The Bad Boy Has A Daughter

The Bad Boy Has A Daughter episode 30 – 31

The Bad Boy Has A Daughter

By Chimdi Jane Samuel.
Chapter Thirty.

*Noah’s point of view*

The day of the race had come, the most dreaded day of my life. The day I payed Drew his money and leave this f-cking job.
The day I choose who I get to keep.
The first siren went off signalling that the race would soon begun so I went to get my car from Theo. Walking into the mechanic, I saw Theo cleaning the car with a smile on his face.
“Hey, is the car ready?” I asked, he snapped his head to meet mine, letting his smile drop.
“Yo, Noah, how you? Haven’t seen you in a while”
“Yea, I’ve been busy with school” I lied, I couldn’t tell Theo that Anna was kidnapped he would he dissapointed with me.
“That’s a good thing. I gotta go now”
“Where? Look wait I just wanted to say thanks for everything, like for taking care of me and all that. I know sometimes I can be a pain in the ass but really I’m grateful. After this race I just wanna get outta here, get out of this town and start life afresh. I don’t wanna hurt anyone else.”
Theo looked at me with sad eyes, coming closer to Pat me in the back. “Don’t worry about it. This would be your last race” he said.
“Yes, no more racing for me after this. I’ll get an actual job” I hugged him tighter, the siren sounded again and I pulled away.
“Thanks Theo, I have to go now. The race starts after the third siren and I’d would really love to see Ryder before I kick his ass” I smirked, getting into my blue and white car, turning on the engine and driving off the mechanic.
Theo waved at me, gave me a thumbs up before shutting his garrage door.
I sighed, making my way through half unclad girls that purposely stayed in the way so I could see their ass. Some even hit my car to gain attention, but I didn’t take my eyes off the road.
I was driving a little better now, I had taken enough pain killers and I could hærdly feel all my injuries, I was positive I could win this race.

Since it was Ryder, which was kind of like the best. I didn’t have much hope. But then there’s a bridge we had to pass, so that was my winning point.
I smirked, it s-cked to be scared if heights.
I noticed Ryder brooding frame with the ladies as the clawed at his chest and he k-ssed some of them, grinning widely.
“Ryder!” I called out, getting our of my car and sitting on the bonnet, pretending to admire my fingers.

“Hope you’re getting ready to loose?”
“F-ck you Noah, I’m the best out here, I’m going to hand your ass to Drew on a silver platter” He said, causing some of the girls to snicker.
I smiled. “We’ll see about that, d*ckface”
The third siren went off and Ryder made his way through his crowd of girls and came to stand in front of me.

I didn’t back down, I looked at him deep in his eyes.
“Let’s make a deal. If I win, I get your bitch” He smirked.
“And if I win?” I asked. This was a bad idea, a very very bad idea. What if I lost.
“You get my car”
I glanced at Ryder’s car, Ryder was so f-cking rich that he didn’t need to race with any of Drew’s car that we used. His car was his. From his own money. And it was f-cking expensive.
If I won this race, I could give Drew Ryder’s car as payment and give Anna’s abductor the money I won and get Anna.
I couldn’t say no to this deal.

Ryder smiled, before walking off to his car and I did the same .
A girl came to stand between our cars, she was completely unclad save for the black paint all over her body.
She danced slowly and sed-ctively, pointing at me to ask if I was ready.

I stepped on the accelerator and the car roared in obedience, she smiled, turning to Ryder next. He did the same.
She smiled, holding the two flags up, waving it in the air and rotating her h¡ps. She was teasing us, it was what they did. After s few seconds, she turned, her back side facing us and slamming the flags to the ground.
The next second, me and Ryder moved. Our cars running at it’s greatest speed. The first stage if the race was speed, here the road was broad and it fit two cars at once we both had to make it to the second stage, the thinner road where only one car could fit In. I had to get there before Ryder.
I stomped on the accelerator and increased the speed, my shoulder ached a little but I ignored it. Now was not the time to hallow in self pity.
I turned, making my way through the road with Ryder hot by my side but I didn’t glance at him. He moved very fast, very fast but I tried to keep up by his side.
We passed through the lonely road and I focused all my attention on the side of the road waiting for the sign that showed the narrow road.
Upon seeing it, Ryder slammed into my car, causing me to hit my head hærd in the door and loose grip on the steering.

As Ryder made it first into the road. I scre-med in annoyance, after the narrow road was the spinning. And Ryder was very good at making turns. I on the other side, not as good as him.

