Island Of Langerhan

Island Langerhan episode 5 – 6




💥 Nyla’s POV 💥

It took us a day to ride to the Misty Ocean

We got there and we began to look for any ship we can take

We saw a ferryman and walked up to him

“We need a ship” I said

“Where are you going, so that I’ll know the type of ship to sell for you guys” the ferryman said

“Island of Langerhan” Lyra said

“What… Why do I keep meeting that wants to go to that forbidden place”

“Someone came before?” Xanthos asked

“Yes, though that was yesterday”

“How many were they?” Korax asked

“They were six, just like you guys”

“Give us the ship now, we need to catch up with them” I said

“Are sure you have enough money to buy it?” The ferryman asked

“I don’t know about money but I do have enough strength to cut off your head with my axe” Zita said

“Or tear your limbs from your body” Theron said

“Wh… What are you saying, am only demanding the payment for my ship, that’s if you really want to buy it” the ferryman said smiling nervously

“You do have guts, smiling in the face of danger” Xanthos said

“Look, I don’t know who you guys are but just give me money and you can go wherever you want to go with my ship, I don’t care wha….”

He was cut short as Korax shoot an arrow straight to his head and we all looked at him

“What was that necessary?” I asked

“He was being noisy” Korax said

“Let’s just take the ship” Lyra said

We climbed on the ship and Theron began to ride the ship into the ocean

💥 Elsie’s POV 💥

We continued sailing into the Ocean and we took turns in riding the ship

We all sat down on the deck while Kali rode the ship

“There’s fog everywhere, I can hardly see” Kali said and I stood up to meet her

“You’re right, I can’t even see anything at all” I said

“Maybe you just keep riding straight till the fog disappears” Kiara said

We agreed to that but minutes later, the fog was so thick we could hardly see ourselves

“What’s going on? I can hardly see” Erick said

“This is the thickest fog I’ve ever seen” Gia said

And suddenly the ship shook and we staggered

“What was that?” I heard Kali ask but before anyone could say anything, the ship shook again and we fell down

“Something is shaking the ship” I said

“But what could it be, if this continues the ship might overturn and we might drown” Leo said

There was a rumbling sound and a large purple tentacles suddenly erupted from the water and made a hole through the ship

“Ahhh!!!” We all screamed

“What the hell is that” Gia said

“Remember what the ferryman said? It’s a Gaglor” Kali said

The tentacle came out of the water again and aimed for us but we moved and it created another hole in the ship

“If that thing continue making holes on the ship we are going to drown” Kiara said

The tentacles came from the water again and this time it aimed at Erik and swept him across the deck and he hit his back and the wheel

“Erik!!” We yelled

“Am fine” he said with a groan

“Look” Gia said pointing at a hole the tentacle had created, water was rushing into the ship through the hole “We are drowning” she said

“We have to cut off that thing” I said standing up as I drew my sword

The tentacle came for the ship again and I cut it off with my sword but it grew again and I was dumbfounded

“What!!” Leo said

The Gaglor seemed to be annoyed with happened as the tentacles was now smashing and breaking everything on the ship and we barely escaped from the tentacles hitting us

“We are going to drown” Kali said

“Look at the that” Erik pointed upfront and we all turned to look

It’s the Island!
We are almost there

I turned back on saw the tentacle coming for Gia

“Look out!” I yelled as I cut of the tentacles with my sword though grew back again and this time, more tentacles came from the water engulfing the ship

“We have to jump” Gia said

“What?” Kali said

“We have to jump before the ship sinks on its on” Gia repeated

“I agree, perhaps we are already close to the island” Kiara said

“But the Gaglor is in the water” Leo said

“We’ll just swim towards the Island and avoid it” Erik said

“There’s a high possibility that we might drown, but if the ship sinks we’ll still drown so we’ve got to take this risk” I said

“Look out Elsie!!” Kali yelled and I quickly dived to the side as the tentacles hit where I was breaking the ship into two

I looked around, the ship is destroyed, it’s already sinking

“Let’s do this then” Erik said as he dived into the water

Kali, Kiara and Gia dived in too

“This is crazy” Leo said as he dived into the water

I was about jumping off the ship too when a tentacle hit my arm throwing me off the ship….

