On My Master's Bed

On my master’s bed episode 100 – 101



Nicklaus’s Addiction 🔥

Chapter 100

Written by: Racheal Dennis


Anastasia’s pov 👠

I gently jumped out of the taxi, I paid the taxi driver and rushed towards the big entrance of the mall.

From the corner of my eyes, I four men in black jeans and hoodie.

A small frown appeared on my face, just then, someone tapped me on my shoulder.

In fret, I instinctively waved my hand back and hit the person.

“Ow! Tasiaaaaa!” I heard Matilda yelped.

I turned back and saw her holding her left eye, my hand flew to my mouth.

“Jeez! I’m sorry, I didn’t know it’s you” I said.

She glared at me, she gestured to a table nearby and we walked towards it.. we sat down and she continued rubbing her eyes.

“Why were you so self conscious?” She asked.

“I saw some guys following me, so, I got scared”

“You were being followed? By who?” She asked again.

My eyes searched for them and I saw them sitting on a table, a few meters ahead.

“There!” I said.

She narrowed her eyes and followed my gaze, her eyes landed on them and she scoffed.

“Those are your bodyguards”

“My bodyguards?”

Since when did I started having bodyguards?!

“Yeah, Mr Statham sent two and your dad sent two.. making them four” she explained.

“But I don’t think I need a bodyguard”

She eyed me. “Tell that to your reckless behavior!”

“Ow!” I said and held my chest, as if her words hurt me.

I looked at my so called guards again, they don’t seem like bad people though.. they’re talking among themselves.

But they always glance my way every few seconds.

“You said you have good news for me?” She asked.

“Yeah.. my mom is awake!”

She didn’t react at first, she simply stared at me speechlessly.. like I’m joking.

“Hello?” I waved my hand across her eyes.

“You’re not joking?”

“Joke with my mom?” I asked her back.

Immediately I asked her that, she opened her mouth and released a very loud squeal.

Heads turned towards us and I mouth sorry to them, even my guards got up and look around as if they’re searching for danger.

I shook my head and slapped my hand on her mouth, muffling her squeal.. soon, she calmed down and I removed my hand.

“After 13years?!” She asked loudly.

“Yeah” I replied.

She reached for my hand on the table and held them in hers.. she smiled at me.

“I’m so happy for you, Tasia!” She said, happily.

Her joy is so genuine, in fact, she look more happy than I.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect she’d wake up anytime.. I’m.. I’m.. I don’t even know how I feel right now”

And it’s true, I’m happy that my mom woke up but I don’t seem to show my happiness.. why?

Could it be because we’ve been separated for years? That I don’t feel too attached to her?

Whatever! I’m just happy my mom is awake.. it’s a shame Klaus’ father actually died and gone forever.

“So.. Marcus and I are going to the beach this weekend, I wanna buy some s€×y bikinis” Matilda said.

“Right, Klaus and I are going to the beach this weekend too”

“Wow! Then what are we waiting for.. let’s go shop for some cute bikinis!”

She sprint up and grabbed my hand…

“Wait… ”

“There’s no time to wait!” She said and pulled me along.

Authoress’ pov 👠

Dr ghost’s pharmacy…

“You promise you’ll take me to her tomorrow?” Julie asked her husband.

Mr Lopez nodded, he handed an orange to her.

“Yes, I’ll take you to see her tomorrow” he replied.

Mr Lopez and his wife sat in the small living room, watching TV together.. at once there’s a knock on the door.

“Are you expecting someone?” Julie asked her husband.

Mr Lopez stared at the door and shook his head, he got up and reached for something under the chair.. a gun.

He made sure to hide it from his wife, he faced her with a smile.

“I’ll be back, I should go check who’s knocking” he said.

Julie nodded and turned back to the TV, Mr Lopez walked towards the door..

He grabbed the door handle and pulled it open, he quickly put the gun away when he saw who’s standing outside the door.

“Bell” he said and chuckled.

Aunt Bell looked at his hand hiding behind him and frowned, she raised an eyebrow at him.

“What are you hiding?” She asked him.

“Nothing.. nothing” he replied.

His eyes moved to the little boy standing next to aunt Bell, he smiled at the boy..which the boy returned.

“Aunt, is he my dad?”

Mr Lopez frowned, he’s confused at the boy’s question.

