Stuck Between The Beverly Brothers

Stuck between the beverly brothers episode 5 – 6

πŸ’ž Stuck between the Beverly brothers πŸ’ž

SBΒ³ πŸ’•πŸ’•

Chapter 5 🌻

Jennifer Owens πŸ’•πŸ’ž

Kyle walked up the stairs with Carly to his room and started packing up.

“don’t worry, he’s not gonna kill you. Just stay within your limits and don’t get on his nerve ” Kyle told Carly as he packed up.

“you can cook, right ” he asked and Carly slowly nodded.

“good, I’ll have Amber buy food stuffs in the house so you can cook whenever you’re hungry ” he said.

He noticed Carly’s sad face and sighed.

“I don’t wanna leave you either but I have to, please understand ” he said softly.

He walked to her and hugged her.

“I’ll try my best to come back soon ” he whispered as he patted her back.

“Go rest now, I have to sleep early so I wouldn’t miss the flight. My manager already booked my ticket ” Kyle said and pulled away from Carly.

He walked Carly to her doorstep and went back to his room.

Carly sighed and stood beside her window.

She glanced at her neatly done bed and sighed again.

Maybe she could just try sleeping.

Maybe she wouldn’t have nightmares again.

She went to her bed, laid on it and closed her eyes.

Brett could be seen on the bed with two pictures.

One is of a woman who had black hair and the other is of a young girl with reddish brown hair.

Brett k-ssed the two pictures, kept it under his pillow, switched off his light and got under the duvet.

In Kyle’s room, Kyle laid on his bed, already snoring softly.

Back to Carly’s room, she finally closed her eyes and decided to sleep.

Half way through, she jerked up, p-nting heavily.

‘those nightmares ” she cussed.

She sat on the bed with her knees folded up.

She stared at the clock as it tickled.

Hours later, it was dawn so she got down from the bed and went to tidy up.

She dressed up and walked out.

It was just 6:45 so she didn’t expect anyone to be awake.

She walked down the stairs and to her surprise, Brett and Kyle were already awake and Kyle was about leaving.. She didn’t believe Kyle was gonna leave without a goodbye.

Kyle walked to her with a smile and helped her descend the last two stair case.

Kyle walked out with Carly while Brett trailed behind.

Kyle assured Carly she would be alright and waved them goodbye.

Kyle boarded the car and the gate man started the engine.

Carly’s eyes were fixed on Kyle’s car as it drove off.

Though the car was already out of sight but she didn’t advert her gaze cause she knew it’ll meet Brett’s.

She bowed her head and ran in,side.

She ran up to her room and plumped down on the bed.

How’s she gonna survive with someone like Brett?

On one hand, she likes seeing Brett, his beautiful face and on the other hand, she’s scared and want to just kill herself.

The doorbell rang and she went downstairs.

Brett was seated on the couch, not even bothered about the door.

She went to the door and opened it.

She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw it was Amber.

“hey ” Amber smiled and entered.

She sighted Brett on the couch and sighed.

“so I brought food stuffs ” she said, heading to the kitchen with some grocery bags.

Carly was happy, at least there’s someone here.

“this would be here, and this would be here and this and this… ” Amber blabbed as she arranged the food stuffs in the kitchen cabinet.

“and voila! I’m done ” she said and turned to Carly.

“Carly ” she called with a smile and went to hug her.

Carly was surprised with her act.

‘didn’t she see me when I opened the door ‘ Carly thought.

“so what do we cook for breakfast ” Amber asked.

“I’m talking to you ” Amber said when she got no reply from Carly.

“hello ” she waved her hand in front of Carly.

“oh OK! This is weird so I’m gonna just prepare bacon and egg ” she said and turned to start cooking.

“you can lend a helping hand ” she said as she brought out the ingredients.

Half way through the cooking, Amber sighed and turned.

“OK! This is weird and I’m not gonna keep shut. Can’t you speak ” she asked.

She stared at Carly, waiting for a response but got none.

“this is so frustrating ” she cussed and turned back to the food.

Carly sighed and bowed her head.

She wants to speak so badly but ever since her brother died and she was in shock, she never spoke and now it’s like a problem to her.

She sighed and ran out of the kitchen.

Amber felt bad cause she thought she had said some hurtful words to her.

She finished the food and served it.

She put the one she served on a tray with a glass of water and a glass of juice.

She left the kitchen and headed up the stairs.

“now where’s Carly’s room ” she asked rhetorically.

“OK I know Brett’s room and Kyle’s room so obviously, the guest room would be hers” she said and headed there.

She knocked with her leg and didn’t wait for Carly to open up.

She pushed the door open and met Carly on the bed with a book she presumed to be her diary.

She was writing things down in it.

“Carly ” she called but Carly didn’t raise her head up.

Amber sighed and dropped the tray on the table and went to sit beside her.

“I’m sorry okay ” she said and Carly stopped writing.

