The Master Addiction

The Master Addlction episode 28 – 29

(his last wife)

✍️by authoress gabby Daniel ✍️y
❎don’t copy or repost❎

Chapter 28 & 29

Highly rated. 2000+
Read at owner risk


I turned around and swallowed hærd watching the people whispered words to themselves

“she’s now a maid”

“What a shame”

“Having an affair with your husband brother ”

More and more whispered came in. I moved my eyes and locked eyes with Nathan

“Nathan and my………..calling him my father should be the last thing I wish for…. Take them into the tortured chamber….. I will visit them after my party”He ordered

“please son, don’t passed this judgement on your dad. He’s gonna change, just a matter of time “his mother said to him

“I’m not gonna listen to you this time mum…. Guards take her to my residence…. She needs rest”He muttered

“what are you waiting for Mabel….. Do you want some tortured before obeying “He asked as swear ran down my face

“Guards….. Take her to the maid quarter and get her change….. Bring her back to feed the crowd” he ordered and cold tears ran down my eyes

I cursed the day I took her to this mansion. She took everything away from me

A guard swept me out of my feet and I wish for the floor to swallowed me up as he took me away

✍️authoress gabby pov ✍️

“I’m bored”Octavia whispered in Master ears and he chuckled

She stared around as everyone was busy having fun at the party, as Mabel served her.

She nodded her head seeing Mabel being watched by her personal guard


She doesn’t trust her and she might plan something worst that’s why her personal guard is gonna have a watchful eye on her for the period she’s gonna be a maid

Everyone was happy since the master was in a good mood

“since you are bored little queen…. What do you suggest we do”He said

“I have a surprise for you…….. I will put Davis to bed….i will be waiting for you in our room “She said and smile

Don’t be confused. Davis Maverick was their son name

She took her baby boy from him and stood up. She could feel the vibration of her butt as she walked out
Some minutes has passed already and master was impatient to know what surprise his little queen had for him

He stood up from where he sat

“make sure no one passed their boundaries in my party”He whispered to his personal guard

He arranged the suit he worn before walking out. He head kept spinning thinking about the surprise

He got to their room and hastily pushed the door open and rushed in, but he halted abruptly at what he saw.

Octavia sitting on the bed in black lingerie,

She slowly and sed-ctively laid on the bed, with her left h¡p raised slightly in a very s-xy manner.

Octavia smiled flirtatiously at him, winked at him and blew him a klss.

He dumbly stood in a daze, he’s greatly mesmerized by her astonishing appearance.

His d**k twisted in his p*nts and he quickly grabbed it, trying his possible best to keep it under control, but how could he keep it under control when Octavia looking so motherf**king h0t!.

“Darling, do you like what you’re seeing?” she asked him in a very soft, s*ducing voice which made his d**k twist even more.

He nodded dumbly.

“The master just nodded dumbly” Octavia whispered and giggled

“used words darling….. “She muttered b*tting her lower l*p

“Y-yes.. I.. I love it, I love it a lot” he stuttered.

Octavia smirked, she jumped off the b*d and walked towards him s*xily. She folded her lower l*p in her mouth and bite it s*ductively.

“You’re stuttering…” she whispered immediately she got to him

Master swallowed nothing seeing her this closed

“Who taught you this?? ” he asked and she smile

“Someone special…. “she muttered

She held his hand and lead him to the sofa,she p*shed him and he fell on the bed

He gave her a questioning look, but she simply sm*rked in response.

She sat on his l*ps, str*ddling him.

She reached for his b*ttons and started unb*ttoning his shirt, when she’s done, she took it off and randomly tossed it.. not minding where it landed.

She pulled h*m closer and crashed her l*ps on his,

She klssed him for a few seconds and jumped off his l*ps.

He sw*llowed hærd as her b*ck view came into place

“I’m about dancing for you….. Promise you won’t get closer if you can’t take it anymore. Just sit and watch… “She said some meters away from him and he nodded

He sat on the brown leather sofa, watching her every move.

His predatory eyes hooded with l*st as they trailed along her b*dy, his t*ngue l*cked his l*ps as if they were dry.

Octavia continued swaying her h*ps to the beat, spreading h*r arms and letting go of herself as she got lost in the music.

Master couldn’t take it as h*s d*ck kept twisting. He got up and took slow steps towards her,

He stopped behind her and held her w*ist

“I told you not to come closed darling… “She said

“I couldn’t help it “He whispered as her but pressed ag*inst his d*ck
She smirked and continue twerking against his d**k that was poking h*r *ss.

“I never knew you’re such a great dancer” he whispered in her ear.

