My Fairytale

My Fairytale batch 39

My Fairytale
Season 2 ✍️ episode 17✍️
*Next day*
**Anderson’s mansion*
Amelia’s pov 💗
I wasn’t able to sleep last night, I kept thinking about Skyler. I miss him so much, but I can’t tell him that I’ve forgiven him yet, it’s too early for that..
I am presently sitting in my balcony beside the pool, Kylie and sparkles are laying beside me..
I watched as the maids were busy working outside the main house and the other suites..
“I will never leave you Lia not now not ever” Skyler’s words kept ringing in my ears, and the k-ss.. I really missed that, I smiled as I touched my l-ips,
“If you’re not engaged then why are you still wearing the engagement ring” I smiled and looked down at the ring, I slipped it to the tip of my finger and slipped it down again.. I repeated the process and continued thinking about Skyler..
he still looks cute though, but I think he’s ill, I mean his blue eyes were dull, his voice was a little hoarse, his l-ips were dry, his face was pale and let’s not forget the dark circles around his eyes.. I just hope he’s okay..
I guess I should check on him, I thought to myself and picked my phone..I double tapped on the screen and a picture of me and Sky came up.. It was one of the pictures we took in Huawei, I was actually asleep with my head on his chest, and I didn’t Know he took the picture until I saw it as his wall paper, I asked him to send me the picture and he said he would only if I bath with him.. we ended up spending 2 hours in the bathroom..
I smiled and scrolled down my contacts until I got to Sky 💗.. I looked at the contact picture, contemplating if I should dial it or not.. on second thoughts, Mildred is with them, she’ll definitely call me if something happens to Skyler.. right?
“Amelia? are you here?” Mom asked from the living room
“Yes mom.. I’m in the balcony” I replied
She walked into the room and smiled when she saw me..
“Morning Mom” I said and k-ssed her cheek, while Kylie and sparkles barked..
“Morning baby, morning cuties” she said referring to my pets.
“how was your night?” She asked..
“Was a little okay, how about you?” I asked sitting beside her on the couch
“Was okay.. although your baby brother made me eat a lot of pastries” she replied smiling.. and I faked a frown
“It’s gonna be a girl mom, I’ve told you a thousand times already” I said and she smiled..
“Anika Fiona Anderson, you’re so grounded for making mom eat a lot” I said leaning towards her belly.. causing mom to laugh..
“Anyways.. why was your night a little okay?” She asked cleaning her eyes
“Uhm.. well I couldn’t sleep cause I.. I kinda miss someone” I muttered shyly
“Skyler?” She asked smiling
“Well.. maybe” I replied looking at my ring..
“If you miss him, then why don’t you visit him?” She asked tucking my hair behind my ears..
“Well, I don’t want him to know that I’ve forgiven him yet Mom.. it’s too early” I replied..
“But you’re hurting in the process my dear, I know Skyler hurt you.. although you didn’t tell me how exactly..” she said looking at me
“But trust me, when I say he loves you so much.. I watched him grow up, I am like his second mother, Skyler has never loved a woman before, you are his first Jane.. and I Know he’ll do anything to protect you, besides I am sure he has learnt his lesson, he has stayed away from you for three good weeks, the Skyler I know can’t even survive a day without you.. go to him Lia, and do the right thing” she said and smiled sweetly.. I nodded and hugged her..
“Thanks mom” I whispered
“You’re welcome baby” she cooed.
Just then my phone started ringing, I picked it and looked at the caller ID..
Why is Simon video calling..
I answered it and connected it to the big screen in my room..
I could see the wh0le room, Syd was pacing around and Nicole was sitting looking Disturbed.. Simon’s baby face appeared on the screen..
“Hey gu..”
“Ami.. thank goodness you picked.. you need to get here ASAP” Simon said cutting me off.
“What? Why?.. what’s happening?” I asked worriedly, mom sat up and continued watching the screen
“Is that Mia?” Syd asked walking towards Simon..
