Adventures Of Johnysky

Adventure of johnysky episode 20

Adventure of johnysky episode 20
The wh0le of Hall B lit up immediately i walked in, the boys all rushed to me shouting in happiness, electric excitement and solidarity.
“Sky you have done Hall B proud by hitting the blood out of that idiots mouth” Kingsley blurted throwing everyone into an excited laugh.
“The way that guy carries himself about one would think he owns the school not knowing he just got admitted this term” Ebuka said in his bossy tone looking like a lion challenged by another in a battle of supremacy.
“I even heard he was peddling some rumours about Hall B and stuffs” Dave threw in.
“That guy is a bastard” Kingsley said again. “sky i just wish you had done more damage”
“Im teeth comot na” i aired out with pride throwing the hall into another bout of excited shout.
“That guy won’t escape the wrath of Hall-B before he leaves this school, he openly called B-hallers bunch of hoodlums the other time in the reading room” Shrieky Hassan ch¡pped in standing on top of his bunk.
“if not for this ‘no fight’ nonsense in this school, but guy sky how you take manage escape suspension? Kingsley came again, he clearly seem most concerned and the look on his face suggests he wished he was the one that carried out the deed.
“omo the maths teacher wan roast me oo, am sure he would have moved the case to disciplinary panel but the biology teacher came and dismissed the case, don’t know how she did it but am very lucky oo” i said on a more serious note.
The reality that fighting could have gotten me suspended gave me chilly ghost bumps .
Hall-B erupted in a feverish excitement, we drank beers many contributed from their bunks and laughed over tales of victor’s new looks.
The pains disappear and the wounds felt like a worthy prize to me at this moment…. Saturday we were going home for Mid-term break.
* * * * * * *
It was an indifferent morning in the school, waking up was a matter of choice because not only was it saturday, we were going home for the Mid-term break.
I had dreamt about mama seating in the kitchen frying the kpof-kpof she sold in front of her small stall, papa’s blank look each night he returns from work.
The stubborn ugo and miracle being bullied by ugo, had it been not a dream i would have shown him how to bully.
It has been a month and few weeks since i left home and many things have changed, i couldn’t wait to show off my new found levels in the street, couldn’t wait to show Ada i now have a samsung android.
9am i hurried over a bath, packed few of my clothes from the mini ward-rope into a fancy adidas back pack Mrs diamond had gotten from lisbon.
Had to painstakingly wait for Ebuka who more or less took more time than a girl when pampering his looks to his taste, before 11am we had signed our exit and strolled out of the school amidst streams of other students.
“sky princess is coming here” Dave said out of the blur.
“where? ” i asked in surprised turning towards the right side, she was clad in a white pencil jean that showed off all her curves like it was a drawing, a white flowy top.
We stopped looking at her as she approached us in those usual graceful strides.
Called me aside after exchanging pleasantries with Dave and Ebuka who moved a bit further to give us a better privacy.
“so where is your body guard, he is not following you around today? ” i asked with a bit of a mean face.
“sky stop it”
“you sacked the self appointed body guard? ” i retorted betraying a lot of insecure jealousy and resentment.
“sky stop being childish” she said still calm, those pink gloss beamed a wetty dreamy face, her eyes were not as bright as it usually would be.
“sky just wanted to say am sorry for what happened” she said her eyes running through little white bandage on my neck and the small places i had swollen skin or a little bruise and my face that looked a bit swollen.
“its fine but please when ever you are with your body guard don’t come to me, i might do worse” i said in a bleak warning.
“sky am sorry hope you are not too injured” she maintained.
‘No i am fine”
“sky are we going to see this holiday? ” she asked in a calm dreamy voice.
“Hhmmm can you come to my place, wont it be too poor for you?” i teased but somehow i was very serious with the seeming tease.
She didn’t reply that, just dipped her hands into her purse she was carrying and fetched a pen and paper.
“write down number of anyone i can reach you with” she said handing me the paper.
“don’t worry i have a phone” i said writing down my number on the piece of paper.
Could see she was giving me that ‘where did he get the phone kind of look’ and ‘i said it this guy will soon get into trouble’
“ok sky i will call you” she said without adding any other thing and walked off, i watched her retreating figure until she entered an ash-coloured lexus jeep packed a few yards away and it drove off.
Dave and Ebuka still wore an awed look when i came back to where they were waiting for.