She closed her diary and looked up to Amber.

Carly’s l-ips trembled and slowly, it curved into a smile.

Carly was amused that she could smile now.

Though she has done it before but it was hΓ¦rd to do it often but now it isn’t.

It was nothing to Amber cause she didn’t know Carly’s situation but to Carly, it’s an improvement.

Amber smiled back and hugged Carly.

“now eat up “he told Carly and she nodded.

“I’ll be back tomorrow, have to help mom with the house chores” she said and got up.

Carly’s expression saddened cause she’d be left all alone with Brett.

“bye ” Amber said and went out.

Carly kept smiling over and over again.

She sighed and finally ate her food.

She was done so she took the tray and headed out.

Her eyes scanned everywhere for Brett but he was nowhere in the sitting room.

She heaved a sigh of relief and ran downstairs.

She washed the tray and ditches and cleaned her hand with the hand towel.

She tiptoed to the sitting room and there was still no Brett.

She ran up the stairs and walked around.

She found out there was a balcony in the house.

She reached a room and wanted to go in but remembered when she entered Brett’s room.

She turned to leave but turned back to the room.

‘It isn’t Brett’s room so I can go in ‘ she said within herself.

She pushed open the door and went in.

It was pitch black and could hærdly see anything.

She found the switch and switched on the light.

In the room were photos, frames and drawing of the same woman and girl.

Their pictures were everywhere and it was even drawn.

She walked in fully and ran her hand down the frame work of the girl’s picture.

She noticed a shadow at the door and she turned swiftly.

Her eyes met Brett’s cold ones and her heart jumped in her chest.

Can’t she admire something for once without being caught?

He’s like a shadow to her.

She prayed and hope Brett would send her out like he did the other day.

Chapter 6 🌻 β˜€

“you don’t listen do you ” Brett’s cold voice could be heard as she stared at her.

“you didn’t only invade my privacy by entering my room, you dare enter into my….. ” he paused and hissed between gritted teeth.

“I’m gonna punish you and make sure you can’t roam around the house again ” he said and more fear gripped Carly.

“follow me ” he ordered but Carly didn’t make any move.

“don’t dare defy my order else I’ll throw you out in the streets ” he remarked.

“now follow me “he ordered coldly.

Carly knew she had to obey him if she wants to stay in the house so she followed him.

They arrived at a very large room that looked like a sitting room but it neither had couches nor TV.

It was empty and wide.

“you’re gonna clean this place, I don’t want to see any dirt ” he ordered and Carly swallowed.

“start ” he yelled and Carly flinched.

She ran downstairs and came back with broom.

She swept the empty sitting room and she was already tired cause the room was so wide.

She was walking slowly out but Brett yelled at her to run and she ran down the stairs.

She almost tripped but she quickly firmed her balance.

She got the bucket and mop and sluggishly carried it up to the empty sitting room.

She started mopping.

“stop ” she heard Brett’s voice and she stopped.

“it’s not yet time for mopping, go get a brush and brush the floor ” he ordered and Carly stared straight into his eyes.

She was already tired.

Her eyes got w-t and a tear slid down.

“be fast ” Brett added.

Carly sniffed and got up.

“run ” Brett ordered and she ran downstairs.

She took a brush from the store room and ran back upstairs.

She has never been used as a slave ever since she was born.

But one thing made her happy.

A tear had earlier slid down her cheek which meant she was hurt and could show her emotions.

She only cry when she’s really really really hurt or scared and those tears seemed hΓ¦rd to drop but it did now.

She poured the soapy water on the tiled floor and almost slipped but held onto the wall.

She got on her knees and started brushing.

She kept brushing till she didn’t have any strength to continue so she stopped.

“don’t stop ” Brett said as Carly p-nted.

“I said continue ” he half yelled.

Carly picked up the brush and continued sluggishly.

Hours later, she was done and she couldn’t even stand up.

Her wa-ist seemed stiffened and her hands couldn’t even support her body so she just sat on the soapy floor.

“get your dirty arse off the floor this instant ” Brett ordered.

Carly tried standing up but she fell back on the floor.

She had to do this to stay in the house.

Nothing good comes easy anyway.

She struggled up and dropped the bucket of water at a corner.

She took the mop and started mopping the w-t floor.

She got tired and squatted.

Her legs shook and her wa-ist hurts.

She got up again at the order of Brett.

She continued and after that, she w-t the floor with clean water and mopped the floor clean.

She was done so she plumped down on the floor and p-nted.

“hmm” Brett hummed and stepped in,side the neatly done room.

He walked to and from all over the room and came out.

“oh! My shoe just dirtied the floor so you have to clean it again ” he said and Carly’s head snapped up at him.

‘is he out of his head ‘ Carly thought.

But if she doesn’t do it then he’d throw her out of the house.

Tears slid down her cheeks and she struggled up again.

She mopped the floor all over again and when she was done, she collapsed on the floor.

