When Fate Strikes

When fate strikes episode 25 – 28

{ Destined Hearts… }

THEME: Roll Of Twist.

CHAPTER 25πŸ’ž26

By, Lisa (A.O)


β‹ž WHAT THE F**K β‹Ÿ


“We are done, so you should stop bothering me. I only have one girlfriend and it’s her, we’re in the middle of something before you entered”

“I know you still love me but you’re only faking it, she’s not your girlfriend I know it, you can’t fool me Leo, I’m not believe this sh!t!! You’re mine! Only mine!!”

Leonardo suddenly twirled Lyric around, placing his right hand on her waist.

“May I have permission to borrow your lips for few minutes?” He asked and Lyric just stare at him speechlessly, and like that he drew his face down, to her size and pressed his lips on hers.

Lyric eyes widened but it’s nothing compared to what Davina was feeling right now, she felts a whole lot of jealousy and anger run through her veins, and she almost staggered on her heels but she held herself.

When she couldn’t take it anymore, she turned and stormed out of the office.

Leonardo broke the kiss immediately, release Lyric, he stepped backward.

Meanwhile, Lyric was still standing on a spot in shocked, did she just kissed by her boss after she promised herself ever not to let any guy touched it.

“Lyric!” Leonardo’s voice brought her back to reality. She slowly raised her face to his face, but immediately cut the gaze and palmed her mouth with her two hands.

“Are you okay?” He asks, and her next reaction shocked him.

She ran out of the office so fast, slamming the door behind her with a loud banged, nearly breaking it.

Leonardo eyes followed her till she’s out of sight. He really wasn’t thinking when he kissed her.



Eclipse walked out of her bathroom after taking a shower after a long stressed day, she grabbed her hair dryer on her dressing mirror, taking a seat in front of her laptops,as she began drying her short hair.

Her eyes met with a mail that was sent probably when she was in the bathroom and she hesitated before clicking on it.

It’s actually from Froggy (Dylan)


She read and closed her laptop at once.

She dropped the dryer and fell on her bed, she slowly drifted to sleep.



Davina matched into the house and literally threw her heels and shoes to the walls angrily, she didn’t even know how she ended up driving home safe cos she couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss Leonardo and Lyric shared.

“I hate her! I hate her so much! I’m going to kill you, whoever you are!” She gritted her teeth, grabbing her phone to call someone.

“I need you to get rid of someone for me as soon as possible!”



Lyric could be seen sitting in front of her laptop as she work on some files on it.

It’s getting late, and she’s getting sleepy but she won’t stop cos she’s so determine to finish it before going to bed.

Her mind went to the kiss earlier and she suddenly felts cringe. How did she even end up there! Why would he just kissed her out of the blue?

And worse, how’s she going to going to face him from now on?

The door suddenly opened and Pearl and Starr came in, beaming with a smile. She didn’t realize untill they got to her.

“Mommy!” Pearl tapped her and Lyric snapped out of her thought.

“Cuties…” She smiled and hugged them both.

“Can we sleep with you tonight?” Starr asked when they broke the hug.

“Sure thing, but why?” Lyric smile

“We just feel like spending the night with you” Pearl replied.

“Alright! Fine” she turned back to her laptop and closed it, standing up. She helped the kids up to the bed and she laid down too, between the two.

“Good night mummy!!” Pearl and Starr chorus.

“Give mummy a kiss!” Lyric said and they all did as she said.

“Goodnight babies” She whispered and the kids smile.



“Guess what? There will be a party holding at royal fun house tonight” Mikaela and Eclipse heard a group of girls talking about it as they walked through the hallways.

“Seriously? I really can’t wait!” One of the girls added.

“Are you going?” Eclipse asked Mikaela.

“If Leo would agree, you know how he’s” Mikaela shooked her head.

“Your brother is protective, his girlfriend will be so lucky to have him!” Eclipse smiled.

“Girlfriend my foot! That’s if he has ever had one! He his handsome but dating is not for him, they all ended up dumping him! Like Nikita’s sister Davina, can you believe she dumped him a day to his birthday after he had planned to propose to her, he was so heartbroken and Josephine had a hard time consoling him. It’s was really hard”

“No wonder! I’ve always wonder why Nikita is so evil! Indeed Apple doesn’t fall far from a tree!” Eclipse added and they both laughed.

“So, tell me about Saturday… I’m sure he won cos he’s too good in basketball. What did he tell you?” Eclipse asked.

“You won’t believe if I tell you”

“Tell me” Mikaela explained everything to her.

“What the f**k? Are you serious?” Eclipse gasped in shock.

“That’s not important right now! Princeton actually call my name, He really call me Mikaela. You need to see how sweet it’s sound in those lips of his… I was just too happy I nearly kissed him but I had to control myself but trust me that will be happening soon” She smiled touching her lips.

“What if he doesn’t agree?”

“Tryst me he would have no choice but to agree” Mikaela smiled.



Princeton stopped the car in the garage and come down with Lyric. She actually come over there because she had to complete some works with Leonardo. And it’s can’t be done in the office cos it’s had to be submitted immediately they resumed or else they would loose their partnership with the recent merge company.