“sky wetin that girl find on top your matter sef” Ebuka said resuming our walk towards the gate.
“ask am oo abi you use jazz” dave threw in excitedly as usual.
“na just my number she collect jooor nothing serious” i defended laughingly.
We all laughed “no wonder victor be like im must bend your life for this school” ebuka joked out laughing.
In front of the school gate Ebuka and Dave hitched a taxi heading the other way round while i got one going towards my place, didn’t bargain Vincent would appear from no where and insist on going with me.
“This guy just don’t know when someone doesn’t need his leech self around” i mumbled to myself wearing a long face while vincent was busy blabbling all the tales he knew in the world.
Gave a full transcript of my wh0le fight with victor and even details that I who was involved personally couldn’t remember happening.
Can’t he see that i am not interested in this unwarranted news broadcast.
“Only God knows how this guy would announce this to the wh0le street” i said to myself.
“eeeehn sky did you say something? ” he asked all of a sudden.
“Noo i didn’t ”
Our yard lay lone and small as usual, can see mama okey repainted her shop.
Vincent rushed into the yard immediately our taxi stopped in front of uncaring about how it was going to be paid for.
He went into an uncalled parade of greetings, from person to person peeping into people’s rooms.
“okey!!! Am back!!!” he shouted on getting to mama okey’s room.
Announcing our arrival with a bang.
Greeted a few elderly people in the front yard who were happy and complement my improved looks but still couldn’t help pointing out my bandage and swollen face which i dismissed as a mere accident claiming i fell down a stair case.
“Haaa sorry oo”
“ewooo nwam ndo ooo”
“thank god it was not serious o” was poured on me as i thanked them and moved further in towards the inner yard for our room.
“brother!!!” Miracle zoomed out from no where jumping on me, mama had neatly plaited her hair and from the looks of it she was eating cheese balls before seeing me, the signature of her hand already showed on my white t-shirt.
“brother sky is back” ugo blurted out immediately after miracle heading towards me “mama sky is back” he threw towards the kitchen.
“eeeehn johny, obatago (has returned)” i heard mama’s voice from the kitchen.
Ugo took my bag as mama came out and hugged me tight.
“Good afternoon ma” i greeted.
“Goodafternoon nwam, you look good” she said casting a questioning look all over me.
“Good afternoon mama johny” that was Vincent, where did he come from.
“Vin nnoo oo (welcome o)” mama threw at him.
“Johny you look taller and healthier, what do they feed you people there? ” she asked smiling.
“aaaah mama Johny they feed us mostly continental dishes” Vincent said..
“Vincent who asked you, no be only continental.. Mama you look good how is papa? ” i tried diverting the topic.
“you father is at work he will be happy when he returns.. But sky what is this bandage and swollen face about, what happened? Her eyes were sparkly with concern and question.
“Haaaa mama johny, he f………. ” i hit vincent hærd on the chest to shut him up.
“Vincent can you just keep quiet let me answer my own questions, mama i fell down the stairs but its nothing serious”
I could swear Vincent’s looks were like “choi this guy can lie!!! ”
“Ndo nwam (sorry my child) ” mama said “come i made egusi soup this morning.
I smiled and walked into the house with mama and Miracle on my arms, am sure ugo is already searching my bag in,side the house now.
On getting to the door, i stopped and turned to face Vincent who was also following us in.
“Bia vin, go to your house and greet your parents. I want to have a private chat with mama now ” i said with all seriousness.
“but sky she said she made egusi soup, will you be eating and talking? ” he protested.
“no am not eating yet, i am not hungry i will call you when i want to eat.” i said more serious than the first time turned and walked in,side closing the curtains behind.
For once go bother someone else. .
Closing the curtain well i made sure i lingered within the door to hear Vincent’s footsteps fading away as he walked out towards the inner yard.
“Oh my God mama, sky has a phone!” Ugo yelled out holding the shinny white device in his hands like a trophy.
My back has already being emptied by Ugo where he sat in the sitting room and he must have opened the little pack behind because that’s where i kept the phone.
Mama’s eyes popped and she looked at me. “Johny this school really changed you a lot” she said.
“Sky can i play 2go?” Ugo blurted out excitedly still observing the phone keenly.
“2go kwa? do they play 2go?” I asked a bit lost.
“Yes na, Malachi has a nokia phone and he plays 2go with it, this one can do it okwaya?” He asked trying to get the phone off sleep mode.