His hot breath fanning her neck, sending sh*vers down my sp*ne.

She smirked and continue twerking on him hærd

“You’re gonna see more of you”she said.

He dipped h*s head in her neck and trailed k1sses along her neck, his t*ngue l*cking and b*ting her neck slowly.

His h*nd grabbed a h*ndful of h*r l*ngerie , without hesitation, he tore it and his hands gr*bbed h*r br**sts…since she wasn’t wearing any br*.

“Ha! “Octavia m**ned as he c*reless her br**st s*ftly from b*hind

She held his hand and loosen the grip on her br**st and moved away

“Darling…… Let me show you what I’m made of…… I’m gonna be the one leading here and giving orders….. I will make you scr**m my name and wish for m*re”

She took in a deep breath and reached for h*s tr*user afterwards, loosening h*s b*lt.

This is the first time she’s taking this move. Maya said he will like it

Yeah! Maya has been a great teacher this few Ten months

She took off the hooks until the tr*user was free, then she p*lled it down.

A light complexioned well er*cted r*d came pointing right into her face and she g*sped.

Good heavens!!. Was this what he still into h*r at their very first encounter??

She noticed he was staring deeply at her and not wanting him to see the fear on her face, she decided to go straight to work.

She wr*pped h*r hand around the h*rd 0rg”n and str*ke it, like she has been used to.

She str*ke it sl*wly and g*ntly at first, kind of liking the way it felt in h*r hand.

She took it in h*r m*uth afterwards, making her both ch*eks point out due to how full it made h*r feel.

She p*lled it out of h*r m*uth, g*sping a little and str*king it again,

She took the now-slightly w*t 0rg*n into h*r m*uth again and this time around, He gripped her hair and pushed h*r forward so she takes m*re of the size in.

Octavia made gutteral s*unds due to the ch*king she felt. Ah!he was ch*king her.

But he didn’t let h*r go free as he made h*r head st*ck there and blocked the passage of air through h*r mouth completely.

She had to lift h*r hand to her th*ghs and p*sh him completely before she was able to g*t the 0rg*n out of h*r mouth and instantly, she bursted out, coughing.

“You’re h*ge” she said in deep breaths as h*r l*ps became w*t again.

She took h*r l*ps into h*r mouth and like a hungry kitten, reached for the h*rd 0rg*n again, taking it really d**p into h*r mouth.

She p*lled it out to the tip, t**k it in again, and out to the t*p, and so she went as she gave h*m the good s*ck

“F*ck!! “He m**ned gripping on h*r hair

He rose h*s head to the r**f and shut h*s eyes, reminiscincing on the pl**sure.

He y*nked h*r hair but didn’t push h*r forward as he only wanted to have the hair in h*s hand.

She s*cked h*m perfectly, h*r head moving f*stly and finally, she felt the h*t l*quid pour ins*de of h*r.

She g*sped,her eyes w*dened in shock with the d!ck still ins*de of h*r.

He rel**sed in h*r mouth!

She l*cked every b*t of it


She stood up and p*shed h*m back on the sofa

“lay b*ck and pl*y with yourself. I wanna w*tch”She ordered

“my little queen is becoming bossy. Don’t beg me when I t*ke the lead”He ch*ckled and she scoffed

He l@y on the sofa and did as instructed. She walked to the b*d and started w*tching

While staring b*ck at me she spre*d h*r l*gs and moved h*r hand sl*wly towards h*r p*$sy.

H*s eyes stared back at h*r as she started thr*st!ng h*r hand in and out of h*r p$ssy h*le.

He started str*king h*mself h*rder, while Octavia f*ngers st*rted going f*ster..

She was using just one f*nger but it seemed like it’s no longer s*t!sfying.. She added two m*re, making it three f*ngers thr*sting in h*r.

“Don’t stop…pl*y with yours*lf until I c*m!” she commanded.

“Yes, little queen !” he replied.

She felt h*r l*gs shaking and had to pull out h*r f*ngers. She stood up and went to meet h*m at the sofa

“tired so soon”He teased and she scoffed

Master p*lled h*r to h*mself and k!ssed h*r h*rd

H*s l*ps danced on h*rs with sl*w motions, his t*ngue waggled on h*rs and when she felt h*m bit h*r b*ttom l*p, she m**ned.

Oh God..!

Master p*shed h*r unexpectedly so she f*lls on h*r back, g*sping in the process.

He cl*mbed onto h*r afterwards,he settled in b*tween h*r l”gs, going close and taking h*r l*ps in, one m0re time.