“Yes” he replied.
“He snatched the phone and looked into the screen
“Mia you need to get here now” he said restlessly
“What’s going on Syd?” Mom asked worried as well
“It’s Skyler, he’s really sick, his body temperature is seriously rising, he is really weak and has been throwing up.. and the worst part is that he doesn’t want to eat.. we called the doctor and he was able to stop the puking, as we are speaking he’s currently on drip, and Mildred is trying to make him eat but..”
“Why didn’t you take him to the hospital?” I asked already standing
“That’s the problem, he said he wouldn’t bath, eat or go to the hospital, unless you come over” he replied
“What!, is he crazy, does he want to die?” I asked angrily.. why is Skyler behaving like a jerk..
“He said he’ll happily die, if you don’t that would mean that you no longer love him and want him dead, please Ami you need to come, I can’t lose my brother” Simon said tearfully..
“Oh my goodness.. have you called Beatrice?” Mom asked
“We tried but her number is unreachable, she’s still in Canada” Syd replied
Just then Mildred rushed down the stairs in anger..
“He isn’t eating!. He said he doesn’t want those restaurant junks, that he wants Lia’s food!” She yelled and slumped on the couch..
I hastily cleaned my tears and nodded
“I’m coming okay?.. I’ll be there in 10” I replied and disconnected the call..
“I have to go mom” I said slipping into my slippers..
“Okay, please take care of him okay?” She said
“I will” I said and rushed out..
I walked into the garage and drove out with guards behind me.. I got to the highway and increased my pace, the guards were still behind..
I finally arrived at the estate and drove straight to the mansion, the gate opened automatically and I drove in.. I stopped in front of the main mansion and rushed in..
Mildred’s pov 🖋️
“what did she say?” I asked Syd who sat lazily beside me smiling
“She’s on her way” he replied
I just hope she gets here fast cause Skyler is getting worse..
The door opened minutes later as Lia rushed in.. jeez she didn’t even bother to change her clothes..
She was wearing a black bumshort and lemon singlet with a simple black slipper which had gold chains, matching the gold anklet on her legs..
“Where’s sky?” She asked breathing heavily..
“In his room upstairs” I replied..
“Okay..” she said and started rushing towards the stairs..
“Lia.. I think you should go with something, he hasn’t eaten since” I said..
“Oh okay.. where’s the food you bought for him?” She asked..
“It’s in the kitchen” Nicole replied
I watched as she rushed into the kitchen and walked out with a tray of food and bottled water.. I could tell she was seriously worried..
Amelia’s pov ✏️
I walked up the spiral staircase and finally stopped in front of his room, I’ve been here a couple of Times before, so it was easy for me to find his room, I walked into his living room and knocked lightly on his bedroom door..I walked in and saw him laying on his side with his eyes closed..
“Go away Mildred, I’m not eating until Lia comes” he muttered with his eyes still closed.
I sighed and closed the door, I gently dropped the tray on the table and walked to his bed.. his room was large though with two other doors.. and a balcony. I looked around and saw a portrait of me.. I smiled and sat down beside him.. I moved his rough hair from his eyes and placed my palm on his forehead.. he’s really hot..his eyes opened and I instantly met his gaze.. he blinked and smiled lightly..
“Lia?” He called out, with his voice a little hoarse.. I smiled in response and k-ssed his cheek..
“I’m here now.. stop being a chicken and eat” I muttered and he smiled.. I helped him to sit up and carried the tray from the table I placed it on my lap..and picked the spoon..
“You’re gonna feed me right?” He asked with a lazy smile..
“Yeah” I replied simply.. and packed a little quantity of the chicken soup with the spoon
“Okay.. say ahhhhh” I said and he did as I instructed without questions..
As Soon as he tasted the soup he frowned
“What?.. don’t you like it?.. it’s your favorite right?” I asked dropping the spoon.
