The Hammingtons

The hammingtons 2 episode 44 – 45

๐Ÿ‚The Hammingtons 2๐Ÿ‚
A Cursed Family
๐ŸƒChapter 44๐Ÿƒ

Dianna’s POV
“Mother?! What do you mean mother? Drusilla looks much younger than you, she can’t be your mother” I said

“She looks younger because she’s into sacrificial and blood linking magic, same one she used on Eric, she’s living off her victims life essence to continue to stay young, that’s what she does!” Layla said

“I don’t understand, from the story I’ve heard, Ivan found you alone when you were little, how do you have a mother now?” Ethan asked

“Well did you think I fell straight from heaven to Earth? Of course I have a mother, one that abandoned me to pursue her own whims before Ivan saved me and took me in” Layla said

“This is all very surprising and confusing” I said

“You don’t understand do you Dianna? Drusilla has been linked to Eric for about five years now, Eric would’ve died a long time ago but he is immortal and he is like a life long prey for Drusilla and she won’t give that up so easily, she is much more powerful than I am, she has Eric’s powers and if any of you decides to face her, she has the golden dagger that can end your life with a single plunge into your heart” Layla said

“And yet you let such a dangerous woman escape with Eric?!” I exclaimed

“What was I to do Dianna, do you not hear me?! She’s much powerful than me, she has Eric’s powers, what chance do I stand against her?!” Layla asked getting angry and I sighed

“This is messed up” Ethan said and walked out

Adrian’s POV
I was thrown into the dungeon by the guards and I was still too stunned to speak
Did Gia really just betray me? Because of Bellatrix?
I never thought she had it in her, I never thought she could bring herself to do anything against me, but she did and now I have to figure out how to get out of this place and get her back, but how?

Gia’s POV
The night was starting to set in and Chloe was still in her room, she refused to step out so I decided to go in and meet her

“Aren’t you hungry? You haven’t eaten anything since morning” I said as I met her laid on her back and staring into the empty space

“I’m not hungry Mum” she said not looking at me

“Are you still angry at me?” I asked as I sat beside her

“I want to see Dad” she said

“Why would you want to see him Chloe? He was always harsh to you” I reminded

“But you said he loves me, you said he always love me” Chloe said

“I did but I was wrong, your Dad is dangerous, we should stay away from him” I said hoping she’ll listen to me

“But he’s still my father and he’s family, we can’t abandon our family like that can we? Shouldn’t families always stand up for each other?” Chloe asked and I couldn’t help but stare at her for a moment

Standing up for family, that was what the legendary Hammington siblings were known for and that was what I used to do, well till I met Adrian
Seeing Chloe talk about standing up for family, I guess she does have the Hammington blood flowing within her

“We should visit Dad and assure him we’ll try out best to get him out of there” Chloe said

“What?! No we are not doing that, Adrian is going to rot over there so its better we start getting used to living without him” I said in a stern voice

“But Mum!” she said sitting up
“Shouldn’t we at least go there and try to hear him out? There must have being a reason why he was trying to escape Mordor”

“Of course there’s a reason, he was trying to separate you from me and I am never going to let that happen, I do not care what you think Chloe but your Adrian is part of this family no longer and you better start living with that!!” I yelled and walked out angrily
Why the bloody hell is she suddenly being so stubborn?!

Bellatrix’s POV
It was getting darker and Mum was obviously angry with me but I couldn’t help it, Dad is family we should be trying to help him, I don’t understand why she’s so comfortable with letting the guards take him
Dad might have been harsh to me sometimes but he is still my father and I want to know why he wanted to escape Mordor with me, I wanted to know because I want to leave Mordor too, this place is just becoming to quiet, too peaceful for me, I know Mum finds it crazy and other people might too but dangerous stuffs do excite me, and there’s not many dangerous stuffs here in Mordor
I stood up from my bed deciding to take a risk, I have to meet Dad and if Mom doesn’t allow me to, I’ll just have to do it without her knowledge

I went to my door and peeped outside, she wasn’t in the living room so she’s probably asleep in her room
I slowly opened my door, tiptoeing out of my room
I managed to get the front door open without any of creaking sound and I took to my heels immediately I got out
I ran as fast as I could towards Mordor’s dungeon and I felt my heart lit up in excitement, I just sneaked out of the house to meet my Dad against Mum’s wishes, it’s dangerous and it’s definitely going to make Mum angry if she finally out but it excites me too, my heart was beating so fast with excitement and I love it
I’m sorry Mum but I can’t hold back my curiosity so I really need to meet Dad, I am also sorry for feeling so excited when I’m disobeying you

