Blind Curse

Blind curse episode 47 – 48


πŸ¦‡ #BLIND_CURSE πŸ”― πŸ”ž

Chapter 47 and 48

Written ✍ Sadiq_Infinity {Capri leo} & David Phapi Jr.



Things have been getting heated in the rom-nov’s mansion ever since Gwen’s secret was broadcasted world wide and things weren’t looking so good for the red haired beauty.
After She was brought back home, Gwen had been getting a lot of heat from her dad who was yelling and shouting at her to prove to the world that this trending broadcast was nothing but a lie. Her mother was pleading with her to speak up but Gwen became more obstinate and kept her mouth shut and that move of hers didn’t sit well with her father.


Derrick ➑ You ungrateful child!! This is how you repay your family? By aligning yourself with this monster! You’re a disgrace. You’re not worthy to bear the rom-nov name.

Alice ➑ Please my love, don’t say that. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this.

Derrick ➑ There is no explanation. This girl has always been nothing but trouble. I’ve always tried to overlook her other troubles but this one is intolerable. This is treason and betrayal towards her clan and she must face the consequences. She’s no longer my daughter.

Alice ➑ (gasps) NO! You can’t say that. Please my love. She’s your daughter.

Derrick ➑ Not anymore. I don’t ever want to see her in my presence any more. In fact, She’s banished from this house. Xavier take her away and put her in the cellar. The council will come for her tomorrow. No food or water for her.

Despite hearing his father’s orders, Xavier stood where he was without moving at inch. He knew his sister had committed treason but that was no reason for their father to cast her out. His actions were too cruel and extreme.
Seeing that his son wouldn’t carry out his orders, Derrick hissed in anger and grabbed hold of Gwen’s arm dragging her to the cellar. His wife pleaded mercy on behalf of their daughter but Derrick was deaf to all that. Immediately they got to the cellar which was below the mansion, Derrick threw Gwen in,side the cellar like a rag and then locked iron bar door shut before leaving the place.
As soon as her father was gone, Gwen spat on the ground and sat comfortably on the ground whistling to herself. Suddenly, she felt a lump in her throat and quickly vomited on the ground. Confused by what was going on, Gwen vomited again for the second time before collapsing and passing out on the ground.
Moments later, Gwen was woken by the sound of her brother’s voice which was calling out her name, silently but repeatedly.

Jake ➑ (silently) Hey sleepy head. Wake up. Gwen.. Gwen.. Gwen..

Gwen ➑ (drowsy) Huh? Who’s that?

Jake ➑ It’s Jake. Wake up you jinxy B–tch.

Gwen ➑ (mo-ning painfully) AHHH, my head.

Jake ➑ You okay?

Gwen ➑ I’m not sure.

Jake ➑ Well, you certainly made a mess in there. Yeeech!

Gwen ➑ Why are you here? Father will deal with you if he knows you’re here.

Jake ➑ Well, he doesn’t…. Here, take this.

As quickly as he could, Jake threw his sister a big chuck of meat and a bottle of water. Gwen quickly grabbed the items and looked at her little brother in surprise.

Gwen ➑ How did you manage to get this without being seen?

Jake ➑ Well that’s easy. Everyone is busy paying their attention on you. Nobody has time to deal with my shit.

Gwen ➑ (laughs) You little worm. Thanks.

Jake ➑ You’re welcome. Can I ask you something?

Gwen ➑ Sure.

Jake ➑ Is this guy of yours worth all this risk and trouble? You could die tomorrow.

Gwen ➑ It’s not about Arthur, its a lot more than that. The fate of the world depends on it.

Jake ➑ Well, You’re making a lot of people to emotionally unhappy. Olivia is crying in her room, and so is mom. Xavier is pretty sad too. If what you’re fighting for is really true, you have to let them know.

Gwen ➑ They won’t believe me, not until I have proof and that proof is hiding somewhere in the city.

Jake ➑ Well you can tell Xavier. He’s reasonable and he’ll listen to you.

Gwen ➑ I highly doubt that. Xavier is just like dad and the others.

Jake ➑ You’re wrong. He’ll believe you.

Gwen ➑ Really? Tell me then, what in the world makes you think he’ll believe me?

Jake hesitates for a while before giving his answer, he looks sideways for some seconds and then tells Gwen a surprising secret.

Jake ➑ Xavier’s girlfriend is a werewolf.

Gwen ➑ WHAT? bullshit!!

Jake ➑ I’m serious. Her name is Petra and she lives in Queens.

Gwen ➑ How the heck do you know all this?

Jake ➑ How do you think I knew about your secret?

Gwen ➑ You snoopy sneak. I still don’t believe you.

Jake ➑ Trust me. It’s true. Why do you think he hasn’t been paying attention to Lavinia?

Gwen ➑ Unbelievable.

Jake ➑ Olivia too isn’t far behind.

Gwen ➑ What do you mean?

Jake ➑ She’s in a relationshΒ‘p with a werewolf as well but her relationshΒ‘p is more of a l-sbian thing.

Gwen ➑ This is too good to be true. Olivia’s a l-sbian? I never saw that coming. How did you find out about this?