💥 Ice Queen’s POV 💥

“Why wasn’t Helga there!!” I yelled as I entered my chamber with Castor

We just finished the battle with the Midland’s army
We killed most of them before they finally retreated back to their camp but Helga wasn’t among those that came to fight and I went to the battle specially for her

“Am sure she’s inside their camp” Castor said

“But why didn’t she come out to fight, a leader should fight with her warriors or has Helga grown to be a coward” I said

“Don’t worry my Queen, Helga might have escaped death by not coming to the battle today but her days are numbered” Castor said and I sighed

“There army is much less now, should we ambush their camp?” He asked

“No, it’s more fun to watch them run out food and surrender, I want to Helga to come to me and kneel begging for mercy for her people” I said

“Okay my Queen, we’ll just keep sorrounding them” he said and I nodded

💥 Gia’s POV 💥

I opened my eyes and coughed out the water in my mouth

We did it!
We swam the remaining distance to the Island

I looked around and saw Erik, Leo, Kiara and Kali

But where is Elsie

“Shit, I have a cut on my leg” Kali said as she stood up

“Where’s Elsie?” Erik asked

“She jumped off the ship right?” I asked

“Yes she jumped off right after I did” Leo said

“Then where is she?” Kiara asked

“Oh my God, I hope she didn’t drown” Kali said

“No, she can’t drown, she’s a good swimmer” I said

“That’s her” Leo pointed at a body lying on the shore and we ran to meet

She’s unconscious and her arm is bleeding badly

“Looks like she got hit by the Gaglor’s tentacles” Erik said

I took off a scarf I tied round my neck and tied it round her bleeding arm while Kali shook her face trying to wake her up

“Come on Elsie wake up” she said shaking Elsie’s face and she finally opened her eyes and coughed out water

“What happened?” Kiara asked

“I… I jumped off the ship a bit late and a tentacle hit my arm, I barely managed to swim up here” Elsie said

“Why didn’t you jump off while everyone was jumping off?!” I asked raising my voice

“I had to make sure everyone jumped off safely before I jumped” she said

“Why!!” I yelled “why did you have to wait! You should have jumped off early just like everyone, stop putting yourself in danger by acting like your are responsible for our lives, it’s annoying!!!” I yelled and walked out of them

💥 Queen Helga’s POV 💥

The warriors have returned from the battle and I barged into the General’s tent, he’s with the other Commanders and most of them were injured

“Are you happy now!!!” I yelled “you led our warriors to the battle despite my warning now half them are dead and the half is injured!!”

“Excuse me my Queen, you are barging into our meeting” the General said

“To hell with your meeting!!” I yelled and he stood upn

“What’s is wrong with you Helga!!” He yelled

“What’s wrong with me? You led our army to death and you still ask what’s wrong with me? I told you General, I told you not to go to that battle”

“And I refuse to listen to a mere Queen!!” He yelled and I scoffed

“Am not a mere Queen General” I said “Am a warrior too, I am Helga daughter Damokles, leader of the shield warriors, I am your Queen and I will take charge from now on!!”

.. Read – The demon and i episode 23 – 24




💥 Nyla’s POV 💥

We rode sailed through the sea and some fog started appearing

“Where’s the fog appearing from now?” Zita asked

“It’s normal, am sure it will disappear soon” Xanthos said

But it didn’t disappear, instead it was getting thicker and thicker and we could hardly see anything

“What’s going on? Why’s the fog so thick” Lyra asked

“It’s just a thick fog, stop getting worked up over it” I said

We sailed on and soon the fog started decreasing and we could see the Island not that far away

The ship suddenly shook to the right and a slimy purple tentacles erupted from the water hitting the ship and we all dived to once side

“Stick together!” I yelled and we all backed ourselves forming a circle….

