The Bad Boy Has A Daughter

The Bad Boy Has A Daughter episode 16 – 17

The Bad Boy Has A Daughter

By Chimdi Jane Samuel. Chapter Sixteen.
*Noah’s point of view*
What the f-ck was wrong with Drew? It wasn’t even time for the semi finals and he was calling me here, and asking his boys to take off my shirt. Showing my Snakes and Ladders tattoo.

I hadn’t even done anything wrong to him. I still had a few weeks before my time limit to pay him would be gone.
The tattoo. Thank God Anna wasn’t here, I was going to tell her all about it when the assh-le called.
I never had the intention of joining the gang, but I guess when you owe someone you become a slave to him. I didn’t know why Drew forced me to join, he never told me. So I joined not out of my will. Almost everyone here was a member of the gang, so I guess me being different wasn’t a choice.
“Good, now you know, you’re part of us Noah, no matter where you run to. Other members of the game would find you by the mark” Drew slurred,, before landing a blow to my cheek.

I fell to the ground, my head hitting against the stone.
Surely the wound there would spilt open again.
Anna would be pissed, the injury is supposed to be healed by now, but now it was bleeding through the bandages, again! What would I tell Anna or Casey?
Funny how I was thinking about them at this point of time, when my head was being smashed repeatedly on the ground.
“Drew?” One of the gang whispered, coming to stand beside him. “Do you hear that?”
“Here what?” He asked, trying to listen to anything that sounded out of place.
I used this opportunity to move away from them, and rested on a car.
“Stop! Stop!” A voice shrieked. “Get away from me!”

That voice, my head snapped up to see Anna. What the f-ck! What was she doing here!
I gro-ned before standing up slightly.
Two guys were dragging her towards us, she was scre-ming and trying to get out their grip.

“Look at what we found hiding behind the cars”
Jesus Christ Anna! I couldn’t even speak, for fear that Drew would think i knew her.
“Get off me, assh-les!” Anna shouted, and spat at Drew’s face when he came closer.
Drew laughed before he wiped his face and landed a slap on her face causing her to stumble to the ground.
I flinched, holding myself back, if I moved an inch, Drew would know. And the last thing I needed was Drew finding out I liked Anna, if he knew then I was done for.
Why was Anna here? Did they capture her? Or did she follow me?
My mind flooded with unanswered questions, Anna gasped then coughed out blood before locking eyes with me. She didn’t give me a look of fear or sorrow, no! She looked at me with pure hatred and anger!
Why? What have I done?
Oh God, the tattoos! She must have seen them, she thought I lied to her.
“You assh-le! You lied to me! You said you weren’t part of the gang. I helped you! I did everything to help you, I didn’t know I was harboring the enemy!” She scre-med, and I could see tears in her eyes.
My heart broke. No I didn’t want her to find out this way. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. No! No no!
“Hmm, what’s going on here? Do you know this girl?” Drew asked me.
There was still time to deny this.
“No, I don’t”
Drew smiled before motioning his hands to the guys. “Take her to the cell, our guys would have their way with her tonight”
“Wait!” I shouted, and Drew stopped at his tracks before facing me. “You can’t do that”
“And why not Noah? You wanna have her all to yourself?” Drew asked, moving toward Anna and observing her. His fingers trailed along her face, and Anna trashed around.
“Feisty, I like her” He smiled.
“Please Drew, let her go, I’ll give you your money” I said, wiping the blood trailing down my eyes.
“Why are you so protective of her? You said you didn’t know her, didn’t you?” Drew said, his hands moving towards Anna cle-vages, and I resisted the urge to smash his head against the stone.
“Stop Drew, leave her alone. She has no part in this!”
Drew smirked. “You love her don’t you?”
No! I didn’t love anyone.
Anna gasped, Drew had torn of her shirt, her chest showed a pink b-ra, opened for everyone to see, she was only with her b-ra
“You assh-le!” I lunged for Drew, Landing a solid punch to his face. But I didn’t have the chance to do anymore because the rest of the gang held me,
“You didn’t answer my question, for every question I ask and you fail to answer, I’ll tear of her clothes until she’s unclad” Drew spat
F-ck! No!
“Stop this Drew! This isn’t about her!! Stop this!! She has no part in this!” I scre-med, trying to get away from the pair of hands holding me back.
Anna cried, she looked at me, now I saw real fear in her eyes.”Noah I’m scared”

