Elites season 2

Elites 2 episode 42

ELITES SEASON 2 (Uprising)

Author :- Sadiq Infinity (Capri Leo)

Genre :- Action, Adventure.

Chapter 42 :- Utopia (contd)


(- ADE -)

Ever since the Nova agency was created 10yrs ago, the gang and I had 2 goals in mind which were :- To use our abilities to help people in need and to also find and protect other Elites from the threat of Executioners. Never in my life did I ever thought that there was already a place for our kind of live and thrive peacefully. Seeing all of this made me realize the big task that’s ahead of me and the gang and that our mission isn’t going to be easy, not at all.
After Laila invited me to seat with her, I couldn’t help but wonder what she wants to discuss with me. Having my spirits friends here would be helpful but since I was in safe hands, I decided to wait and hear what Laila has to say. Laila’s eyes was all over me as we finally took our seat, she was staring at me as if there was something she was hoping to see and after some seconds, she began to talk expressing her thoughts about me.

Laila ➡ I must say you’re one fascinating being, Mr. Ade.

Ade ➡ Fascinating as in how?

Laila ➡ Well, your ability for instance. It’s been centuries since I last saw someone with an ability like yours.

Ade ➡ Centuries!? Excuse me, how old are you and what do you know me?

Laila ➡ Well, for starters I’m 1000yrs old and as for your other question, I’ve been keeping tabs on you.

Ade ➡ 1000yrs old? You can’t be serious.

Laila ➡ Mr. Ade, I’m an elite just like you and my special ability is reincarnation. I’ve reincarnated so many times that I’ve lost count.

Ade ➡ This is insane.

Laila ➡ Not as insane as having the ability to talk to ghosts and demons or walking through anything like it was thin air. Mr Ade, I’ve seen lots of crazy and indescribable things, something that far beyond surpasses human understanding. Don’t get the idea that this is a normal world, it never was. There are things around the world that even we Elites cannot comprehend.

Ade ➡ Yes, like your ability. Can you explain that?

Laila ➡ Well, it’s easy. When I die or get killed, I reincarnate into another body.

Ade ➡ Any body?

Laila ➡ No not every body. I only reincarnate into female bodies. I’ve reincarnated into many different bodies, I was once, an American lady, Russian lady, British lady, Chinese lady, Jamaican lady, Australian lady and also a Nigerian lady.

Ade ➡ That’s fascinating, I’m guessing you’ve had families with your previous reincarnations?

Laila ➡ Only a few. Now then, let’s get back to what I want to discuss with you. Your squabble with Prometheus has been quite…… spectacular but I’m afraid it has gone a little too far.

Read – Through My Eyes episode 1

Ade ➡ How do you know about this? If I’m to trust you, I need you not to keep any secrets from me.

Laila ➡ Let’s just say that I have someone keeping tabs on you and your friends.

Ade. ➡ Are you saying that there’s a mole in my agency?

Laila ➡ Not exactly. I’m sure you know Isabelle. The very elite that could kill you if she wanted.

Ade ➡ Iwonbi’s wife?? She’s your spy.

Laila ➡ More like my informant.

Ade ➡ Still the same thing.

Laila ➡ Well, Isabelle has been my eyes and ears for a very long time.

Ade ➡ If that’s the case then you know about the Executioners then?

Laila ➡ Yes..

Ade ➡ Look, just tell me why am I here.

Laila ➡ Your previous battle with Prometheus has caused quite a stir and because of it, our ancient rivals around the globe merged under one leader to take us down. I’m sure you’ve already know who I’m talking about.

Ade ➡ The Executioners!? How? Eve wiped them all out.

Laila ➡ the ones in the country.. Yes but not the ones outside the country. However, our Intel said that the leader of the new uprising of Executioners is from your country.

Ade ➡ Any info about the leader’s identity?

Laila ➡ No.. Still not found.

Ade ➡ Well, we need to act now.

Laila ➡ Not until you’ve stopped Prometheus, they need to be dealt with first before handling the Executioners. Luckily for us, they’ve backed up mysteriously.

Ade ➡ So they haven’t made any moves?

Laila ➡ Not at all but I don’t like this. A calculating and unpredictable enemy is a time bomb. We have to know what they’re planning to do before we make a move.

Ade ➡ Don’t worry, my friends and I will handle this but first we’ll deal with Prometheus.

Laila ➡ There’s something you should know before you embark on the mission you’re about to go to.

Ade ➡ What is it?

Laila ➡ It’s about the mother of your child. Felicia.

Hearing Felicia’s name made my breath cease for a few seconds, it’s no secret Felicia is a bit of a wild card but ever since she came back, things have either go bad or wrong.

Ade ➡ What about her? Has she done something to you?

Laila ➡ So she hasn’t told you?

Ade ➡ Told me what?

Laila ➡ Mr. Ade..

Ade ➡ Just call me Ade. Enough with the Mr.

Laila ➡ Alright Ade. The thing I’m about to tell you know is going to be… I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Ade ➡ Just tell me or I leave. I told you earlier, no secrets.

Laila ➡ Fine then but after hearing this, don’t make any rash decisions.

