I Hate My Tutor

I hate my tutor episode 10 – 11

😒I hate my tutor 😒

By Nwauwa Miriam C.

🌹Chapter 10🌹
(•°Messed up life•°)


Someone tapped me gently but firmly on my legs, I moaned softly and tried to move away from the strong pressure,but it was persistent.

“Corrine, wake up. “dads voice reached me, I sighed loudly and finally opened my eyes. Dad was still dressed in his pajamas and had his hands akimbo.

“what’s wrong? “I muttered rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

“it’s Saturday. “he continued

“so? “I asked, barely concealing my anger that I had been waken up so early.

“don’t you have chores to do? ”

“what chores?! “I wailed and slumped back to the bed, Clutching the duvet tightly.

“the house need to be cleaned up Corrine. ”

“I’m not a maid dad! I’m not cleaning up any room!”I snapped at him, before pulling the duvet over my head.
I was surprised when he didn’t say anything, I was even more surprised when I heard the door close softly behind him. I sat up in bed immediately, blinking. Well that was soo easy 😏
I cuddled up in bed and tried to catch up more sleep…

Read – Bad boy’s crush episode 7 – 8


The sunlight was already streaming through the open windows by the time I woke up, I yawned and stretched pleasantly before getting out of bed. The sitting room was awfully quiet, for the first time, there was no maid around to ask me what I’d like for breakfast. Dad and mom were already dressed for work and were in the dining room eating.

“morning mom, morning dad. “I greeted cheerily, bending down to kiss mom’s cheeks.

“hope you slept well honey? “mom beamed a smile at me.

“I did. “I pulled out a chair and sat down, before examining the contents of their plates. Ok, that looked delicious. Horse radish, roasted chicken, tarts even.

“smells delicious.”I had started salivating.

“yeah.”mom took a big bite of her drumsticks, while I watched.

“so…ehm… “I cleared my throat, the silence was very awkward. If the maids were here they’d have brought me my food now.

“Cori, are you not going to eat this morning? “mom asked looking up at me.

“oh yeah, of course, I’ll just go get the food… “I rolled my eyes as I stood up. Mom couldn’t even help me get the food to the dining room. I stood up, scowling, and walked to the kitchen.
Empty. I opened the pots, it was also empty. A puzzled frown settled on my face. Was there no breakfast for me? I reopened the pots again, there was not even the tiniest crumbs of food there. The pots were even washed 😵
I closed the pot again and leaned on the counter. Could this be a conspiracy, mom and dad?
I walked out of the kitchen, into the dining room.

“mom, how could you? “I howled, when I saw that they had finished the food on their plates.

“how could I what honey? “mom asked, looking innocent.

“you hate your only daughter so much that you want her to starve to death?! “I nearly shouted. Mom seemed taken aback.

Read – She is a Demigod episode 74 – 75

“whoa whoa, honey calm down. Why would I starve you to death? ”

“because you just ate those delicious looking drumsticks, and obviously you left none for me!! Dum dum!” dad had began to laugh now, initially I thought it was something he was watching on his phone was making him laugh. But then he was laughing at me!!

“but we left some of the tart, George, didn’t you…. Oh.. “mom’s expression turned angry as she stared at dad.
Then I got it!
Dad had eaten the remaining food just to spite me. Sometimes I wonder if it’s this man who birthed me😢 seriously, which father does that?

“George how could you? “mom asked, standing up and glaring at him.

“it’s high time she learnt how to cook Ingrid. “dad snapped.

“surely you don’t expect the knowledge to just fall on her. She needs time and someone to teach her.”

“she’s had all the time in the world,”

“don’t say that George, she’s still a kid.” thanks mom, tell him that 😒

“you’re spoiling her Ingrid. “dads voice had tightened. The atmosphere had thickened. I prayed inwardly that they should not have a fight or get into a row on my account.

“I think you’re being too strict on her! She’s the only girl, she’s a teenager, they tend to rebel Now. ”

“well I say let’s curb her exuberance before it gets out of hand. ” I sincerely wished to disappear from the scene. It seemed as though they had forgotten I was there.
“you should know how it feels to be a teenager. I say we let her be. She should make all her own decisions. “mom, looking visibly tired, sat down back on the chair.
Well I understood how she felt, arguing with dad was a lot of work and a lot of energy was expended trying to think up something smart to counter his point.

“OK Ingrid, I see your point. But my own point is that I’m not gOiNg to hire a cook, and that’s final. ” With that, he picked up his suitcase and left the dining room. Moms face was flushed and she looked very tired.