“You weren’t the one who prepared it.. I don’t like it” he said moving his face to the other side.
“Seriously?.. okay I’ll make another one for you.. but first, you have to make do with this one” I said
“No way.. I rather stay hungry than eat that junk” he mumbled..
I couldn’t help but smile at his cuteness.
“Okay, I’ll make another one now” I said and stood up with the tray.. I looked at sky and saw him trying to slip out of the bed..
“Where are you going?” I asked
“I’m going with you” he said weakly
“Sky.. you’re going no where, you are weak, and a drip is still connected to your hand” I yanked..
“But.. ”
“No buts Skyler.. I’m not leaving okay, I’ll be back in fifteen minutes” I snapped
“Fifteen? But that is too long” he muttered
“Whatever, just stay put” I said arranging him on the bed..
“Okay, but can I watch you as you’re cooking?” He asked..
“You’re not coming downstairs Skyler” I replied
“I’ll video call you.. please answer it, I wanna watch you as you cook” he said and I glared at him.. he stopped talking and I walked out of the room.. I walked downstairs and saw the others eating pizza..
“How did it go?” Syd asked
“He said he won’t eat until I cook the food by myself.. and he also wants to watch me cook, so he’ll video call me” I replied and they started laughing, I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen.. I trashed the food and proceeded to get my ingredients.. just then my phone started ringing..
I sighed as I looked at the screen, he’s really video calling me..
What have I gotten myself into?..
Season 2 ✍️ episode 18✍️
Amelia’s pov ✏️
I dropped the chicken and answered the call..
“Hey Lia” he called smiling sheepishly.
“Hey Sky.. what do you want?” I asked faking a smile
“Uhh.. nothing, I just want to watch you cook” he replied
“Oh.. okay, uhm, I’ll just place the phone on the counter so you can see me properly” I said and lay the phone on the counter, with the screen facing upwards.. I smiled into the screen and walked into the store room..
“Uhh.. Lia, I can only see the ceiling” he muttered.. I chuckled and turned on the gas..
“Lia… I can’t see you place the phone properly” he said tiredly
“Skyler you are distracting me, if you need anything call me.. bye” I said and hung up..
The phone started ringing again, I looked at the screen and angrily answered it..
“What?” I asked angrily..
“Well.. you see, I’m thirsty” he mumbled..
“There’s a bottle of water on your side table” I replied looking into the screen..
“Yes, but I can’t open it” he said
“What?.. Skyler are you lying?” I asked staring at him..
“Maybe..,well don’t blame me, it’s the only way I could get your attention” he said innocently.. I sighed and placed the phone on the counter..
“ can watch me cook, but don’t distract me okay?” I said
“Okay” he replied smiling..
I wore the apron and started chopping the chicken..
“Lia..” he called
“Yeah” I answered
“Thanks for coming” he said I glanced at him and smiled..
“It’s nothing..” I said
“It is.. to me” he muttered..
“Mmmh” I mumbled
“Ouch” he muttered
“What?” I asked looking at him
“I’m really hungry” he replied
“I’m almost done okay?” I said stirring the soup
I switched off the gas and dished out his food, I placed it on a tray with a pack of juice, and glass..
I turned to walk out and saw figures running back to the sitting room.. I walked out and saw the guys chatting..
“I know you guys were eavesdropping.. the soup is still guys are free to eat, just don’t finish it or Skyler will kill you” I stated and turned towards the stairs..
“Thanks Ami”
“Thanks Lia”
“Thanks Mia” they said as they rushed towards the kitchen..
I walked into the room to see Skyler smiling..
“Why are you smiling?” I asked with a confused smile..
“Nothing” he replied..
I sat on the chair beside his bed and placed the tray on my laps .
I opened the plate and picked the spoon..
“Okay.. ahhh” I said and he opened his mouth.. he smiled as he tasted the soup..
“This is what I call chicken soup.. not that junk” he said and I laughed..
He finished the wh0le dish and Even asked for more..