“No, Denzel, he’s your uncle”

“My uncle?” Denzel asked.

“Yes, your father’s brother.. my brother” aunt Bell explained to him.

She turned to Mr Lopez and glared at him, she tilted her head and peek in,side.

“Are you gonna let me in or you want us to talk here?”

“Oh! Come in!” He said and made way for them.

Aunt Bell and Denzel walked in, while Mr Lopez followed them.

“I don’t get it, why would you decide to stay in a secluded place like this?” Aunt Bell asked.

“Well, I have peace and quiet here”

She scoffed and wanted to say another word, but her words got stuck when she saw Julie watching TV.

“Gre-gregory… she.. who… ” Aunt Bell couldn’t speak.

She kept pointing at Julie wordlessly, at that moment Julie turned towards her.. Julie’s eyes grew wide.

“Bell?!” She exclaims.

Aunt Bell turned to her brother, he cleared his throat and looked away guiltily.. he should have called her and shared this news with her.

“Bell” Julie called again.

She hopped off her chair and rushed to aunt Bell, she pulled her into a very tight hug.. they both hugged each other tightly.

“It’s really you, Bell” Julie said.

“Yes! Yes, it’s me!” Aunt Bell replied.

Within seconds, tears flooded their faces.. they’re both crying bitterly, but not because they’re sad.. because they’re happy.

“I can’t believe you woke up, I can’t believe you’re standing in front of me!” Aunt Bell said when she pulled away from the hug.

Julie simply nod, her tears flowing freely.

“Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!” Aunt Bell said.

Mr Lopez sighed and rolled his eyeballs at aunt Bell… Aunt Bell turned to him and glared at him.

“Why didn’t you let me know Julie already woke up!” She asked him accusingly.

“She just woke today and I’m trying to help her adjust to some…”

“Shut up!” Aunt Bell interrupted him.

He shut up immediately, aunt Bell eyed him a few more seconds and turned back to Julie.

“You look thinner” she said.

Julie nodded.

“Yeah, I heard you’ve been looking after Nina.. thank you, I don’t know what would have happened to her if you weren’t there”

Aunt Bell waved it off like nothing.

“She’s my daughter too, I don’t see her as my niece.. it’s also my responsibility to care for her”

“You’re right.. but all the same, thank you”

Julie’s eyes moved to Denzel, she smiled at him and ruffles his hair.

“Oh.. this is Denzel, Miguel’s son!” Aunt Bell introduced Denzel.

“How are you, Denzel?” Julie asked him.

“I’m fine, aunt, thank you!” Denzel replied.

Julie k-ssed his forehead and faced aunt Bell.

“Right.. I heard Miguel and his wife died in a ghastly car accident?”

“Yes.. ” aunt Bell trailed off.

She turned to Mr Lopez and gestured at Denzel.

“Take Denzel with you, I want to do some catching up with Julie”

Without waiting for Mr Lopez’s reply, she grabbed Julie’s hand and they rushed to a chair.

Mr Lopez and Denzel exchange looks and shook their heads.

“Women!” They both said.

Anastasia’s pov 👠

I got off Matilda’s truck, with my shopping bags in my hands.. ten bags.. all thanks to Matilda.

“Thanks for the ride.. ” I trail off and struggle with a bag. “…and load!” I said referring to the bags.

She chuckled lightly and sent me a flying k-ss.

“I simply want what’s best for you” she said.

I wish it’s really what’s best for me, these bikinis she choose for me… Klaus won’t approve of them.

“Just pray Klaus doesn’t burn these tonight”

“That’s the reason you should hide them from him”

Can I really hide these from Klaus?!

“I gotta go cook for my boyfriend, talk to you later, girlfriend!” She winked at me and zoomed off.

I sighed tiredly and walked into Klaus’s big compound, I glanced back and saw those guards a few meters away from me.

They really know how to do their job, I head towards the main door.


I dropped the bags on a sofa in the living room, and gro-ned.. I stretch my stiff limbs.

“What did my baby do today that got her tired?” Klaus said behind me.

I turned with a surprise expression, my eyes land on the wall clock behind him… It’s 4pm.

“Klaus, you are home early today” I said.

“Yeah, I wanna cook for you.. you know we don’t have a cook now” he replied.

