The Hammingtons

The hammingtons 2 episode 50 – 52

๐Ÿ‚The Hammingtons 2 ๐Ÿ‚
A Cursed Family
๐ŸƒChapter 50๐Ÿƒ

Gia’s POV
It was past lunchtime and Chloe was yet to return home which is definitely odd as she always makes sure to be home on or before lunchtime to eat
I had long prepared the food and it was already cold, where is she?
I was getting restless so I stood up, preparing to go out and look for her

But there was a sudden bawl as my doors flung open and guards trooped in, barging into the room and scattering the whole place

“What’s….What’s going on?” I asked, clueless

“Your husband escaped the dungeon and your daughter helped him with it, they killed two guards and they’ve both escaped Mordor, so you are under arrest as an accomplice” they said, forcefully grabbing my arm

“What the hell are you talking about? Where’s Chloe? Where’s my daughter?!” I queried as they began to drag me out

“Leave me be, I must find my daughter, I must find her, I must not let Adrian take her to Dianna” I wailed but the guards paid no attention as I was dragged to the questioning room in the stone tower

I sat and tied on a chair and one of the guards walked in to question me
“Do you know the reason you were brought here?” he asked

“I was brought here because you guys were foolish enough to take a pointless detour when you could’ve been going after Adrian and my daughter!” I yelled and the guard shook his head

“I don’t think you are well aware of the gravity of this situation Miss Gia, your husband escaped from the dungeons with your daughter’s help, he killed two guards, stole the black stone and use it to escape Mordor to the outside world, he broke like a thousand of our rules and the people are vexed, we cannot find him and if we cannot get any useful information from you then you will be taking all the punishments that was supposed to be lashed out at your husband and I promise you, it won’t be pretty” the guard said and I scoffed

“How lucky you are that I do not have my powers because how dare you threaten me?!”

“In case you haven’t noticed, you are tied to a chair and I walk around freely, I have the power here so you better bring down your voice before I make you!!” the guard retorted and I nodded

“Fine, you are right”
Adrian did this to me, he took my daughter away from me and for that I will never forgive him, I will find him, and I will kill him myself

“So tell us all you know about your husband and where he went with your daughter” the guard said

“Firstly, Adrian is no husband of mine and secondly, I can easily figure out where Adrian went to, take me along with the guards you’ll send out of Mordor to look for him and I will make sure that he is found”

“You want us to take you along with us outside Mordor to hunt for your husband? How am I supposed to trust you won’t betray us? What if this was your plan with your husband from the beginning? He escapes with your daughter first and then you trick us and we take you out of Mordor too to reunite with him” the guard said

“Oh please, have some wit to think for a second, if the plan was to escape together from Mordor, I’ll never have turned in Adrian along with the Night Stone, we’ll have escaped together discreetly without any of you knowing but I turned in Adrian because I wanted no part of his plan, you said he killed people right in front of my seven years old daughter and for that I will find him and end him, with or without your help” I said and the guard stared at me for a minute

“Fine, we’ll take you along with us outside Mordor but if you fail to lead us to Adrian or you play any funny game, I will kill you myself” he said


Dianna’s POV
I woke up in the midst of rubbles from the collapsed building

“You are finally awake” Ethan said, standing in front of me

“You guys blew up the place?” I asking as I stood up

“It was Layla’s idea” Ethan said pointing to Layla

“Ivan is waking up too” Layla said as she crouched beside Ivan

“And Drusilla?” I asked and Ethan pointed at her lifeless body amongst the rubbles “She’s dead”

Ivan stood up and looked around
“Yeah Layla blew the place up” Ethan said and Ivan looked at Layla

“Well thanks for the impromptu explosion Layla, it was just what I needed to make my day” Ivan said sarcastically

“It was the only option that we had left and it worked, Drusilla is dead” Layla said

“And the golden dagger?” Ivan asked and Ethan brought it out

“I have it right here” Ethan said bringing out the golden dagger

“Well I guess the mission was successful then” Ivan said

“What about Eric? Where is he?” I asked

“Well wherever his body was hidden by Drusilla, he would’ve woken up by now” Layla said