“Yes it can, but Ugochukwu you don’t play 2go you chat with it. Moreover i am too old to have that now, we only have whatsapp and bbm reigning in school” I answered with an air of pride growing within.
“Wow oya can i play whatsapp and bbm too?” He asked again almost like yell.
“Mumu you don’t play them you chat with them, in fact where is my Psp?”
He dropped the phone on the chair and made to go out as fast as he could, i was sure my PSP game was history, in fact what ever is left of it should be fossils by now and belongs in a museum.
One month was too big for Ugo to spoil anything…
I packed my clothes back to my bag and took it in, the room looked a bit strange to me now, the fading blue colours of the wall, white ceiling with brown patches due to water leakage from the roof.
The piles of clothes on the side where mama hung her dresses on a line with hangers, Ugos clothes lay carelessly around most of them unwashed.
The mat i slept on with Ugo rolled up at a corner beside papa and mama’s bedpost.
Dropped my bag, slipped out my neat white towel with a pokemon image on it tied around my wa-ist then undid my clothes and walked out to get water for my bath.
Mama was in the kitchen which was in the back of the yard with the bathroom a few meters from it.
Mama served the egusi soup with a hot bowl of Garri, had to eat behind closed doors or Vincent might just show up now and ruin my wh0le life.
“Papa is back!!” Miracle yelled running out..
It was evening, the usual bleak pale evening fog were sipping in and the hood seemed cooler than normal to me, Ugo told me Abacha – One of the most notorious gang leaders within the area was shot few days back by the police.
Papa walked in slowly as usual wearing that blank tired after work face.
“Papa Nnoo!!!” I said standing up, i watched his face lit up in a smile as he took me in for a hug, his eyes glancing all through me like a police scanner.
“Bobom you look good” He said running his hand through the thick foreign T-shirt i wore and a white track with one of those expensive new Slippers Diamond got from Lisbon.
“Thank you papa”
“Come tell me about the school, i can really see you are coping even more than us” he said taking a seat beside the chair on the left side of the television.
Somehow that made me sad.
“Papa it is a very rich school meant for rich people” I said sitting on another opposite.
“I can see that and from the looks of it you are already blending it, I don’t remember buying you these clothes or do they have a boutique there?” He asked beaming down a “Please explain” look.
“Johny came home almost like a new person, i barely recognized my son. all his clothes and everything he came back with are new and looked expensive” Mama ch¡pped in standing at the corner.
I can still see her eyes still wore that questioning void look.
“Agu nna how did you manage to get these?” Papa came again.
“Papa the school is filled with rich people and many of them are in my own dormitory, i have a lot of rich friends and they give me these things, many of them have no use of the clothes they have” I said sounding as casual as any other person.
“Papa Johny has a new phone too?” Ugo threw in, i wonder when he walked in.
“New phone kwa?” Papa asked in surprise.
“Yes sir” I slipped my hand into my pocket and retrieved the white gracious phone, nobody needs a soothsayer to know papa’s expression was a mixture of doubt, surprise buttered into question.
“How come?” he asked.
“Princewill my best friend got a new phone from his parents on his birthday and he decided to give me this one he was using before” I answered.
“I can tell you really have good friends in school, i am happy my son is in good hands” Papa said relaxing a bit.
“Only God will bless them for us” Mama added.
“Amen mama” I said.
The evening drew near coldly, everything was slow and the atmosphere wore a stale tilt.
The night threw it’s cover like a huge veil of dark-bluish cloth, moonless yet quite starry in the cloudless clear sky.
I sat down on a lone corner just before the outside door imagining what we could have been doing now back at McGonals.
We could have been having a pillow fight in hall-B now or shouting over Whot game or maybe Dave giving us an-lysis on how Chelsea could have won the match, but we all probably would be expecting Bell-ring for dinner call.
“So you came back and didn’t let me know sky?” A voice whispered coldly into my ears.
Turned sharply and Ada was squatted just beside me, in the euphoria of my thoughts i had failed to notice someone was there initially.
“Ada how did you know i came back, more over i didn’t see you when i got home?” I said trying to sound surprised on seeing her.
“Vin told me you also came back with him and told me you would be here?” She said drawing herself up to seat beside me.
why am i not surprised.
Ada was my yard girl friend, a fair complexioned, tall girl with slim frame worked into a little pair of b-obs complimented by an out of the world ass.
