Stuck Between The Beverly Brothers

Stuck Between The Beverly Brothers episode 25 – 26

Stuck between the Beverly brothers.

SBΒ³ πŸ’•πŸ’•

Chapter 25 πŸ’žπŸ’ž

Jennifer Owens πŸ’žπŸ’ž

~ Brett ~

How the hell did he get the SD card? And how the hell did he take Manuel?

“you bastard, gimme back the SD card now ” I commanded and he chuckled.

If he has the SD card then how the hell will we send him behind bars?

Carly was crying on the floor and Kyle seemed calm.

How can he be calm when our evidence is with the monster himself?

He should be planning how we’ll get back the SD card but he doesn’t seem worried.

The door flew open and Manuel walked in.

I arched an eyebrow then glanced at Kyle.

I thought dad kidnapped him.

“you ” dad said, shocked.

Why’s he shocked? Prolly because he thought he was dead.

“why? Are you surprise I’m alive and healthy ” Manuel asked.

Carly sprung up and ran to her brother.

She jumped in his arms and Manuel wrapped his arms around her.

“I thought he kidnapped you ” Carly said as she sniffed.

“don’t worry, he’s just trying to scare y’all ” Manuel said and k-ssed her forehead.

“it’s OK, now go up to your room ” he said as he wiped her tears.

She nodded, glanced at me before heading upstairs.

“so what are we waiting for? Are we gonna beat the hell outta him ” Manuel asked.

I looked over to Kyle and he winked at me.

“get out ” Kyle said to dad who was still shocked cause of Manuel.

“do we have to drag you out or you’ll respect yourself and go yourself ” I asked and his eyes darted to me but quickly averted it back to Manuel.

“I’m coming for you ” he said to Manuel.

He got up and headed to the door.

“all of you” he added before exiting the sitting room.

“what the hell is wrong with you ” I asked Kyle.

“chill lil brother, I have the video with me ” he said and I arched an eyebrow.

“I shared it to my phone in case you loose it cause you know…. You’re careless sometimes ” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“that evidence is enough to send him to jail cause he openly confessed to his crimes with his own mouth plus we all are ready to testify against him” I said and they both nodded.

“we’ll get our lawyer tomorrow and file a case against him “Kyle said and I nodded.

I went up stairs to Carly’s room and she was beside her window.

“hey ” I said to her her attention and I did.

She smiled and I walked up to her.

“I’m sorry ” I said and she arched an eyebrow.

“for what ” she asked.

I sighed and took her hands.

“for everything that I’ve put you through, for all the pains I caused you , I’m sorry for everything ” I said and she smiled.

“and one more thing ” I said.

I closed my eyes, s-cked in a deep breath and reopened them.

“I love you ” I blurted out.

“yes Carly, I love u so much and I’ve always loved you. I tried so much to get rid of you, to stop thinking about you, to push u away from me but I couldn’t. I love you ” I blurted and stood with a pounding heart, waiting for her reply.

Her eyes got w-t and a tear slid down her left cheek.

She smiled and hugged me.

“I love you too ” she whispered.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at her.

“what did you say ” I asked.

“I love you ” she said.

I felt really happy like butterflies dancing in my stomach.

I wanted to jump up, scre-m.

“say it again ” I demanded and she giggled.

“I love you Brett Beverly ” she said and I crashed my l-ips on hers.

She wrapped her hands around my neck and deepened the k-ss.

She opened up and I slid my tongue in,side her mouth.

I ran my hand down her back and gently squeezed her hΒ‘p.

She smiled against my l-ips and pulled away.

“I promise to always make you happy ” I said and hugged her.

~ Kyle ~

After freshening up, I laid on my bed.

I took my phone and called Amber.

“hey angel ” I said into the phone.

“Kyle ” she scre-med.

I could sense the smile on her l-ips.

“yes it’s me ” I said sarcastically.

“why’d u call, you barely call me so what’s it ” she asked.

“I miss you ” I blurted out and I know by now, she had arched her eyebrow.

“what do u mean you miss me ” she asked.

“I don’t know, I just feel lonely without you and for some reason, I want you here with me ” I said honestly.

“really ” she asked and I nodded.

I realised she couldn’t see me so I replied “yes”.

“OK why don’t we video call ” she asked and I smiled.

“that’s a great idea cause I really wanna see that beautiful face of yours ” I said and she giggled.

I hung up and got my laptop that was on the table.

I laid flat on my tummy on the bed and got ready for the video chat.

Fast forward ➑ ➑

I woke up the next morning and stretched.

My laptop was beside me on the bed and I smiled when I remembered last night.

I can’t believe I chatted with Amber all night and got to sleep at 4:05 in the morning.