I ganined control of the wheel again and proceeded behind Ryder, I could almost hear him laughing at me, Anna’s crying face flashed in my mind and I hit Ryder’s car from behind.
He slowed down a little, then recovered almost immediately and sped up again.
In about ten minutes, we both made it to a broader road that fit the both of us and I was by his side in an instant.
In the next stage, which was the spinning, there were a total of four Sharp, very Sharp turns. It required thinking yo get through it without falling behind.
The first turn came quickly and I turned the steering of my car to beat it, but Ryder hit my car again.
“F-ck!” I amost lost control and hit a pole but swerved, and my right mirror paid dearly hitting the pole and breaking off.
“F-ck you Ryder!” I scre-med, making my way towards him again, I turned to see him smiling before slamming against my car again, I reacted this time, hitting his too and the same time. The collision caused the both of our cars to move sideways.
I recovered first and went ahead of Ryder, smiling in triumph.
The second turning came to view and just as I was about to make the perfect turning, my shoulder snapped, causing pain to travel down the arm, I had to slow down a little, because of the unexpected pain.
“F-ck! F-ck! F-ck!” I scre-med in pain and used the other mirror to see Ryder coming right behind me.
Stupid painkillers were wearing off. I picked up again, making the turn and almost slamming into a pole.
The car swerved left and right before moving forward at it’s usual pace and I sighed in relief.
Ryder was still behind me. Two more turnings and I was at the bridge.

But Ryder wasn’t set on loosing, behind me, I saw him bring out a gun and shoot at me.
“What the hell?” Ryder didn’t use guns, well not since now. Guess he really wanted Anna.
I moved more quickly bending low a little to avoid the bullets making h0les in my car.

The next turning came to view and I turned the wheels, making the perfect turn but more bullets blasted through my car and narrowly missing me as one passed my head.
I continued running through the road. One more turn. Then the bridge. I didn’t bother about the bridge because I knew Ryder would slow down a bit.
With that thought I continued, and Ryder stopped shooting. I looked back to see him, bringing his head out of the window and his gun pointed at my back tire.
F-ck! No!
I turned, not keeping my car moving on a straight line. I swerved left and right, so Ryder couldn’t get a good aim.
I saw the Turn ahead and made my way through it.

I was ahead of Ryder. F-ck! Yes!
I continued my journey and Ryder was still hot on my tail. I needed to get to the bridge now, I saw it ahead. And increased the speed.

Ryder being the genius he was was by my side in an instant. His gun directed towards me, I didn’t have time to turn or bend and his bullet blasted through my widow and hit my left shoulder.
I scre-med, losing control of the steering, and I was already on the bridge, my car turned to the right, moving to the direction of the edge of the bridge.
I needed to stop the car or else, I could fall off the bridge and possibly die. I stepped on the brakes.
Nothing happened!
The car wasn’t stopping.
“What the f-ck?!” I stepped on the brakes repeatedly but it didn’t stop the car. It still moved at a high speed, drawing dangerously close to the edge of the bridge.

Nothing had ever happened to my brakes before. And Theo always made sure of it. He always checked if everything was working perfectly fine. So how come the brakes were faulty.

I stepped on it again. But to no avail. I was so close to the edge. I was going to fall off.
F-ck! Why weren’t the brakes Working?
I needed to stop this car soon. Or I was going to die.

Chapter Thirty-One.