Ada’s lustful effect on me since i clocked into adolescent-hood have been humongous, we have pulled many s€×ual escapades together including one her mum nearly caught on in her house.
“Sky you are looking so nice now, you almost changed” She said throwing her hands around my should her jaw resting on my right shoulder.
tilting my face to my right could see her wearing that naughty smirk, those radiant eyes beamed down lustful glances into mine, her l-ips shivered slightly under the car-ss of the evening chill.
“I missed you Ada” I said looking deeply into her face.
“I missed you more sky”
Her l-ips delved deep into mine, noisy deep breathes complimented by heavy rising chest and down.
I reached out my hands and grabbed her neck into me pulling her l-ips deeper, her lower lip were tucked in between my l-ips and my upper lip in between hers and our tongues twirled in a heavy lullaby that induced an enchanted feel.
Could see tiny faint lights pass but i knew we were well covered in the deep shadow of the moonless night, my fingers traced from her neck down a missionary tickling journey down her spine, could feel her wh0le body quaking and her breathe getting heavier by the minutes, deep atmosphere of swirly lust.
My hands now travelled upwards to her perky but yet soft b-obs, giving the n-pples tiny pinches. Her mouth flew open and i could make out my name from the tiny gro-ns she let out.
“Ehhh here is sky”
That was Vincent!!! “Christ!!!” I blurted in dismay letting Ada go immediately as she quickly uncreased her rumpled top, returned her face to normal but a lot of bolted in disappointment and anger couldn’t be denied.
Before few minutes Vincent was right there stuffing Akara into his mouth.
“Sky you guys are here?” He asked slapping my head in a playful gesture.
It took a wh0le lot of restraint to withhold myself from landing a massive blow on his nose now for this painful slap he called play.
Vin offered us some Akara from the black nylon he carried which we rejected in one breathe, Ada rolled her eyes and hissed a bit softly.
“So Ada did you ask sky how he got these injuries?” Vincent asked out of the blur?
“What injury?” Ada asked rather coldly but had a bit of a surprise.
“These ones” Vin replied pointing out my swollen face which i am sure was impossible to make out in the dark, the white bandage on my neck, that am sure Ada saw.
“Jesus sky how did that happen?” She intoned.
“It was nothing, i…..”
“He fought with one Victor over a girl!!!” Vincent cut in immediately.
“What???” Came my voice and Ada’s voice almost at the same time..
“Aaaah sky, was it not because of Princess that you both fought?” He asked pushing me a bit.
Ada’s eyes were popped and her mouth open with her gaze fixed on me as if expecting me to say something right now.
“No Vincent it was because he insulted me” I said not hiding the anger in my Voice.
“But Victor told some of my Hall-mates that you punched him because Princess liked him and not you but some are saying you are the one she likes and not Victor” He sang on dreamily throwing another pitiable akara into his mouth.
“That is untrue, i didn’t punch him because of Princess he insulted me” There was no jokes in my voice now.
“Sky who is Princess?” Ada spoke for the first time in minutes.
“Princess is sky’s classmate, she is an ambassadors daughter and some say she and sky have a crush on each other” Victor relayed out sharply.
Sometimes i wonder if this guy ever notice what he say when he is saying them.
“How can this idiot not notice i have a thing with Ada and he is talking this rubbish” I cursed under my breathe clenching my fist in anger.
“Ugo even told me sky came home with a new phone which sky never cared to show me his friend when we were in school, maybe princess na im give am the phone” He ch¡pped in more fluidly.
Before i could say anything my phone rang loud in my pocket, dipped my hand in and brought it out, it was an unsaved number.
Ada gazed at it and Vincent just let out a wow..
“Oh my God, samsung galaxy!!” He intoned.
Not saying another word, i picked the call knowing fully well the night already have gone too stale for me and Ada and what ever i say might complicate issue more, i will have to explain myself later without Vincent.
“Hello” i said into the phone.
“Hello” Came a silky familiar female voice”Sky it’s princess”
“Princess!!!?” I blurted out in a subconscious reflex..
“Oooooooh!! i no talk am?” Vincent said laughing..
Ada got up cast a long cold look at me then Vincent who was still laughing that he was right about Princess, Then walked away without saying another word.
“Sky give me phone let me talk with princess!!” Vincent said drawing a bit nearer..
I withdrew the phone from my ear, covered the mouth piece with my hand.
“Guy thunder fire you!!” I cursed on him with a hærd waka gesture before walking angrily away to finish my call..

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