Princeton lead her in and she couldn’t help but stare at everything she saw. Not like she’s not from a wealthy family but this is extremely different from thier place. They are not a match.

Princeton phone suddenly started ringing and he checked the caller ID, it’s Banjo.

“Here’s the way to his room, can you manage all alone? I really have to take this?” He said and Lyric eyes widened.

“Why am I meeting him in his room and not here?” She asked, referring to the living room.

“I don’t know! That’s was his orders! I really have to take this” He said and left.

Lyric watched him leave staring at the big stairs in front of hers.

β€’β€’β€’ read – Dethroned episode 21 – 22

“What do you mean by they’ve done the operation already?” Princeton asked Banjo over the phone.

“I’m serious, I really don’t know too… that’s what the doctor told me this morning!” Banjo said

“Stay there and don’t go anywhere, I’m on my way” Princeton hanged up and rushed out.



Lyric was feeling a bit uneasy as she stepped into Leonardo’s room. The door was slightly ajar, and she could hear the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.

As she entered, she saw a trail of wet footprints leading to the bathroom door. She sat down on the bed, nervously waiting for Leonardo to come out from the shower.

She brought out the files she was going to show him and began arranging it, she already made up her mind to leave quickly as soon as she hand it over to him and explain the whole time.

She was still doing that when, the bathroom door opened, and Leonardo stepped out, completely naked and dripping wet. He had a towel in his hand, but he hadn’t wrapped it around himself yet.

“What the f**k, My eyes!!!” Lyric’s eyes widened in surprise, and her face turned bright red.


Read – His weakness episode 55 – 56

{ Destined Hearts… }

THEME: Roll Of Twist.

CHAPTER 27πŸ’ž28

βƒβœ§βƒβœ§ βƒβœ§βƒβœ§

“What the fuck!, My eyes!!!” Lyric’s eyes widened in surprise and her face turned bright red.

She shooked her head in disbelief. She was still standing in front of his room, holding the door knob. Why was she having this illusion? Was it meant to occur?

She took a deep breath, then, she turned the knob and walked inside.

As she entered the room, she found Leonardo sitting at his desk, staring intently at his laptop screen.

He didn’t look up as she entered, and she wondered if he had even heard her come in. She cleared her throat, before walking up to him.

Leonardo finally looked up, his eyes meeting hers.

“Thank goodness you’re here” he said, his voice sounding relieving. He then,stood up from his desk.

“Why? Is there a problem?” She asked worriedly.

“I really don’t know what to with this? Can you help?” He gestured her to seat and she take one glance at him before sitting.

She started correcting the errors as he explain the details to her, Leonardo couldn’t help but admire how she did it brilliantly.



Princeton rushed into the hospital, panting and out of breath.

“Is she okay?” he asked the receptionist, who looked up from her computer screen.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t give you any information on patients. You’ll have to talk to a doctor or nurse.”

“But this is my mother!” Princeton exclaimed, his voice shaking with emotion. “I really need to know what’s going on!”

“I’m sorry, but I really can’t help you out”The receptionist looked at him sympathetically.

Princeton frantically searched the hospital for Banjo. He finally spotted him outside his mother’s surgery room, pacing back and forth.

“Banjo!” Princeton called out, running over to him. “What’s going on? How’s my mom?” Banjo stopped pacing and turned to face him.

“She’s still in surgery. The doctors said they’ll let us know when they’re done.”

“But what are they doing? What’s wrong with her?” Princeton asked, his voice full of worry.

“I don’t know all the details Princeton, I just got a call that she’s been operated on already that’s why I call you before coming here” Banjo said, putting a hand on his friend’s shoulder.

Princeton looked at him impatiently.

“I know it’s hard, but we just have to wait and see what the doctors say.”

As they stood there in silence, Princeton mind went to something,then he faced Banjo.

“Banjo, I have to ask you something,” Princeton said, his voice shaking slightly.

“Do you really not know who payed for her surgery?” He asks.

“I already told you I don’t” Banjo hesitated.

“It’s impossible you don’t know, at least tell me who it is so I can thank the person properly!” Princeton said.

“You know I would have tell you if I knew…”

“Is it Mikaela? It’s her right? You even gave her my number without asking me, Banjo!” Princeton cuts him off.

A doctor came out of the surgery room.

“Are you here for Clarisse James?” she asked, looking at them. They both nodded.

“We’ve finished the surgery, and your mother is doing well,” the doctor began, her voice calm and reassuring.

Princeton hearts felt relieved.

“Thank you so much doctor!” He said with a smile.

“But we still need to put her under our watch for days to make sure she’s fully okay” The doctor continues.

“No problem as long as she’s fine” Princeton smiled.



As the end of class, Mikaela’s phone buzzed with a new text message. She glanced at the screen, and her heart sank when she saw it was from Kelly. She had been dreading this moment, knowing she would have to let him down gently.

She reluctantly opened the message, steeling herself for what was to come.

β˜…Hi, Mikaela,I wanted to talk to you about something. Do you have a few minutes after class?” Mikaela sighed, knowing that this was it.

She took a deep breath before began texting a reply.