“If he’s awake then I’m sure he can find his way to the Hammington Mansion, meanwhile, we have some work to do Ethan” Ivan said to Ethan

“What work are you talking about?” I asked

“It’s not yet time Ivan, we have to wait till the full moon night which is tomorrow” Ethan said ignoring my question

“Oh, well let’s go back home then” Ivan said walking out of the rubbles and we all followed suite

We got back home and there he was, Eric standing in the living, looking around with a clueless expression plastered on his face

“Eric!!” I exclaimed as I embrace him

“Dianna, oh Dianna, how long did that evil witch live off me? What year are we in?” Eric asked

“I think it’s been around six years since you suddenly disappeared” I said

“What the……” Eric stopped talking on seeing Ivan

“Oh don’t worry about him, Ivan isn’t trying to kill us now, we kind of struck a deal” I said

“So you all live here together once again?” Eric asked

“Yes we do but I assure you it’s a temporary situation Eric” Ivan said

“So? Do we still remain enemies brother?” Eric asked

“If you were my enemy, you would’ve died the minute I set my eyes on you” Ivan said as he began to climb up the stairs

“He means no, you guys aren’t enemies anymore” Layla said

“And you Ethan?” Eric asked facing Ethan

“Well I still have the golden dagger so beware” Ethan said following Ivan upstairs

“Just take that as their version of welcome, those two have rubbed off on each other so much that they act almost the same but I’m sure they are thrilled to see you, take it from someone that can read people’s heart” Layla said

“Thanks Layla” Eric said and Layla patted him

“Where’s little Bellatrix? I’m sure she’s not so little now” Eric said with a smile

“Don’t you remember? Gia took Bellatrix and we never found her” I reminded

“What?! So Gia still remains out of contact?” Eric asked and I nodded

“We’ll talk about the details Eric, you just arrived after six years, we have a lot of time to discuss later on” I said

“And I don’t think you’ve showered in the past six years, clean up and get something to eat” Layla said and Eric smiled

“Sure” he said

Eric went to get cleaned up and I walked upstairs to my room
Eric is back now, if only my daughter will magically appear before me now then I’ll be the happiest person to ever live

I walked towards my closet to check on the candle that represented my daughter’s life, a candle that lost it’s light six years ago
I opened the door to my closet and to my utmost surprised, the candle stood there, litted and shining brightly once again
My daughter, she’s still alive!!

Read – Pregnant for the enemy episode 11 โ€“ 12

๐Ÿ‚The Hammingtons 2๐Ÿ‚
A Cursed Family
๐ŸƒChapter 51๐Ÿƒ

Adrian’s POV
I walked along with Bella to Taciturn Creek, the village of the oldies from Mordor that never speak a word
After Bellatrix’s display of excitement on seeing a large sea for the first time, we found some sea creatures to cook and eat close to the shore

“What are we going to do now Dad? You said you will take me to see my real mother” Bellatrix said and I nodded

“Of course you’ll see your real mother, but remember she is not a friend, she is a very bad woman and she abandoned you, so what are we here to do?”

“We are here to take revenge” She said and I nodded

“Good, we are here to take revenge but before we can do that, you must learn how to use your powers”

“My powers?” she asked

“Yes Bellatrix, I told you that you are the most powerful witch to ever live right?”

“Yes Dad but I don’t think I have any power, I can’t do magic like in fairytales” she said

“It’s not that you can’t do magic, you do not know how to do magic, I’ve heard a lot of witches that worked closely for me back then so I know a thing or two about them and your case is easier since you are an innate one, you don’t need spells, you only need to think of what you want and it happens” I explained

“I always think about many things I want back at home but it never happens”

“That’s because Mordor’s magic was caging your powers but now that we are finally out of Mordor, your power is now let free so you can do magic now Bellatrix, for starters, try raising that from the ground” I said pointing to a large pebble seated amongst the sands

“How do I raise it up without using my hands?” Bellatrix asked

“By using your mind, your mind is your tool, your weapon, your everything, just focus and try raising it with your mind” I said and she nodded

She focused her eyes on the pebble and the next minute was filled with suspense as I expected the pebble to raise up from the ground but it never happened

“I can’t do it Dad” she gave a frustrated sigh

“Focus!!” I yelled “You can do it! You are the only chance I have at getting my revenge against the Hammingtons so focus on that pebble and command it to rise up!!!”