Jake ➑ Well, it was quite easy. I hacked her phone and read her chats. In fact, I think you might know her l-sbian girlfriend. She’s in the same class with you, her name is Hailey.

Gwen ➑ WTF!! Harley is f–king my sister.

Jake ➑ Well, that’s all I know. You should at least tell one of them something. You can’t fight this alone.

Gwen stare at her little brother for a while and then smiles. In that moment, an idea pops into her head and she wasted no time to putting it to good use.

Gwen ➑ Alright Jake. I’m counting on you on this one. I’m going to give you something that will be very useful.

Jake ➑ I’m all ears.

Gwen ➑ Good but don’t use it unless if I don’t make it out alive tomorrow or something bad happens to me.

Jake ➑ Why are you saying this?

Gwen ➑ Because I’m sure someone is coming for me tomorrow, I just have this hunch.

Jake ➑ Nothing is going to happen to you. Tell me what you know.

Gwen ➑ You know the public library right? The one that mom used to take us to, to read about our family tree?

Jake ➑ Yeah.

Gwen ➑ Well, go to the history books section and search for the catalog of ancient history.. You’ll see an old book with a plain black cover, it’s written in an incomprehensible language but the drawings in it will do the talking. I want you to take Xavier there if I fail to live tomorrow.

Jake ➑ Will you stop saying that? You will make it out alive tomorrow.

Gwen ➑ I hope so. Now leave before father sees you here..

Jake ➑ Kay. Good luck sis.

Gwen ➑ Thanks Jake.

After that, Jake walks away leaving his sister in the position she was previously in and as soon as he was out of sight, Gwen stands up and begins to walk around the room.
Her mind was soon clouded with what happened to her earlier before Jake showed up. She stared at her vomit and then touches her stomach slowly and softly, closing her eyes.
Instantly, Gwen opens her eyes after getting a shocking realization. she moves back steadily and balancing her back on the wall sliding down to the ground as she clutched her stomach. She lets out a loud deep breath and then utters some words to herself after figuring out the reason behind her vomit and temporary faintness.

Gwen ➑ * OH SHIT *



Its been 24hrs now since Arthur revealed his secret to me and I haven’t been able to wrap my head around it.
His secrets were too incredible to be true and it reached the extent that I thought he was making things up but I believed him in the end. The reasons why I believed Arthur was that :-

Firstly, He’s an honest and trustworthy guy. We’ve been staying together for some time now and not for once has he ever lied to me.
The second reason was his family background. Ever since Arthur started living with me, he’s never mentioned anything about his family to me nor have I seen him called anyone. He’s just alone.
The third reason was his personality and behavior. He doesn’t behave like anyone that is from the 21th century and the shocking thing is that he doesn’t have any knowledge of this period until recently.
And Lastly, his occasional absence was another reason. It so turns out that whenever the Giant werewolf showed up, Arthur wasn’t around.

I pieced everything together and it all made sense. I was afraid that Xavier and I were the only ones dating but it seems like we aren’t the only ones. But the main issue here was finding the famous genocidal goblin, Omhigan.
The idea of him being alive all these years so as to finish what he started millions of years ago gave me the chills. In a society that we’re in, It’s going to be hΓ¦rd if anyone is going to believe what Arthur said.

I wanted to help Arthur out by informing the Wolf embassy about this information but he rejected the idea. Omhigan was still out there in a different face, so nobody can be trusted.
Although finding Omhigan was crucial to Arthur, it didn’t mean anything after he saw and heard that Gwen was exposed as his accomplice. The Vampire council even announced on live television that She was going to be punished for her treachery the next night which was today and hours from now.
This announcement made Arthur feel uncomfortable and restless that he left the house, I wanted to stop him but I couldn’t. So here I was in my bedroom, sleeping on my bed wondering what Arthur was right about now. the hour for Gwen’s trial was fast approaching and everyone was looking for to it.
While I was still in bed, I got an unexpected visit from Xavier. He looked sad and kind of confused ; it was obvious why he was in this mood. Immediately he got in my room, I got out of bed and approached him, consoling him the best way I could.

Petra ➑ I’m so sorry about your sister, Xavier. I wish there was something that can be done to save her.

Xavier ➑ Nothing can be done now. It’s already too late. Her trial is hours from now and I’m sure the council is looking forward to punishing her.

Petra ➑ You can’t say that something can’t be done. There’s a way out of your sister’s mess. Save her.

Xavier ➑ What? She committed treason!

Petra ➑ So!? Are you going to sit down there feeling sorry for her while she’s in the hot seat. What if they condemn her to die?

Xavier ➑ There’s nothing I can do. She broke the law.

Petra ➑ I can’t believe you. So you’re just going to let your sister get punished? You know she’s not a bad person.

Xavier ➑ I’m sorry, I can’t do anything. She’s on her own.

My heart was filled with shock and at the same time rage. I couldn’t believe that Xavier was going to let his sister suffer for an offense which she had no part in. I wanted to tell him about Arthur’s secret but I already promised Arthur I wouldn’t tell anyone. Besides what were the chances that Xavier would believe me if I spilled the beans.