“I’m sorry mom. “I said remorsefully, sitting down. “it’s my fault. ”

“it’s alright honey. Your dad is a quite difficult man, I don’t want you to have the notion that he hates you, ok? ”

“yes mom. “I smiled broadly and watched as she finished the last of her breakfast. She stood up, wiping her mouth with a serviette.

“you can have my credit card and order for anything you want to eat. ”
Wow? Seriously? Seventeen years of living with this woman and I had no idea she was this kind? 😆

“thanks mom “I kissed her cheek with a frenzied enthusiasm. “you’re the best. “I squealed after her. I held the credit card in my hand as a little smile lit my whole face.


“no, no! Idiots! “I shouted at the TV, where a live show was going on. The characters were doing some gross stuffs and I immediately lost my appetite for the drumsticks I had been working on. I stood up and got myself a bottle of wine and then changed the channel. My eyes moved to the clock and I frowned. Dave was late today. That’s quite unlike him to be late. He was always punctual and why the heck am I thinking of why he was late or not? Shouldn’t I be happy that he’s late today? More importantly shouldn’t I be praying he doesn’t show up today? Forever?
But then I couldn’t just ignore the fact that he was late. My attention was no longer on the TV. I stood up and walked to the window, looking down at the head of the gardeners that my dad had hired to trim the flowers. Where was he? Shouldn’t he have called or something? To inform me that he wouldn’t come today?

We had ended on a bad note yesterday, but then it wasn’t enough reason for him not to come
What if he was involved in an accident? Hit by a car maybe? I gripped the wine bottle violently. Ok so I hated him, it doesn’t mean I was so callous to wish him dead. I looked at the clock again, he was two hours late. I was tempted to call my dad and ask about Dave. I didn’t even have the asshole’s number.
Ok, so I was visibly worried, I was already pacing the sitting room, my wine long forgotten. My hands raking through my hair, as I counted the time and debated on whether I should call my dad or not.
I’m calling my dad people.
I brought out my phone and dialled his number, I listened to the dull sound coming from the other end.
Just then I heard the sound of a bike drive into the compound. I rushed to the nearest window and peeped outside.
“yes Corrine, how may I help you? “dads voice boomed from the other end.

“uhm, never mind now dad. I’m fine now. “I quickly ended the call before he could ask more questions. I watched, mesmerized, as Dave slowly removed his helmet, while cheerfully greeting the guards. I felt slightly envious with the way he was free with the guards, as though he had known them before. I strained my ears, trying to catch bits of their conversation, but I couldn’t.
Magically, like the last time, he looked up, towards my window. I didn’t hide like the last time, I stared right back at him, my heart nearly jumping out of my chest.
Ehen He disappeared from my view, I clutched the curtains tightly,to steady myself.
Ok, how can my body just react that way just because our eyes met? Maybe it’s the wine. I raised up the glass and studied the alcohol content of the wine.
I was still doing this when I heard a knock on my door….

I gasped out loudly and clutched the bottle tightly,as I stared wide eyed at the door. Who could be knocking?
Surely not the maids, there was no maid left in the house. Dave?
What? Cori, get a grip! You’re getting too wild with the imagination stuffs.
The knock came again, this time, strong and persistent and confident. The servants don’t knock like that, their knocks were always timid and fearful.

“who’s there? “my voice annoyingly came out hoarsely.

Read – Adventure of kadura episode 21

“who else? “came the proud sneer. I felt this warm sensation wash though my body when I heard his voice. A smile lit up my face.
Whaaat? How can I be smiling? I pinched my cheeks very hard.

“what do you want? “I struggled to keep my voice cool and indifferent, it was such a hard work.

“are you always daft like this? Or you choose to annoy me today? ” came his sarcastic retort. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn’t think of anything to say. I clenched and unclenched my fist, wishing to say something witty. I moved to the door and suddenly yanked it open.
I wasn’t expecting to see him leaning on the door frame, a bad boy smirk lighting his grey eyes. I was dumbfounded as I staredat him, he wasn’t wearing his nerdy glasses today and his hair glistened with whatever hair product he had used.
He stood straight and his eyes took in my attire, which seemed scanty.
Ok, can we rewind this thing from the beginning?
Y’all acting like it’s no big deal for Dave Hanson to be in front of me room.🤦🏽‍♀️🤦 Me room!!! 🙅🙅
And gawd! I had never felt so short in my entire life before.
The best thing to do of course was to pull him into the room, slam the door and press my lips to his, but then… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦 I lacked the essential courage to do that.

