Elites season 2

Elites 2 episode 52

LITES, SEASON 2 (Uprising) πŸ”ž

Author :- Sadiq Infinity (Capri Leo)

Genre :- Action, Adventure.

Chapter 52 :- Beginning of the end (1)

🌹 LOLA 🌹

Putting on a badge or carrying a gun in a line of duty means putting your life on the line and for 8yrs I’ve been doing that. Working as a detective during these years didn’t come with any bruises until I encountered the Elites. My first injury was on the night Ken died and now this.
Being shot is definitely a painful experience, it’s like my whole body was on fire and honestly I thought I was going to die. Before I blacked out, I began to think of my family especially my mom. It would be a heartbreaking for her if I have to die before her. Luckily for me, I didn’t have to worry about that cause the Elites did everything they could to bring me back.

Presently, here I was in the medic bay of the Nova agency waking up from my coma. I was a little dizzy at first but I soon recovered from it moments later. After I woke up. I sat up on my bed and removed the drip needles from my arm and then observed myself on the mirror before me. I was shocked and surprised when I saw that there was no wounds on me. My body was intact as if nothing had happened to me. Whilst I was in my moment of shock, I heard a loud explosion that shook the entire building and before I could wonder what was going on, Ace’s girlfriend Josephine appeared into the medic bay.

Josephine ➑ Lola, you’re awake?

Lola ➑ Yes. What is going on?

Josephine ➑ We’re under attack. The Executioners are coming for us.

Lola ➑ What time is it?

Josephine ➑ 8:30pm.

Lola ➑ Where are the rest?

Josephine ➑ They’re up in the lobby trying to sum up a plan.

Lola ➑ Good. Where are my clothes?

Josephine ➑ No.. You need to rest.

Lola ➑ Believe me, I’m good. By the way, what did you guys do to me?

Josephine ➑ Ace used Sonny’s blood to synthesize a healing factor and I can see that it worked. You’re back to normal.

Lola ➑ I agree. There’s no scratch on my body. It’s like brand new.

Josephine ➑ Are you sure you’re ready?

Lola ➑ Most definitely.

Josephine ➑ Alright. Open that box over there.

Lola ➑ (opens box) This isn’t a suit?

Josephine ➑ No. It’s a combat gear but a prototype.

Lola ➑ It’s so black.

Josephine ➑ And bullet proof! Try on it.

Honestly, I wasn’t used to this kind of thing but this was no time to look fashionable. After I wore the combat gear, Josephine wowed with excitement. The outfit did look good on me but it looked like skin tight. My body curves was shaped out too much too.

Josephine ➑ How does it feel?

Lola ➑ Nice actually but is it a little bit tight?

Josephine ➑ No.. It suits you fine and besides you’ll be able to move anyway you want to.

Lola ➑ Alright then, let’s get going.

Josephine ➑ Before you go, check your right arm.

Lola ➑ Okay.? What now?

Josephine ➑ Touch it.

As soon as I touched my right arm, some kind of holographic display screen appeared on it showing me some cool stuff. Josephine didn’t hesitate to tell me everything I needed to know. This combat gear is an upgrade to the watch Ace gave us all. This suit has it all, WiFi, GPS, heat sensor, life sensor camouflage and a protective mechanism all of which I could access through the holographic screen.

Josephine ➑ So that’s it.

Lola ➑ Thanks for the update. Can we head out now?

Josephine ➑ Right on.

Seconds later, Josephine and I appeared on the lobby where we met almost everyone. Sonny and Ade weren’t there so I figured they must have gone somewhere else. What surprised me was that the rogue elites that were locked up were now in our midst. As soon as everyone saw me, they were surprised but most of them could take their eyes off me because of the combat gear I wore.

Ifeanyi ➑ (whistles) Omo. See load.

Felicia ➑ What are you wearing?

Ace ➑ It’s a combat gear prototype.

Eze ➑ Lola, you’re supposed to be coma.

Susan ➑ How is she even standing? She was shot.

Ace ➑ I synthesized Sonny’s blood and made a healing factor. Looks like it worked.

Chioma ➑ So you’re saying Sonny’s blood can heal people.

Ace ➑ Even cure diseases! How are you feeling Lola?

Lola ➑ Like a new person. I hear that we’re under attack?

Athena ➑ So? What can you possibly contribute? You’re not an elite.

Lola ➑ Maybe so but I can contribute even if it’s a little.

Kabir ➑ Ace has already come up with a plan.