Bellatrix went back to the stone with apt determination on her face and in few seconds, the pebble was high up in the air

“Yes! I did it Dad! I did it!” Bellatrix exclaimed and I smiled

“Oh yes you do have it in you, you are an innate one and you just need a little more practice to perfect your powers because you are gonna need to know much more than how to raise a pebble from the ground if we are ever going be victorious against the Hammingtons” I said and she nodded

And now my plan is in my motion, I am going to push Bellatrix so hard till she realize her full powers and then, I’ll be going for the Hammingtons, their days are numbered now

Dianna’s POV
“Layla!!!” I called as I ran out of my room with the lit candle, almost bumping into Ivan

“Is that….”

“The candle representing Bellatrix’s life? Yes Ivan, it is lit once again, my baby girl is still alive!!” I exclaimed

“Did I hear right? Bellatrix is alive?” Ethan asked coming out of his room and I nodded

We went downstairs to meet Layla and she was just as surprised as we are

“Your baby isn’t dead after all” she said

“What’s going on? Did we find Bellatrix?” Eric asked coming down the stairs looking freshly cleaned up

“We might have, Ethan and I can combine our powers and try to locate her” Layla said

“If her location isn’t being cloaked then finding her is going to be an easy task” Ethan said

“Good, find her then, find her location for me please” I pleaded and Layla nodded

“Do not worry Dianna, you’ll be seeing your child soon” Layla assured

Gia’s POV
I was escorted home by the guards to get anything I’ll need before going out of Mordor to find Adrian and my daughter but I don’t really much, as a matter of fact, there’s only one thing I do need, the golden dagger, as I plan to end anyone who stops me from getting Chloe back
I walked into the room, got the golden dagger and I had a final look at the place I called home, this place was my paradise, my little happily ever after, but Adrian snatched my baby away from me and for that I’ll make sure he meets the most cruel death ever by my hands

I went out to meet the guards
“You ready?” they asked

“Yeah, let’s go” I said

We stride out of my domain as we walked to the great wall that enclosed Mordor from the outside world and using the Night Stone brought by one of the guards, a passageway way was created and through it, we walked out of Mordor

The gust of wind that hit my face on stepping out sent me staggering
I could feel my powers returning to me, the thousand year old curse returning to me after six years, I didn’t miss it

“Is everything okay?” the guards asked on seeing me staggering

“I got my powers back” I said to them

“What do you mean you got your powers back?” they asked

“I mean my powers, I got it back after six years and I’m tempted to check if it still works like before” I said

“I told you to play no games, lead us to your husband and daughter immediately!”

“Firstly, I told you Adrian is no husband of mine, secondly, I am not playing any games, lastly I detest being commanded!” I said as immediately grabbed the guards leader with my freezing hand and I snapped his neck

“Oh that felt so good!” I said and the other guards quickly quickly drew their swords

“You see I’ve changed my mind, you guys are only going to slow me down so I will find Adrian and my daughter myself, you know what that means? I am going to kill you all”

“Not if we kill you first” one of the guards said aiming his sword at me and the others followed suite

I chuckled and then nodded
“Fine then, come on, come at me, I do need to warm up anyways” I said with a smirk

Read – His sweet vi-gin episode 9 โ€“ 10

๐Ÿ‚The Hammingtons 2๐Ÿ‚
A Cursed Family
๐ŸƒChapter 52๐Ÿƒ

Bellatrix’s POV
After mastering how to pick up stuffs with my mind, nightfall came sooner than expected and Dad insisted we leave the shore of the village we went
We proceeded to a highway and we walked by the side of the road

“We are going to try something new Bellatrix” Dad said

“What are we trying Dad?” I asked

“You’ve learnt to pick up stuffs with your mind today and I intend to use your powers to get us a ride out of this place” Dad said

“I don’t understand”

“Sooner or later there’s going to be a car coming down this road and whenever that happens I’m going to try and stop the car and immediately I do that, I want you to open the car door and throw whoever is in the driver’s seat out” he said

“What….I….. I don’t think I can do that yet, my powers are…..”