“you would explain to me why you’re two hours late today. My dad doesn’t pay you 150bucks per month so you can come whenever you like. “I put on a brave front and lifted my head up proudly to look at him.
He merely smirked and looked past me, to my room. I mentally scanned the room and wondered if I had left any of my undies on display…

“you missed me that much huh? “I looked away, suddenly wondering why I found him handsome in the first place. Such cockiness and arrogance, I could hardly contain.

“not on your life. “I said making my voice as cold as possible. He shrugged.

“meet me downstairs in five. “he turned around to leave, I immediately put a hand on my chest and inhaled. He turned back suddenly and nearly caught me in the act.

“and you also know that climbing these stairs is not part of my job. “he said. I stepped back into room and shut the door.
Then I was able to breath again normally…


So far the lesson had been going smoothly, I wasn’t in a foul mood, I was able to learn what he was teaching. Dave was, I hated to admit it, a good teacher. He was gentle and explained things to me gently. He didn’t mind explaining it again and again just so I grabbed it.

“come solve this? “he pointed to a sum of the board. I stood up hastily and collected the marker from him, our hands brushing. I felt my cheeks heat up and I hastily turned away so that he wouldn’t see the blush on my cheeks. I solved the problem with ease. It wasn’t hard. I stepped back triumphantly to look at my work, I stumbled on something… I couldn’t place what it is, but I lost my footing and fell backwards.
Well Dave caught me from behind, his hands strong and solid around my waist. Immediately I regained my balance I quickly stepped away from him, pushing his hands off my body. I swirled around to face him.

“that wasn’t intentional I swear… “I stammered.

“Shh… I know… “he smiled at me, closing the distance between us. The way he was looking into my face… I wasn’t no virgin, I could swear he looked like he wanted to kiss me,… I had actually braced myself to kiss him, even looked forward to it.
He cupped my chin in his hand and raised up my face. I closed my eyes, expectantly pouting my lips. I expected to feel his lips on mine.
Instead he pulled away.

“Now, applying newton’s law of gravity,…. ”

“what.. What…? “I stammered incomprehensibly, wondering what fucking luck I had.

Oh gawd!! Why have you conspired with the devil to make my life a living hell?
What kind of a messed up life is this?

😒I hate my tutor 😒

By Nwauwa Miriam C.

🌹Chapter 11🌹
(•°Great surprise, Yay😒•`)


Ok, so I thought Dave was going to kiss me, but here I was, feeling like as though I had been slapped on the face.
We would never get along if he conti💮nued to behave this way. My enthusiasm for learning had been dampened, so I sat sulking until the class ended. I picked up my book and not even tried to disguise the fact that I was upset about what happened. I had expected him to draw me back and talk to me, you know, just tell me anything, about what happened. But he didn’t say anything, he didn’t even look affected at all.

“so Corrine, I’ll see you on Monday right? “he lifted his bag and began to head out of the class. I should have let him go out through the door, but my fucking instinct again…
I rushed forward and blocked the door with my body.

“Dave Hanson? “I called, mustering all aristocratic bearing I could and crossing my hands daintily under my breast.

“OK what’s this? “he looked irritated, but I wasn’t going to give a damn about it

“you’re asking the wrong person mister. Do you like me? ”
Ok, that came out unrefined. Lips… Behave… 😵
He scoffed loudly, then started laughing. I watched his laughing face, Getting embarrassed.

“ok Corrine, you’re getting bunkers Now. “he laughed some more. By the time he finished laughing, my aristocratic veil had worn out, leaving behind an unsecured seventeen year old girl.

“so have I ever given you any impression that I might like you? “he asked, wiping his eyes and looking stern at once.

“you..you tried to kiss me… ”

“oh, that? “he waved his hands dismissively, as though he was waving the near kiss experience away. “you know, I was trying to liven up things. You were getting dull and, that was the only thing I could think of… ” he broke off and patted my shoulders slightly.

“so, don’t let your imagination run wild, ”

“yeah I wouldn’t.”I snapped, slapping his hands off mine and getting my formidable bearing back. “you’re not my type of guy, you’re lucky you didn’t kiss me, you’d have left here with an incomplete set of teeth. “I taunted.
His brows rose and inch and his dimples appeared slightly on both sides, he was obviously trying to suppress a smile.

“you needed to see your face babe, you looked like you’ve never been kissed before! Haha… ”
That one stung.

“I’m sure a lowlife like you would do anything to lay your hand on someone of my status.” I knew I had gone too far, but it was already late. The words were out, the damage was already done.
I held my breath as I watched him, his face. His face had hardened instantly anf transformed, he almost looked like a stranger.
For a long time nobody spoke, I thought he’d just turn around and leave. Without saying anything.

