Jupiter High

Jupiter High 2 episode 35 – 36


🏫 HIGH 🏫

💞(A high school rom-nce)💞
#Season_2 Episode 35


By : kebby NG Media Services

Having taken my ID, I head to my class, it would also be the same one as Mary.

Why did I behave like a jerk towards her awhile ago

It would only be because I was jealous, seeing her with James got me feeling jealous.

I had said the first thing that came to my head and now have gotten her angry, I thought as I took notice that people were starring at me, most especially the girls.

“Wow he is so handsome”

“I like him already”

“The way he walks make my heart flutter ”

“He looks like a god”

I sighed as I listened to all of their compliment, I should be used to this right? I thought as I got to the class.

I walked in only for the students in the class to stare at me.

I stood by the door way looking for Mary and i found her sitting on the third seat, she was talking to a girl , seems like she has made some new friend, I thought as I began to head towards her only to stop when James walked into the class.

He s₱0tted Mary and went towards her, the girl beside her shriek in happiness, she was seeing an idol for the first time and Mary gave him a look which showed that she didn’t want him in the same class as her

“Would you mind moving, I want to seat there”James said

“Why should she move? Go and look for some where else to seat”Mary replied

” But I want to seat next to you”he said softly

“But I don’t want to, some people will keep on having weird thoughts if you should seat with me”She said and stared at me

“Fine then, I will just seat behind you, that will be much better”James said going to seat on the empty seat at her back

“You can seat here, it’s free”some one said beside me and I turned to see a nerdy looking girl starring at me.

I would have preferred to seat somewhere else but I had no choice because the teacher walked in.

I took the seat beside her and class began, if Mary is not really dating James as she says, I have an apology to make, I thought as I left the class.

“I never knew there can be a lot of food at a school?”I said as I put in a lot of food in my plate

“You sure do eat a lot Mary”Miranda said as we both walked to an empty table to munch on our meal

It was lunch time and every one was at the cafeteria to get some thing to eat.

Miranda is the first friend I made when I got to class.

She is cute,friendly and charming and i prefer her friend sh¡p than to those of the snobbish looking girls who were starring at me a while ago.

“Are you really sure that you and James aren’t an item?”Miranda asked for the fifth time

“We are not Miranda,am not dating James”I answered for the fifth time

“So why? Why did he want me to leave so he can seat beside you? Why was he glaring at you through the wh0le of today class”she asked

“Well….I don’t know”I said quickly.

“Well I do know some thing and that is you are the talk of the school now”She said

“Me?”I asked surprise

“You were seen getting into James car this morning, every one thinks that you two are dating”Miranda said

I wasn’t given the chance to explain myself because the cafeteria went up roar with a lot of noise

“It’s James and he is coming our way!”Miranda said and I sighed

If James keeps on doing this then every one will think that am really his girlfriend

He pulled out a chair and sat down close to me

“What are you having? Mind if I have too”he said trying to take cutlery

“I think you should get your own food your self “I said

“Don’t be a meanie, your friend wouldn’t mind giving me her food right? “He asked Miranda

“I wouldn’t mind at all”Miranda said

“Common give me, I wanna eat”He said

“Then you can have it all, I just lost my appetite”I said wanting to get up but he held me back

“Why are you being cold towards me today, is it because he is here?”James asked

“Who are you even talking about?”I asked

“You know who I am talking about”he said softly

“Am not being cold towards you or any one James, all I want right now is to have a bit of peace of mind and you look around you! You aren’t giving me that James, Every one thinks that am dating you and right now they are talking about me”I said

he looked around and saw that the other students were starring at us

“Mary I……..”

“Don’t say any thing James and please do not follow me when I leave”I said and got up from the chair heading out side.

I went straight to school roof top, enjoying the calm cool air calmed a bit of my nerves.

All I ever wanted is to study hærd and excel, I don’t want to be the talk of the school neither do I want to date any one, my study and dancing comes first, I thought.

But James being James wouldn’t let me have that and ………..I couldn’t complete my word because I began to feel pain in my stomach and then I let out a fart

It didn’t come out once but thrice and I am lucky that no one was around to hear or smell it.

