The Hammingtons

The hammingtons episode 32 – 33

🍂The Hammingtons🍂
A Cursed Family

🍃Chapter 32🍃
Ivan’s POV

I sat by the window of my room staring at the dark sky
Gia had followed Sophie back home and she confirmed that Aria kept her promise, Ethan is fine now

“Here” Dianna said as she brought a glass of wine towards me
“I didn’t want to drink alone” she said and I collected the glass

“You came all the way to my room just to drink with me?” I asked and she nodded

“Yeah, perhaps you look like you need company” she said

“You should know better Dianna, I always prefer being alone” I said

“That’s true but well I need company, I had a bad dream so I don’t really feel like being alone”

“A bad dream, how bad is the dream that it was able to scare the eldest of the Hammingtons?” I asked

“I dreamt about Eric, he was going to stab me in my dream, so? It’s a really bad dream right?” she asked

“It’s just a dream, you know Eric would never do that”

“I know but since I woke up, the day’s happenings keeps coming back to me and I needed a drink to forget” Dianna said and I drank from the glass

“How’s Ethan?” Dianna asked

“Gia said he’s okay now” I replied and Dianna stared at me for a moment

“Do not ask me about Sophie” I said

“What….. I …..I wasn’t gonna ask anything” she stuttered as she drank her wine

“Would you like to know my secret? The one Aria spoke about? The father of my unborn baby?” she asked

“No” I replied curtly and she looked at me surprised


“If I know yours then you’ll want to know mine and am not ready to tell you, yet” I explained

“But Sophie already knows right? Aria showed her and that’s why you don’t want to meet her again”

“Am sure she won’t want to meet me too, after finding out my secret, she now knows how big of a sacrilege I am, a wild monster that deserves nothing but being alone and hated” I said

“Is that why you don’t want to tell me too? Cause I’ll see you as a sacrilege? A monster?” Dianna chuckled “We are already monsters Ivan, we are already a sacrilege. Why do you think the bond between we Hammingtons is always so strong? Why do you think we always fight for each other? It is because we accept each other fully, our faults and our weaknesses, we all know that and yet we are still together, that’s what makes a family Ivan and if Sophie continues to love you despite knowing your faults, then she’s welcomed to the family” Dianna said and then stood up
“I think I should leave you alone now, good night Ivan”

“You do not know all my faults Dianna” I said and she stopped walking and turned back “If you do, you would never forgive me”

Dianna walked towards me and placed her hand on my back
“You probably don’t remember cause it was a really long time ago but once upon a time, a thousand years ago, when Mom and Dad went on one of their expeditions, I remember you running to me with a bleeding nose and bruised hand, I asked you what’s wrong but you refused to tell me, then the next day, the elders of the village came to carry you, you had a fight with one of the kids in the village and you had broken his arm so you were going to be punished, when you were asked why you fought with the boy, you said…..”

“He insulted my sister, you can always insult me but never insult my sister for I won’t let it just go by” I completed and Dianna smiled

“You remember”

“How can I forget? Those memories are the only thing stopping me from turning into a ravaging beast, they are the only thing that reminds me that I wasn’t always a monster, I was once a human too” I said

“Me too, those memories are the only human part of me left” Dianna said

“But that’s not the end of the story was it? I remember the elders wanting to flog me but you wouldn’t let them, and in the end we ended up receiving the beatings together, then we came back home and….”

“Met the twins in tears, they cried so hard cause of how badly we were beaten and in the end….”

Read – Betrothed to a playboy episode 30 – 31

“We ended up being the one consoling them forgetting about our own bruises” I completed and Dianna chuckled

“Just like back then, no matter what happens, no matter what secrets you have, I will always be by your side and I will always support you little brother” Dianna patted me softly

“I should go back to bed now, a pregnant woman needs her sleep” she yawned and I smiled

“Good night” she said and I nodded

Dianna left and I continued staring at the dark sky through the window
Would she really forgive me if she finds out that I was the one that ended the life of our mother and made all of us orphans?