Ade ➡ Okay, tell me.

I thought that whatever Laila was about to say would be bearable no matter how hard but then the words that came out of her mouth shocked me completely that my body fazed instantly. I lost control of my footing and breath that I had to fall on one knee to catch my breath. My heart was beating fast and my head was dizzy not mention the confusion that filled my head. Everything that I heard from Laila hurt me more than I could ever imagine.

Laila ➡ What do you know about your parents Ade?

Ade ➡ Nothing much, except that fact that they’re caring and loving parents.

Laila ➡ That they were but do you really know them?

Ade ➡ What are you talking about?

Laila ➡ Ade, your parents were Executioners.

Ade ➡ LIAR!!! don’t you ever associate my parents with those murdering psychopaths.

Laila ➡ It’s true. They were Executioners, top members infact. Isabelle had been my mole in their agency and she knew a lot.

Ade. ➡ It doesn’t make sense.. If my parents were… then why didn’t they…

Laila ➡ Your parents knew you were an elite but they couldn’t kill you. They loved you so much that they risked it all by keeping you by their side. Your parents might love you but they’re horrible people, they’ve done very bad things and their actions caused them their lives.

Ade. ➡ What are you talking about? My parents died in a car accident. I was there.

Laila ➡ That’s what you think. 15yrs ago, your parents organized a fundraiser to a new home for 20 orphaned kids. All of those kids were elite and when event was over, the kids were taken away and executed, their bodies were never found. Your father lied to the media that it was a kidnapping incident which everyone believed except one. Felicia.

Ade ➡ No. No. No. No.. NOO!! NOO!!.. It can’t be.

Laila ➡ I’m sorry Ade.. The Felicia back then was more ferocious and wild than she is now. She was consumed by vengeance that she swore to get back at your parents. So on that night you went shopping with your parents, she was there.

Ade ➡ It can’t be.. I don’t believe this.

Laila ➡ I’m sorry. I know you’re hurting but your parents had it coming. They killed innocents.

Ade ➡ SHUT UP!!! Don’t speak about my parents. What were you hoping to gain by telling me this?

Laila ➡ Secrets like this are very poisonous Ade and I knew sooner or later you will hear about this and do something you’ll regret. I didn’t mean to make you see Felicia as a murderer but you should know she did what was necessary. Try and talk to her about this.

Ade ➡ Why should I? How can you expect me to look at her after what she did? I can’t believe she was this heartless.

Laila ➡ Tell me Ade, why do you think she left you 10yrs ago? She found out about your parents and left feeling guilty and ashamed. She didn’t want you to think that she used you so she left hoping never to come back but what she didn’t count for was getting pregnant for you. She returned because of your son.

Ade ➡ It’s pretty suspicious that you know all of this. I’m even starting to wonder if I can trust you.

Laila ➡ I am not your enemy. The enemy is out there and I need you to…

Ade ➡ To do what?? Help you!? Whatever plans you wanted to have with me, it’s over. You shouldn’t have brought me here in the first place.

Laila ➡ You feel betrayed but try to understand that I told you this secret to avoid any future conflict with Felicia that would lead to bitter consequences.

Ade ➡ What difference does it make now?

Laila ➡ Look, I know you loved your parents but what would you do if you were in Felicia’s shoes?

Laila’s question made me very angry and speechless, I didn’t want to believe that my own parents were Executioners. Julius topped his twisted belief over his own daughter by executing her and if this former leader could do something like this without hesitation, what would stop my parents from doing so?
Maybe Laila was right about what she said, my parents may have been Executioners but they loved me so much not to carry out their twisted sacred duty and even though they did bad things, I still can’t forgive the fact they were taken from me. If they could spare me, I’m pretty sure they would have changed their ways if given the time. It doesn’t matter what Felicia did was right, she killed my parents and that is not something I can forget, not ever.

Ade ➡ I have to get home.

Laila ➡ Ade, what’s your answer about…

Ade ➡ I decline. I have nothing to offer you so don’t even bother coming for me or trying to force me into doing it. Just leave me alone.

After that statement, I turned around and took my leave but at that moment, my emotions began to take effect of my new powers allowing to access them easily. Before Laila could try to convince me to join her, I teleported out of the place heading home.
Laila may have said alot of things but before I jump to conclusions, it would be better if Felicia told her own side of the story and may God save her from the rage boiling inside me.


(- Omni-Pov-)

For a while, luck had favored Prometheus but now things were starting to fall apart for them starting with the loss of Ade and the mysterious attack that made them destroy one of their most precious bases. Out of all the Prometheus members, there was one who was very much angered and peeved by this recent incident and that person was Susan.
Knowing very well that her betrayal had severed her relationship with Ade allowing him to fall back into Felicia’s arm, Susan had swore to herself to make sure that Felicia never sees Ade again let alone be together and now that that Ade was gone and lost to the wind, Susan’s emotions began to get the best of her allowing her to lose her cool and also make crazy decisions.
Hours after deserting their base, Susan and other members of Prometheus gather inside the one of their most equipped and secure base to discuss about their next plan of action. Susan whose personal grudge with Felicia had clouded her mind and thoughts began to urge her fellow colleagues to make a move.