“Sure,” she texted back, trying to keep her reply simple .

She kept her phone, facing Eclipse.

“I’ve to see someone, I’ll be back!” She said, standing up to her feet.

“Kelly?” Eclipse asked, and Mikaela nodded, exiting the class.

She got to the class he asked them to meet and sat down quietly waiting for him.

Almost immediately, Kelly came in and she looked up
Kelly approached her, looking nervous.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” she asked, bracing herself for what was to come.

Kelly took a deep breath.

“I know I’ve said this before but you didn’t took it seriously, that’s why I’m going to say it again… ” he began and Mikaela blinked constantly. She already knows where he’s heading to.

“Mikaela, I like you. A lot” He continued, his voice faltering slightly.

I know you probably don’t feel the same way about me, but I had to tell you. I’ve been wanting to say something for a while, but I didn’t know how,cos I don’t want to ruin the friendship we had”

She could tell he was genuinely hurt by the idea of her not reciprocating his feelings.

“I’m really sorry, Kelly, but I’m I’m in love with someone else ” she said, choosing her words carefully.

Kelly’s expression fell, and Mikaela could tell he was trying to hide his disappointment. Mikaela felt a pang of guilt, but she knew she had to be honest.

I understand,” he said, his voice cracking slightly. “I just thought I’d give it a shot” he forced a smile.

Mikaela nodded.

“Is it Princeton? The guy you love?” Kelly added, looking at her.

“How did you know?” She asked, surprisedly.

“It’s pretty obvious you know, I’ll still be waiting if he don’t reciprocate your feelings”

“He will com’on” she rolled her eyes, and Kelly smile.

Meanwhile, Nikita and Mimi were passing across the place when she saw them, her blood heated up angrily as she slowly folded her fist.

“What the f*ck are they doing together? Why is that b*tch always around my man?” Nikita hissed angrily.

“You shouldn’t stress yourself Kita! All we have to do right now is to make sure she attend the party tonight, we’ll surely put her in her place!” Mimi assured her and Nikita smirked.



Lisa stood in the gym, watching Dylan run on the treadmill. She was impressed by his determination and dedication to his fitness goals.

As she watched him, she thought about how far he had come since
they first met. He had been so self-conscious and unsure of himself, but he had come so far.

“You’re doing great, Dylan,” she said, her voice full of encouragement.

“Thanks, Lisa,” he replied, a smile breaking out on his face. He paused the treadmill and stepped off, taking a drink of water.

“So are you ready to check your count? You can’t say no! I need to know if we’re making any progress” Lisa said, dropping the scale in front of him.

Dylan stared down at it, how is she supposed to tell her she already checked it at home and Instead of reducing, it’s only increase.

“What are you waiting for? Hop on!!” Lisa’s voice brought him back, as he slowly stepped on the scale, his eyes slight closed.

“Woah! You lost 30kg in just a week, you’re really improving more than I thought… I’m impressed!” Lisa smiled, while Dylan couldn’t stop staring unbelievablely. At first he didn’t believe in himself but he’s doing even great.

He didn’t even realize when he hugged her tearfully, and Lisa eyes widened.

“Thank you Lisa! I’m really greatful! Thank you!!” He said emotionally.

“It’s fine, ” Lisa tapped him and he slowly release her.

Suddenly, they heard a sound from behind and they both turned to see Eclipse.

She was standing at a spot, staring back at them. Dave actually ask her to meet up there, she was surprised meeting them instead.

QI’m sorry to bother you, excuse me!” She turned and walk away.

“Eclipse, wait! It’s not what you think!” Dylan went after her before Lisa could said a word.

She stood there, confusedly.



Lyric stood up from the desk in Leonardo’s room and stretched her arms above her head. She just realized she has been dozing while working.

She decided to go downstairs and look for Leonardo. As she descended the stairs, she noticed that the house was strangely quiet. Then she heard a soft whimper coming from the kitchen.

She followed the sound and found Chase, who was sitting by the back door, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

Lyric opened the door, and Chase darted outside. She followed him into the backyard, where he began to run around in circles, barking and yipping with excitement. She watched him, laughing as he chased his tail.

She walked up to it, and bent in front of him, patting him. She loves animals a lot especially dogs.

Suddenly, she heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes nearby. She peered into the darkness, trying to make out what was there. Then, out of the shadows, Leonardo emerge. He looked at Lyric, his eyes wide with surprise.

Leonardo’s eyes met Lyric’s own, and for a moment, they just stood there, staring at each other.

Then, Leonardo broke the silence.

“What are you doing out here?” He asked, his voice soft.

“I wanted to let you know I’m done” Lyric replied, her voice low and steady.

“Oh” He took a step towards her and she stepped back, she kept on shrinking back, and he wouldn’t stop moving closer to her.

Her back hit the wall, and Leonardo placed his palms on It, above her head.

“Do you know the main reason why I ask you to come here?” He asked in a soft tone.

“Wait! Are you a bad guy? You’re going to kill me?” Lyric asked with wide eyes.


πŸ’œ 𝑻𝑩 π‘ͺ𝑢𝑡𝑻𝑰𝑡𝑼𝑬𝑫 πŸ’œ

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