Love In The Bar

Love in the bar episode 14

Love in the bar episode 14
All through the following week I was at times anxious, nervous or excited. I was scared and anxious that my aunt wouldn’t be successful in convincing my dad that he should allow the relationsh¡p go on, and then I was excited she would eventually make him see the light and he would come to his senses and do the right thing.
Friday came and I was so wound up I couldn’t concentrate at work. It was so bad Dapo had to take me out to lunch instead of eating at the cafeteria just to calm me down and take my mind off things for a while. He reassured me over and over that everything would be alright and things would all work out in the end. His pep talk worked for about five minutes until I was back to obsessing over the matter. It stressed me out completely.
Finally, it was time to close for the day and I quickly tidied up my desk and went in search of Dapo. I got to his office just as Barr Chuks was coming out of it. He stopped when he saw me and smiled. I smiled back reluctantly.
“Good afternoon sir.”
“Hello Leona. How are you today?”
“I’m very well sir, thank you.”
“Good, good. See me in my office on Monday, will you? I have something to discuss with you.”
“Okay sir.” I wondered what it was about.
“Alright, have a lovely weekend.”
“Thank you sir. Have a great weekend too, sir.”
He waved and set off. That was weird. I couldn’t imagine what he wanted to speak to me about. I had been in the firm for almost eleven months now and I had never had a private tete-a-tete with him. Could it be he had heard about me and Dapo? I was sure there was nothing in the company policies that stated that co-workers were not allowed to date. Although the office gossip mill had been buzzing about Dapo and me, I was sure there was no harm being done. I couldn’t’t wait to find out what it was all about but in the meantime, I had a more pressing issue.
I entered Dapo’s office and found him tidying up his desk. He came around and gave me a hug and a peck. “How are you holding up, babe? Hope you’ve calmed down a bit?”
“Who me? I’m one very calm babe. Guess what just happened?”
“What’s that?”
“He asked me to see him in his office on Monday. Do you know what about?”
Dapo smiled and his smile made me suspect him. “What’s funny? Is there something I should know?” I asked suspiciously
“I wouldn’t know cos I don’t know anything.” He smiled again
“Hmm. So why are you smiling?”
“Am I?”
“I guess I’m just happy to see you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, right. Are you ready to go?”
I preceded him out of the office and we both set out for the car park.
We got to my house and Dapo dropped me and drove off. Since the day of that debacle, he had not entered our house. All he had done was drop me off by the gate and leave despite all my pleading asking him to come in. He felt he wouldn’t be welcome and he was not ready for a repeat of what had happened. Sometimes, I felt like I was fighting a losing battle, like this was destined to fail.
I got into the house through the back door and went straight up to my room. I wanted to ask Elena what was going on before I saw either of my parents. I had no clue if my aunt had come in or not but I’d rather find out from my ‘sentry’, Elena.
On getting to my room, I found her reposed on my bed watching a movie on her laptop with ear plugs in her ears. She didn’t even look up when I entered, she was so engrossed in her movie, I had to kick her leg on the bed to get her attention.
“Oh hi Leona.” She smiled. “How was work today?”
“Horrible. I couldn’t concentrate on anything.”
“Eyah, sorry.” She looked apprehensive
I waved it off. “What movie are you watching that you didn’t even hear me come in?”
“It’s Scepter o. The movie is the bomb.”
“Hmm. You and all these your James Bond movies ehn.” I shook my head. She was so into action movies and she especially had a thing for James Bond.
“So, what’s up?” she queried
“I should be asking you now. Is aunty here yet?”
“Oh yes. But she’s been cooped up with dad since she came. They are in the private sitting room up here.”
“Is mum with them?”
“No. I believe mum is in her room. You know these family matters now, they’ll usually tell the wife to excuse them.”
I sat down beside her on the bed but I couldn’t concentrate. I kept thinking of the drama that could be unfolding just across the hall from me. Was my aunt making any headway at all? Had she been able to convince my dad to rethink his decision? I sincerely prayed so.
Suddenly, I realized that through all these debacle and unfolding drama, I had been so caught up with myself and my pain that I had hærdly had time to pray. Prayer can do the unthinkable, prayer can reverse the worst of situations but all along, I hadn’t sought the face of God. I decided to do that right away.
I offered up a simple prayer in my heart to God. “Lord, I’m sorry I’ve neglected to seek your face all along on this matter but I come to your throne of grace now. I believe there is nothing you cannot do. I know there is no situation you cannot turn around. Lord, soften my father’s heart. Let him really see Dapo for who he is; a God lover and a kind man, someone that really loves me and wants the best for me. Let him see beyond his prejudices and hang-ups on tradition and realize the advantages of this union in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
As soon as I finished the prayer, I felt such peace in my heart as I had not felt in a long time and I immediately knew that God was in charge. It then occurred to me that I had not really spoken about it with my mum. I decided to go to her room right then and there.
“I’m going to mum’s room.” I told Elena.
She looked up in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah” I smiled. “I need to speak with her.”
“Oookaaay.” She said, still with a puzzled look on her face.
I didn’t fault Elena for been confused. I had repeatedly vowed over the past few weeks never to speak with my parents again. That famous melodramatic attitude. To say that I was going to her room would be baffling to anyone who had heard me rant and rave for days. I just knew I had to speak with her. I needed to get her on my side.

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