Eric’s POV
“Here” Eva said as she handed me a cup of drink

“Drink it, it will calm you down a little bit” she said

“I don’t need a drink to calm me down. Eva, I need you to help me figure out a way to break this hex!!” I yelled

“Just drink this first” Eva said

“And why should I?!” I said as I collected the cup of drink and threw it on the floor
Then I grabbed Eva’s throat

“How dare you tell me what to do?!!” I said as I tightened my grip round her throat

She started muttering something, then suddenly I found myself flying hard back to the floor
I calmed down a bit, then I realized what I just did

“Am so sorry Eva, I…I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just… I just couldn’t control myself” I explained

“Lemme see your arm again” Eva said and I stretched out my arm
She examined the figure on my arm and laughed

“What’s wrong?” I asked and she stood up and took an old book from her shelf

“Centuries ago, when the witches were divided into different covens and they were all at war with each other, it was a fight to determine the strongest coven and the leader of all witches, there was this coven, and there was this powerful witch in that coven, when normal witches are born, they barely know how to perform magic till they learn it but this powerful witch was born with the innate art of magic, she didn’t need to learn any spells or practice anything, she only needed to think it and it happens and not only was she able to perform magic without any spell, she was also immune to all magic and no spell could work against her, so this witch and her generation that inherited her powers were called the innate ones” Eva explained and I nodded

“I know them, years ago they were one of the witches that tried to annihilate my siblings and I and we barely survived, so what happened in the battle among the covens of the witches?” I asked

“The innate one with her powers created a powerful army of witches or monsters as some called them, she gathered all the powerful witches and enchanted then, each of them had their power increased immensely and so was their anger, it is said that anger is the fuel that drives a fight so she made their anger uncontrollable and combined with the power they had, they were unstoppable, and each of these witches that were enchanted had a drawing burnt to their arms” Eva said as she showed me the image of the drawing on her book

“It’s the same as the one on my arm!” I exclaimed

“I actually underestimated Aria, I never imagined she had enough power to cast a spell of the innate ones, but then again, she is The Guardian of The Hell Gates”

“What is going to happen to me?” I asked

“You? Eric from now on, you are going to feel so much anger boiling in your veins that it will drive you crazy, crazy to a point that you will lose your sanity and all you will care about is how to kill and appease your anger and you will kill anyone to appease it, be it Ivan, Gia or Dianna and her baby, anyone Eric” Eva announced with all seriousness……..

🍂The Hammingtons🍂
A Cursed Family

🍃Chapter 33🍃
Eric’s POV

I stared at Eva trying to not believe what she just said but I knew she was saying the truth for I could feel the sudden anger rising within me each second

“How do we break the hex?” I asked

“Don’t you understand Eric, there is no way to break it, even back then, the witches that were given the same hex for battle, after the fight when the battle was won, they continued to kill people mercilessly cause they couldn’t control their anger nor themselves and in the end, they went so crazy that they just fell down and died one day, the hex had eaten them up from the inside” Eva said

“But I am not like those witches back then, I am immortal, can this hex really kill me?” I enquired

“Why do you think Aria put this hex on you in the first place, she is looking for a way to kill you and your immortal siblings so she’s using you as a sample for her experiment, Aria hexed you because she wants to find out if the hex is powerful enough to kill an immortal and personally, I think it is and even if it ends up not killing you cause you are immortal, you will spend the rest of your life caged by an insurmountable anger you can’t control, you will become a killing machine, killing anyone and everyone just to appease your anger” Eva said and I sighed

“Is there anything you can do to help me and break the hex?”

“I told you before, I don’t know how to break the hex” Eva said

“Then am I just to wait for my death!!!” I yelled as I stood up angrily and Eva quickly moved back

“Am…….am sorry, I just got really angry all of us sudden” I apologized

“That is going to be happening to you more often, and each next one is going to be more intense than the previous one, I don’t think it is safe for me if you continue to stay here, you should go back to your siblings and seek for their help, if anyone can stand a chance of beating this hex, then it’s you Hammingtons together” Eva said and I nodded

“You are right, I shouldn’t be here to bother you like this, I should leave” I said as I turned to leave

“I will continue searching for a solution, and if I find one I will let you know” Eva said and I nodded

Gia’s POV
“Good morning” I greeted as I joined Dianna and Ivan at the dinning
Then I looked around

“Where’s Eric?” I asked

“Probably went out cause I checked his room when I woke up and he wasn’t there” Dianna replied and I nodded

“Here Ivan” I said as I handed him a small bottle containing blood

“Aria’s blood, you said Layla said she needed it to conjure a map to track Aria” I said and he nodded

“Who’s Layla?” Dianna asked

“You don’t remember Layla? The witch that makes Ivan’s spelled gloves and socks” I reminded and Dianna nodded

“I’ll go off looking for her today” Ivan said

“Why do you need to look for her?” I asked

Read – The hammingtons episode 30

“Layla isn’t your normal kind of witch, she’s a powerful witch on seclusion, she treasures being alone and not being disturbed so she has no constant place, her location is always changing, so if I want to meet her, I’ll have to hunt her down” Ivan explained

We continued eating in silence, then Dianna dropped her spoon

“What’s wrong?” I asked

“I have a bad feeling, something is wrong somewhere” Dianna said

“Still feeling anxious cause of last night’s dream?” Ivan asked

“What dream?”