💥 Elsie’s POV 💥

“Gia!!” We all called as we moved around the island looking for Gia

It’s already dark and we haven’t seen Gia since she walked out of us angrily back then

“Where is she?” I said

Am getting really worried

“Am sure we’ll find her, she might have just lost her way” Kiara said

“That stubborn girl, why does she have to get so angry and wander alone in this dangerous Island” Leo said

“This all my fault, I shouldn’t brought her, I shouldn’t have brought any of you, I knew it’s going to be really dangerous yet I still asked you guys to come with me. Gia was right, I am selfish” I said

“Come on Elsie, it’s not your fault, stop blaming yourself, it’s not like you forced us here, we came here willingly” Erik said

“And am sure Gia is alright, we’ll find her soon” Kali said

We heard some voice by our right and we quickly went in the direction of the voice

Then we saw Gia speaking with a little boy

“Gia” I called as I ran to hug her but she seemed uncomfortable so I stopped

“Where were you, we were so worried” I said

“Yes you scared us all” Kiara said

“Sorry guys, I got lost” Gia said

“It’s okay, at least you are safe” Leo said

“Who’s the kid” Erik asked

“Don’t know, I just met him here and I was asking him the same thing before you guys came” Gia said

“Who are you?” Kali asked the boy

“My name is Tristan” the boy replied in a small calm voice

“What are you doing here Tristan?” I asked

“I was born here” he said

“Really? Where’s your parents” Kiara asked

“They died, so I live alone here and I really know the Island well and people don’t usually come here, so what are you all doing here?” Tristan asked

“We are looking for…” Leo was talking but Erik interrupted

“Stop, don’t tell him, I don’t trust him” Erik said

“Neither do I” I said

“It’s okay if you don’t trust me, it will actually be foolish to trust a lone kid in an abandoned Island” Tristan said

“It’s already dark, do you have any place to sleep?” He asked

“Not really” Gia said

“Follow me, I know a place you can sleep” Tristan said

We looked at ourselves and we reluctantly followed him….

💥 Queen Helga’s POV 💥

The General had stormed out of the tent in anger so I sat on his seat

“You all have already caused a lot of damages, so you will listen and obey everything I say from now on, no questions asked” I said

“Yes my Queen” the Commanders chorused

“How many warriors do we have now?” I asked

“Less than 200 my Queen and more than half are injured” one of the Commanders answered

“And the Ice Queen has thousands of warriors?”

“Yes my Queen” they answered

“We’ve got no choice then, we’ll have to retreat and take the remaining people with us to seek help from other kingdoms” I said

“But my Queen, retreating means letting them take over Midland” one of the Commanders said

“Do you have a better option? Sooner or later the Ice Queen will take over Midland either by killing us all or by us starving to death, if we retreat now, we’ll not only save the people but it will give us a chance to get stronger and fight again”

“But we are sorrounded by the Ice Queen’s army, there’s no way we can escape” one of them said and I paused a bit to think

“We’ll just have to deceive the Ice Queen then” I said with a smile…

💥 Nyla’s POV 💥

We’ve been fighting this big slimy thing by cutting of its tentacles but always grows back

“This pointless, it keeps growing back” Zita said

One of the tentacles hit Xanthos giving him a deep cut on the leg and he yelled in pain

“Xanthos are you okay?” Lyra asked as she ran to meet him and one of the tentacles caught her and threw her into the water

“Lyra!” We yelled

“Let’s jump off too, we’ve almost reached the Island, the water isn’t deep anymore so it’ll be easy to swim” Korax said as he slashed off one of the tentacles

“But I don’t think I can swim, my leg is bleeding badly” Xanthos said

“We’ll hold you” Theron said helping Xanthos up

“Yeah we’ll swim together” Zita said as she held Xanthos too

“Let’s jump then” I said and we all jump up from the ship and swam to the shore

Lyra was already on the shore panting breathlessly

I looked around and sighed in relief, everyone arrived safely

And then I saw footprints all over the shore

“We’ve got to search the Island for Helga’s warriors, they are already here” I said

“Give us a minute Nyla” Zita said breathlessly

“I don’t think we can search for them now, perhaps my leg is badly damaged, I can’t walk” Xanthos said and I looked at his leg that was still bleeding