Octavia’s bre*th got err*tic as she couldn’t c*ntrol it any m*re and had to wr*p h*r h@nd around h!m, holding h*m t*ght and m**ning into the sweet k!ss.

His h*nd found h*r br**st and as he took h*r l*ps sl*wly, he circled his h@nd around h*r n*ppl*s, giving h*r a crazy tingling s*ns*tion.

“Oh….” she m**ned into the k!ss

Soft m**ns were head along with the t*ny sqvashing sounds as Master did justice to the l”ps, taking it the way he w*nted.

He didn’t allow it distr*ct h*s hands which were working on h*r br**st as soon enough, he carved a h*le open around the n*ppl*s, making jvst the plump tiny bvlbs pop out their heads.

He broke the klss as h£ lowered h*s head, his h*nds on her tvmmy, and took the left n*pple into h*s mouth.

“Oh….” A slight m**n cut out of her l*p as she closed her eyes and h£ld onto the s©f@

She drew h*r bre@th as she felt h*s cold t*ngue circling and making it w*t.

Soon, h£ stopped c!rcling it and just settled on a slow pace of s*ckl!ng on it like an infant.

He s*ck£d and p*lled gently, giving tiny be*ts to it, b!tes that drove h*r cr@zy .

He left the n*ppl£ and moved on the next, giving the same tre@tment to it , Octavia had to bit h*r lower l*p to prevent h*r from scr**ming out loud.

Done with the n*ppl£s, Master smiled and moved to h*r l*gs next..

Octavia couldn’t help but sh*ver as he moved to h*r l*gs.

H£r l*ps went partly open as sh£ felt h*m parted h*r l*gs widely. H*r breath was going so d**p and rough,

He smiled and went!n, making sure the both sides of h*r kn££s were widely apart so nothing obstructs h*m

H£ touched h*r v ar£a and te*sed it with h*s f*ngers

“Oh…” Waves and vibrations seered through h”r system as she threw h*r head b”ckwards in ecst*sy.

Master liked how responsive sh£ was, he liked the reaction sh£ was giving and felt h*mself become so h*rd d0wn there.

He leaned forward, h*s h*nds holding each side of h*r l*g and sl*wly he k!ssed the plump p*$$y in front of h*m.

“Mmm” Octavia had to b!t h*r index f*ng£r.
Good lord!

He k!ss*d it again, g*ntly and tenderly, and next, he took the full fl*sh into h*s l*ps.

“Oh, please…!” Octavia m**ned, h*r head swaying restlessly as she made an attempt to go free from h*m.

But h£ pinned h*r down, making It impossible for h*r to m0ve away.

He s*ckled on the fl£sh in h*s mouth, pvlling and taking it !n repeatedly.

“Please! Please!” Octavia wh!mpered, h*r b0dy almost unable to take the f*ll ple@sure.

He continued with the process, taking the t@sty fl*sh !n and out of h*s mouth until sh£, enjoying how w*t she was.

After a while, he let it go, but didn’t stop. He took h*s t*ngue closer instead and l*cked the two deep lines of the v*gin@, making h*r to almost squirt.

“Hah” she held h*r breath high and lifted h*r head to look at h*m, amazed at the sort of m@gic he was doing d*wn there. For God’s sake…!

He l*cked from the lines, to the sides and then to that t!ny pvb right !n front of her p*$$y

“No! Please!” Sh£ cr!ed out when she felt h*m tingle the t*ny pvb with the t!p of h*s t*ngue.
She couldn’t help it anymore and had to sqvìrt miserably

“ha…” She scr**med uncontrollably

Master chuckled and planted a k*ss on h*r n*vel afterwards while her ch££ks flushed in sheer embarrassment.

He k-ssed her navel and moved to her legs and when she noticed he was going back to that s₱0t, she stopped him.

“No! Please! Please!” She shook her head repeatedly.

“Not again”.

She’s gonna scre-m more loudly

This was supposed to be her game. She was supposed to be leading and making orders but she ended up being a slave

He smirked and took his l-ips back to her P-ssy again.

Octavia let out a shivering sound as he lowered his l-ips to her legs again, taking the tiny pub in once more

“Oh God…” Her grip tightened around the sofa

He s-ckled on it, enjoying the tiny flesh as it tasted sour in his mouth.

Immediately, he ins××ted a finger into her P-ssy, the tight warm h0le, stretching slightly to accommodate him.

Goodness! It was so damn tight and he liked the way they wrapped his finger and felt so hot.

He made the finger go deep, then brought it out to the tip and made it go deep again.

“Oh…f-ck darling ”

He began moving the finger in and out, really fast and as he did, he powered his l-ips and licked her up.