Dear God! “It’s ok, look at me! I’m going to get us out of this ok?”
Drew sighed. “Blah blah, let’s try this again, shall we? Do you love her?”
I looked at Anna, the girl who had helped me and accidentally shared a k-ss with me. She had been there at my weakest point, she helped with with Casey. Those hazel eyes that brought out the best in me. She was the only one I had ever thought of telling my secret. Did I love her?
“Take if her trousers!” Drew barked.
“Yes, yes! I do!” I shouted. “I answered your question, let her go!”
“You answered late Noah, take it off!”
“No! No! Leave me alone!” Anna cried
“Drew please stop this, I beg you, let yet go!” I scre-med, trashing around, but their grios were too strong for me to break
In front of me they riooed Anna’s trousers and she took only in her undies. “Stop! Drew! Stop!”
“I thought I’ll never see the day the almighty Noah Bricks falls in love. I guess your heart isn’t that Stony” Drew drawked, not peeling his eyes off Anna’s body. The lust shone clearly in his eyes.

“I’m sorry” I whispered to Anna, who cries h-rder.
“To think if it, she looks vaguely familiar. Ive seen her before, I think at the Mall, isn’t that so?”
F-ck no! If Drew remembers he say her than he’ll remember Casey. I can’t let this happen. Casey mattered to me.
“Take off the b-ra!” Drew shouted.
“Yes, yes, she was at the mall that day!” I shouted back.
“Too late, Noah”
“No! F-ck! No Drew! I answered already, please stop!”
“No, please! Stop this!” But mine and Anna’s plea fell to deaf ears, and the b-ra was torn off.
Anna scre-med, and tried to cover herself, but with her two hands held by the gang it was Impossible. Her face was filled with humiliation and fear. By now everyone was here, watching the scene unfold.

My hear broke into thousands of pieces, having Anna stand here almost unclad was worse than the pain cracking my skull.
“Then there was the little girl with her, I swore I had seen a resemblance between you and her, black hair, green eyes. Who is she Noah? Is she related to you?”
I couldn’t say anything. I couuldn’t let them know about Casey and at the same time I couldn’t let them embarrass Anna like this, not when all these guys were watching. It was humiliating.
“She’s–” I stammered, looking you at Anna, tears blinded my vision. I had to tell Drew. Or else she’ll be unclad before all the gang
“She’s my dau–”
“Take off the rest of the clothing!” Drew shouted.

Chapter Seventeen.
*Noah’s point of view*
“She’s my daughter you assh-le, now let her go! Let her go Drew!” I barked at him, struggling out if the grips of the guys.
Drew nodded at the guys and they stopped holding Anna causing her to fall to the ground, crying loudly.
She made attempt to cover up her self and the guys left me, I picked up my jacket from the floor and ran to Anna.
“Hey, you’re ok alright? It’s ok, I’m here” I wrapped my jacket around her, shielding her body from the eyes of everyone here.
She hugged me when she felt my hands surround her. “He- He tri–, my clothes” She couldn’t make complete sentences because of the crying.
“It’s alright” I hugged her closer. Drew voice cut us off from our little session.
“This isn’t over Noah. You still have a race to run and it’s time. Get your bitch ready. She’s riding with Ryder. I’m cancelling the rules of the game, the semi finals, you do anything you want to get to the finals.”

He announced, before smirking at us and walking away.
Anna snapped her head to mine. “Racing? What racing?”
No, Drew can’t do this. He was so smart. I knew the game he was playing. If Anna rode with Ryder and the game was to do anything to win.