Her wa-ist hurts, her legs trembled and she seemed void of strength.

“now this would teach you a lesson not to ever roam about in the house again ” Brett snarled and walked away.

Carly laid on the floor, p-nting.

Hours later when she had regained some strength, she sluggishly got up.

She returned the brush, bucket and mop balcony to its normal place.

She staggered to her room and fell on the bed.

She stretched her wa-ist, legs and hands.

She placed her head on the pillow and laid, facing upward.

She missed Kyle so much that she started crying.

‘these tears are no more hΓ¦rd to pour ” she thought as she cried.

Time flew by and it was already nighttime.

Carly was hungry so she went downstairs.

Her wa-ist still hurt.

She micro waved the left overs of the food Amber prepared and ate.

She came out of the kitchen and met Brett entering the house.

“don’t look at me ” he commanded and Carly looked away.

She bowed and walked up the stairs.

She laid on the bed and tried sleeping but she couldn’t.

Her mind drifted to how her brother protected get and treated her like a queen but Brett used her like a slave and that thought alone was killing her.

Had it been her brother was still with her, she wouldn’t go through this mess but that bastard killed him.

They killed her only brother who understood her and her heart is aching.

The wound in her heart can never be healed, never!

She plumped down on the floor and wept.

She wants her brother back.

Carly spent her night in tears, crying for her lost brother and parents.

The way which she had stayed and cried had more pain to her wa-ist.

She struggled up when she noticed it was dawn.

She went to the bathroom and freshened up.

Her wa-ist still hurt from yesterday.

She went downstairs and was so happy that Brett wasn’t up yet.

She wondered why Amber wasn’t here yet cause it’s clearly 8:15.

Guess she has to prepare herself.

Carly scanned the food stuffs and settled to prepare mashed potatoes.

She started and in no time, she was done.

She served herself and went to the dining.

She felt someone gazing at her so she raised her head up to see Brett.

His eyes were fixed on her and fear gripped her that she had done something wrong.

He glared at her and turned away.

She sighed and continued with her food.

She finished eating, cleared the table and did the ditches.

She went back to her room and stood beside the window.

She looked out and noticed how beautiful the backyard was.

It’s a garden, a beautiful one.

She wanted to go explore but her hurting wa-ist reminded her of what Brett did to her and she doesn’t wants to get on his never ever again.

She stared at the garden wondering why Amber was still not here.

Little did she know that Amber had come yesterday cause Kyle called and asked her to give the phone Carly but she couldn’t cause Brett stopped her.

She wanted to ignore Brett and go to Carly’s room but Brett’s authoritative tone scared her.

He chased her out and told her never to come back.

Amber was hurt so she let the tears stream down as she got on her bicycle and rode off.

She called Kyle back and told him.

Kyle had earlier called Brett but he rushed to go give the phone to Carly so she could communicate with Kyle.

After Amber told Kyle what Brett did, he got furious and called Brett.

He was yelling at Brett over the phone so Brett hung up.

Kyle couldn’t believe his younger Brett hung up on him.

He wanted to take the next flight so badly but he had to help patient.

Now that Brett won’t allow Amber in the house, how would Carly be?

He remembered she could cook and he heaved a sigh of relief.

Amber already bought the foodstuffs he asked her to so Carly just have to cook for herself.

The day went by and after Carly had the left overs of the mashed potatoes, she went back to her room.

That night, she couldn’t sleep as well and she tried her very best to block out those hurtful memories.

It was finally dawn, plus, it was Monday and she had to get ready for school.

She freshened up in a haste and dressed up.

She rushed downstairs and ran to the kitchen.

She quickly toasted bread, fried egg and made tea.

She ate it in a hurry.

She rinsed the cup when she was done and watched the plate she used for the bread and egg.

She ran out of the kitchen just in time to see Brett heading out

He was already dressed with his bag.

She thought of her own bag and ran up stairs.

She remembered Kyle had bought her a pink bag when they went shopping and it was in Kyle’s room.

She ran to Kyle’s room and pushes the door open.

She sighted the bag beside the window and went to get it.

On the table was a key and some text books.

The name of the school was written on it so she assumed it was hers.

She packed it in her bag and looked at the key.

Number 56 was written on it.

“it’s definitely my locker key ” she thought and took it.

She’s gone to school before so she has brain.

She ran downstairs and met Brett on the phone.

she waited till he was down with the phone.

Brett didn’t even glance at her as he boarded his car.

Carly was waiting for Brett to at least tell her to get in but surprised her by speeding off.

Carly eyes wΒ‘dened as Brett drove out in speed.

She doesn’t even know the way to school.

She ran out but the car was long gone.

She decided to walk down the road cause she still recognizes some place.

She saw a kiosk and she nodded.

Kyle and her had passed here before and if she keeps going, she’d get to the school.

she reached a three junction and she gotΒ  stuck.

Now which road does she take to school?

T. B. C

Jennifer Owens 🌹

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