“Great, your powers are great, greater then your own imagination, I told you Bellatrix you can do anything with your mind, absolutely anything, you just need to focus, I’m not asking you to physically open the door and throw the man out, I’m asking you to stand by the side of the road and use your mind because as an innate witch, your mind is your greatest power” Dad stated and I nodded

I was scared, silently hoping that no car comes along the road because if a car comes along then I’ll have no choice but to do as he has said and I am not sure if I can pull it off
I against all of my wishes, we soon sighted a car coming down the road

“You getting ready Bellatrix?” Dad asked

“I….. I think so” my voice quavered

“You stay here” he said and he moved to the center of the road

The driver of the car drove towards Dad and blared his car horn severally for Dad to leave his path and when Dad remained unmoving, he stopped his car and yelled from inside the car

“Hey, can you not see I’m trying to drive through the road?!” the man yelled at Dad

I tried to bring my focus back to the car door, I have to get it open, with my mind, just like with the stones, I have to control the car door open with my mind
Open car door, open!
I struggled, shutting my eyes tightly and fisting my hands, why is the car door not opening, it’s not working, I can’t do this, I’m no powerful witch like Dad said, I’m just a little girl, a little girl that maybe shouldn’t have left Mordor in the first place

Adrian’s POV
The man driving the car continued to howl at me as I remained in front of his car in the middle of the road
I looked at where Bellatrix stood and her eyes were shut tight, she was panicking, she won’t be able to pull this off, I overestimated her

I looked at man in the car who was still looking as angry as ever and when I still refused to move his car pathway, he came down angrily from his car

“What the hell is wrong with you? Are you deaf or something?” he asked

I sighted a small rock laying not too far away from me and I knew what I had to to do

“I need your car” I said to the driver

“What do you mean by that?” he asked

“Fine I’ll take it the hard way” I said as I landed the strongest punch I could muster up on his face and he fell to the ground
I quickly picked up the rock and I crashed it on his head severally till he knocked out

Throwing the blood stained rock away, I went to were Bellatrix stood
“You disappointed me” I said and she finally opened her eyes

“I’m sorry Dad, I just…..”

“Do not say a word!!” I yelled ” You panicked, you fucking panicked and you failed to meet my expectations! You do not deserve the powers you have, if only there was a way to get your powers for myself, I will do that without a second thought, now get inside the car, we still have a long way to go” I yelled at Bellatrix and she quickly ran inside the car with a teary eye
Such a weakling, no way we are ever defeating Dianna if she remains like that, I must toughen up her mind, I have to

Gia’s POV
I stared at the lifeless bodies of guards on the ground and I shook my head

“I’m sorry guys, I really have nothing against you but you just happened to be collateral damage in my fight against Adrian and with that said, I have to go, have a good time in the afterlife” I said

I walked towards Taciturn Creek, this has got to be Adrian’s first stop after Mordor
It was already super dark and as I searched through the Creek, I found no sign of Adrian or my daughter being here

“Did you really not make a stop here or are you just so good at covering up your tracks?”