‘I don’t know who put it into your head that I like or maybe even want you. Anybody that dares to fall in love with you is to be termed a psychopath.” He turned and left. He didn’t even raise his voice or snap back at me
I wanted to run after him and apologize to him. But my pride wouldn’t let me 😢


I was in a foul mood when Boon and Debbie came. I had earlier texted them to come meet me at home so we could hang out.
Debbie came in first. I had to go open the door since the maids were all gone.
“wow wow, what a change !”she exclaimed on seeing me. “you look like you’ve seen a ghost Cori. “she hugged me, I stiffly hugged back.

“Wharsup. “she continued unperturbed by my silence.

“nothing”i said, not intending to tell anyone about it.

“come on babe, talk to me. “she persisted.

“I said it’s nothing, I’m just bored at home and my dad being all mean… “I sighed loudly, hoping she fell for my lies. Well she bought it
And Boon yi as well.
I just felt so terrible for saying those mean things to Dave.
“so Cori, when are we going to meet your tutor? IDK why I feel you’re being secretive about him. “Debbie said, as we sat in the kitchen devouring a box of crackers that I had ordered with mom’s credit card.

“maybe if you guys had come twenty minutes ago then you’d have met him! “I snapped, stuffing a handful of crackers into my mouth.

“easy, geez… Seems like you two aren’t getting along well?” Boon commented. I didn’t say anything.

“so how about we go take a dip in the pool? I feel hot. “I said, standing up and walking out of the kitchen.
The girls followed me out, murmuring :

“geez Cori I didn’t bring any swimsuit! ”

I led them to my room and brought out a large trunk filled with bikinis of different assortment and types. So while the girls struggled to find a swimsuit they liked, I busied myself with scavenging the fridge for any edibles. I gave up when I couldn’t find any. I ordered for chilled orange juice. The company promised that they’ll have it ordered to my doorstep.
I walked back to my room, they were all looking hot in my swimsuit and were aalready applying sunblock on their body. I picked up a lacy milky bikini top and examined it, it was quite flimsy, but then I wasn’t expecting anybody else. So I wore it and Boon yi helped me apply sunblock on my back.
Loaded with our towels and mat, we marched outside, in slow motion,of course
Ok guys imagine this.
Three hot girls, the hottest one in the middle. Her creamy skin tone glittering evenly and her hair being swept back by the wind…
Ok, now that you’re done imagining it, don’t forget to be left in awe.

Debbie and Boon were busy splashing in the water, while I lay on the mat, under an umbrella, deep in thought. I was already forming an apology, how would I begin?
I’d say:
“hey, you know I didn’t mean any of those nasty things I had said earlier… ”
No that one was dad’s favourite apology line, I don’t think that Dave might accept that one.

Hey, I’m sorry… ”
No, that one is too simple.

“hey, forgive me, I’ve been such a jerk… ”
Hmm, better… I just need to work on it.

I removed my sunglass and peered into my phone. It Was almost fifteen minutes since I had ordered the orange juice. The company had promised it’d be delivered in ten minutes, I sighed loudly, those damned company.
I glanced at Debbie as she glided smoothly in the water, Boon sat on the edge of the pool, her legs partially immersed in water.
Maybe I should join them…
I stood up to go join them.
I heard the sound of a bike being driven into the compound, I recognized the sound of the automobile, I had been hearing it for the past two weeks.
I paused and watched as Dave drove in.
Debbie and Boon also paused what they were doing and watched, mouth hung open.
Well you see, this guy was very capable when it came to handling bikes, he even looked good on the bike, as though the bike was meant only for him.

“on my word!” Debbie exclaimed, still drooling

“who’s that hotness? “Boon whispered.
Dave soon alighted from the bike, he didn’t bother removing his helmet this time. He looked around and finally spotted me. He walked towards me.
All the apology that I had been forming in my head had suddenly evaporated into the thin air.
Well it wasn’t entirely my fault, I hadn’t expected to see him so soon. I felt my temperature rise, I sat up and watched his slow Arrival. There was a certain gait in his step, confidence radiated from every pore of his body. I wondered if I was the only one who noticed it, or maybe it was because I couldn’t see his eyes from under the helmet, giving him this strong sensuality and mysteriousness.
Whichever one it was, my skin tightened in awareness of him, of his gaze and I was suddenly self conscious. It was simply too late to toss a towel around me, so I watched. And waited. It seemed to take forever before he finally got to where I was.

