Hot Deal Full Of Secrets

HOT DEAL FULL OF SECRETS episode 29 – 30



Chapter 29

By : Kebby NG Media Services


“What’s this picture?”I asked the maid who was holding the album

“It’s the pictures of the past workers of the resort”One of the maid replied

“Past workers,All these people in this album were once workers of the resort?”I asked and they all nodded .

“This can’t be!”I muttered softly as I stared at the picture which had both my parents in it

Though they were quite young they were my parents, they have also worked in the resort

“Can I have this album, I need to show it to some one”I said as I ran off with the Album

I have to show it to Cade, he must know some thing about it,I thought as I ran to the room.

I opened it only to hear Stephanie voice coming from the room

“Are you still pushing through with it?”She asked

“Yes, Emily has to leave,it’s for the best”he replied

“Who exactly! Is it for us?””She asked as she walked towards him wrapping her arm around him.

“Yes,it’s the best for us “He replied and feeling hurt, I left there silently and head out of the house, still in my night gown,I walked through the garden and when I got to an empty seat,I sat on it and began to go through the pictures again.

If my parents had worked here then those things that happened to me would certainly mean some thing.

Could that house have mean some thing to me too? I thought as I left the field heading to the house at the back.

I got there and I stood starring at it hoping that I will remember some thing but nothing came.

Wanting to know more, I began to head to the house only to be stopped by David.

“What are you doing here ma’am”He asked

“I have to check some thing”I said moving past him but he pulled me back

“What do you want to check,I will do it for you”he said

“That house! Do you know if some one lived there?”I asked

“No one lived there”He answered looking at the house

“Are you sure?”I asked again

“No one did, why are you even asking? Is something wrong?”he asked

“Nothing is wrong! Nothing”I replied as I walked off leaving him standing there.

I head back to the mansion, when I got there, I stared around it and tried to see if a memory will come but nothing did.

I shouldn’t be worried, what I should do right now is to call my parents, they will have some explanation to it, I thought as I began to head to the room.

I got back to the room only to see Cade there and he looked worried.

“Where the hell have you been? Do you know how աօʀʀɨɛɖ I have been?”he asked

I didn’t feel like answering him,so I walked past him and went towards the phone to call my parents

“Emily,am talking to you!”he said as he stood behind me but still I didn’t answer ɦɨʍ,

I kept on dialling my parents number but they wouldn’t pick.

“Emily this is not right, we have already decide that you are to leave, your plane is waiting, let’s go”He said as he held my hand but I pushed him away

“Am not leaving!”I said


“You heard me Cade, am not leaving, I found another reason to stay and I won’t tell you about it, you can keep on doing what you want to do with your mistress, I won’t meddle and I will try my utmost best not to bother you with my feelings”I said

“Emily you need to leave…………….”

“Am not leaving Cade!!!! not until I get my answers”I said

“You really are stubborn!”he retorted getting angry too

“I won’t bother you Cade, if you can,pretend that am not here, I will try not to get in your way, I mean it”I said and taking fresh clothes from the closet I went into the bath room.

While taking a bathe, I remembered what I said to Cade and knew that it was the best.

My staying back doesn’t have to do with Cade, I thought as I walked out of the bath room fully dressed.

I stopped when I saw that I had company in the room.

“What do you want?”I asked

“I heard that you are no longer leaving ?”Stephanie asked

“It has nothing to do with you, so please leave, I need to get dressed”I said as I stood by the mirror brushing my hair

“So you have really decide to wait?” She asked again.

“Yes I have, so stop asking me more questions and just leave”I yelled at her

“Fine I will leave”she said and did some thing that was totally off, she gave me a smile, a genuine one at that and then she left the room.



“Am not leaving Cade!!!”

I stood by the Terris waiting my horse to be brought to me while remembering what Emily had said earlier

I don’t know if I should be feeling happy or sad that she decide to stay.

The only way she can get out in all of this with out being hurt is if she leave now, I want her to be safe, that’s why I wanted her to leave but some thing else have made her stay, could it be the resort? I thought as my horse was finally brought to me by David.