Susan ➡ This is unacceptable. We have to do something.

Athena ➡ And what do you suggest we do? It seems like there’s someone out there who knows about our operations. We need to be careful.

Susan ➡ It’s already obvious who it is.

Moses ➡ Are you saying it’s Felicia and the others?

Susan ➡ Of course. Just do the math and see, we were attacked and Ade is gone, who is it do you think is looking for Ade besides them?

Read – Bethroed to a stranger episode 1 – 2

Mary ➡ So what do we do now?

Susan ➡ We make a preemptive strike against them. It’s only a matter of time before Ade finds and annihilate us.

Mary ➡ Is that a good idea?

Susan ➡ SHUT UP!!! You were supposed to hear them coming but you didn’t.

Mary ➡ That’s because I didn’t. I heard no sound not even a whimper. There’s nobody in Ade’s group that can move like that not even him.

Susan ➡ Well, we can’t be so sure. They might have found someone that can move without been seen or heard. Zeus, say something.

Zeus ➡ I really don’t know medusa. The tables have been turned on us and as far as I know, the odds are against us. It’s best for us to lay low and strike when we’re stronger.

Susan ➡ I can’t believe what you’re saying. So you’re going to cower in fear and wait until Ade and the others gets hold of us.


Joshua ➡ I agreed with Medusa.. It’s only a matter of time before Ade finds us but he’s not the one I’m worried about. Felicia will not hesitate to kill us once she gets the chance. We have to attack now.

Hephaestus ➡ Zeus, I believe we should. We still have something in out arsenal that we can use.

Zeus ➡ Like what?

Hephaestus ➡ Our weapons prototype that we haven’t launched yet.

Athena ➡ Hold on.. Why make a move now when we can pull back and come back stronger just like Zeus said.

Susan ➡ This is nonsense.

Athena ➡ No, it’s not. I know why you want to make a move so badly but I will not join you because your personal vendetta.

Ares ➡ Hiding away like rats isn’t the best plan.

Athena ➡ Why not? It’s a brilliant strategy. Fighting Ade and his group on their turf isn’t a very good plan and this confrontation might lead to our crushing defeat or possibly demise. I will not make a move until we’re sure of victory.

Joshua ➡ So what do you have in mind?

Just before Athena could say anything, Hades emerges from the shadows surprising his comrades who began to suspect him.

Zeus ➡ Hades… Where have you been? You better have a better reason for your absence.

Hades ➡ I apologize for my absence but we have a problem.

Zeus ➡ What problem?

Hades ➡ The Executioners are back.

Moses ➡ What?

Joshua ➡ Impossible!?

Ares ➡ Where did you get this information?

Hades ➡ Felicia and Habib. I stumbled upon them when I went to check our other bases which has been destroyed. I over heard them discussing about the Executioners.

Mary ➡ I can’t believe this. Eve killed them all.

Ares ➡ Apparently, not all of them.

Susan ➡ So do we have any information about them?.

Joshua ➡ We already know how they operate so dealing with them won’t be hard.

Hades ➡ According to what I heard from Felicia and Habib, this ones are different. They blend easily with crowds and their identities are unknown. We have to lay low and find out about these Executioners.

Zeus ➡ We don’t have to. Since we don’t know who these Executioners are, we should assume that everyone in this city is a threat.

Athena ➡ I agree. We should take care of both our elite rivals and the Executioners all at once. It is time we initiated our endgame which is *Pandora’s box*. It’s time to unleash chaos.

As Prometheus makes plans for their doomsday annihilation, the Executioners too makes their own plans to deal with the Elites and despite knowing that the enemies had outnumbered them, they were fully confident that they would prevail against the Elites.
After the unexpected announcement of ACP Elliot, Monica the current leader of the Executioners had began to carry out plans to hunt down the Elites. So one evening, Monica and some of her subordinates visit one of their well covered up base to inspect the progress of their plans in which the results were very promising. Pleased with the progress of her plans, Monica decides to talk things out with her top Einstein, a man called Victor.

Monica ➡ Hello Victor, I see everything is going nicely.

Victor ➡ Indeed.

Monica ➡ How’s project 0 ?

Victor ➡ Very promising although it will take some time to make it operational.

Monica ➡ Take your time doctor. I want it to be our organization’s ultimate weapon. We didn’t go through all that trouble to steal all those govt classified projects for nothing.

Victor ➡ No, it’s too early. In order to get perfection we need time.

Monica ➡ Very well. How’s our prisoner?

Victor ➡ Fine and well. I can’t believe we’re using an elite to serve our cause.

Monica ➡ She’s very a useful and valuable asset to our organization and with powers like hers, our victory against the Elites is secured.

Victor ➡ I thought your faith is with science?

Monica ➡ Yes but science cannot see the future, this Elite can. It was a good thing my father faked that death injection that Julius intended to use, we would have truly been finished.

Victor ➡ So how long do we plan on keeping her?

Monica ➡ As long as we expunge all the Elites in this world. Keep up the good work doctor, when the time is right we will strike, starting with the traitor that betrayed us.

To be Continued

Next Episode ➡ Divided we fall.

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