I nod, Jerry left..I took in his outfit and realized there’s an apron around his wa-ist.

It’s just us now. He walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around my wa-ist.. pulling flushed against him.

He leaned forward and k-ssed my temple.

“You went shopping?”


“What did you buy?” He asked.

“Er.. just some.. clothes?” I answered in an unsure tone.

He stared at the bags but didn’t say anything or check them.. he simply turned back to me and k-ssed my l-ips.

I break the k-ss when I remembered something.

“Klaus, my mom woke up” I said happily.

“Your mom woke up?”

I nodded.


I thought dad would have told him already, since they’re best buddies.. but from his reaction dad haven’t.

“I’ll go see her tomorrow” he said.

“Well, I guess you should go continue cooking.. I wanna go freshen up”

He nodded and k-ssed me again, short and sweet.. then spanked my butts softly.

“I’m making your favorite” he said and rushed back to the kitchen.

I gather my shopping bags and head to our room.



Nicklaus’s Addiction 🔥

Chapter 101.

Written by: Racheal Dennis


Anastasia’s pov 👠

Nicklaus’s mansion…

“Graham, that’s the last bag, take it!” Klaus said to Graham.

I simply sat on a sofa, scrolling through my phone since Klaus won’t let me do anything.

Today’s the day we’re going to the beach, it’s been four days already.. four days since my mom woke up.

Everyone has gotten the news already, even Klaus’ mom, she was so happy when she heard my mom woke up.

They both spent the night catching up.

Then recalling Klaus’ expression when mom was questioning him, it’s kinda funny…


Nicklaus sat on a sofa in dad’s small living room, honestly, I don’t understand my dad at all.

He’s rich, but yet, he choose to live in a small, shabby apartment in a very secluded alley.. weird characteristic!

Mom sat opposite Klaus, she made me sat away from Klaus.. she got up and started walking round him.

Klaus pass me a questioning look, which I ignored. I can tell he’s nervous wreck, cause his fingers are moving nervously.

“So.. you’re Nicklaus?” Mom asked, even though I already introduced him to her.

“Y-yes, ma’am..”

“Mmm!” Mom cut him off.

“.. aunt…”

Mom narrowed her eyes at him and he gulped quickly, his eyes flicked to me and I mouthed *mom!*

“Yes, mom!” He said.

She nod. Mom placed her finger under his chin and lifted it up, she stared at his face.

“Hmm, good features, you’ve a handsome face.. my grandkids won’t be ugly”

I frowned, really?! Is that why she’s questioning him?!

“What’s your net worth?”


“Shut up!” She told me. “I’m asking him a very serious question!”

A very serious question?! Why would she asked about his net worth?! Wouldn’t that make Klaus think I’m a gold digger?!

I mentally facepalm myself and turned to dad, he’s not even paying attention to us.. he’s playing a game on his phone.

“Dad” I called him quietly.

He paused his game and turned to me.

“What?” He asked.

“Talk to your wife” I told him.

He turned to Mom and heard her asking Klaus about his net worth, he turned back to me and smiled.

“Oh.. it’s normal for her to ask”


“Your father can’t be richer than him.. at least, we should be very assured he’ll be able to take care of you”

I frowned. “But Klaus is obviously richer than you.. in fact, almost eight times richer than you”

Dad narrowed his eyes at me.

“What are you trying to say, missy? That your dad is poor?” He asked.

I quickly shook my head in disagreement.

“No! Never! My dad is the rich, very rich!” I said.

But my baby’s daddy is the richest, I said to myself.

Dad smiled and turned back to his game, while I gave my attention back to mom and Klaus.

“… $3,000,000,000!” I heard Klaus said.

Mom nodded. “That’s good! Very impressive!”

There’s a moment of silence as mom is accessing him, I can see sweat beads on his forehead.

“I heard about everything that’s been happening, and how you’ve always stood by Nina.. you’ve proven you can take care of her”

Mom paused and turned to me, I smiled and nodded.. she smiled back and turned back to Klaus.

“You have my blessings, but don’t hurt my daughter.. or I’ll cut your balls and ’em to dogs!”

Klaus flinched back and on instincts, his hands covered his manh-od!


“Is everything packed?” Klaus asked Graham.

“Yes, sir” Graham replied.

I rolled my eyes and got up, shoving my phone in my purse.