“Just a head up, I saw Your wife at the house this morning”He said to me


“She was going there and if I hadn’t been there, she would have gone into the house, she kept on asking me If some one lived there and i lied to her “He said

“That’s good, I will handle it with my wife, you don’t have to worry” I said

“And one more thing”David said stopping me

“Stop hurting her, Emily is a nice girl and she deserves to be loved not to be treated like thrash, At least for her sake, try keeping your affair with your mistress a secret, she deserves more than that”David said and then began to walk off

“Why do I feel like you care about my wife way too much?”I asked

“Really? I didn’t know, well have told you what I have tell you, stop being a jerk and treat your wife nicely”he said and left the Terris.

Knowing that David was close to my wife this morning got me feeling angry and knowing that David might be having one or two feelings towards Emily got me feeling jealous.

I might reject Emily love towards me, it doesn’t mean I will let her be close to any other man, I thought as I rode out of the Terris.



I stayed in the room, preparing some things that will be needed for the advertising part of the resort when the door opened and Cade walked in.

I hadn’t seen him since the morning he left the room and seeing him now made my heart go crazy.

“Stop looking at me that way, I just came back to get some things that I need”He said as he went to the closet

“Will you be sleeping out?”i asked

“Or would I be sleeping with Stephanie? That’s the question you were going to ask right, well am a bit disappointed myself, I have a lot of work to do, so I will be busy doing a lot of things with Her” he said hurting me

“Cade I………..”

“Feeling hurt already? I told you leave, to pack your belongings and get out but since you choose to stay you will have to listen to me telling you this every day”he said

“Have told you, I won’t pressure you with what am feeling towards you , it’s my feelings and so I will take care of it ” I said

“Really? Would it be able to bear seeing me pecking my mistress, will it be able to bear seeing me make love with Stephanie, it won’t and so if you don’t want to get hurt, just leave already “he said

“I won’t leave, no matter what you do or say to me, I won’t leave”I said as I watched him walk off

“Have given you your chance, Now what happens now,Is all up to me to decide “he said as he gave me a murdering look and then left the room.

I sat by table feeling so sad, Why won’t he just let me know get close him.

I love him and I know that with time he can learn to love me but it seems like what happened years ago is the only thing stopping him from being happy.

Chapter 30

By : Kebby NG Media Services



I stood along with Cade and his parents and all the workers starring at the resort.

A month of working on it really payed off, the house that had looked old and shackled now looks lively and am sure that with the right people,It would be a perfect resort.

“I can’t believe that the resort will be opened once again”Cade mother said as we kept on starring at it

“You better believe it because it will be open soon” Cade father replied

“All we have to do now is to get people to come to the resort”Cade said and they all looked at me

“Am getting that ready, you don’t have to worry”I replied

“That’s good then,we will be trusting you on that part”Cade father said and then he left along with Cade’s mom.

The workers began to leave for their work, leaving Cade, Stephanie and I.

Stephanie had been the one who did the interior design and she had done it wh0le being Cade mistress.

It’s been a week and Cade keeps on distancing himself from me, he had avoided me and have always been with Stephanie.


Though I feel hurt by his indifference,I didn’t let it show and have been trying my best to stop this feeling but it only gets worse.

I keep on loving him, even though he has been doing his best to show me that he will never feel the same way.

“It’s been a great job so far, nice work Emily”Stephanie said

“You don’t have to give me praise, the workers were the one who did it, am just about to start my part “I returned cooly

“If some one is giving you praise then you should at least accept it” Cade said

“Not when it is coming from your mistress, I won’t accept it”

“You know what! , am tired of you addressing Stephanie as my mistress, don’t forget that you are not my wife, we never really got married”He said

“You shouldn’t be saying that out here,people might hear you “Stephanie said holding his arm

“Then you should tell Emily here that she should stop deluding herself, i told her to leave but since she won’t do that, she should stay out of my life instead”he said as he walked off

Not wanting the conversation to end in that way, I went after him.

He had almost got to the house when I caught up with him

“You have rejected me and also the love I have for you, are you also going to reject my help, we both made a deal and I plan on fulfilling it”

“So when we are out side be civil towards me because your parents are suspecting, you are always with Stephanie and they keep on talking, you wouldn’t want that for yourself right?” I asked

“I Have told you Emily, If it’s the deal,I will deal with that, just leave!”