Petra ➑ I can’t believe I fell in love with a heartless coward.

Xavier ➑ Excuse me! Watch your mouth, Petra. I won’t tolerate insults from you.

Petra ➑ Oh yeah!? What are you going to do? Arrest me like you did your sister? I’m really disappointed in you.

Xavier ➑ WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO HUH? Do you think rescuing her will solve any of this?

Petra ➑ No! But you need to protect her like the way any brother would have done. Get out, I don’t want to see you anymore.

Xavier ➑ Petra!

Petra ➑ I said GET OUT!! If you can’t stand up for your sister, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me as your girlfriend. Get out before I lose my temper.

Xavier stood and stared at me for a while before taking his leave. He banged the door of my bedroom hærd behind him, showing his anger and frustration.
After that, I went downstairs in order to find Arthur and somehow convince him to esc-rt me to the embassy and let them know the threat that was living among us but before I could leave the house, Xavier’s little brother appeared unexpectedly into my room.
He stood staring at me coyly and it would seem that he knew about my relationshΒ‘p with his brother.

Jake ➑ Man, aren’t you a real beauty? Xavier is sure lucky.

Petra ➑ Who are you?

Jake ➑ B–tch stop pretending like you don’t know me. I’m sure my big brother told you about our family while pounding you deep and hΓ¦rd into the mattress.

Petra ➑ You little runt. Why are you here?

Jake ➑ I saw what happened between you and my brother. He’s confused and he’s sad about Gwen’s situation.

Petra ➑ I know that but it seems to me he won’t be doing any to save her life.

Jake ➑ He can’t but the other guy could. Where’s Arthur?



Hours before the trial of Gwen, Omhigan seats in his lair, grumbling angrily after seeing the news that was being broadcasted hours ago.
He soon sits up instantly and begins to kick things around like a deranged individual. After messing up his lair, he sits back in his chair and begins to talk to himself, subconsciously.

Omhigan ➑ Gwen rom-nov!! I should have known from the beginning. I should have killed her when she announced that she had seen the Wolfire. The little wh–re was pretty smart hiding her secrets from everyone but now that it’s out, she’s going to die just like the others before her.
The chances of her mating with that freak of nature was 99.9%, this always happens to those that aren’t affected by the curse. I can’t risk the chance of allowing any of this cause as long as a Wolfire is in existence, my doom is certain.
So in order not to let that happen, I decided to use the weapon I recently created to blow up the Police headquarters that Gwen was kept in. The name of the weapon I made was called * Goblin grenade *. It looks like a crystal ball but in,side it was enough fire power to bring down a skyscraper. It was the very same thing I used 2 days ago to decimate the city and to lure the Wolfire to my direction.
But things didn’t go as planned after I learnt that Gwen was taken back to her family mansion. It would be unwise to attack the vampires at their own territory but tonight is going to be different.
The Clock ticked as it went around and around continuously. The time for the trial was an hour away and it was going to be held in the Vampire embassy.
Initially, I planned to launch my small missile stuffed with my Goblin grenades to blow up the place but doing that might be too risky, So I decided to use one of my aces in the h0le, which was Β£trigus.
Back in the ancient time, Some group of dark witches made a potion that transformed living creatures in monsters and before they were put to death, I was about to get one vile of the potion which I’ve been preserving for emergencies such as this and now that the time has come, it was time for me to put it to go use.

In that moment, Omhigan gets off his seat and goes to his weaponry room where he kept all his stuff. As soon as he gets into the room, he grabs a small box and opens it. Omhigan’s eyes were lit with joy as he saw the vile in perfect condition. He took the vile out of the box and then heads back to his chair where he saw Β£trigus hanging it.

Omhigan ➑ £trigus!

£trigus ➑ Master!

Omhigan ➑ I have a quest that I want you to fulfill.

£trigus ➑ Say it out and I shall do it.

Omhigan ➑ I know you will but first, I have something that will help you perform your quest easily. I’m going to give you this transformation spell and once you take it, power will be yours. Are you ready for this?

£trigus ➑ Absolutely.

Omhigan ➑ Alright then. Open your beak.

Β£trigus did as Omhigan wanted without hesitation and watched as the potion was poured down his throat. Immediately, the potion began to take effect on him drastically.
Watching from a safe distance, Omhigan marveled at the transformation that was unfolding in his eyes. The scene fascinated him that he began to laugh maniacally and after so many grunts and twists, Β£trigus’s transformation was done.
Standing before his master, Β£trigus looked different from before. He was now 8 feet tall and his appearance was hideous. His bird form had barely changed except for his wings which had now transformed into a hideous arm with long claws. His beak was longer and sharper than before and mucus drooled down from the edge of his beak. He was now a real monster.

Omhigan ➑ By the flame gods! Look at you. Magnificent!!!

£trigus ➑ (deep monstrous voice) What is your quest master?

Omhigan ➑ Bring me the head of Gwen rom-nov. Do whatever it takes. I want her head.

£trigus ➑ It shall be done master.


Next Episode ➑ Monsters Clash.

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