Ace ➑ The plan is simple. We don’t need to strike them hard, we just need to confuse them and obliterate them from the inside. Omotola, I hope your juju is ready?

Omotola ➑ More than you know.

Lola ➑ Okay, can I someone tell me what the plan is?

Before I could get an answer, Sonny suddenly dropped into the lobby carrying a young lady in his arms. Eve became furious in that moment and then launched herself towards Sonny grabbing him by the throat. It wasn’t until moments later that I realized that the lady Sonny had in his arms was Eve’s sister.

Eve ➑ What did you do my sister?

Sonny ➑ I didn’t… I swear.. She had a vision and then……fainted.

Kabir ➑ Felicia let him go. Don’t forget that he saved her.

Eve ➑ Okay. (releases Sonny)

Kaityln ➑ Did she tell you what the vision was?

Sonny ➑ No but she did say something.. The end is coming!

Everyone in the room became silent as Sonny said that. We may not know the contents of the vision Eve sister had but what she said was enough to let us know that something unfortunate was going to happen. After a brief moment of silence, Sonny turned to towards my direction looking surprised.

Sonny ➑ Lola, you’re awake!

Lola ➑ And well, thanks to your blood.

Sonny ➑ My blood?

Ace ➑ Yes I synthesized your blood to create a healing factor. Lola was my test subject and it worked.

Samson ➑ Enough talk everybody. We’re running out of time. Lets start acting according to plan.

Lola ➑ Which is what I want to know. What’s the plan?

Athena ➑ Allow me.

In that moment, Athena used telepathy and revealed all the plan to me. It is a very good plan and we had to do was wait for the Executioners to show up to carry out the plan. Hopefully, I do hope they take the bait.


πŸ’’ Writer’s Pov πŸ’’

Just minutes away from reaching the Nova agency, the Executioners ride steadily in the vehicles getting ready to finish off the Elites. Despite their eagerness and determination, the Executioners had no idea that they were being monitored in the darkness.

Like a fox keeping an eye on it’s hunters, Rollins follows the Executioners from the safe distance keeping an eye on them. Thanks to the watch given to him by Ace, Rollins was able to blend in the darkness without being spotted. Seeing that the Executioners were getting close to the Nova agency, Rollins soon calls in to update Samson but whilst he was doing that, something unexpected occured.
Monica who had been following her army from the sky in her helicopter had been very vigilant and careful not to get surprised like she was last time that she used the same technology which the Elite destroyer had which was the elite detector to scan any Elite hiding out of her army’s sight to ensure that there was none of them waiting around for ambush. As soon as she gets close to Rollin’s vicinity, the device blinks instantly pinpointing Rollin’s location.

Monica ➑ Victor, signal my army that there’s an elite close to them in their left. Tell them to open fire.

Victor ➑ Will do.


Rollins ➑ Hello Samson, dem they close o.

Samson ➑ Thanks for the update, we don ready for them. Everyone dey on standby.

Rollins ➑ Good make I..

In that moment, Rollin’s ability kicks in warning him of danger. He looks around and sees the army of executioners facing his direction with their guns. Before long, Rollins realizes the obvious and run for his dear life and shortly after he had taken off, the Executioners open fire endlessly.
Seeing that there was no cease fire from the executioners, Rollins realizes that he has been spotted so he decides to run to the Nova agency to seek cover.

Victor ➑ Should I call for a cease fire?

Monica ➑ No.. The elite is on the run. He knows that we’ve spotted him. Tell the army to go straight and shoot straight. He’s running right in front of them.

Victor ➑ I don’t see him.
Read – My probationary girlfriend episode 13 – 14

Monica ➑ That’s because the rat is using some kind of cloaking device or maybe he’s invisible. Do as I say.

Without hesitation, Victor carries out Monica’s orders making to army to do her bidding. Seeing thay they couldn’t detect Rollins or pin point his location with their own eyes, the army then unleashed their small drones out into the open for them to see what they cannot.
Rollins who was way ahead of the Executioners soon realized that drones were on his tail. He ran even faster as he saw them opening fire on him and whilst he was that predicament, Samson calls him to check on him.

Samson ➑ Guy, how far?.

Rollins ➑ The Executioners don see o. I dey run since but I no fit hold out for long. Drones dey my nyarsh and dem dey open fire. Any ideas?

Samson ➑ I get one. Get ready o.

Rollins ➑ For what?

