Echoes of Loneliness

Echoes of Loneliness episode 31 – 32

Echoes of Loneliness

Part 31 – The Truth

Alex finally called me. I’ve decided to just tell him everything. I know that this might be wrong, I might put my life and my sister’s life in danger but I will tell the truth.

Me: Hey

Alex: Hey, are you okay?

Me: Yeah

Alex: What’s your name and surname?

Me: Wame Daniels

Alex: Daniels?

Me: Yes

Alex: Nina’s niece?

Me: Pardon?

Alex: Are you Nina Modisane’s niece?

Me: No

Alex: What’s your surname?

Me: Daniels

Alex: And Who’s Lesego?

Me: Me. That’s my fake name

Alex: Why do you need a fake name?

Me: Because I didn’t want Rita to find me on Facebook

Alex: But your pictures are there

Me: So what?

Alex: Everyone can see them

Me: So?

Alex: Rita will definitely see them

Me: And I’ll say to her “Oh Rita, I think someone else is using my pictures” or maybe say “Rita, someone hacked my Facebook account. I haven’t been using Facebook since you destroyed my phone”. She’s very stupid, she will believe me

Alex: And Joseph?

Me: He’s the one who gave me permission to use the phone

Alex: I see

Me: Hold on, how do you know Joseph?

Alex: Allow me to finish asking you questions then you can ask anything you want

Me: Sure

Alex: Are you Wame Daniels?

Me: Correct

Alex: And you are twenty two years old, right?

Me: Right

Alex: Are you Nina Modisane’s niece?

Me: No

Alex: Why are you lying to me?

Me: I am not lying to you. I don’t have a family, that’s why I am staying here

Alex: Here?

Me: The orphanage

Alex: And what about the bodyguards you were with?

Me: Those people are not my bodyguards. They are the guards of the orphanage. When we go out, they go with us. We don’t have any freedom

Alex: Rita Samuels?

Me: What about her?

Alex: Is she that wicked?

Me: Yes

Alex: Let me help you get rid of her

Me: How?

Alex: Let me kill her

Me: Are you crazy? Do you want to go to jail?

Alex: I won’t go to jail. I’ll be very careful

Me: No. Why would you help me?

Alex: Because I care about you

Me: But you don’t know me

Alex: Well, I feel like I know you

Me: Are you a murderer?

Alex: No

Me: So what are you saying?

Alex: Leave it. So are you not Nina’s niece?

Me: No

Alex: Are you sure?

Me: Yes

Alex: Well let me tell you the truth, Nina is your mother’s sister, she’s your aunt by blood

Me: (Laughs) You’ve lost it

Alex: Don’t you know your mother’s maternal surname?

Me: No. She got married to my father before I was even born

Alex: I know but don’t you know her maternal surname?

Me: No. She never said anything about her family to me

Alex: Because her family was wicked just like Rita. Her family did not treat her good at all

Me: Who are you?

Alex: My name is Alex and please let me finish

Me: How do you know my mother and her family?

Alex: Let me finish

Me: Okay

Alex: Nina is your aunt. She was the only one good to your mother. She is your mother’s twin sister

Me: What?

Alex: Yes

Me: Who told you all of this?

Alex: Let me finish

Me: Fine then

Alex: Nina was Rita’s best friend. Are they still friends?

Me: No. Rita does not treat Nina good at all. There was this other time when she punished her by…

I kept quiet.

Alex: You can trust me

Me: Rita is very evil, Alex

Alex: Please tell me everything

Me: Okay

I started telling him everything but I didn’t tell him how Rita makes money out of us. It is too embarrassing to say. I never even want to remember how I lost my V-rginity.

Alex looked so shocked but he shocked me when he shed a tear.

Alex: Are you serious?

Me: Why are you being emotional? We are used to being treated bad. It’s now normal

Alex: There’s nothing normal about that. I don’t get how you could tell me disturbing news and not cry. Are you normal?

Me: Me? (Laughs) I don’t have tears anymore. I haven’t cried for over fiften months, I think

Alex: That’s not normal

Me: Let it go

Alex: How can she throw your sister in the swimming pool? She’s crazy and she should pay

Me: I know

Alex: Have you told me everything?

No Alex, I can’t tell you everything because I don’t want you to be disgusted. We have been turned into pr-stitutes, it’s really embarrassing and disgusting.

Me: Yes, I told you everything

Alex: What do you want?

Me: What do you mean?

Alex: Do you want to be free?

Me: Yes, I do

Alex: You will be free

Me: What makes you say that?