“Klaus, we’re just going for a day trip to the beach.. we don’t need to take too much stuff!”

A small frown appeared on Klaus’ forehead.

“I don’t think we took too much, those are all necessities” he said.

I rolled my eyeballs again. I grabbed my hand bag from the table, put my purse in,side and flung it on my shoulder.

“Can we leave now?” I asked.

“Yeah!” He answered.

He wrapped his arm around my wa-ist and we head towards the door.

Authoress’ pov 👠

LA city hospital… Claudia’s ward…

Doctor Max whispered something to his assistant and his assistant quickly jotted it down.

He turned back to Claudia and Rose.. he smiled at them.

“Mrs Rose, your daughter is recovering fine.. her emotions have been very stable and the h0le in her heart is closing up”

Rose looked at Claudia and smiled.

“Thank you, doctor.. this only happened because you always make time to keep my daughter company.. despite your busy schedule” she said.

She saw doctor Max smiling and staring at Claudia, his eyes held so much love.. and she can tell her daughter also have a thing for him.

But she doesn’t wanna involve herself, she want them to discover this themselves.

“Well, Claudia you’re leaving the hospital today.. don’t forget to come back for check ups.. also, don’t get angry too much at anything.. don’t put too much pressure on yourself and you’ll be fine”

“Yes, Max”

They both kept staring at each other, as if they have something to say.. Rose and doctor Max’s assistant seemed to notice this.

“Doctor Max, I should quickly go arrange those folders” the assistant said and rushed out without waiting for his answer.

Rose cleared her throat quietly.

“Claudia, I think I should go get your discharge papers” Rose said and rushed out too.

Now it’s just Claudia and doctor Max in the ward, Claudia looked away from him.. he sat on her bed and held her chin.

He turned her face to him and stared at her eyes, slowly leaning closer and soon he crashed his l-ips on hers.

Claudia’s shocked, her eyes w¡dened in surprise.. not because Max k-ssed her, but because she wasn’t expecting he’d k-ss her.

Before she could reciprocate the k-ss, he pulled away and turned away from her.

“I.. I.. we… ”

Claudia got up and rushed to his front, she smiled at him.

“Let’s not make this awkward, we’re not teenagers anymore” she said.


“There’s no buts. I love you!”

Max frowned.

He love her too, these days he’s spent with her are the happiest in his life but….

“I’m sorry, Claudia” he said.

“You’re sorry?”

He looked away from her, but she didn’t let him be.. she turned his face back to her.

“You’re sorry? Why are you sorry?” She asked.

He stared at her silently for a brief moment, then took a step away from her.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t be together!”

Claudia’s expression changed, her eyebrows drew together in a frown.

“Why?!” Was the only word that left her mouth.

“I.. we.. I can’t afford you”

“You can’t afford me?!”

She scoffed, Max shook his head.. the words didn’t come out the way he intended them.

“Am I something you buy from a supermarket? Something you can’t afford to buy?”

“No.. Claudia that’s not what I meant, I..” he trailed off.

“Then what did you mean? Tell me.. tell me what you mean”

She felt her heart beating faster than usual, she also started feeling some slight pains.

This is not the first time a man has rejected her, in fact, Nicklaus has been rejecting her since they were kids.. but she never read too much into it.

Maybe because she don’t really love him like she claimed, this is the first time her heart is actually breaking.

“You.. you can’t afford me?” She stutter.

Her hands flew to her chest as she finds it hærd to breathe.. she gasp for air.

“F**k! I forgot about her heart!” Doctor Max exclaimed.

He held her and helped her on the bed, he turned on the air conditioner.

“Claudia, breathe.. breathe..”

Claudia pushed him away from her, she started taking slow breaths.. to keep herself calm but it doesn’t seem to work.

“Breathe.. relax your mind, don’t think too much”

Max pulled his hair in frustration, when it’s not working, he reached for his pocket and pulled out an injection.. he quickly injects her and slowly the pain seeped away.

“Are you alright?” He asked her.

She ignored him and took a deep breath, she slowly got up and started packing her stuffs.

“Claudia, you scared me just now, I.. I thought you’re gonna… ”

He didn’t finished his words before he pulled her into a hug, he hugged her so tight.

“The thought of losing you is frightening.. let’s be together, ok?”