“Nothing Gia” Dianna said quickly

“What’s wrong Dianna, tell me about your dream” I said and she sighed

“I dreamt that Eric was going to stab me with a dagger, I know it is just a dream but it’s been bugging me ever since” she said

The door suddenly barged open and Eva ran in

“Where’s Eric? I think I might know a way to break the hex” she said panting

“What hex?” we asked

“Eric hasn’t told you guys?” she asked

“We haven’t seen Eric since last night” Dianna said

“Oh you stubborn Hammington” Eva huffed “He must have went off on his own and not come home because he doesn’t want to hurt you guys”

“Hurt us? Is anything going on with Eric?” I asked

“The Guardian hexed him” Eva said as she explained everything about the hex

“I am going to find him” I said as I made to leave

“Be careful Gia, Eric might not remain the twin brother you know, cause of the hex, he is going to be more hostile than you remember” Eva said and I nodded

Ivan’s POV
“You already have Aria’s blood Ivan, you should go look for Layla, she’ll conjure the tracking map which we’ll use to track Aria down and then kill her, am sure the death of the one that casted the hex should break the hex too” Dianna said

“You are probably right Dianna but unfortunately we do not have that much time, the hex is eating fast into Eric so we need a faster plan” Eva said

“You said you found a way to break the hex when you walked in” I said and Eva nodded

“It’s just a hunch and it’s a long run but the hex was first created by an innate one, so if we can find any living descendant of the powerful bloodline, maybe we can stand a chance of beating this hex, if their ancestor created the hex, then the descendant should be able to undo it” Eva said

“The innate one, the innate one” I muttered
I know I’ve heard that name recently, but where?
Then I remembered, when I was inside Sophie’s memories

I was in the woods and Sophie was unconscious, she was brutally wounded by God knows who or what
Ethan was by her side, crying and yelling for help

“What is wrong dear child?” A man that came across them asked

“It’s my fault, I….. I wanted to go hunting like my friends so I told Sophie and she said she’ll come with me, we came hunting together and we…. we bumped into a wolf, Sophie put herself in the way to protect me and she….she got bitten by the wolf” Ethan cried “She’s not breathing Sir please help me”

The men bent down to see Sophie’s bitten arm and leg
The man placed his hand over the areas Sophie was bitten and she healed immediately, like she was never bitten at all

“You should stop crying little one, your sister will wake up soon” the man said as he stood back up

“Really? Thank you sir, thank you so much Sir” Ethan thank

“You shouldn’t call me sir little one” the man said

“Then what should I call you…. sir?” Ethan asked clueless

“The innate one, that’s what people called me” the man smiled and left, soon after Sophie woke up
***Flashback Ends***

“They do have a living descendant presently” I said “I saw him in Sophie’s memories, he came out to heal Sophie once”

“Then you should go meet Sophie, figure out where she was when the innate one came to heal her and try to find him” Eva said and I hesitated

“What are you doing Ivan, you should go quickly, your brother is in danger!” Eva said and I knew she was right
But how am I ever gonna face Sophie, she probably won’t even meet me, not when she now knows just how monstrous I am

“Ivan!!” Eva yelled snapping me out of my thoughts

“What the hell are you doing?! You should go quickly!” Eva said and I nodded

“Yeah, I’ll be back soon” I said as I made to leave

“There’s no need to go to Sophie” Dianna said suddenly and I stopped

“But we need to find the innate one” I said and she nodded

“I know that” she said

“Then how do you plan on doing that without going to the person that he has ever been sighted around?” Eva asked

“Because I know where and how to find him” Dianna said

“How? The innate ones always hid themselves, they are not easy to find Dianna” Eva said

“I know how to find him Eva” Dianna sighed “Since he’s the father of my unborn baby”……..


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