Alex: Keith and I will help you

Me: Do you mean that?

Alex: (Smiles) Yes

Me: Why are you smiling?

Alex: Because I am happy

Me: Why?

Alex: We’ve always wanted to take them down

Me: We? Them?

Alex: Yes. Keith and I. The Samuels

Me: You’ve always wanted to take them down?

Alex: Yes

Me: But why?

Alex: It’s a long story. I’ll tell you soon

Me: Do you promise?

Alex: Yes, I promise

Me: Sure

Alex: I have to tell Keith everything then I’ll get back to you

Me: Okay then

Alex: Please take care of yourself

Me: You too

Alex: Thank you for trusting me. I won’t let you down, no matter what

Me: (Smiles) Really?

Alex: Yes

Me: You are such a nice guy. Thank you

Alex: I am nice to those who are nice to me

Me: (Smiles) Thank you for everything

Alex: (Smiles) You are welcome

Me: What is it that you have against the Samuels?

Alex: I hate them. They are responsible for my sister’s death

Me: Oh my goodness, are you serious?

Alex: Yes, Wame

Me: I am really sorry

Alex: It’s okay. Please be strong and prepare for a war

Me: War?

Alex: You will help me and Keith so I need you to be strong

Me: Okay, Alex

Alex: Do it for your loved ones

Me: Sure

Alex: I have to go now

Me: But you haven’t told me how you know everything

Alex: I will call you back. I need to make a very important call

Me: Am I not important?

Alex: You are. I will call you back. I need to give Rita a call and make her cry. Trust me, I will call you back

Me: Okay then

Alex: Where’s she?

Me: She’s… Oh no, she’s unconscious. I attacked her

Alex: And Joseph?

Me: He’s around

Alex: I’ll call him

He hung up.

This guy is weird. Who is he? Why does he know everything?

Part 32 – Restless


I was looking after Rita with Joshua when I got a call from a number I don’t know.

Me: Joshua, I’ll be right back

JS: Okay, no problem

I went outside the room to answer the phone.

Me: Hello

Caller: Joseph.

Me: Yes?

Caller: How are you?

Me: I am fine thanks and you?

Caller: I will never be fine as long as you are still alive

Me: What do you mean and who are you?

Caller: My name is Alex

Me: Alex?

Caller: Correct

Me: The very same Alex I know?

Caller: Yes

Me: Wow

Caller: SURPRISE!!!

Me: How are you?

Caller: I will never be fine as long as you are still alive

Me: But why would you want me dead after so many years?

Caller: Your days are numbered

Me: You don’t mean that

Caller: I do, believe me. I am no longer a little boy. I am a man now

Me: And your brother? Where is he?

Caller: Why do you care?

Me: Alex, I am sorry for everything

Caller: Sorry?

Me: Yes?

Caller: Will sorry fix everything?

Me: No but…

Caller: But nothing

Me: We didn’t mean to make her commit suicide


Me: Please calm down, son


Me: Alex, I…

Caller: We are not going to spare anyone

Me: We?

Caller: My brother and I

Me: Alex, we can talk about this

Caller: No, we can’t

Me: Are you still living in USA?

Caller: It’s not your business

He hung up.

I can’t believe that I heard from him after so many years. What’s going to happen now? He’s obviously still angry.

I called Joshua outside the room.

Me: Alex phoned me

JS: Which Alex?

I kept quiet.

JS: You don’t mean that, right?

Me: I do

JS: What did he say?

Me: He’s going to make all of us pay. Keith will help him

JS: Oh my goodness. What now?

Me: I don’t know

JS: Do they still live in USA?

Me: I don’t know. He didn’t tell me

JS: Check the number he called with

Me: Sure

I checked the number.

Me: South African number

JS: They are definitely in SA

Me: Yes

JS: So what’s going to happen now?

Me: I don’t know, Joshua

JS: He’s obviously going to call again so wait for his call

Me: Yes

JS: Probably we can try to make him forget about the past. It’s been eight years now

Me: I know, Joshua. I will just wait for his call

JS: Or call him

Me: I doubt he’ll answer

JS: Just try

Me: Okay

I tried calling Alex but I couldn’t get through.

Me: His phone is probably off

JS: That’s bad

Me: I’ll be right back

JS: Sure

I went to Wame’s bedroom. Unfortunately I found her with Michaela.

Me: Wame, to my bedroom now

Wame: What have I done now?

Me: Just come with me

Wame: Okay

We went to my bedroom.

