom and dad were werewolves too!”

I scoffed, they think I’ll believe their c*ck and bull story.

“Everyone you see here are your friends… They’re not gonna hurt, in fact they love you and will protect you at the cost of their lives!”

I look around, they nod frantically.. wishing I’d believe Micah.

Micah turns to Xander.. he has hide himself in a corner, I can barely see him from where I’m sitting.

“Xander loves you most, he’d never in his wildest dreams think of hurting you… Yes, he turned into a wolf… but he did it to save you from that vicious rogue.. you don’t have to be scared of him, he’d never, ever hurt you!” Micah said.

Thinking about it.. I realized Xander did save me from that wolf.. but it doesn’t mean he won’t hurt me when he gets the chance.

“Alexa, Xander is your mate… your soulmate and trust me, werewolves don’t joke with their mates.. they love their mates unconditionally.. and now your mate is an alpha prince, his love for you is greater than average wolves.. don’t be scared if him.. don’t hate him!”

“You’re just trying to defend him! You’re just scared that they’ll kick us out of their town… well newsflash, I’m ready.. they should kick us out!”

Will and Micah shakes his head.

“No! If we’re kicked out, we’ll become rogues.. we’ll be like those vicious wolves!” Will said.

It’s my turn to shake my head.

“No, we won’t! We’re not wolves!”

“We’re Alexa!” Will and Micah said at once.

I stayed in silence for a few minutes… searching their eyes to find any trace of lie.. but they look so serious.

“Prove it! Prove to me that you’re wolves!” I told them.

“Okay, I’ll” Micah said.

But Will stops him.

“You’re her best friend among the two of us, if you shift in front of her she’ll be scared of you too” he paused. “Let me do it!” He said.

He got up and turn away from me.. he begin to take off his clothes in front of everyone.. from my peripheral view, I saw miss Damien frowning.

“Don’t worry, nobody will pay attention to his uncladness.. it’s normal among us wolves!”

“I can’t look at his unclad body, he’s my brother!”

“Then look at his back!” He told me.

I nod and stares at Will’s back, then I heard bones cracking.. finger turning to claws.. just like it happened to Xander earlier and soon a big wolf stands in front of me.

Though its by far smaller than Xander’s… It turns to me and I saw it’s eyes.. it’s not red.. it’s blue!

It’s truth! They’re wolves! I don’t wanna believe this! I don’t wanna believe my brother just turned into a wolf!

I turned to Micah.

“Am I a wolf too?!” I asked.

I’m even scared of knowing what his reply would be… I don’t wanna be a wolf! I hate wolves!

I saw Will.. no, the wolf walking to a corner with Will’s clothes in it’s mouth.

“Micah, am I a wolf too?!”


I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Thank God!

Will came back fully dressed and sits next to me, I subconsciously move away from him a little.

“You believe us now?” Micah asked.

I don’t know what to say… My brother just turned into a creature I hate most in the wh0le world!

“Micah, take me home!” I said.

Micah turns to Will as if asking for his permission.

“How about you rest here for a while?” Will said.

“I want some air!” I replied.

He nods and gets, he gave me his hand to support me while I’m getting up but I didn’t accept his hand.

I got off the bed on my own and head towards the door… I saw Xander, he got up too and stared at me with his sad expression… He looked so heartbroken!

“T-thank you for… saving me!” I said.

I’m supposed to hate him now but I don’t hate him.. I just don’t wanna be here with any of them.

I want some space to think!

He wanted to speak but I walked away before he could.


Writer’s pov 🎀

Xander watched as Alexa walks out on him.. Will turns to him and clears his throat.

“Alpha prince, don’t worry, she’ll come around!”

Xander shuts his eyes.

“Just take care of her.. I’ll come pick her up her for school on Monday!”

Will nod, he and Micah rushed out after Alexa. When they’re gone, the queen sent the others out remaining she and Xander.

She pulls Xander in a hug and pats his back.

“She hates me, Mom!” He said in a broken voice.. even Liam is quiet in his head.. whimpering.

“Don’t worry, she’ll come around!”

“She hates me! She hates me!” Xander said and a lone tear runs down his cheek.

“Hey! Alphas don’t cry!” His mother told him.

“I’m crying?!” He touches his cheek and chuckles bitterly as he notice it’s w-t with tears. “Unbelievable!” He exclaimed.


Alexa’s pov 🎀

The ride back home is silent.. I just keep staring at the back of their heads.. wondering how they became werewolves.