I stayed for the rest of the night in Taciturn and as morning came and I still made out no sign of Adrian, I proceeded to the road that led out of Taciturn Creek
It was pretty quiet and as I walked on, I met a man waking up on the road, he looked confused and his face was pretty much battered with bruises

“What’s up with you?” I asked as I walked up to him

“Oh my God, a….. creepy man blocked my path last night, he…..he did this to me and fucking stole my car!!” the man seemed angry

“A creepy man?” I asked and he nodded

“Can you help me out please, my head feels so heavy, I might pass out again” he said

“Did the man have a girl with him?” I asked

“There was some little girl standing by the roadside but I don’t know if she was with him or not but that doesn’t really matter now, do you live around here? Can you help me?” the man asked

“It was Adrian” I said and I looked at the man “Well all the best” I said as I walked away looking for the next car that I’ll prey upon so I can drive after Adrian

Dianna’s POV
It took longer than expected but by morning when I woke up and went straight downstairs, Layla and Ethan had completed the spell and Bellatrix’s location was found out

“I’m going to go get her!” I said

“Gia might be with her, it’s dangerous for you to go alone sister, if Gia is with her then I’m going with you, Gia and I have some things to catch up on as well” Eric said

“If you want, I can also cast a location spell on Gia to know where she is” Layla said

“Good, I’ll wait back then, you cast the spell Layla and when you find out where she is, I’m going after her, we have to settle our unfinished business”

“You aren’t the only one with unfinished business with Gia” Ivan said

“Well whatever you think she did to you can wait, she killed Eva, she pulled out her heart right in front of my eyes, maybe you guys have forgotten since it’s almost six years ago but I’ve been unconscious for those years and that memory of Gia pulling out Eva’s heart is still very much fresh in my head like it happened yesterday, when Layla finds where Gia is, well it’s going to be her last day on Earth today” Eric said and looked at me

“When you guys killed Drusilla, did you get the golden dagger from her?” Eric asked

“Ethan got the dagger and he handed it to Ivan” I said

“You’ll need to lend me the dagger Ivan, I must kill Gia today” Eric said

“Last time you pried this dagger from me, it ended up in the hands of a bloody witch for about 6 years, I ain’t doing that again” Ivan said

“Please brother I…..”

“He cannot give you the dagger and neither will he be going on your little hunt with you today” Ethan said

“What does he mean by that? We had a deal six years ago, you are to help me find my daughter and I will offer you my life in return” I reminded

“Like you said it’s been six years and things change, I can kill you if I want to without you having to offer yourself to me but I am quite busy at the moment, tonight is a full moon night and I’ll be occupied” Ivan said

“Occupied doing what?” Eric asked

“I know you’ve read my mind already so just tell them Layla” Ivan said to Layla

“Well all those days that he was away from here, he was in search of a witch, a very powerful witch that’s said to know a lot about the dead and Ivan found a way to bring Sophie’s spirit out of the deep pits of hell so she won’t continue suffering in there” Layla explained

“And how do you plan on doing that?” I asked

“For one I’ll be needing the dagger to that and that’s why I won’t be able to give you the dagger” Ivan said

“The golden dagger contains a lot of magic and energy so we’ll be using those elements from the dagger to summon Sophie’s spirit from the hell gates” Ethan said

“The hell gates?! Will the hell gates be opened again?!” Eric asked

“I will only be summoning up the hell gates and not opening it and that’s why we must perform the spell tonight cause according to legends, the powers of the demons that resides in the hell gates are lowest on every full moon night so it will be possible to pull Sophie through the Hell Gates without having to open the gates as the demons from the Gates will be weak and there’ll be no force opposing us” Ethan explained

“Well I guess I have to postpone killing Gia till you are done with your spell casting” Eric said

“Even after the spell casting, you won’t be able to get the dagger as there will be no dagger” Ivan said

“I don’t understand, what do you mean?” Eric asked

“We are using the power of the dagger in the process so when we are done, it’s just going to be like any ordinary dagger” Ethan explained

“I do not care about any stupid dagger, I do hope you succeed in bringing Sophie’s spirit out of hell, for now, I am going to get my daughter” I said as I turned to leave

“I think you are forgetting something Dianna” Layla said “Six years ago a hex was casted on you by Ethan, the raging hex, it is to take effect the day you set your eyes on your daughter, the moment you really see your daughter today, you will start to lose control of your powers and you will go crazy”

“I don’t care what happens to me Layla, as long as I can hold out long enough to get my daughter back home where she belongs, then I’m good with whatever happens after that” I said and I walked out…..


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