Me: I need a favor from you

Wame: Sure

Me: I need you to find someone for me

Wame: Who?

Me: I will get back to you with pictures, don’t worry

Wame: Okay

Me: Make him fall in love with you and report everything he does or say back to me

Wame: Do you want me to be a spy?

Me: Yes

Wame: At least tell me his name

Me: His name is Alex

Wame: And surname?

Me: I am not sure. Well, the surname does not matter, I’ll get his pictures for you

Wame: Okay then

Me: I will let you go out the way you want, without the guards but if you dare do something wrong, you will pay. Remember that when you go out, Warona will be here so don’t do anything stupid or else you’ll lose your little sister and I mean it

Wame: I’ve heard you

Me: Once I have his pictures, you can also use social media to find him

Wame: Okay, no problem but what if he won’t like me?

Me: Make him like you, Wame. You are a woman, aren’t you?

Wame: Wow, are you the one telling me to sleep around?

Me: I am not telling you to sleep around. I am telling you to sleep with Alex, just Alex

Wame: But why me?

Me: Because I trust you

Wame: (Smiles) Thanks for trusting me

Me: It’s okay. Now leave. I’ll call you when I have something

Wame: Sure

She left my room.


I went back to my bedroom and locked the door. Michaela was gone. She must be in the kitchen. That girl loves food so much.

Today I finally saw Joseph’s true colors. He likes me for the wrong reasons – To use me and to have s€× with me. I can’t believe that I was beginning to think that he’s not bad. Oh, I hate him so much.

I haven’t seen aunt Nina since the last time she came to see me in my room. I honestly want to talk to her. I want to know if she’s really my mother’s twin sister or not.

Alex left me hanging, it’s not nice at all. He said so many things and didn’t bother to answer my questions.

Speaking of Alex, did Joseph just ask me to get close to Alex? He was obviously talking about Alex Evans. I know that Alex gave him a call. I am loving my life right now. Alex is my good friend so I’ve been asked to go out anytime I want, without the guards to see him.

The Samuels are going down, I can already feel it.

I got a video call from Alex again.

Me: Hi

Alex: I gave him a call

Me: And I’ve been asked to get close to you. I’ve been asked to make you fall in love with me

Alex: (Smiles) I expected that from Joseph

Me: He doesn’t know your surname so he said that he’ll look for your recent pictures and get back to me

Alex: I will make sure that he gets my pictures

Me: How?

Alex: Don’t worry, I will handle everything

Me: I trust you

Alex: (Smiles) Thank you

Me: He seemed very stressed. I guess he’s really scared of you and Keith

Alex: They are all going to be restless, it’s a promise

Me: That’s great. Guess what? I’ve been given permission to go out anytime I want and without the guards so I guess you and I will meet very soon

Alex: (Smiles) That’s good news

Me: I know

Alex: I am so happy. I can’t wait to spend the day with you

Me: (Smiles) Me too

Alex: Where’s Madam Big Mouth?

Me: Madam Big Mouth?

Alex: Yes, your little sister

Me: (Giggles) Creche

Alex: Creche? Does Rita allow the children to go to creche?

Me: Yep

Alex: That’s weird

Me: I know. Listen to me, I need you to clear our Facebook conversation. I’ll do the same. Don’t send me a message until Joseph finds your pictures. He said that I should use social media to find you so obviously he’ll always check my phone

Alex: I understand. I’ll just always phone you, I won’t send you messages

Me: No you can’t, don’t call me on Facebook

Alex: I forgot that this is a Facebook video call. Sorry

Me: (Smiles) It’s okay

Alex: (Smiles) Your phone number?

Me: I’ll send it then delete our conversation

Alex: I’ll be waiting. I don’t have to delete our conversation, right?

Me: Just delete it to be safe. We never know what Joseph might do. What if he steals your phone?

Alex: He won’t, it’s impossible

Me: Alex, please

Alex: Okay, I will delete it then

Me: Thank you. Can you now tell me how you know everything about my mother?

Alex: Sure. Your mother was…

Warona knocked on the door. She’s also scre-ming. Can’t she be quiet for a day?

Alex: Is that Warona?

Me: Yes, I have to go. We’ll talk later

Alex: Okay, cool. Please take care of yourself

Me: You too

Alex: (Winks) Bye

Me: (Smiles) Bye

He hung up.

Me: Warona, before I open the door, tell me something

Warona: What?

Me: Did the teacher tell you to come home?

Warona: Yes, sister

Me: Are you sure?

Warona: Yes

Me: Okay

I opened the door for her.

To be continued…

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