Claudia pushed him away, she turned away from him and continued packing her stuffs.

“No! I don’t want your pity.. don’t be with me because you’re pitying me!”

“No, it’s not pity, I really wanna be with you”

Just then, Rose came in, she sensed the tension in the air.. she looked at Claudia and notice she’s not happy.

“What happened?” Rose asked.

“Nothing, mom, I just wanna go home!” Claudia said.

She walked past Max, but he caught her hand.

“Claudia, I’m serious, I can’t lose you.. I was just confused for a moment and… ”

Claudia snatched her hand from him.

“I don’t think love is meant for me, maybe in this lifetime, I don’t deserve to be loved.. I pray you meet your miss perfect”

Tears rolled down her eyes as she said these words, she quickly wiped them off.

“Mom, let’s go!” She said and ran out.

Rose stared at Max speechlessly for a few moments, then rushed off after her daughter.

Max balled his fist and punch the empty air.

Anastasia’s pov 👠

Malibu beach…

After a long ride, we arrived at the beach.. Graham parked the car out a cottage.

He jumped out of the car and quickly came to our side and opened the door.

“The door is right here, I don’t understand why you have to wait for Graham to get it for you” I queried Klaus as we alight.

He wrapped his arm around my wa-ist and carried my bag from me.. then led us towards the cottage.

“It’s his job to get the door for me, that’s what I’m paying him for!” He said.

I scoffed. “You’re just being lazy!”

We got to the entrance door, Klaus opened the door and we stepped in.. I look around.

This doesn’t look like the kind of cottage I know, this look like a regular house. Let’s say, it’s the mini version of our mansion!

“Klaus, did you rent this place?” I asked.

“No” he replied.

Graham is already bringing our bags in,side.

“It’s yours?” I asked him again.

“Yeah!” He replied again.

“Why would you build a house here?”

“Well, before I found you, I always like it quiet and you know very well I don’t associate with people.. so, I built this house here to hide away from all the noise” he explained.

Hmm, rich people are weird!

Though living close to the beach is kinda cool…sleeping to the sound of the waves and waking up to see the glistening of these waters gives an amazing feeling.

There’s a knock on the door, which pulled me back to reality.

“Are you expecting someone?” I asked him.

I believe whoever’s at door isn’t a bad person, else, Graham would have fought him.

“Nope! But I think I know who’s knocking!” Klaus replied.

He went to get the door, while I went to settle myself in an armchair.. I reached for the TV remote.

“Howdy, neighbor!” I heard Matilda say.

I turned and saw her rushing to me, we engulfed each other in a brief, tight hug.

“Tilda, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Told you we’re coming to the beach”

I smacked my head softly, I forgot about that.

“I didn’t know Mr Statham’s the owner of this cottage.. Marcus’s got the next cottage” she said.

“Why do you always call Klaus Mr Statham?” I asked.

She turned towards Klaus and Marcus who are discussing God know what.

“Well, I guess I just prefer calling him that”

“Hmph! That’s a mouthful” I said.

We both sat on different armchairs, Matilda snatched a magazine laying on the table and flipped through pages.

While I search for any interesting program to watch.. but don’t seem to find any.

“Right, Tasia, did you bring those bikinis?” Matilda asked me.

“Yeah, they’re in,side my hand bag” I answered.

She nod and winked at me, Klaus and Marcus came to us.

“Girls, we’ll go set the grill and we can get this beach party started!” Marcus said.

“Wait.. I don’t get it. Are we here for picnic.. or beach party?” I asked.

Marcus and Klaus exchange looks, they both grabbed a bag from the once Graham brought in.

“You are here for both!” They said and went out.

As if we planned it, Matilda and I sighed deeply and leaned back on our chair.

“Well, since they’re setting the grill.. why don’t we go get ready to rock the party?” Matilda suggest.

“But the sun is… ”

“Come on!” She sprint up and grabbed my hand.

She pulled me along with her, but not before flinging my bag along too.


“Wow! Tilda! This is beautiful” I exclaimed.

I looked at myself in a full length mirror that was in a corner, in Marcus’s room.. we’re in Marcus’s cottage.

“What do you think?” Matilda asked.

“Beautiful.. very beautiful” I said.

I look just like those underwear models.. I mean, bikini models… ugh! You know what I mean.