I waited for him to speak first, I expected him to tell me that he’d forgotten something.
He instead brought out a paper bag, it looked quite heavy, and dropped it to the floor.

“your order miss.”his voice was gruff. I sat up abruptly, swiping away the sunglasses from my eyes.

“order? “I spluttered, unable to understand.

“horse energy drink, you ordered about ten minutes ago. “he said,somewhat stiffly.

“precisely twenty minutes ago,if you count the Number of minutes it took you to catwalk towards me ”
Now wasn’t a time for sarcasm, but I couldn’t help it.

“sorry,my bike had a little problem on the way. “his Apology wasnt sincere. But that’s not the main issue here.
You guys are forgetting. He’s a delivery guy!!
Dave Hanson, my proud, handsome tutor, a delivery guy!!!

Author Mimi: So what? It’s no big deal, he doesn’t steal, he makes his money in a clean slate.🤦🏽‍♀️🤦

Yeah, yeah, that’s true, but still. A delivery guy?!!

Author Mimi:🤦🏽‍♀️🤦

“so you’re going to sign here, and here… “he pushed a thick book into my hands. Boon and Debbie still stared at him, wasn’t he aware that they were staring at him?
I collected the blunt pencil from him and signed where he had instructed me to sign.

“how long have you been a delivery guy? “i asked when I handed the pencil over to him.

“that’s my own business. ‘he replied coldly, his eyes seemed to be taking in what I was wearing. I blushed at the thought. But what if he was checking me out? He made to leave, I caught hold of his wrist.

“I’m sorry. “I said suddenly,the words just popped out of my mouth. This was not how I planned the apology to be like, but then again, here goes my instinct.
He didn’t say anything, I couldn’t say anything too. I wasn’t good in making apologies, I had never really apologized to anyone apart from my dad and friends.

“I’m sorry. “I said again, squeezing his hands gently and smiling softly, though he couldn’t see me because his back was turned to me. “I really am. ”
Debbie and Boon were staring at us wide eyed. He turned to look at me, I couldn’t make out the expression on his face because of the helmet, I wished he’d just take them off.. Well he seemed to be reading my mind, he took off the helmet, he looked amused. The corner of his eyes crinkling up in silent laughter, the dimples etching ever so slightly on his face.

“I know you are… ”
He was about to say more, when we were interrupted. By loud honking on the gate.
Ok, who was it now?
It couldn’t be dad, he doesn’t return early on Saturday. Mom usually went to her golf club every Saturday. So who could it be?
The guards opened the gate and three sleek cars slithered smoothly into the compound. The glasses were tinted, so we couldn’t see the occupants of the car.
One of the car even had a ‘L’ sign attached to it.
All of our attention was now on the car and curiosity on who the occupants of the car was.
Maybe some of dad’s influential friends… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦
The door of the car with the ‘L’ sign opened and booted feet came out first, before the owner of the legs came into view.
Ok, who doesn’t recognize those silver bangs? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Read – Our new driver episode 13 – 14

“OMG!! Kelly silver!!! “Debbie screamed hysterically. I rolled my eyes. Duh.
Then my brother, Danny, came out of the second car.
The girls totally forgot about Kelly and rushed towards him instead. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦
I wasn’t surprised when three of them toppled into the pool. Dave and I laughed, exchanging looks.
Kelly had began to walk towards us, in her newly acquired dignified step. She looked sophisticated Now, her skin were smooth, you can tell by looking at it from a distance .

“hey Cori” she finally reached to where I stood, even her voice now had this lazy drawl to it now.

“took you guys forever to get here… “I snorted. We hugged, tightly. She smelt rich now, I was proud of her.

“are you not glad to see us, him…”she muttered, ruffling my hair. She finally pulled away from the hug and turned to Dave with her sweet smile.

“hey, you must be Cori’s boyfriend? “she took his hand in a frenzied handshake.

“whaaat?! ” Dave and I exclaimed together, then looked at the each other.

“what? You guys look great together! ” she then tried to join our hands together.

“uhm Kelly, shouldn’t you go help your boyfriend? “I deftly changed the topic. Our attention was now drawn to Danny, struggling with Debbie and Boon yi. We began to laugh.
My attention was now focused on the third car, so far the occupant hadn’t come out, and the car didn’t drive itself here.

“what’s your name hottie? “Kelly was asking Dave.
The door opened and he came out.
You guys remember him? The annoying he?
The one who’s been trying to get into my pants? The one whom you guys are matchmaking me with? 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦
Yay! Dray god! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦
You guys totally forgot about him🤦🏽‍♀️🤦

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