Hero Of Sagoe

Hero of sagoe episode 9 – 10

нero oғ ѕagoe ‘тнe power вeyond’.
Subtitle: Battle Bringers 🎯Journey seekers🚶🚶
Episode 9🎴🎴

♂️wrιттen and preѕenтed вy✍🏼: Lιғтed Eвoѕ🤞
We had arrived the palace and my testicles seemed to be on fire, can’t perform my ice spell on something delicate as my self.
“Welcome you all to the magnificent” The general said but i interrupted.
“Dude in the armour” i said pointing to the general.

“You mean me” He said looking at me with eyes of fury for cutting him short of his unnecessary speech.
“Yeah you, We know it is the palace no need for intro” I said sarcastically
“Alright” he said ignoring my mockery
“All right time to meet the king” Catherine said
King james came out wit his protruding belly, which made him look like five fat women butts combined together.
“All hail King james” A guard shouted
Everyone bowed while on their horses but i was not thinking of bowing but was thinking of relieving my self from the horse. We got down the horses and assemble to receive information of the mission.

“You all have volunteered yourself to be the ones taking a challenge most will consider suicidal but you all consider it bravery” King james said
“Well i consider it a mistake” I whispered remembering how i fell cause of rita face
“Your mission is to get a Gem or should i say orb from Mount vernon” King james said
“That is madness” One said
“Yes, The mount vernon is located in the heart of the Dark empire” Another shouted
“That is why you have been chosen to take this task for you all are worthy” King james said
“We shall do this to stop the dark king from attacking sagoe, We do this to annihilate the dark king, We do this for Sagoe!!” The general shouted
I smacked my head with my hand.
“Not again with the lousy motivational speech” i said out
“I see you brought the traitor son along” King james said looking at me while i licked my l-ips and winked at him.
“My king he is worthy” Catherine said
“To go on the mission yes but not to wear the white robe for the mission” King james said
“But to wear the Red robe ” The general completed
“That is perfect” I shouted and winked
The maids brought lots of clothes and they were pure white but mine was red and was brought by a ugly guard who looks like his grand father copulated with a gorilla.

“Thank you” i said
“By this time tomorrow you all shall advanced through the underground gate of sagoe to meet the outside world beware it might look lovely but it is pain agonizing and anger aggravating” King james said
“We will be ready” The super handsome guy said in deep masculine voice that thrilled everyone around.
“Depart and assemble here tomorrow morning you will receive a send off come in your uniforms red or white” Catherine said
“Should we take the horses” i asked admiring my white horse
“Yes” The general said
I jumped on top of my horse and took the robe as i charged back home riding like a mad man till i got to uncle Milton house.
Opening the front door was no probs for me as i advanced to my room while the family watched my steps which i cared not about.

I was about going into my room but came back to meet my uncle’s family..
“Uncle Milton” I said like i cared.
“I will be leaving Sagoe tomorrow” I said and immediately lightning struck as the rain began it downpour.
“This is a sign you will die” Uncle said
“I already died when my father died” I said in a cold tone.
As i moved back into my room and locked the door while i began packing for the journey and sparking for the feeling at that moment.
I placed blaze down and arranged my jars of wine remaining from all my drinking. i drank a little as i hid my peacock feathers perfectly well in my room taking 20 with me while i left the remaining. Suddenly i felt the dimness and weakness within me as i laid on the bed and opened my sword sheath with a smile written on my face i closed it and went to sleep.

Next morning, i was awake done already with bathing, i had wore my red cloth and it fitted perfectly, the cloth had several tight pockets that couldn’t been seen by people only if the owner tells. It also has a hood and mask with it coupled with tight elastic hand long sleeves while the trousers were perfectly fitted, fortunately i had a pair of footwear that fitted my look it was black in colour and was good for my journey.
I dressed up and moved downstairs while i saw incle.Milton and kira concern written all over their face and amazement took control as the saw me come down to meet them.

Blaze, my bow and shield were with me while i greeted them.
“You should receive something from us before going” Uncle Milton said
“Is there anything you have to offer” i asked
“You have a bow but no arrows” uncle said
Yes, i will make some arrows ” i replied
“No need, i have two shivers of arrows completely full” He said showing me the arrows.
I looked at them and was pleased as i collected it all.
“Thanks alot uncle i will be back” I said moving out to take my horse.
I placed the shivers of arrows on the side of the horse same with the bow and shield before i went in,side and brought lots of the black powder ball and my jars of wine.