*Noah’s point of view*

I was scared out of my f-cking mind! I didn’t know what to do. The car won’t stop. I was going to fall off the bridge, and die. Then Ryder would win the race, and Anna’s abductor would kill her and Drew would have Casey!
Is this it? After all my fighting? I was going to die leaving all the ones I loved in jeopardy?
F-cking no!
I wasn’t going to die! I was going to win this f-cking race!
My heart beat accelerated and with my newly found confidence, I took a sharp turn, twisting my injured shoulders.
“Ahh!” I scre-med, the tired screeched, and the car went s full 360 degrees before moving on a strained line.
If the car wasn’t going to stop because the brakes were faulty all the more reason why I couldn’t loose.
I increased the speed of my car, and it roared in response, sweeping through the bridge. I s₱0tted Ryder in no time, moving a little slowly.
He peeped out the window the shock in his face was hilarious. I could see the way his hand was shaking on fear and his eyes pleasing with me to give up.
But I wasn’t backing down. I wasn’t going to fall for that. So what did Ryder do? Since he realized that he couldn’t out race me, he decided to slow me down by hitting me repeatedly.
Slamming my car against his, we battled to move ahead, and Ryder was winning.
The painkillers were totally worn off and my shoulders, both of them were bleeding all over my shirt. Even my head started to pound because of the collision with it and the door, then the headboard.
“Just f-cking die already!” I heard Ryder scre-m, winding down his glass in visible anger.
“F-ck you Ryder, I’m not letting you take my girl without a fight!” I scre-med back. Trying to overtake Ryder but hit my car, sending it flying towards the bridge edge again. He was pushing me.
I applied more pressure to the accelerator and struggled to push Ryder’s car backwards.
If he continued like this, we could both fall off the bridge.
“What the f-ck are you doing?” I shouted.
“I’d rather die than let you win” He scre-med back. By now we were both at the edge of the bridge and I could hear the water splashing below.
“Ryder! Stop! This is madness! I’m going to loose Casey!” I roared, almost crying. I couldn’t die now.
“I don’t f-cking care about your other side chick!”
“She’s my daughter!”
Ryder stopped, applying the brakes to his car, leaving us hanging by the bridge.
“What?” He asked, turning off his engine and wiping his face.
“Drew has my daughter, someone kidnapped Anna, I need yo win this race, man. I can’t loose them.”
Ryder looked at me as if I had grown two heads. By now I was in tears, I covered my face with my palm.
I heard Ryder come out of his car and slam the door.
“You’re shitting me!” He said, coming to my window to stare at me.
Shitting him? This is real life shit!
“You think I’m racing because o love it. Drew took Casey and someone got to Anna and they are both asking for a ransom. I’m in the f-cking game because of it!”
Ryder looked bewildered.
“Just f-cking go and win your f-cking race already! Isn’t that what you want?! F-ck off Ryder!”
I scre-med, I didn’t really know what was making me angry but I just needed to let out some steam. I didn’t want anyone staring at me with pity and I wasn’t going to beg Ryder to not throw me off this bridge, my car was already hanging half way, my shoulders were bad, I could hærdly drive. I was f-cking tired!
Damn! I was f-cking tired of this!
I sank to my knees, my shoulders slumping to the floor and my head buried against the floor. The tears came running with so much speed to put my car to shame.
I couldn’t take this anymore!
I f-cking couldn’t!
“Get the f-ck off the floor, Noah!” Ryder shouted.
“Get lost! Go win your stupid race! You don’t need to shove it down my face. I lost already” I couldn’t raise my head so he wouldn’t see my face.
“Then you’ll loose your daughter, and the only girl I’ve ever seen you with” Ryder sank to the floor with me. Sitting on the floor, and raising my hærd up so I met his eyes.
What the hell? He was supposed to be jumping in his car and going to the finish line.
I stared at him with confusion. “What are you doing? F-ck off Ryder!”
“Shut the f-ck up! Look, I’m anything, an assh-le, a womanizer, I f-ck bitches, I spend lavishly. Hell I f-cking smoke. But you know what I’m not. A sadist. I don’t derive happiness from hurting people. I f-cking race because I love it. And I love winning fairly. But having you loose your daughter and bitch so I could win this f-cking race. Hell to the f-cking no!” Ryder said.
“No f-cking person should kidnap another man’s bitch and take his daughter. That’s sick man! Why would Drew f-cking do that? I’d rather someone face me like a man than take what I love and use it against me!”
Wait? What?! Was this Ryder? The Ryder who like ves racing and always wanted to win.
“I don’t even f-cking care about winning. I have enough money to last for three generations. I race because I love it and I wanna prove that I’m the best but not at the expenses of someone loosing the only people in his life”
To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was mortified. Dumbfounded, dumbstruck. Anything to express surprise.
“Who the f-ck are you?” I asked, looking up at Ryder who was on his feet in a second.
“I’m Ryder, f-cker! Now get the f-ck up, get into my car and drive off to the finish line!”
“Are you for real?” I asked, but Ryder ignored me, dragging me to my feet and taking me to his car.

He looked behind us. “Your car is done for, you’re going to use mine”
He pushed me into the driver seat and went to the passenger seat.
“F-cking drive, motherf-cker, your daughter and bitch is waiting for you!” Ryder shouted, twisting his keys and the car roared in response.
“You want me to drive your car to the finish line. And win this race. Did you hit your head so hærd and you’ve lost your f-cking mind?!”
“Ok fine”. Ryder proceeded to open my door, “Get the f-ck out, while I win this race, and get your bitch!”
“Ok fine, jeez!” I stomped on the accelerator and the car jerked in motion , moving away from the edge of the bridge. My car tilted before falling off into the water. The loud crash was years and Ryder held unto the door handle. He was scared.
“Thanks Ryder, I owe you for this” Ryder looked at me, gave me a small smile, I smiled too. And his face changed.
“Move f-cker, before I change my f-cking mind!”
I felt the steering, stomped on the accelerator and zoomed off.
I’m coming Anna, and you too Casey. Daddy’s gonna come save you. Just hold on.
Hey guys, I almost had an heart attack. I’ve been writing this chapter since yesterday. I kept erasing and rewriting cos it wasn’t just entering. Lols. Hope it came out well?
Who else was surprised at Ryder? I was. I guess he isn’t that much of an assh-le by the way. He actually told Noah to get in his car and win the race. Like seriously? Everyone is just changing.

There’s more to come. This is not the end of the road. Casey’s still with Drew. And Anna with her abductor.

More battles for Noah to fight. This is just one he has conquered.

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