“Was it some thing I ate?”I muttered to myself

“It might be but It smells really bad!”Hearing Daniel behind me, I stood in shock

“Did you see that ? Every thing? “I asked as I turned towards him and he nodded softly

“I did”

“Oh no”I muttered feeling embarrassed

“It’s not some thing to be shy about , you should ……..”I didn’t wait for him to speak finish, I ran off heading towards the rest room

Did he see all that? How humiliating! I thought as i put my fore head on the school glass

“Today is Certainly the worst day of my life”I thought softly.

“Wow this restaurant is much more classy”I said as both Jack and I walked in

“I knew that you would like this place, that is why I brought you here”he said as we were ursshered to our seat by the an attendant.

I sat down and picked up the menu book to check out the content

“What would you like to eat Jack, I will go with what ever you choose”I said still starring at the menu and when he didn’t reply, I turned to look at him only to see him starring at me.

“What’s wrong? Is some thing on my face?”I asked

“No,am just soaking in your beauty”He said and I smiled

“Stop teasing me Jack!”I said softly and he held my hand and k-ssed it softly

“Am not teasing you, I mean it, you are still as beautiful as ever and am lucky”he said softly

“Lucky for what?”I asked

“Lucky to have you in my life, thanks for giving me a chance” he said as he k-ssed my hands again

“Wow! What a beautiful scene”someone said softly and we both look up to see Rose standing in front of us

“Tell me? Are you two finally together?”She asked making me feel uncomfortable.

“Why are you here Rose? To ruin our appetite?”Jack asked

“Of course not! ,It’s been so long since we have seen each other, I just want us to reunite”She said as she sat on an empty seat at our table

“And where would your husband be?aren’t you suppose to be with him”Jack asked

“Oh he is parking the car, he will be here soon”She said starring at me

After the k-ss I shared with him,I havent seen him since then and having to see him now got me feeling all jittery

“Why don’t you find some where else to seat”Jack said

“Why should I do that when the four of us can manage perfectly ” she said

“Oh he has arrived”she said raising her hand for him to see where she was

He began to head to our table but when he saw me and Jack sitted, he stopped .

He gave Rose a look and when he saw that she was starring at him, she gave him a smile

“Look who I found! Jack and Andrea, common let’s have dinner with them”she said

“Let’s go Rose”he said softly

“Why? It’s been long since we have seen each other, let’s have a chat with them, just have a seat cause I won’t be leaving here”Rose said

“Fine then, let’s have dinner with them”he said and sat down too.


🏫 HIGH 🏫

💞(A high school rom-nce)💞

#Season_2 Episode 36


By : kebby NG Media Services


As soon as the waiter finished serving us, Rose began to talk .

“You know it’s been years since we have seen each other, why don’t we try to catch up”Rose said as she stared at the three of us

“Just eat !”Max Said as he kept on eating his food

” But that wouldn’t make it lively, we need to communicate with one another, after all this is like some sort of renuion”she said again and still none of us said any thing

“Fine then I will start, Are you two dating or what, you wouldn’t be seen out with some one you aren’t dating Jack, are we expected to hear wedding bell soon?”She asked

“Out of all the questions you could ask, why did you ask that?”Jack asked

“It’s simple, Andrea has been single all her life, I just want to know if she isn’t still pining for my husband”she asked starring at me

” I doubt that Rose, Andrea have moved on a long time ago, she just didn’t have the time to mingle, that is why she is still single until recently”Jack said this starring at Max

“What do you mean by until recently? Don’t tell me that Andrea is now dating you?”she asked

“Can’t you tell?”Jack asked k-ssing my hand

“That’s wonderful! It’s the best news have heard in a long time”She said hitting my arm

“You made a right choice Andrea,Jack is a nice guy, you should have chosen him in the past, maybe that might have saved you from the heart break Max caused”She added bitingly and Max dropped his cutlery in anger and sat back folding his arms

“Do you want us to talk about the past or should we just eat”He asked starring at us three

” Why don’t we do that! It’s best that we make it clear to each other now that it’s been sixteen years, sixteen good years and we have all moved on,no more going to the past”Rose said starring at me

“I agree with you on that Rose, we have to make things clear now, it’s been years and so no going back to the past “Jack added and gave Max a look

“What do you think Andrea, it’s been years as they have said, do you wish to forget the past just like they have said ?”Max asked starring at me

I stared at the three of them and they were all waiting for my answer.