“No. Please… Please…” Her voice was shaking terribly, her body vibrating.

The pleasure was just too much for her. Just too much, she felt she might explode.

She came dripping on his finger soon and he didn’t hesitate to pull out of it.

“This is how you taste…. “He said dripping his fingers into her mouth

He spread the legs apart, lifted them slightly so her knees are pointed out.

He thr-st into her entrance, making it go deep a bit.

“Ha!” Octavia gasped, finding the feeling out of this world.

He brought it out and went in again, but this time around, he didn’t pull out but went really deep instead.

“Oh…God. Nick…!’ she held her breath as she felt him sliding relentlessly into her, stretching the warm tight muscles.

He smiled at the sound of his name on her mouth

“call me that again! “he uttered

She left the sheets which she’d been holding the entire time and took her hand to his back instead, holding him tight.

“Nick…” She quivered, her legs shaking due to how hurt and full she felt.

He was just too big, or was she too tight? .

Master kept pressing in until his full size was buried deep in,side her and that was when he paused, leaning his head on her shoulder.

He lifted it shortly and locked his l-ips on hers, taking her breath away.

And in the process of the k-ss, he began moving slowly down there.

He tried all he could to keep her l-ips engaged as he thr-sted in and out of her, but pretty soon, when the wh0le thing became really unbearable for Octavia , she forced her l-ips away and exhaled deeply.

“Oh…” Her breath couldn’t stop hitching.

He increased his pace, going so deep and hærd in and out of her, the warm feel of her P-ssy making him terribly hórny.

Her hands moved from his back and brushed into his dark hair instead, wanting to grip him so tight because of how she felt.

She wrapped her legs around him, tightening her pu**y and squeezing him tight, it made him hærden more.

“Damn you!” He grunted as he pounded so hærd into her, so hærd like he wanted to split her apart.

He drew closer to her neck and gave it a tiny little bite

The fast thr-st of his d-ck in,side of her and his l-ips on her neck sent cold shivers down her spine.

“Uh….Nic…” Her voice was caught off by a fast thr-st.

He pulled out to the tip and went right in again with a fast move, all the way to the hilt.

“Ah!” shd gave out a sharp cry as it’d come with more pain than pleasure.

He pulled out to the tip again and repeated the same process, going so fast and deep into her

“Oh my God….” she could hærdly breathe.

He lowered his head to her chest and taking her left n-pple into his mouth, he resumed thr-sting in and out of her again.

“Slow down…… “She begged when she couldn’t meet up with his pace

“I’m the leader right?? “He asked still giving her deep thr-st

“Yes…. Darling…. Please just slow down! ” She cried out

He pulled out of her almost immediately and moved away from her body

Octavia thought she could get a chance to catch her breath, but he didn’t give her any as he gripped her hand and turned her over on the sofa, on her knees.

“Give me your back, little queen ” he spoke and impatiently made her head lay sideways on the bed with her àss pointed out to him – just like he wanted.

And in that position, he went so deep into her.

“Jesus……! “she let out a loud cry


I opened my eyes blearily and had to stay still for some seconds for my vision to get clear enough.

My brows creased as I turned slightly and noticed I was lying on the bed. Oh…

I sat up and looked around, I smile seeing Andy at the edge of the bed making a call

Goodness! Andy.

Her cheeks flushed as she she recalled what happened some hours ago

It was dark already and she wondered how many hours she has been sleeping

She wrapped the duvet round her body and crawled up to him

She placed her hand around his wa-ist and rested her head on his shoulder

“she’s back…? This is the best news ever “Andy said over the phone

“Yes! “He scre-med and hang up

“huh!…. You look excited”I said. I watched him blush as he turned to stare at me

“Octavia is back……. My girl is back to the city….. She’s presently at his mansion….. I’m going to get her”He smile and stood up

“You feel nothing for me?? “I asked blurting it out

“After what we share……? ” She asked holding back the tears

“Stop it Alicia…. You are just a friend and you know how much I love her”He said and the tears flow more freely from my eyes

“Damn her!!. Why must it have to be her. After giving you my pride, is this how you wanna pay back… “I yelled

“shut up Alicia…. I never forced you….. We both had fun and nothing else…… I’m going to get my girl. Let that sink in your brain “He said and quickly wore his clothes

I hurried to him as he was about moving out

“please Andy…. Please don’t do this to me…. Don’t go to the mansion…. He’s gonna kill you…..i can’t bear it. Please listen to me…. I love you “i mumbled hugging him tight

“I don’t love you and I will never ”

He pushed me off instead and hurried out


Octavia and Master🤐🤐🤐

Andy is………

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