It’s weird but I didn’t get tired of talking to her if not for Mr sleep that knocked me out.

I closed my laptop and went to freshen up.

After freshening up, I went downstairs and met Manuel, Brett, Carly and our lawyer.

They already called the lawyer?

“so you guys couldn’t wait for me” I asked as I walked up to them.

“you were enjoying your sleep so.. ” Brett said and shrugged.

“OK let’s get started ” I said and they all glance at one another.

“we’re already done and I already showed him the video ” Brett blurted out and I arched an eyebrow.

“so soon ” I asked and he rolled his eyes.

“check your time ” he said and I looked at my wristwatch.

“holy moly ” I exclaimed.

I can’t believe I’m just waking up now.

It’s already 11:40 am.

So much for sleeping late.

“we didn’t go to school cause of the case ” Brett added and I nodded.

I esc-rted the lawyer out after he told us the case would be the day after tomorrow.

I went to the kitchen and got myself snacks to eat.

I went back to my room after eating snacks and took back my laptop.

Though I chatted with Amber all night, I still wanna see and talk to her again.

I really don’t know what’s happening to me.

Maybe I’ve gotten used to her presence since she’s clingy.

I video called her many times but she didn’t pick up.

I guess she’s still asleep since we chatted all night long.

My phone buzzed and I took it to check the msg.

It was from dad and I cussed.

Can’t believe I still have his number.

“don’t you wanna know who the mole is? The one who’s been feeding me with info, so innocent yet so dangerous haha haha ” the msg read and my heart skipped.

A mole? That means there’s a traitor in our midst?

Who can it be? Carly?

So innocent yet so dangerous.

Carly is so innocent too.

Is it Manuel? Or perhaps, Amber?

Another msg came in and I checked it.

“meet me at the same sβ‚±0t we met months ago ” the msg read and I got outta bed.

But wait! What if this is one of dad’s plans?

What if it’s a trap?

But I have to find out who it is.

I went downstairs and met Brett alone in the sitting room.

“where’s Carly and Manuel ” I asked.

“they both went out to catch fun ” he replied and the thought came.

What if Carly just used that as excuse to go see dad? Or what if it’s Manuel that used that excuse?

Amber for sure is home, sleeping now.

“there’s a traitor between us and dad wants us to come meet him ” I told Brett.

“a traitor ” he asked and I nodded.

He gave me a weird look before getting his lazy butt up.

“been wondering who the hell feeds dad info ” he said as we walked out.. We boarded the car and I drove out of the compound.

Mins later, we arrived and alighted.

It was kinda an uncompleted building.

Brett and I glanced at each other before walking.

“welcome my boys ” dad greeted and I rolled my eyes.

“who’s the traitor this time ” Brett asked and dad chuckled.

“Chill. Scared it might be your little love ?”dad asked.

” come out now ” dad said and the person walked out.

My heart jumped and my mouth hung open at the person in front of us.

Brett seemed shocked and the pain was clearly visible in his face.


Stuck between the Beverly brothers.


Chapter 26

~ Semi Finale ~

Jennifer Owens.

~ Kyle ~

Brett turned and walked out.

I didn’t wanna believe it’s true, maybe it’s a set up but the confidence displaying on her face says it all.

I shook my head negatively and walked out too.

I can’t believe it! I can’t believe amber can do this to me, to us.

I thought we were starting to mean something, I thought there was starting to be something between us.

I don’t know but I thought she had feelings for me.

I got in the car and sighed heavily.

“drive ” Brett said lowly and I sighed again.

“I don’t think I have the strength to ” I said.

“fine! I’ll drive ” he said and alighted.

I got out too and we exchanged seats.

He started the engine and drove off.

We arrived and met Manuel and Carly on the couch, having fun.

I sighed and went up to my room.

I plumped down on the bed and sighed again.

I took my laptop, switched it on and kept staring at Amber’s photo that’s my wallpaper.

I laid flat on my belly and stared at her pic.

~ Brett ~

I went up to my room without saying a word to Manuel and Carly.

I laid on my bed and buried my face in my pillow.

My door creaked open and I looked up to see Carly.

“hey ” I said and sat up.

“what happened ” she asked lowly.

I could see the look of concern in her eyes.

I sighed and got out of the bed.

I knelt down in front of her and she arched an eyebrow.

“what is it ” she asked softly.

“Carly please, please promise me you’ll never betray me ” I said.

The look of confusion was clearly visible on her face.

“what are u talking about ” she asked.

“just promise me ” I said.

“look Brett, I don’t know what’s wrong but I’d never ever betray you. I promise you that I’ll never betray you cause I… I ” she paused and looked at me.