I got to the city’s dungeon, it was a large construction built with stone and a guard stopped me from going inside

“Where are you going kid?” he asked

“I came to see my father, he was arrested today” I said

“Your father? What is his name?” the guard asked

“Adrian Hunter, I’ll be able to see him right?” I asked hopeful

“I remember your father was brought in today but I can’t allow you to go in there alone, you are still a kid, you should go back home” he said

“But he’s still my father and I need to see him, I must, please Sir, help me, you can go in with me to make sure I’m safe but please allow me to see my father” I pleaded as a tear rolled down my face

The guard sighed and looked at me
“Fine, follow me” he said and we walked inside the stone construction together

There was a stone stairs that went down and we followed the stairs to the dungeon

The passage to the dungeons were dark and only lighted by a torch
There was a large table in front of the passage with what looked like weapons and artifacts on it and a guard sitting behind the table

The guard that brought me in spoke to me and he let us through
“Stay close” the guard said as we walked past many dungeons, some with prisoners and some were empty

We finally found my Dad’s dungeon, it was the dungeon on the left and he immediately stood up on seeing me

“Bellatrix!” he called surprised
That was the name Dad always called me, I never knew why

“Dad” I said

“You have two minutes, be fast with whatever you want to say” the guard said and left

“What are you doing here?” Dad asked

“To see you Dad, why are you in there? Mum said you were planning to escape Mordor with me and that’s why you were caught” I said

“Your Mum didn’t tell you the full truth Bellatrix, she made them catch me, she brought the guards to arrest me” Dad said and I shook my head

“Mum loves you, she will never do that” I said in Mum’s defense
She might have been against visiting Dad when I suggested it but that’s only because she was upset, not because she was behind Dad’s arrest

“Open your eyes Bellatrix! Your mother has being lying to you!” Dad said

“Why do you keep calling me Bellatrix?” I asked

“Because that is your name, the name giving to you by your real mother” Dad stated

“My real mother?”

“This might come as a surprise to you but you’ve been lied to your entire life Bellatrix, I’ve always wanted to tell you the truth but Gia always stopped me, there’s been alot that was hidden from you, a lot that you do not know and I will tell you everything, if you are ready to hear it” Dad said and I stared at him

My heart is beating so fast right, this is the most excited I’ve ever felt in my life, Dad just told me my mother is not my mother and I’m excited? Is it right to feel this way?
I just know that I was suddenly feeling like the main character in one of the mystery novels I used to read in the City library and it is breathtaking

“Tell me Dad, what is it that I do not know?” I asked

“Well let’s start with the fact that your name is not Chloe, your name is Bellatrix, Bellatrix Hammington”…….

Read – Dwayne miller episode 50 โ€“ 51

๐Ÿ‚The Hammingtons 2 ๐Ÿ‚
A Cursed Family
๐ŸƒChapter 45๐Ÿƒ

Layla’s POV
52 years ago, my mother had abandoned me in the streets, I spend weeks in the street and I barely had a thing to eat, my mother had left me for death and I had no choice but to try and survive but what could a 12 year old weak girl possibly do alone? I had to go by for weeks with nothing but scrapes of food on dustbin to eat, I had not yet mastered my powers so I had no weapon to help me survive, I practiced alone in the streets, I need to know how to use my powers if I was to survive, if my mother couldn’t teach me, I could teach myself right? I tried and I was only able to learn the art of hearing people’s thoughts, I was able to hear thoughts but I didn’t know how to turn it off whenever I wanted, it was always there, I could hear each and every thought of everyone from a mile across the street and I couldn’t turn it off, they were always voices in my head and it was driving me crazy, I had to find a place far away from these people, I must for I was already going crazy so I began my journey, away from people, to anywhere that screams silence and solitude, I went for days and weeks and my mind became wrapped up in a mirage of it’s former self, I could barely think straight nor remember anything, even my own name and finally I gave up, collapsing in the middle of the street and I finally got what I was searching for, that peace that came with silence
I remember waking up in a shed, a strange man was staring over me, and I heard this stranger’s voice in my head, unlike the many tiny voice that used to be in my head, this stranger’s voice was distinct, weirdly soothing and I could piece out clearly what he was thinking
Is she okay?
Is she dead?
Hopefully she should be alive and she’ll wake up soon
Those were this stranger’s thought
When he noticed that I had opened my eyes, he nodded with affirmation and said
“You are fighter” that was the first thing he said to me, Ivan