In that moment, Mercury signals Rollins through his watch about the watch’s self destruct mechanism and begins to count down for him from 15 to 1. Amidst the countdown, Samson tells Rollins what to do with the watch.

Samson ➑ Rollins you dey hear?

Rollins ➑ Yes oh.

Samson ➑ Remove the watch wey dey your hand and once the countdown reach one..just throway am.

Rollins ➑ Okay.. Baba, 2 seconds remaining o.

As fast as he could, Rollins removes his watch and then throws it at the incoming drones and within a blink of an eye, the watch explodes instantly powering off the drones and all the electrical appliances and devices within that vicinity. Seeing that the drones were now dealt with Rollins tries to take off but before he could do that, tragedy occurs. Unknown to Rollins, there was a sniper in the Executioners army and now that he was in range and visible to the naked eye, the sniper took the opportunity to take him out.
Rollins who had sensed danger wasn’t fast enough to dodge the bullet that pierced his left leg. Seeing that he had missed, the sniper tried to fire another shot but before he could pull the trigger, an unexpected party dropped in and prevent that. Meanwhile, Monica who was picking 2 readings from her device ordered victor to warn the army but they couldn’t spot anything until it was already too late.
Suddenly out of nowhere, someone emerged in the middle of the Executioners and began to beat them up and down. The confused Executioners tried to find out who it was but they couldn’t cause their assaulted was moving too fast.


Victor ➑ I don’t know. Our troops don’t know either.


Unknown to Monica and executioners, Laila and her own company had dropped in on them. The one attacking the Executioners was called Steven and his ability allowed him to stretch and mold his body to reasonable lengths like that if a rubber band. Using his ability with ease and precision, Steven brawled through the executioners without them seeing him at all. Meanwhile Laila and the other elite called Kareem who were watching from a distance decided to help Rollins while Steven kept the executioners busy.

Laila ➑ You must be Rollins the radar. You need help.

Rollins ➑ And you are?

Laila ➑ Laila, an elite like you. I’m sure Ade must have said something about the Elites haven.

Rollins ➑ Yes I remember. You were the fools that told him about Felicia’s secret and because of your stupidity the team was nearly jeopardized.

Laila ➑ I’m sorry but have no time to waste here. We alone cannot stop the Elites. We have to get going now. Kareem signal Steven.

Kareem ➑ Yes ma.

After responding to Laila’s commands, Kareem uses his ability which is zero gravity to lift the Executioners and their accessories into the air creating a distraction. Seeing that it was time to go, Steven quickly activates the bombs which the Executioners had on themselves and then takes off. Unaware that their bombs have been tripped off, the Executioners struggle to get back on the ground but unfortunately for them, they exploded in mid air along with some of their properties. Monica who saw this was mad with rage that she could barely control herself, she lost her cool and was now itching on getting revenge no matter what.



Victor ➑ What are you orders?

Monica ➑ Damn subtlety! We’re going to match straight to the Elite hideout and kill them all. Assemble the rest of our army and tell them to race there. NOW!!!

Victor ➑ As you wish.

Somewhere not far behind the Executioners, Ade watches in silent as they organize the rest themselves to carry out their mission. Realizing where the Executioners were going, Ade summons spirits from all over Lagos at his command and within a matter of seconds, they appeared before him in thousands. ATLAS who had also appeared beside Ade watches him silently for a while before speaking to him.

ATLAS ➑ Ade, are you sure you want to do this? Remember, there’s no coming back from this.

Ade ➑ I don’t care Atlas. All of it has to end tonight! All of this. For thousands of years, the Elites and the Executioners have been at odds, it’s time it came to an end.

ATLAS ➑ Alright then but remember, what will your friends and colleagues think? They won’t accept this.

Ade ➑ I don’t care. They can’t stop me.

ATLAS ➑ Very well, what are you orders? The spirits are waiting!

Ade ➑ Kill them all, every last one of them. Kill them all. End it all tonight.

ATLAS ➑ Alright spirits, you heard Ade. Do as he says.. Kill them all.

After hearing Ade’s command, the spirits in an instant disperse all over Lagos like ant screeching into the night and as they begin to invade the city, all the lights in the city began to go off putting the city in a state of pitch black darkness and not long after the spirits had dispersed, there was a series of long wailing screams all over the city.

To be Continued

Final chapter :- Beginning of the end (2)

Greetings everyone.. The final chapter of elites will be posted soon but before that happens, what can you guys make of Destiny’s vision and what is happening now? What is Ade’s endgame and what will be the consequences..

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