I placed everything well on the horse and it was perfect, the jar of wine were packaged well and tied to the back of the horse while the weapons i had were kept at the side for easy access incase. I rode my horse slowly as i went to the palace to meet the others who were dressed in White robes…
“Advance to the gate” The general shouted as he rode with us while the great trumpet of sagoe blew and the citizens stood outside to see their heroes. I wore my mask and hood as i rode but they knew it was me cause of my cloths, rather than do trash they respected me more cause i looked like a leader, i felt like a leader and felt unique at this moment.

We approached the ancient gates that had been left closed for thousands of years, we got ready to face the outside world, we got ready to see the light, we got ready to feel the spice.
We are the heroes of sagoe at this point we bid our family good bye, we might not see them again, we bid people around us Good bye. We are the bravest, We are the Finest, We are with the priestess, we are the unstoppable……
We will pass mountains, Kill beasts, Slay monsters, encounter different people in a while new world.
But the question i JOSH wanna ask you is this..


Episode 10💫💫

Written and presented by Lifted Ebos🔱🔱
We passed through the gates and surprisingly arrows were still stuck on the gates, arrows of thousands of years ago still firmly stuck on the gates.
“It is so beautiful” Catherine said
“I have never seen anything like it” Another replied
We rode down the the steep hill as we began our journey to Mount Vernon, we rode for hours and met not a single soul.

“Halt” The handsome guy who i later got his name to be Melvin said
“What is it” Another replied
“Let us camp here for a while” He said
“Why should we” Another guy asked
“Darkness is almost upon us, we need to camp so the horses can rest” Melvin said as he got down from his horse.
“Yeah, he is right” someone replied
“Set the camp” Catherine said
I looked at him and the rest of the people suddenly my eyes went far beyond into the bushes and i saw four eyes staring right at us, i froze in fear as i kept looking.
“Get down Josh” Catherine said but i didn’t hear her my brain was totally focused on what i saw until she shook me with her hands.
“Get down!! what is wrong with you” She shouted

I got down and moved around the camp that have already been set up by my journey colleagues. My mind seemed unsettled about what i had seen, so i walked over to the bushes by the time i got there, it was gone. I was about going back to the camp to rest my head when i realized i had powers also. Without hesitation i decided to test my powers out on what i had seen, by touching the floor where i had seen the staring eyes. Touching the floor was no problem for me but once i did the ground felt extremely hot which was quite amusing and disturbing, i picked up the hot soil and closed my eyes as i looked back to the past of the substance and what i saw was terrifying.

A beast was what i saw or was it??
“What in the name of soil is this!!” i thought
I moved back to the camp and sat on a log while i held out a lamp..
“We need turns” Melvin said
“For what” A person replied
“Those who will guard the camp while others are asleep” Melvin said
“I will keep guard” I replied sharply as i stood up
“Ok we need someone else” Melvin said
Everyone kept look and no one was ready to volunteer for guarding of the night..

“Well looks like am all alone” i said as i took my sit back and faced the camp fire while the rest went into the tents…
“Take good care”Melvin decided
I just looked at him and scoffed since he decided to make himself look like a leader.
“Sleep well” I said as i sighted catherine looking at me, i ignored cause i had other cases pressing against me.
Night arrived sounds of snores and m0-ns could be heard but i cared less as i kept my eyes and brain on alert watching for the slightest movement in darkness.

When suddenly right when the moon was above my head i heard a snarl coming from a far distance as i assumed, well didn’t bother myself as i got my wine and drank.. The snarl came nearer again and i dropped my wine and got my bow and arrow ready.
Now the snarl was becoming louder i set myself ready for battle while the others slept like they were enchanted..
“Josh” it said
“Who is there” i asked getting my arrow prepared
“Josh” It said again
I looked at the direction from where the sound cameth from and fired a straight shot of arrow…
The arrow came back towards me while i dodged it and fired another shot again..
‘Come out you coward” I shouted challenging what so ever it was
When suddenly the ground began to shake slightly and among the bushes i saw a head sticking out from among the bushes..
“Am dead” I said as a beast charged at me..

I fired a shot right to it but it just hit me away like i was a piece if armour, i landed and turned to face the beast but it was gone..
“Am not done” I shouted as i felt the soil and realized it was the creature i saw before we camped..
I took out my sword and dropped the bow and arrows i opened blaze sheath and touched the hot floor..
When suddenly i heard several snarls around the camp.
“It has just begun” I said preparing for the worst that could happen from a beast of darkness while others slept peacefully.

To be continued 😞😞

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