Matilda put my hair in a messy bun, letting a few strands fall on my face.

I’m wearing a white, s€×y two piece bikini, which put all my curves in display..

“Now, check me out.. how do I look?” She asked.

“Gorgeous queen!” I answered.

She nodded and linked our hands together..

“Let’s go k-ss the sun!” She said.

“Wait.. I should get a jacket”

“Why?” She asked with a frown.

“Klaus won’t like it if I go out like this, showing so much skin”

She took a step from me and looked at me from head to toe.. then arched an eyebrow at me.

“Where’s the skin?” She asked mockingly.

I glared at her, I know she’s indirectly saying I’m ski-ny… I smacked her shoulder and she gro-ned.

“Anyway, I can’t go out in this, Klaus would flair up if he sees me in this”

She rolled her eyes and pulled me along with her.

“We’re at the beach to show off our bikini, not hide under some jacket!”

“But… ”

“Shut up and follow me!”

Hmm, if only she knows I’m trying to save those poor boys from Klaus’ fist.

We got outside, we scan the area and saw Graham carrying crates of soft drinks towards an umbrella.

“Graham!” I called him.

He stopped and we walked to him, then we all started walking towards the umbrella…I guess that’s our umbrella.

“Miss Lopez!” He greets me.

“Where’s Klaus and Marcus?” I asked.

“They’re setting up the grill” he answered and gestured towards them.

They are a few meters away from the umbrella, I quickly rushed to Graham’s left side to shield myself from Klaus.

We arrived at the umbrella, I pulled out a chair and sat down.. Matilda also sat down next to me.

“Help me with a cola” I said to Graham.

He reached for a coke and handed it to me, I thanked him and opened it.. I took a sip.

“Why is the beach packed today?” I asked.

I just realized there are so many people at the beach today.

“Someone’s holding a wedding anniversary here in the evening” Matilda replied.. she also reached for a coke.

“Wow! I love weddings!” I said.

“Excuse me, Miss Lopez, I should go help Mr Statham!” Graham said and left.

Now it’s just Matilda and I, we watch two boys surfing.

They look like they’re professional in surfing, like they’ve been surfing since they’re in their mother’s womb.

“Check out these boys, who would you like to crush on?” Matilda asked me.

She’s referring to the surfers, I looked at them.. they’re both good but I prefer the one with the blonde hair.. he look like Ken (barbie’s boyfriend)

Wait.. what am I thinking?! I’m an engaged, pregnant woman!

“I can’t choose” I replied.

“Why?” She asked.

“I’m engaged and my fiance is the best, most handsome guy in the universe!”

She sighed. “Dummy, I didn’t ask you to go ask him out.. just pretend like you’re single, which of them would you like to go out with?”

“Hmm.. well, I prefer the blonde, I have always crushed on guys with blonde hair!”

She burst into laughter at my reply. “Unfortunately, your man is not a blonde”

I rolled my eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know!”


After playing in the water for some time, the boys decided they’ve had enough.. so they emerged.

They walked straight to Matilda and I, they passed us a flirtatious smile.

“Hi ladies!” The blonde hair said. “I’m Kyle and this is my twin brother, Ken!”

Twins?! But they don’t look like twins.. they look different.

“Would you mind telling us your beautiful names?” Ken asked.

Matilda smiled at them and cleared her throat.

“It’s better you don’t know our names, now that you’re still standing here in one piece.. I’d advise you leave!” She said.

“We can’t leave without knowing your names” Kyle said.

“Well, I can tell you my name but forget about hers.. she’s an engaged, pregnant woman!” She repeated my words.

Kyle looked at me, as if he’s looking for something.

“But she don’t look pregnant to me and I don’t see a ring on her finger” he said.

My eyes waver towards Klaus, he’s already looking towards us with a frown.. even from here I can see his frown.

I turned back to Kyle.

“Kyle, I’d advise you leave now before it’s too late.. you wouldn’t like it if my fiance gets here” I said.

He scoffed.

“You’re bluffing me, I don’t see any guy standing beside you” he said.

“Ahem!” I heard Klaus cleared his throat behind me.

I gasped, when did he get here? Wasn’t he just standing over there?

I advised Kyle but he didn’t listen.. I’m having a bad feeling that this is not gonna end well.

To be continued.

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