Will parks his car in the garage and rushes over to open the door for me… I didn’t use that door, I opened the other one and got out.

I heard towards the garden at the back of my room… I heard their footsteps behind me.

I sit on the bench and watch the flowers… though I’m not actually admiring the flowers.

“Honey, you haven’t eaten since morning.. should we prepare dinner for you?” Micah asked.. I guess he noticed I’m not speaking with Will.

“Whatever!” I replied.

“Let’s go and prepare dinner, our princess is hungry!” I heard Micah say to Will.

They went away and it’s just me and the flowers now.

I have always hate wolves and had haunting nightmares about them…now I suddenly find out that my friends are wolves.

My brothers are wolves! Even my parents are wolves! Interesting!

Just then a shadow sits next to me, I turned and noticed it’s that guy from the phone shop… what’s his name…ugh! I forgot!

“Beautiful flowers, huh?” He asked.

I nod and smiled weakly…I was once like these flowers.. living a happy beautiful life not knowing my family is not as ordinary as it seems to be.

“You seem sad, you weren’t like this when I saw you this morning!” He states.

Tell me something I don’t know!

“Mind sharing what’s bothering you?” He asked.

I stayed silent…then it occurred to me that he isn’t supposed to be here..this is my home.

“I don’t tell my problems to strangers!” I said simply.

He laughs lightly.

“I’m no stranger, I’m your new neighbor!” He replied.

“My neighbor?!”

“Yeah, I just moved to the apartment next to yours… we’re next door neighbors!”


Now it makes sense why he’s here!

“We’re neighbors and we’ll be going to school together now!”

“Oh? You’re still in highschool?”


I nod. “That’s nice!”

I don’t know if he’s a werewolf too or not, but I won’t ask him. It’s better I think he’s human and have someone normal to talk with.

“So…do you mind sharing your worries with me?”

I sighed and smiled. “It’s nothing much, I just discovered a secret my family and friends have been trying to hide from me…and I find it hærd to accept the truth!”

I can’t possibly tell him that my brothers are werewolves.. he’ll think I’m crazy!

“Alexa, sometimes even if the truth is hærd to swallow it’s better we know it..a small lie can lead to a great disaster!”

But this truth is more than hærd to swallow…my brothers got animal genes in them.

“I don’t know exactly what you find out but it’s better than living in a lie!”

I simply nod and we both stayed in silence for a moment..I see the sun is setting, I checked my phone time.

It’s 5:03pm! I got up and keep my phone in my p-nt’s pocket.

“Er… sorry, I forgot your name!”

He got up. “Brett!”

“Yeah, Brett! I’m gonna head in,side..I need to get some sleep!”

“Now?! Don’t you think it’s quite early?!”

“I need to rest my brain, I’ll do a lot of studying later…I also have to compose a song!”

“Compose a song?” I nod. “That’s my specialty, I can help you!”

I smiled and shake my head.

“No, thank you! I want to do it on my own!”

He nods.

“Ok, I’m just next door, you can let me know if you need help with anything!”

I nod and smiled at him politely then I walked in,side. Micah and Will are by the dinning table.. setting the table.

“Honey, dinner is ready!” Micah said.

Will sniffs the air and frown…he stares at me and look through our glass window in the living room and saw Brett walking by.

“You were with that guy?” He asked.

“Yeah!” I replied and walked towards the fridge.

“What were you two discussing about?” He asked.

“Flowers!” I replied…I take two apples and a few chocolate bars from the fridge.

“Take away from him.. he’s bad news!”

I rolled my if he’s not bad news too.

“Hmm!” I simply hummed and head towards my room.

“Princess, are you not gonna eat?” Micah asked.

“Not hungry!” I replied him.

He rushes to my front and blocks my way.

“But you haven’t eaten all day! You’ll get stomach ulcer!”

I raised the apples and chocolate bars.

“I’ll eat these!”

“But Will has cooked all your favorite!”

“I don’t wanna eat something cooked by that monster!” I said I rushed into my room slamming the door shut.

But I heard Will and Micah speak from outside.

“Micah, did you heard what your sister called me?!” He growled.

Micah scoffs.

“It has come to this, she’s only my sister now!”

“Of course, you aren’t the one he’s giving cold shoulders!”

Micah sighed.

“She needs time!”

I tone them off and focus on my chocolate bars!

To be continued.

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