I couldn’t touch Ryder, as much as I would like to crash and hit his car, I wouldn’t be able to do that because Anna would be in the car with him.
I couldn’t touch Ryder, I couldn’t touch the assh-le, because doing so would endanger Anna.
“Noah! What’s he talking about?” She asked, watching everyone leave.
A loud siren sounded and I picked Anna up. That was the warning bell. Drew didn’t even give us some time get ourselves ready. Anna stumbled before gaining her balance.
“I race Anna, and you’ll be in the car of my opponent, I need you to listen to me”
Anna tried to get out of my grip, tears filling her eyes. “I can’t Noah, I wanna go home. I hate this place”
“Listen to–”
“No, Noah! Please I can’t do this anymore!”
There was little time left.
“Listen to me Anna! If you don’t you’re gonna die!” That shit her up Immediately. “Look, Drew said you were going to ride with Ryder during the race so I won’t be able to touch his car because that would affect you too. So I want you to listen carefully. Ryder’s passenger seat door, isn’t that great. The lock is damaged so even if he shuts the door and pins it down, it would still be able to open. This is what you’re going to do. Ryder is going to move at a very high speed, he’s a really good racer but he’s a s-cker for heights, so. There’s a bridge we are going to pass, Ryder always slow a bit at that point. High places makes him scared. So at the point of the bridge, you’re going to open the door–”
“No! No I can’t Noah!” Anna cried.
“Shut up Anna! This is the only way. If Ryder wins this semi finals and I don’t make it to the finals, Drew is going to take everything that belong to me. You, and Casey. He’s going to use you in ways you can’t imagine. He’ll give you to the boys to have a taste of. Is that what you want?”
I didn’t want to go down this road but Anna was forcing me to scare her, because that was the only way she’ll listen.
The second warning siren went off, and this was the time we were supposed to be in our cars.
“Shit! Shit! Ok listen. When you jump out of the car, jump out with your arms out so you won’t fall on your face, then jump off the bridge”
“Noah–” I shook Anna causing her to shut up immediately.
“There’s water below the bridge, when you jump off, swim to the shore.” I opened my jacket pocket and showed Anna a couple of cash in it. “There’s ten dollars here, it should get you home from there. Then I want you to take Casey out of here. Get her to somewhere safe. There’s money under the bed Incase you need anything. I need to trust you with this Anna, I need you to be strong. There’s no need crying crying ain’t gonna solve anything”
I hugged her tightly. “I’m scared Noah, what if I can’t do this”
I brought her face to meet mine. “You can, just do as I say. Anything Ryder says, don’t answer him. If he tries to touch you, let him. Because scre-ming and shouting would anger him, and he might hit you. He’s a sick bastard. Then you’ll see the bridge, what did I say you should do there”
“Ju– jump out with my arms in front, and roll over. Then jump into the river below, swim to the shore, get home. And take Clary out of there to somewhere safe. I’ll take her to Clary’s house. Her parents are rich so they have good security”
“Good!” The third siren sounded. I gathered Anna into my arms again.

“I’ll be safe Anna, just get you and Casey out of here. I don’t want the both of you going to school. Drew’s eyes would be everywhere. Just stay in the house, with Casey till I get back”
“Make sure you come to get us. Clary lives at the last house at 50th street. A blue house. Promise me, Noah”
I captured Anna’s l-ips allowing myself get lost in it. Savoring the sweetness before letting her go.
“I promise” I adjusted my jacket on her, so now it covered her th-gh, since she was very short. I tired her hair in a bun. So it wouldn’t hit her face or eyes when running. I tapped where the money is in my jacket and she nodded.
By now the cars were set and Theo had brought out mine. I walked over to Ryder’s car first.
“I’m going to be riding with Noah’s bitch. You can’t touch me Noah” he smirked, before casting a lustful look at Anna.
“Don’t forget everything I asked you to do. I won’t touch his car before we get to the bridge, I’ll try and get the other competitors out of the game, giving Ryder a chance to move forward and slow doesn’t at the bridge knowing that I won’t be behind him. Do as I’ve said Anna”
Anna looked like she was going to burst out crying anytime soon.
The last siren sounded and Ryder got in. “Get in, bitch. Daddy’s gonna take you on a joyful ride”
“I love you Anna” I hugged her once more, the k-ssed her forehead.
Then I turned around to my car, I couldn’t look back at Anna, I did t want her to see the tears that had gathered in my eyes. I got into my car, and Anna got into Ryder’s.
Ryder smirked at me, then took his arms to Anna’s laps, giving it a squeeze.
Anna flinched but didn’t do anything to him.

Good girl.
F-ck you Ryder, once Anna is out of that car, I’m going to crush your bones. Let’s see how untouchable you would be then”
The gun went off, and the race began.

Hey guys. This chapter is crazy!! Lols, Drew is smart but thinking of it now. Noah is smarter, I hoped you guys understood, that drew told Anna to ride with Ryder because if she’s in his car Noah won’t be able to hit it to win. So we all know Noah has told Anna what to do, but is she you to the task? Also, Noah confessed to Anna that he loved her.

Let’s just hope everything goes as Noah and Anna had planned it. Because there’s nothing that’s going to stop Drew from getting his hands in Anna and now Casey because that’s the only way to make Noah pay for owing him.

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