I had been unconscious for more than a week, Ivan found me on the road all pale and cold and he saved me, he warmed me up for days with his fiery hand till I finally recovered and woke up
When I woke up I remembered only a few things about my life before, my memory was all over the place, I couldn’t even remember my name yet I remembered the face of the one that abandoned me, weird right? I had lost all my zeal to keep going, I had nothing to live for but Ivan brought out the life in me, he reminded me that life is never easy for anyone, he told me not to be trapped by the past, he taught me how to live again
I had asked him, why the legendary Ivan Hammington, the wildest of the Hammington siblings known for his brutality showed me such kindness and up till today, I never got an answer, he just shrugged and say he doesn’t know, I tried reading his mind and he really doesn’t know, he just followed his gut

From then on, I’ve lived with the mindset that I had no mother, no family, Ivan was the closest thing to a family I had but where’s that nutjob when you need him?
My mother is back, my darkest fear has come to confront me, Ivan is the only that will understand me and everything I’m feeling but only heaven knows where that crazy fellow is right now

One of the witches serving the Mansion came to my room to announce that breakfast is ready so I stood up and went downstairs, Dianna and Ethan were downstairs too and we began to eat breakfast in silence

“Are we mourning someone? What’s with the silence?” we heard a voice say and we all turned to see Ivan walking towards us

“Ivan!” I said as I stood up along with Dianna

“Took you long enough to return” Dianna said

“I heard of the mess that happened in my absence, you all can’t survive without me can you” Ivan said and directed his gaze at me
“I heard your mother surfaced” he said and I tried to stop the tears welling up in my eyes from falling

“Yeah, she did” I managed to say

“Well you must be over the moon with joy right? You finally get a chance to pay her back for abandoning you and leaving you for death” Ivan said and I knew I lost, I lost the battle with my tears and the began to roll down my face freely
I walked towards Ivan and embraced him

“Ooh, why the bloody hell is she crying? She’s too old for this isn’t she?” Ethan asked but I ignored him

“You know I am not really into these kinds of emotional show Layla, I know you as a fighter and not a crybaby” Ivan said and I nodded as I stopped hugging him and cleaned my tears

“I’m sorry, I lost it for a minute there” I apologized

“I heard the witch’s name is Drusilla, she’s Layla’s mother and she’s apparently living off Eric” Ivan said

“I supposed Ethan already gave you all the information you need to know” Dianna said

“How are we coming up with find her location?” Ivan asked

“I put some witches up to the task but they haven’t been able to come up with anything” Dianna said

“And Ethan?” Ivan asked

“I have nothing that serve as a link to her so there’s no way I can possibly find her location” Ethan said

“If it’s a link you need, I can be your link, as much as I hate to admit it, the same blood still runs in our veins after all” I said

“That could actually work, why didn’t it occur to me?” Ethan said standing up and Ivan looked at me

“There’s the fighter I know” he said and I smiled

“Why do you want to catch Drusilla? It can’t be because of Eric because you made it clear before that you’ve severed all your family ties with us so why?” Dianna asked

“I don’t think I need to explain the reasons for my actions to you Dianna but for the sake of clarity, I will. Drusilla is Layla’s mother so I have some beef with her, for abandoning her own daughter I shall teach her a long overdue lesson, not because I’m so righteous no, you know I am every bit of darkness itself but you do not mess with the people I care about and I care about Layla, it will be a dent to my reputation if I don’t teach the one that hurt her a lesson plus Drusilla has the golden dagger, I must get that too” Ivan said and Dianna nodded

“Right, since our deal of finding Gia and my daughter isn’t working, I guess you do still have to kill me and you need the golden dagger for that” Dianna said and Ivan shrugged and looked at me

“You should start working on the spell with Ethan” he said and I nodded
I looked into his eyes for a moment and I knew something had changed in Ivan, since Sophie died he was always filled with so much hate and sadness, the sadness is still there but the hate had slowly begin to dissipate…..


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