“We need to do something to stop the bleeding” Korax said

I looked at Xanthos again then at his leg, then drew out my sword

“What are you doing?” Theron asked but I didn’t answer

I went close to Xanthos and slashed his throat

“Nyla!!” Lyra yelled

“What did you kill him” Theron said

“That was uncalled for!” Zita yelled

“We need to search for Helga’s warriors right now and he’ll only slow us down perhaps with the way that leg was bleeding, he was gonna die soon, I only saved him the pain” I said and Korax laughed

“And I thought I was the vicious one” he said

“Let’s go” I said and we all stood and walked away from the shore

💥 Elsie’s POV 💥

We followed Tristan into a cave and many large leaves lying on the floor

“This where I sleep, you can sleep here too” Tristan said

“Thanks” Kiara muttered

“Am going to sleep now, you guys should sleep too” he said and went to the other side of the cave and laid down

“I still don’t trust him, you guys should sleep I’ll keep watch” I said

“No, your arm is wounded, you sleep I’ll watch” Erik said

“But the boy, Tristan, he seems innocent” Leo said

“I don’t totally trust him but I don’t think he means any harm” Kiara said

“And he might be able to help us if we tell him what we are looking for” Kali said

“Let’s just go to sleep, we’ll make a decision tomorrow on wether to trust him or not” Gia said and the agreed

So we laid down we Erik insisted on keeping watch

💥 Ice Queen’s POV 💥

“My Queen” Castor said as he ran to my chamber

“What’s wrong?” I asked

“Some soldiers sorrounding the Midland’s camp said they heard some Midland warriors talking about talking about retreating through an underground tunnel they have inside the camp” he said

“What tunnel?” I asked

“I don’t know my Queen but it seems the Midland’s army is planning on retreating and since they are already sorounded, they are using an underground tunnel they have in the camp to escape”

“We can’t let that happen Castor, Helga can’t escape me, if I can’t have her kneeling before me then I want her dead, tell the army sorrounding the camp to barge in and kill them all before they escape and you must bring me Helga’s head” I said

“Your wish is my command my Queen” he said with a bow and then left my chamber

💥 Elsie’s POV 💥

It’s morning and we’ve all woken up but we couldn’t find Tristan

“You didn’t see him go out?” I asked Erik

“No, I dozed off a bit and I woke up I couldn’t find him” Erik replied

“Then where is he?” Kali said

“Hey guys, you are all awake” Tristan said with a smile as he walked into the cave

“Where were you?” Gia asked

“I went to get us breakfast” he said handing us the blueberries he was holding

“Is it okay to eat this?” Leo asked

“It’s okay, it’s not like I poisoned it” Tristan said as he took one of the blueberries and ate it

We hesitated a bit, then we began to eat

“You see this Island is filled with lots of fruits, golds and treasures” Tristan said

“What kind treasures?” Kiara asked

“Is a sword included?” Erik asked

“I don’t know but I can show the place if you want me to” Tristan said

I looked at everyone and they nodded

“Show us then” I said

“Come with me” he said as he walked towards a dark entrance by the side of the cave and we followed him

We walked on for some minutes in silence and then we entered a part of the cave filled lots of golds and shiny treasures and we all admired it

“Oh my God!” Leo said “I need to take some of this treasures with me”

“Don’t touch them Leo, we don’t know if it safe” Kali said

“Come on Kali, what can happen perhaps I can’t let this opportunity to pass me by” Leo said as he bent down to take some of the treasures

But he immediately he touched one of the treasures, he yelled as his hands started turning to dust and gradually his whole body

“Leo!” We yelled

“Tristan help….” I turned but I couldn’t see Tristan anymore

Leo totally turned into dust then the cave shook as we heard a hoarse voice

“Island of Langerhan doesn’t welcome greed, if you’ve come for wealth return!!” The voice said and we all ran out of the cave

…….to be continued……


Leo is dead😳

Nyla killed Xanthos 😳

The Midland’s army is retreating but is there really an underground tunnel?
Or is it Queen Helga’s plan?

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