“I won’t leave okay, as I have said I have a reason to stay and I won’t leave until I find that reason out”I said

“You keep on saying you have a reason, yet you won’t tell me what it is, how do you expect me to believe you?” He asked

“Whether you believe me or not is your own business, all I know is that I won’t leave until my quest is over, so stop being a jerk towards me, as have said I won’t pressure you with my feelings, I promise”I said and walked off.

Trying to know the truth is all an excuse, the picture of my parents are the clue have got and though have tried my best to learn more, nothing have come.

Even the memories I counted on never came back to haunt me.

I should have leave Cain island but the thought of not seeing Cade again made me stay.

And even though he is being a jerk now, I know that someday my effort will pay and he will love me.

I went to the stables to see David, he has be teaching me how to ride a horse.

Riding is the only thing that makes me to forget my worries.

And that is what I need to do now, I dont want to cry, not again.

Cade has been hurting me with all his actions and have been crying a lot

I don’t want to do that now and I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing my eyes red and puffy from tears.

“Are you here to ride ?”Mr Silas, David father asked as he saw me going to the stables

“Yes sir, I just need to relax a bit”I replied

“Well you will have to wait for a while, David just went to run an errand”He said

He that David is my mentor and with out him following me,I can’t be left alone with the horse.

“Don’t worry Mr Silas,I will just get some one else to come with me”I replied

“Why don’t you wait for David?”He said

“Don’t let me count on David too much sir, he is off duty today”I said as I waved him off and went to find my horse.

The horse itself is very beautiful and its the only horse that welcome me well on my first day that is why I chose it and also named it after myself.

“Why don’t we go for a little ride today Emily?”I cooed softly and taking hold of his rope, I pulled it out of its Cage.

As soon as it was ready I hop on it like David taught me and ride it out of the stables into the field.

I found myself taking the route to the house which is at the back.

Though Cade have warned me to stay away from the house, I just can’t do it.

I know that there is some thing about the house that pulls me to want to unravel more of it

Could it be that it’s the house my parents lived in while they were working at the resort.

I haven’t been able to get through to my parents, seems like they are still having the fun of their life.

Just then a gun was shot from afar and it got the horse scared.

It began to whine and it wouldn’t listen to any of my instructions.

I began to get scared and I held the rein tightly and at the same time,I kept on whispering to the horse wanting it to calm down a bit but again a gun was shot and the began to run fast

Feeling scared I held onto its neck and prayed that nothing bad will happen.

It rode me past the house and I could hear some yelling out my name.

I was so scared that I didn’t even look back to see who had called me.

It got to a point that the horse stopped and rose up, I fell down and due to the impact and I was sure that I had fallen on a rock.

The pain from my head was too much and my body hurt too.

Just then I heard the sound of a horse and a while later David was beside me.

“Emily! Emily ! Are you okay?”he asked as he lift me up in his arms and took me to his car.



“Aren’t you being hærd on her?”Stephanie asked as we both stood by the patio gazing out at the field and surrounding

“Don’t start Right now, I don’t want to talk”I said

“But I want to! You are being hærd on Emily, very soon I will be leaving, you won’t have any one to help you lie again, what will you do then?”she asked

“Don’t worry Stephanie, I will make sure she leaves on the day you leave”I said trying to convince myself that sending her away is the best thing.

It’s been a week now and have been trying my best to get her to leave but she wouldn’t budge.

She keeps on saying that she is waiting for another reason but I don’t buy it , I know that she is waiting for me to change my mind and that will not happen.

Not when I still have this secret haunting me all the time, I won’t let her life be ruined by some one like me.

“Why do you keep on persisting that she leaves when you know that you don’t want her to, you know that when she leaves she will be taking a part of you “She asked

“Stop your an-lysis Stephanie, have made my decision and that is it?”

“Okay just a question, the last one, if Emily and I was in danger, who will you save first?”She asked and I didn’t get to answer the question because we heard David calling out for help

Still standing upstairs we saw him Arrive with Emily in arms and she was Unconscious.

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