After eating, I washed the plates and walked back to his room, the drip was already finished.. I told Mildred to call the doctor, while i stayed with Skyler.
“Okay mister.. time to bath” I said pulling him up,
“I don’t want to bath..” he said
“I’ll only bath if you agree to bath with me” he added..
“But I’ve already taken my bath Sky, I can’t bath with you” I muttered
“Mmh, then I’ll just wait till you’re ready” he said covering himself with the duvet..
“Okay fine I’ll bathe you” I mumbled
“Really?” He asked excitedly
“Yes.. ” I replied..
I helped him out of the bed and walked him into the bathroom.. it was a bit bigger than mine though..
A large shower stand with glass walls and different shower handles at the right, and a large bathtub, at the left.
“Shower or bath tub?” I asked
“Bathtub” he replied
He sat on a stool, while I turned on the water heater.. I helped him out of his grey sweatshirt and joggers.. revealing his perfectly tanned chest and packs, his biceps were still so amazing, and I couldn’t help but swallow at the sight of his torso.. he was clad in nothing but his Calvin Klein shorts, which was so damn tight , Making his manh-od a little visible..
I could already feel the heat between my legs.
“Calm yourself Amelia, pull yourself together”. I muttered to myself.
“What?” Skyler asked looking down at me.. I was still kneeling in front of him
“What?” I asked back
“I thought you said something” he replied
“No.. I didn’t” I said.. I stood up and picked his towel..
“Stand up” I said and he stood up..I tied the towel around his wa-ist and asked him to take off his shorts while I turned off the heater, I added his bathing lotions and turned to face him..
“Jesus!.. Skyler!” I yelled covering my eyes..
“What?” He asked innocently
“Why are you unclad?.. I thought I tied a towel on your wa-ist” I yanked with my eyes closed..
“Is that why your eyes are closed?.. I mean you have seen me like this several times, why are you closing your eyes now?” He asked quietly..
“Just get into the tub” I snapped and opened my eyes.. he sighed and walked in.. I removed my slipper and he looked at me..I was about to ins**t my legs into the tub when he spoke up..
“Are you sure you wanna come in with your clothes?” He asked..
“Yes.. why?” I asked
“You’re gonna get cold, especially because you didn’t bring other clothes.. ” he stated.. I sighed and withdrew my legs.. he has a point, I sighed and pulled off my singlet..
“Lia?..what are you doing?” He asked
“What does it look like?.. I’m taking off my clothes of course” I replied, pulling down the bumshort.. leaving me in my red b-ra and p-nties.. he turned to the other side and closed his eyes, I chuckled and packed my hair in a bun..
“Why are you closing your eyes?” I asked
“Nothing” he mumbled
“Open it” I muttered
“Open it, look at me” I said, he opened his eyes and turned to look at me.. I unhooked the b-ra and dropped it on the floor, i placed my hands on my p-nties and chuckled when he closed his eyes..
“Skyler.. you’re my fiance, besides you’ve seen me like this before.. open your eyes” I said and he slowly opened his eyes.. I pulled down and stepped out of it.. then I walked into the tub and wrapped his hands on my wa-ist, while I wrapped my hands on his neck.. I moved his hair backwards and placed my l-ips on his.. I guess he was shocked cause he didn’t move at first,I smiled and k-ssed deeper, he finally opened up and k-ssed me back, we k-ssed slowly and passionately for minutes, before I unlocked.. I looked into his eyes and saw everything I wanted to see, Love, lust, desire and.. passion.. and for the first time in a long time, I finally realize that he’s everything I could wish for, he’s my life, my lover, my friend and everything.. I pecked his l-ips again, and looked into his eyes..
“I forgive you Skyler” I muttered
“And I love you so much Skyler Wesley Jordan.. more than you can ever imagine” I added
He slammed his l-ips on mine as a tear rolled down my cheek..
“I love you too Lia” he whispered and hugged me..
To be continued.

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