“cause you what “I asked.

“it’s nothing but I’ll never betray you, that I promise you “she said.

“just tell me, you’ll never betray me cause you what ” I asked and she sighed.

“it’s nothing ” she said.

I know she’s lying but why?

What’s she hiding from me?

“tell me ” I demanded.

She sighed and got up.

“I told you it’s nothing ” she lied and I sighed.

I got up and went to her front.

” Carly please just tell me ” I begged and she sighed.

She closed her eyes, s-cked in a long breath and reopened them.

“cause I love you” she blurted out and I smiled.

She really really loves me and I don’t think she’ll ever betray me.

I smiled and hugged her.

~ Kyle ~

Still staring at Amber’s pic, a tear slid downy cheek.

Now I know how much it hurt Brett when his girlfriend betrayed him.

It hurts so much.

But why the hell does it hurt me so much?

Does it mean I love Amber now?

How’s Amber even like?

She’s sweet, kind, nice, beautiful, agile, she’s just so full of wonders.

That’s it! Amber can’t do something like this!

I have to be sure, I have to investigate.

I sprung outta bed and went downstairs.

Carly and Brett were on the couch with Carly laying partly on Brett.

I didn’t even give a damn cause my only concern now is Amber.

I guess she’s home now.

I got out, boarded my car and drove off.

I arrived mins later and alighted.

I walked to the couch and rang the bell.

I rang it thrice before the door flew open, revealing Amber.

Her eyes were puffy and red like she’s been crying.

I held her by her right arm and walked her in with me.

“I know you didn’t do it so tell me now ” I commanded.

She just stood, staring at me.

“will you talk to me ” I yelled and she flinched.

Gosh! I hate myself for yelling at her like that.

I don’t want to hurt her.

I cupped her face in my hands and stared into her beautiful eyes.

“Amber please tell me, tall to me. I knew there’s something wrong somewhere, tell me dad’s wrong about you, please talk to me ” I pleaded.

“he’s right, I did betray y’all ” she said boldly.

“lies! You’re lying! ” I yelled and she flinched.

“OK tell me, what are the info you gave him ” I asked.

She stared at me as if studying my face but damn I knew she was thinking what to tell me.

“everything, everything that has been going in y’all lives ” she blurted out and I chuckled.

“you see? You don’t even know what to come up with ” I said and chuckled.

“did he threaten you? Is he keeping an eye on you? F-cking talk to me ” I yelled.

“and where the f-ck is your mom? I need to talk to her ” I said.

“she.. She travelled ” she stuttered a little.

“when ”

“yesterday ” she replied and I arched an eyebrow.

“and she didn’t even tell us and nor did you ” I said.

“there’s something wrong and I know it ” I said and she sighed.

“so are you telling me ” I asked but got no reply.

I noticed she was staring at something behind me.

I traced her eyes to the switch and I arched an eyebrow.

Why’s she staring at the switch?

“why… ” I was saying but she quickly looked away.

I walked over to the switch and examined it.

There’s nothing wrong in it.

I looked back at her and I was confused at the look her eyes held.

It was like she was wishing me to know something, wishing I examines the switch more.

I turned back to the switch and ran my hands down it.

My index finger pressed it and the lights went out.

I wanted to switch it back on but I felt a hand on my hand.

I felt her slid something like a paper into my hand.

Though it was dark and I couldn’t see her but I could feel it.

I felt her hand leave mine and I switch on the light.

I looked and saw her at the same sβ‚±0t where she was.

I wanted to raise the paper up but she stopped me.

“no don’t! ” she yelled.

“don’t say your dad’s wrong, don’t say I can’t betray you when I did it right under your nose ” she said and I got more confused.

Before I could say anything, she pushes me out.

“leave! Leave here ” she yelled.

“and why the f-ck did you even switch off the light? You wanted to scare me right ” she asked as she pushed me out.


“just leave! ” she yelled and closed her door.

What’s wrong with her?

I walked over to my car and brought out the paper.

My eyes wΒ‘dened as I read it.

“Kyle I didn’t betray you, your dad blackmailed me.

He’s held my mom hostage and if I dare say anything to you guys, he’d kill her. I can’t tell you anything directly cause he’s stuck a camera beside my ear. Please help my mom, I don’t wanna loose her ” the paper read.

F-ck! I knew it! There was something wrong!

On one side I’m happy cause Amber didn’t betray us and on the other, I’m sad and angry cause dad dare kidnap her mom.

Dad’s a monster and who knows if he’s already killed Amber’s mom?

What kinda shit is this?

How do we get that monster to jail without him hurting Amber’s mom or anyone?

T. B. C

Jennifer Owens.

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