“The past is now in the past, what we have to focus on now is the present, As you have said Rose, you are a mother now and you are married to Max, you should put your focus on your husband and your child, you don’t have to scared of my presence”I said and Rose gave me an angry glare

“And you too Max, you are married to Rose, I think you should devote your time to your wife,She won’t be like this if you are really doing your work”I said

“Excuse but I have to use the rest room!”I said getting up

“And what do you have to say about your self, I heard that you are also a mom, a woman who gives birth out of wedlock should be called a what? I think you should focus more on finding the father of your child, don’t you think so?”She said.

I walked off with out answering her and as soon as I got to the rest room, I took a deep breath.

Max doesn’t know that I have a child and Rose saying it carelessly like that will certainly spike up his interest,I just hope he doesn’t notice any thing.


“Andrea has a child?” Max asked starring at me

“Why are you asking? Didn’t you know?”I asked

“If I knew I wouldn’t be asking you?”He said looking a bit angry

“It’s nothing to get all worked up about,Andrea child is my child, so forget it was ever Mentioned”Jack said

“I need to use the rest room too” I said as I left the two men at their seat

I have to talk to Andrea and make things clear to her.

I don’t want her close to Max and I won’t have her close to him.

For the past sixteen years Max haven’t looked my way and it’s all because of Andrea.

He never forgot her, there were times when I caught him starring at her picture, he would call out her name when never he is sleeping,he always made me feel less and each day I regret marrying him and I also try to hate me.

He has turned me into a bitter woman and he will have to live up with it because I won’t ever give him a divorce,now more than ever I won’t set him free, I will rather suffer and be a bitter woman than to see him happy with Andrea.

I got to the rest room to see Andrea standing in front of the mirror Starring at her self

“Did you come here to sulk?”I asked

“I should be asking you that?”she returned softly

“What do you mean?”

“It’s obvious that you and Max aren’t getting along, could it be that through the wh0le of sixteen years, he never made you happy”She asked having a smile on her face

“You don’t have to answer, it’s all written on your face, he never made you happy ,that is why you are still the bitter Rose, he chose you over me and he never made you happy, am glad that am not in your shoes”she said and walk past me.

Not wanting things to end that way, I went after her only to stop when I saw Jack by the door

“What do you want?”I yelled at him

“To give you a warning!”

“A warning? Don’t make me laugh”

“You won’t be laughing by the time we finish talking”he replied softly

“What do you want to say then?”I asked

“Stay away from Andrea and I ,if possible take Max and your son and return to the state ……”

“And if I don’t want to?”

“Then I will have to tell Max what happen between you and I just days before he and Andrea broke up years ago “He said

“You wouldn’t dare?”

“You never told Him and am sure that he will be very angry but Andrea wouldn’t care, it’s all in the past but I doubt if it will be the same with Max”

“You have been warned Rose, don’t get me angry,you won’t like the out come”he said and walk off.

I stood there feeling shocked, I thought he would have forgot that ghastly night years ago but he still seem to remember.

Each time I remember it, I hate my self for it, why had I let him do that? Why didn’t I just wait a few more days?

I regret it ever happen and for years have pushed it out of my mind, Jack talking about it today have made me remember and i feel disgusted.

I just hope that no one finds out, if I keep my distance then Jack won’t say a thing , it’s best that I do as he says, now more than ever, I have to be careful of Jack.


I got back to the table and I was surprised to see Max alone.

“Is it true?”Max asked starring at me

“What?”i asked feigning ignorance

“Do you really have a child?”he asked again

“Yes I do”I replied

“How old ?”

“Sixteen !”I said softly

“A girl or a boy?”He asked again

“A girl”I replied

“Is she perhaps……..perhaps is she……”

“She is not yours, so stop imagining things and just focus on your wife, you were able to start a new life with Rose, I did the same thing, I moved on with some one else and I had a child with him”I said softly

,”Then what about the k-ss we shared, how will you explain that ?”he asked

“It meant nothing! I doubt it also meant some thing to you Max, I will be working with you but from today hence fourth and I hope you act professional cause I will be doing the same thing Sir!”I said

“But I…….”

“I went to the rest room in search of you”Jack said cutting him off

“Can we now! I have to get up early for work tomorrow”I said getting up

“Of course we can “Jack said picking up his jacket and with out a word to Max,I left the restaurant.

To Be Continued 👇




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